Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3) Page 3

by Lisa Sommers

  After several minutes, I work my hands under the hem of his shirt until I am able to slide my palms up his rigid chest. The feel of his bare skin under my fingertips feels amazing. Cal pulls his head back just long enough for me to remove his t-shirt then his mouth quickly makes its way back to mine.

  We both explore one another in a fast and furious frenzy. His lips make their way down my jaw and even further to the front of my neck. His hands are frantically trying to rip my shirt off but is unsuccessful due to the way my back is pressing up against the locker.

  I laugh at his attempt and it does nothing but make him frustrated. “I need this off.” He growls.

  Giving in, I tell him to release me.

  “Not a chance.” He grumbles against my flesh.

  I pull back and look into his eyes. “Sit,” I point to the bench located between the row of lockers. “you need to rest your ankle.”

  He reluctantly does what I say and takes a seat, leaving his leg stretched out. He reaches out to grab my waist, but I gently push his hands away.

  “Relax.” I tell him as I cross my arms over my stomach. I grab the hem of my blouse and slowly lift inch by inch until my midriff is visible to him. Once again, Cal reaches out and tries to touch me. “Uh, uh. No touching.” I step back, as far as I can go before my skin comes in contact with the cold metal locker doors.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure I can do that.” He tells me.

  “It’s either my way or no way.” Cal has most likely never been told no before so I’m curious as to how far he will let me go. He looks up from my body and into my eyes and the lust I see in his stare is so far gone that I’m sure he will pounce on me any second.

  To my surprise, Cal leans back on his wrists and begins to look me up and down. Probably determining if I am worth it.

  I’ll show him.

  I lift my shirt further up and finally over my head. I drop it on the floor next to me, all the while never taking my gaze off of him. At this point, I close my eyes and begin to sway back and forth to the imaginary music in my head. Turning around, I wrap my arms around my body so that my hands caress my own arms. I lower one bra strap at a time until they rest lazily over my forearms. Leaning my head back so that my long hair tickles my lower back brings a growl out of Cal.

  I giggle at his impatience.

  “Turn around.” He demands.

  I ignore his request as I decide my next move, I take a peek over my shoulder only to notice that Cal has moved one leg over the bench so that he is now straddling it. I mimic his move and step one leg over the long wooden bench. My back to still facing him when I undo the front clasp of my bra and let it fall to the ground.

  I palm each of my breasts, rubbing gently and moaning loud enough to drive Cal even further over the edge.

  “Fuck.” He whispers under his breath.

  As much as I want to laugh, I hold back and continue with my torturous ways.

  Still in a standing position, I lean forward until my ass is in clear view of Cal’s vision. Placing my hands on the bench, I sway my lower half slowly back and forth teasing him. I’m wearing short shorts so as I bend over I give him a view worth remembering.

  “If you don’t turn around right now, I’m going to grab that sweet little ass of yours and pull you down to me.” He threatens. However, his threats do nothing to me other than drive me to go further.

  I decide to give in just a little. Covering my breasts with the palms of my hands I rotate around until I am facing him and assume the position of straddling the bench.

  He immediately lets his eyes graze my covered chest and then reaches out with one hand. I assume he is about to remove my left hand when he snakes it around my waist, pulling me roughly against him as he easily lifts my tiny frame until my legs wrap around his waist.

  I let out a yelp as he positions me snug in his lap. Chest to bare chest is the hottest fucking feeling right now.

  Cal snakes one arm around my back and grabs a fist full of my long hair. Pulling back gently, he lowers his head and runs his cool tongue up from the base of my throat to the soft skin just below my ear. “I warned you,” his breath is warm against my skin.

  I giggle at his comment. “Are you disappointed?” I tease, while leaning my head to the right, giving him better access to my neck.

  Cal tilts his body slightly away from mine, but we are still only inches apart. With his free hand, he grabs my hand and places it on the front of his low-hanging sweat pants. “Does this feel like I’m disappointed?” He asks.

  Not in the slightest. I close my eyes, bite my lip and moan as I drag my fingernails over his bulge. Cal dips his head and runs his tongue along the seam of my lips.

  “Fuck, Summer,” he moans. I wrap my delicate fingers around him and slowly pump my fist up and down. “Get up, drop your shorts and turn around.” He demands.

  I am so hot and bothered right now that I will do just about anything he wants me to. Releasing myself from his lap, I stand up and go to undo the button on the front of my shorts when Cal reaches out and crooks his finger in the belt loop and tugs me close.

  Without warning he rips open the front of my shorts. I know that he just destroyed my clothing but I’m totally fine with that. I shamelessly slide them down until they pool at my feet.

  Cal grabs my waist and spins me around until I am in the same position as before. “Put your hands on the bench,” He instructs and I comply. “Straddle it, but stay standing.” With my bare ass in clear view of Cal, I wait to see what he is going to do next.

  I hear him growl in satisfaction yet he’s quiet otherwise. What is he doing? I turn my head slightly to see him but then he smacks the right side of my bottom when he catches me staring.

  “Impatient, are we?” He laughs. He’s torturing me just the way I did to him. “Two can play your game, baby.”

  I am about to beg when all of a sudden he slams into me. “Ahh,” he totally catches me off guard. “Oh my God.” I whimper. Yet, he feels so good.

  “That’s it, baby.” He growls. “You like that?”

  I don’t know how the hell he expects me to answer him. I can barely catch my own breath. I push up on my hands from the bench and lean into his chest. Cal wraps his strong fingers around my neck and slides them up my throat.

  Pulling my chin up in the process, he whispers in my ear, “Tell me you wanted me.”

  I am still unable to speak so I try to nod my head in response.

  Cal lightly bites the shell of my ear, sending goosebumps down my entire body. Reaching up, I grab the hair on each side of his head and pull down so that I can feel his lips on my skin just a little bit longer. His tongue caresses my collarbone until he clamps down on my soft flesh. I grind my teeth together as I expel a hiss of pleasure.

  I can barely take this any longer. “Cal,” I force his name out. “I . . .” I can’t even finish my sentence.

  “Cum, baby,” his moves become fiercer as he pounds into me. “let go.” He growls.

  And I do just as he instructs. My grip becomes tight on his hair and my legs begin to shake uncontrollably.

  “I got you, babe,” Cal pulls me close and instantly loses himself in me.

  Besides our heavy breathing, the moment is silent.

  Holy shit! What the hell was that? That was unbelievable.

  We stay glued to one another a moment longer. His thumb caresses my shoulder as he lays a gentle kiss on my bare skin. The moment almost seems sentimental before he finally releases me, reaches down, grabs my clothes off the floor and tosses them at me.

  “We better go.” He says as he limps his way back to his office, his clothes in-hand.

  Way to ruin the moment, dickweed. Thoughts of me tripping him runs through my mind. I may not be as innocent as he so obviously thinks I am, but I do have feelings.

  I quickly get dressed and begin to make my way to Cal’s office when he comes stumbling out. “You ready?”

  What the fuck is his problem? “I couldn’t be more re
ady.” I respond.

  The drive back to Cal’s home is deafeningly quiet. It’s no wonder why he is still single. The dude can’t have sex without turning into a complete asshole. Why are men so stupid?

  “Make a left up here,” he points to a street a couple hundred yards down the road.

  I turn where he instructed without saying a word.

  “It’s the long driveway at the end.” His words are curt and hold no emotion.

  I pull around the circular driveway and see my brother leaning against his car. He looks pissed. Crap.

  Now that I think about it, maybe that’s why Cal is being a jerk. Maybe he’s worried Derek will know something.

  I’ll show him I can be discreet. I put the car into park and before I can even exit the car, Derek is ripping the door open.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I yell.

  “Why don’t you tell me.” His lack of respect is doing nothing to ease the bitchy mood that Cal already put me in.

  “Tell you what?” I ask.

  “Where the heck have you been?” He is seriously pissed.

  Cal slams the passenger side door and hobbles over as he intermittently holds himself up with the help of his car. “I needed to go over some plays from last week’s game.” He tries to save me from possibly telling my brother the truth. Like I would ever do that.

  I push them both away from me. My brother stands tall and straight as a board, his muscular arms fold over his chest and his gaze burns with fury.

  “Yeah, I had to wait in your stinky ass locker room waiting for him to finish so don’t you go all caveman and territorial on me!” I point a finger into my brother’s chest. “So get the fuck out of my way and take me home. I need a shower.” I just want to wash this whole day off of me.

  I walk away from the two ass wipes and hop in the passenger seat of Derek’s car and pull the door shut. My actions do nothing to calm my brother down as his neck and eventually, face, turn a crimson red.

  They both watch me with shock written all over their faces. Derek turns back to Cal and points a finger in his face. I’m sure he’s warning him away from me, but there is zero chance I am going to stay within earshot of those two.

  No warning is needed though. Being with Cal was a mistake.

  It won’t happen again.

  Chapter 5


  What the hell was I thinking going after Derek’s sister? Fuck, I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve had my sights on her and her sister for the past couple of years and every time I see them there is nothing I want more than to bury myself deep inside both of them.

  I’m an ass, I know.

  I need to take a shower. I need to wash every bit of her scent off of me. Just the smell of her is still driving me crazy. The car ride back to my place was almost unbearable. I had a hunch that Derek was going to be waiting for us and I was right. I was tempted to have her pull over just so I could have a few more minutes with her. Which also boggles me. I never and I mean never want a chick to be hanging around longer than I need her to. So the fact that I was wanting more scared me just a little bit.

  I am about half way upstairs when I hear my phone buzz. I retreat back downstairs and grab it from the table in the foyer.

  It’s a text from a number I don’t recognize. I slide my finger across the screen and a stunning picture of a beautiful female’s bare ass graces my phone’s display. I can barely take my eyes off of it to see who this text can be from.

  When I finally tear my gaze from the picture it makes me want to throw my phone across the room.

  It’s from her. Summer. I don’t know her number but her message is a dead giveaway.

  “Kiss my ass, because you will never see it again. Summer’s over.”

  I don’t know why she gets under my skin so much. Maybe if she didn’t have a twin sister it’d be better.

  What the hell am I saying? There are two of her! I wonder what the odds are of me having both of them at once.

  Fuck! Derek. It will never happen.

  She’s right. Summer’s over. This can never happen again.

  Once was enough. Now I need to move on.

  Instead of going back upstairs to take a shower I pour myself a scotch and head out to the back deck. Standing against the railing, I face the dark blue ocean and close my eyes.

  Other than that Amanda chick that touched my hat the other day, I never let a woman get to me.

  Fucking Derek. It’s all his fault.

  I lift the crystal tumbler and down the remnants of the harsh drink.

  That picture though. Damn!

  I run my free hand over my face and through my hair trying to make the image of Summer’s ass vanish from my mind. I shake my head. Damn her!

  “Shower. I need to take a cold shower. That’ll clear my head.” Fuck, now I’m talking to myself.

  I pour myself one more glass of scotch and head upstairs to wash the day off of me. More importantly, wash Summer off of me.

  I am standing under the hot spray of water, allowing the steam to fill my system, but the only thing it’s doing to me is making my dick hard. I can’t seem to get her out of my head. Why does she have such an impact on me?

  And what does she mean, I will never see it again? Women don’t tire of me.


  None of this is going to plan. Not that I planned any of this. It just happened. Like it always does. Some chick always ends up in my bed. Or, in this case, up against a locker.

  I reach for the soap and scrub my skin with furious pressure. I turn the water hotter with the hope of burning Summer’s image from my brain. However, the only thing I am doing is scolding my fucking scalp.


  I need a cold shower. Lord knows I had plenty of those when Alli was around. I never did hit that. Shit, that really would have complicated things.

  I just remembered that I more than likely have to see Summer Saturday after the game at Shane’s house.


  Maybe she won’t show after what transpired between us today.

  Sadly, that strikes a chord with me. I want to see her again. I need to see her again.

  Summer isn’t over and neither am I.

  Game on, baby.

  Chapter 6


  I just know that Derek is going to barge in here any second and grill me. I love my brother, but he needs to stay out of my business. At least this time.

  There is no way I can tell him that I just had sex with his coach. He would definitely send me back home. I can’t go back there.

  I sit here for a few minutes fully expecting to hear a knock on my bedroom door, but it doesn’t come.

  Thank God.

  Maybe I can just forget that this day ever happened.

  It’s Saturday morning and Sonny, Chelsea and I promised Alli that we would help prepare for the party at her home after today’s game.

  Alli walks toward me with a big box in her arms. “So, you’re bringing a date to my wedding date announcement party?”

  I know it’s weird but I don’t want to get stuck talking to Cal . . . alone. “Is it a problem? I can tell him to take a hike.” The hell I am.

  “No, no. It’s no problem. I just don’t want it to be weird for you. You know . . . he might get the wrong idea and think you want to get married or something.”

  I nearly choke on the water I just attempted to swallow. “Not a chance, babe. You know me. Marriage is the furthest thing from my mind.” So not ready for anything like that.

  She glares at me from the corner of her eye as she walks away.

  “I see that!” I yell after her. There is no way I can face Cal tonight alone. I need to have reassurance with me. Johnny V will be the perfect arm candy just in case Cal tries to be alone with me. I know Johnny went home with Kelly last week but she clearly stated that he is back in the fishbowl. Up for grabs so to speak.

  “Ok, girls. Thank you so much for helping me, but it’s almost game time.” All
i hollers as she makes her way into the kitchen. She’s wearing a San Diego Sun Devil’s jersey with Shane’s last name on the back. Her soon to be last name. “We can just all ride together in my car if that’s ok.”

  We all agree and make our way to Alli’s SUV.

  Once we are all in Bob’s suite at the stadium Chelsea starts handing out beers to everyone in the room. “Cheers, bitches.” Leave it to Chelsea to make an eloquent speech like that.

  “Really, Chels?” Alli questions her choice of words.

  “Absolutely, babe! We have something to celebrate today.”

  “That reminds me. Did you and Derek set a date yet?”

  Chelsea responds by flashing her a wicked smile.

  “Chels . . .” Alli warns.

  Oh no, did Chelsea and Derek elope and not tell her best friend?

  “Whaaat?” A full giggle exudes from Chelsea and I am just waiting to see what the hell is going on.

  “You didn’t already. . .” I look at Alli and I can see water forming in her eyes.

  “What? No! But . . .”

  “But, what?” The hurt pouring out of Alli is nearly too much to take so Chelsea finally puts her mind at ease.

  “July sixteenth,” Alli’s best friend rushes to her and grips her shoulders tight and whispers, “July sixteenth, babe.”

  Tears immediately stream from Alli’s eye’s.

  “Honey, don’t cry,” Chelsea’s sweet demeanor towards her friend is truly awesome. She reaches for a tissue from the table and dabs Alli’s cheeks. “Babe, will you be my Matron of Honor?”

  Well, if the waterworks weren’t flowing before they definitely are now.

  Alli suddenly perks up and looks Chelsea dead in the eyes. “July sixteenth? That’s in three weeks!”

  Chelsea, once again, smirks at her friend.

  Alli looks down at Chelsea’s stomach and blurts out. “Are you pregnant?” Oh my God, am I about to have a niece or nephew?


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