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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

Page 2

by Lisa Sommers

  “Yes, Sir.” Rock, apparently his name is, answers without question and then turns to me. “What would you like, sweetie?”

  In shock, I give a quick sideways glance at tall, blond and handsome before I hurriedly respond with my order. This place is pumping and I don’t want to miss my chance to get my drinks. “Um, I’ll take two Corona’s and a water, please.”

  “Sure thing, babe. Coming right up.”

  Wow, this place sure is friendly. I turn back to Blondie and hold out my hand. “Thank you for getting his attention. I was getting a little worried my friends and I might have to leave.”

  “I’ll have him fired.” He deadpans.

  “Wait. What? No!” I don’t want to have some guy fired because I’m too impatient to wait for a drink.

  He cracks a smile at my comment. “What’s your name?”

  I am just about to answer when Rock delivers me my drinks. “Oh, thank you.” I reach into my small purse and pull out a twenty, but Blondie holds his hand over mine.

  “It’s on me.”

  Is he serious? “Seriously?” I’m not sure if I should ask him to join us at our table or if I should just leave it as is.

  “You’re welcome, Ms. . . .”

  “Summer,” I make eye contact with him and repeat, “my name is Summer.”

  He reaches for my hand and kisses the back of it. “You’re welcome, Summer.” He’s got a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he looks me up and down.

  I smile, grab our drinks and slowly turn to make my way back to Sonny and Kelly. I arrive at the table and then hand Kelly her water and Sonny her beer.

  “Who’s that guy?” Kelly asks.

  “Who?” I don’t think that they saw the guy next to me at the bar so I have no idea who they are talking about.

  “That tall dude.” Sonny says as she points to where I was standing.

  Blondie is standing with his back leaning against the bar and his elbows resting on the wooden counter top. He’s still staring at me. “Um, I don’t know. I didn’t get his name.”

  “Well, geez, that didn’t take you long to find someone.” Kelly tips her water glass against my beer.

  “I didn’t find someone, but I do have good news!”

  “What’s that?”

  “He bought our drinks!”

  “Aww, that was sweet.” Sonny is more of the softer, mushier and sentimental one between the two of us. She’s ready to settle down, get married, make babies and live happily ever after.

  Me . . . I’m not ready for any of that stuff just yet.

  “Yeah, that’s sweet.” Kelly responds. “So . . . you don’t want him, right?” Her eyes are full-on focused on Blondie as he appears to be walking our way.

  Sonny and I both look at Kelly. She really is insatiable. “No, babe. You can have him.”

  “Ladies,” he stands before our booth and stares directly into my eyes. “are you having a good time?”

  The sound of Kelly licking her lips makes me turn toward her. “It’s possible we could have a better time.” Her loaded comment does not go unnoticed.

  He turns his head to look at my lust-filled friend. “Is that so?” Well, that didn’t take him long to redirect his focus from me to her. “How about we get you something a little stronger than that water.”


  Kelly lets out an audible groan. “I can’t. I’m the DD tonight.” Disappointment clearly runs through her veins.

  Blondie looks from Kelly to Sonny and then finally me. His eyes trail down my body before they finally land on my eyes. “No worries. I’ll have the girls taken good care of.” He turns his head to catch Kelly fully checking him out.

  “Well, in that case . . . I’ll take a vodka tonic.” She says.

  “Kelly!” Sonny shouts.

  “What? He said he’d get us all home safely.”

  Sonny scrunches her eyebrows. “I don’t think that’s what he said.” She argues.

  “What’s your name, big guy?” Kelly asks.

  Blondie reaches his hand out for Kelly to take and she easily decides that Dickweed is who she wants to conquer tonight. “Johnny,” he responds as he tugs her up until she is standing flush against his chest. “Johnny V.”

  Johnny V? As in the owner of Johnny V’s Nightclub? “You’re the owner?” My surprise clearly reflects in the sound of my voice.

  He flashes me a devious smile and then turns and drags Kelly off with him to the bar.

  “Fuckin’ Jenny!” Sonny yells her nickname loud enough for half the nightclub to hear.

  “I guess it’s just you and I, babe.” I clink my bottle against my sister’s before taking a long swig of the cold beer.

  Chapter 3


  Fuck, I’m not sure how I’m the one that sprained my ankle during practice today. I wasn’t even the one on the damn field at the time. Sort of.

  I look up to see Derek standing in the doorframe of my office. “I’ll drive you home, Coach.”

  “I’m sure I can handle it.”

  “Dude, you couldn’t even walk by yourself.” He counters.

  “I’m not leaving my car here.”

  “I’m sure Shane can drive it home for you.”

  I push myself off the black leather chair to prove that I can handle this on my own. I grab the corner of my desk to hold myself up. “See, I’m fine.”

  “Let go of the desk,” fucking Derek testing me the way he does. “Let me see you take a few steps.”

  I cast a glare his way, but all he does is fold his arms over his chest waiting for me to do as he instructed. Releasing my hand from the desk, puts more pressure on my ankle and it fucking kills me. I end up grabbing the edge of the desk to hold myself up.

  “I’ll get Shane.” He turns his back and leaves my office.

  “God damn it! I don’t have time for this shit.” I holler loud enough and want nothing more than to slam the door to my office shut.

  All of a sudden I smell the soft scent of perfume. “Then you shouldn’t have tried jumping from the dugout roof to the ground.” I hear the sweetest voice echo around me.

  As pissed off as I am, her voice immediately puts me at ease. I sit my ass back down in my chair, lean into the soft leather and take in every inch of her. God, what I would like to do to her.

  The stern look on her face and the positioning of her arms crossed over the front of her makes her chest heave up and down with every breath she takes.

  “Are you listening to me?” Summer asks.

  “Close my door and come on in.” I’m sure those jackasses are half naked out there in the locker room and I’ll be damned if I let them anywhere near her.

  “No fucking way,” Huntington rounds the corner and blocks his sister from taking another step into my office. “stay away from her.” He glares at me as he grabs her arm.

  “Hey,” she tugs her arm out of his grasp.

  “What are you doing here?” He questions her. I’d also love to know why she’s here. For me, I’m sure.

  “Now, big brother,” she shakes her head back and forth grabbing ahold of the collar of his polo shirt. “I don’t think you’d like to know what I came here for. Or, should I say, who, I came here for.” She tilts her head my way and it makes my dick stand on end.

  Fuck me.

  “Don’t play these fucking games with me, Summer.” Derek looks beyond pissed. “What did you come here for?” He tugs her away from my office and into the locker room but not before she quickly blows a kiss in my direction.

  They may be out of eyesight but I can hear every word they are saying.

  “Calm down, Derek, I came here with Alli. She wants to run something by Shane before her and I head out to lunch.” Damn, so she wasn’t here to see me.

  “You know dad would have a heart attack if he knew you were in here.” I almost feel bad for Derek having to play chaperone . . . almost.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. But, he’s not here, Derek. You know I can’t live like that,
don’t you?” Summer asks.

  Live like what? I’ve known Derek for years and he seems like a well-rounded guy. I can’t imagine him growing up in a household without parents who are like Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver.

  I manage to roll my chair around my desk and I’m able to pull myself up to a standing position. I lean up against the frame of my office door so I can listen a little better. I can see them standing at the exit door. Shit, there is no way I can drive home.

  “Yeah, I know.” Derek wraps his arms around his sister and pulls her in for a tight hug. Things must be bad between them and their parents.

  I see Alli round the corner and say something to Summer but I can’t quite make out what they are talking about.

  Summer gives Alli a hug and then turns to walk my way while yelling over her shoulder, “No worries. I’ll catch a ride with Derek. Have a good time with Shane.”

  Hmm, Summer is stuck here without a ride. Damn, my luck just got better. “Derek, you find me that ride to take me home?” I know since Shane is no longer available that he has not.

  “Not yet, Coach. Shane has plans.”

  “I will!” Summer pipes up.


  “No, you won’t.” Fuckin’ Derek.

  “Why not?” Summer turns to look at me. “He clearly needs someone to drive his car.”

  “My car?” Shit, I’ve never had a chick drive my car. I clearly didn’t think this through. “Umm,”

  “What?” Summer puts her hands on her hips. “I can drive a stick.” She insists.

  Oh baby, I’m sure you can. I lower my head and take a look at the semi parked in my pants. I immediately turn to sit back in my office chair. I can’t have the guys see me like this. Especially Derek.

  Summer comes charging into my office with Derek on her heels. “I’ll take you home.” She insists.

  “No, I will.” Derek counters.

  “No, Rob just asked you for help with moving some furniture at his house.” Wow, she is really insisting on this.

  “I can help him after I get Cal home.” This brother sister thing is really tiring.

  “No. You’re being an idiot. I’ll take him home.” Okay, maybe it’s more interesting than tiring.

  Derek throws me a death glare. I’m sure he’s hoping I will jump in and object to her driving my car.

  “You can just pick me up from Cal’s house after you’re done at Rob’s.” Summer turns to smile at me.

  Rob comes up behind Derek and slaps him on the back. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate your help today.”

  Derek’s face is beet red with anger, but I think Summer just won the fight. So . . . all is good.

  “You lay one fucking finger on my sister and I will kill you.” Derek warns.

  With one hand behind my back, fingers crossed, I raise my other hand. “Scouts honor.”

  My words only make him madder. “You? A boy scout?” He chuckles.

  Well, he has me there.

  “Come on, dude. We have to go.” Rob calls.

  “I can take care of myself, big brother.” Summer assures him. The funny thing is. . . I can see her fingers are also crossed behind her back.

  Derek closes his eyes and exhales a deep breath of pent up air. “I’ll pick you up the minute I’m done at Rob’s.”

  Summer looks up at her brother with a big smile on her face. “I love you.” she tells him.

  “Yeah, I love you, too.” He mutters as he wraps his arms around her all the while keeping a death glare on me. I may be his coach, but off the field, we all treat one another as equals. “Ice that ankle.” He tells me.

  Once Rob and Derek leave the building and I am nicely tucked back behind my desk, I gesture for Summer to take a seat on the brown leather couch against the wall.

  With my elbows propped up on the arms of my chair and fingers laced under my chin, I ask, “So, you think you can handle my stick?” I met Summer a couple of years ago as we played a few games in Atlanta and she always caught my eye but she has definitely grown up into a sexy as hell young woman.

  She leans back on the couch and crosses her legs. “I guess you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Thank God the lower half of my body is tucked under my desk. A portion of my anatomy is pledging the allegiance to the flag right now.

  “How long do you have here?” She asks.

  How long? Oh, about nine-inches. She must notice the guilty look on my face.

  “Do you have work to finish up here? Plays to study? Lockers to raid? Anything, before I take you for a ride.” She smirks.

  Oh damn, I am not going to last. She’s playing a game that I’m sure she is more than capable of winning.

  Game on, baby . . .

  Chapter 4


  I know I’m playing with fire here, but I can’t help myself. I’ve been resisting him for the past couple of years and now here I am sitting in his office. All alone.

  “I do have a few things to finish up, if you don’t mind waiting.” He finally admits.

  “Not at all. Take your time.” I swing my legs up on the couch and make myself comfortable.

  Cal smirks as he grabs a stack of papers and starts thumbing through them. He lowers his gaze to concentrate on what’s in front of him. He quickly loses himself in his work as I lose myself in his features.

  His short sleeves are rolled up to his shoulders so I can see more of the tattoo I’ve always admired in the past. I am completely lost in his appearance when I hear him say something.

  “Is that a yes?” He asks.

  Crap, I have no clue what he just said. “I’m sorry. . .”

  “Will you help me to the media room?” He repeats.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, of course.” I jump out of my relaxed state and rush to his side. “I’m sorry. I was totally daydreaming.”

  “I noticed that.” Cal looks down at me as I wrap an arm around his waist to hold him up.

  He leans into me and rests an arm around my neck. I splay the fingers of my other hand over his hard stomach to balance us out. Damn, he feels good.

  Cal takes a not-so-easy step on his injured ankle and groans in pain as he does. We manage to make it to the other side of the room and through another door that opens up to a massive area with rows and rows of chairs and an extremely large screen on the far wall. I never would have guessed this room was here. There are numerous awards and trophies that line the opposite wall. I stand still for a moment and take it all in as Cal allows me to be mesmerized by the achievements that him and his team have acquired throughout the years.

  “I’m sorry. . .” I keep my gaze on everything around me. “Where would you like to sit?”

  “It’s ok.” He squeezes my shoulder gently. “Let’s go to the back of the room so that I can turn the projector on. I just want to find a play that occurred during the sixth inning of the game we played last week. It won’t take long.”

  As much as I love watching my brother play baseball I can usually care less about the technical side of things. Nor would I ever put myself in the position of sitting through a game if my brother wasn’t in it. However, at the moment, I don’t mind at all while Cal searches for something that happened during a previous game.

  I make my way around the room and read article after article about a couple of times when the San Diego Sun Devils had won the World Series. Other articles talk about previous players that have made it to the Hall of Fame.

  I have no idea how much time has passed when I feel a pair of hands on my waist. I know it’s him and it makes my heart skip a beat.

  I spin around and come face to chest. My face to Cal’s chest. He doesn’t move from where he’s standing but he does remove his hands from me. “Please,” My inner-self practically begs for him to put his fingers back on me.

  He searches my face for clarity.

  “Please don’t stop.” There. I said it.

  Cal leans back and rests one hand on a chair.

  “Your foot!” Crap
, I totally forgot about his injury. “Let me help you back to your office.” I look over at the television screen. “That is, if you’re done.”

  “I am far from being done.” His gruff voice sends chills down my spine. In a good way. I still don’t want him to stop.

  “You need to ice that foot.” I tell him.

  He reaches out and pokes my stomach. “I need you.”

  Cal takes a seat on the nearest chair and stretches his long legs out. Holding out his hand, he reaches for mine. “You need or you want?” I ask as I stand before him. There is no question in my mind that I want him. Needing Cal is a different story though. Cal doesn’t need anyone. He’s proven that fact over and over again. News article after news article and the stories I’ve overheard my brother talk about in reference to his coach are far beyond anything I would ever need in my future.

  “I want you.” He reassures exactly what I was just running through my head.

  “I might want you too.” I repeat his words. I take a hold of his hand and he roughly tugs me to him. I stand in between his legs and watch as Cal rubs his thumb over the knuckles on the back of my hand. As cocky and rough as this guy is known to be he sure is being delicate. A few moments pass when he closes his eyes and drops his hand. “I can’t.” His eyelids scrunch tighter. “I promised.”

  I have been with a few guys and not once was I ever turned down. I’ll admit it, it hurts. But, I pull myself together and say, “Let’s get you back to your office. I’ll help you get your things together and I’ll drive you home.”

  His eyes remain shut. “You’re probably right.”

  I reach down and grab his hand and tug him until he is in a standing position. We both walk awkwardly as I try to hold him up. He is actually walking better than he was earlier.

  We get to a wall of lockers when he growls, “Fuck it.” I am immediately pushed up against the cool metal frame of the lockers when Cal’s mouth quickly covers mine. He roughly kisses and licks my lips and sucks on my tongue. He pulls back slightly to gauge my response.

  With my back pressed up against a hard surface, Cal is able to lift me up until we are at equal eye level. I wrap my legs around his waist to better hold myself up. Grabbing each side of his face I pull him close and crash my lips back against his.


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