Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3) Page 4

by Lisa Sommers

  Chelsea holds her beer high above her head. “Really, Alli?”

  “Oh. Well then what’s the rush?”

  All of us are just as puzzled by the sudden urge for the couple we all thought would never hit the aisle with anyone, why they would want to rush into something so. . . so permanent.

  “We don’t want to wait, babe. We love each other. We both know exactly what we want.”

  “But . . .”

  “But, nothing, honey. I love him and he loves me. We want to be married, now. I’d do it today if I could. Trust me, please.” She begs.

  I walk up to Alli and wrap an arm around her shoulder. “Honey, it’s okay. This is a good thing.” I’ve only known Alli and Chelsea for a few short months but we have all become so close.

  Alli turns her head to look at me and her frown finally turns into a smile. She slowly nods her head and whispers, “You’re right,” wrapping her arms around both Chelsea’s and my waist, she pulls us close together. “You’re right. I’m sorry. This is awesome news.” Alli looks between the both of us and says, “I love you both. You know that?”

  “We do, babe.”

  “So, does this mean you’ll be in my wedding?” Chelsea is all smiles.

  “Of course I will.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Chelsea pulls back from our embrace, looks around the room and yells, “Sonny and Kelly, get your asses over here.”

  Kelly grabs another beer from the refrigerator and then joins the rest of us for a group hug.

  “Here’s the deal. Derek and I are not having anything big but we both know that we don’t want to do this without all of you. So, clear your schedules for three weeks from today, because I am getting married!”

  The room is anything but quiet with all the girls hollering their excitement.

  I wonder if I will ever get excited like that to get married. I shake my head in disagreement. No way. Marriage is not my thing.

  With another win under the boys’ belts, we head back to Alli and Shane’s home for the announcement party.

  I lean forward from the back seat and ask, “Alli, can you drop me off at my place?”

  “But your car is at my house.”

  “It is, but Johnny is meeting me and then we’ll just drive over together in his car. That way I will have my own car if things don’t go as planned.”

  Kelly begins to laugh hysterically. “Trust me when I tell you, you will need it. Dudes an ass! Even I wouldn’t tap that.”

  I knew the guy was slime but I had no idea they didn’t sleep together. “Well, then I guess having my car will be a good thing.” Besides, I only need Johnny on my arm so that Cal stays away from me.

  Johnny pulls up in the parking space I instructed him to go to. He opens his door, steps out and stands a few feet from me. “Hey, babe.”

  I don’t want him to know which condo is mine so I decided to wait outside for him. “Johnny,” I eye him up and down. He’s damn fine, rocking dark blue jeans, a white button-up dress shirt and Oxford shoes. “How are you?” I ask.

  Without answering he takes a few steps towards me. “The day is looking up,” Johnny dips his head so that it’s mere inches from my face. “Definitely looking up.” He whispers. His minty breath invades my senses.

  “Down boy,” I side step him to put some space between us. “We’ve got a party to head out to.”

  He lets out a chuckle, reaches his hand out and pulls me to him. “Maybe later then?”

  Kelly was right. This guy is an ass. “Yeah, maybe.” Maybe not.

  I hop in the passenger seat and watch him take long strides around the front of his car. What a waste of a fine-looking guy.

  Johnny and I arrive at Alli’s home and it appears that the whole team has already arrived. We walk through the front door and weave our way to the kitchen. Johnny does not seem to be phased by all the athletes around him and it makes me wonder if they all know him. His club is pretty well-known so maybe the guys frequent it often.

  “Summer, you’re here!” I turn to see Alli taking something out of the oven. Damn, the girl has a cook, yet she always prefers to do it all herself. It’s no wonder why Shane fell in love with her.

  “I’m not that late, am I? You didn’t make your announcement already, did you?” I begin to panic because I know this means a lot to her.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Alli, I’d like to introduce you to Johnny. . .”

  “Vincent.” She says.

  I scrunch my eyebrows at her. “You know him?”

  “How are you, beautiful?” Johnny responds to her.

  I cross my arms and watch as these two hug one another and have a full-on conversation about what appetizers she made this evening. Two people who I had no idea even knew one another.

  “That’s good to hear. I’m glad everything worked out for you and I cannot wait to try the mini quiches.”

  “Here, try this one,” she hands him one on a small napkin. “Be careful it’s still hot.” What the hell is going on here? It’s like I am in some alternate universe.

  “Thank you.”

  I then watch as Shane makes his way into the kitchen. “Hey buddy, glad you could make it.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it.” Johnny answers him.

  Alright. What the hell just happened here? “Wait. I’m confused.”

  Johnny laughs and snakes an arm around my shoulder. “Shane and I go way back. He invited me last week.”

  “But. . . why didn’t you say something when I asked you to come with me?” I ask.

  “Because I was attending the party anyways.” He leans down and whispers in my ear, “What better way to attend a party than to have a beautiful woman on my arm?”

  The nerve of this asshole. I give him an incredulous look.

  His breath sends chills down my spine and I don’t think it’s the good kind.

  “I can guarantee you, you won’t be giving me that look when I have you beneath me later on this evening.”

  I ease myself out of his clutches and stand next to Alli. “In your dreams.”

  Once again, he releases a sexy chuckle that I’m sure drives all the girls crazy. “Dreaming about me, huh?”

  I grab Alli’s forearm and pull her towards the living room. “I need a drink.”

  “That’s it, baby. Get yourself ready for me.” I hear him holler after me.

  “Is he for real?” I say out loud.

  “He’s harmless,” Kelly strolls up next to me. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.”

  “Yeah, thanks. By the way, how does he know everyone?”

  “The club. The guy’s usually hang out there during their off season.”

  “Well, fuck me.” This isn’t going to plan.

  “Don’t worry. He may be an ass but he’s harmless.” Chelsea chimes in.

  “Actually, this could be good.” Maybe if Cal knows him then this whole charade will work even better.

  “What do you mean?” Alli asks.

  “Ohh, nothing,” I search the room for Cal but I don’t see him anywhere. “I just don’t need to waste my time introducing him to anyone. That’s all.” I lie.

  “Yeah, I guess that is a good thing.” Alli responds as she releases herself from my arm and makes her way back to the kitchen. Damn woman never takes a break.

  I continue searching for Cal with no luck.

  “Hey babe, want a drink?” Sonny walks toward me carrying two glasses of something pink.

  “Sure, I could use one.” Anything will work right about now.

  “Who are you looking for?” My sister asks.

  “Cal,” his name just rolls off my tongue. “I’m just wondering if he’s here or not.” I try to cover up my eagerness. “No big deal.”

  “About that,” Sonny says, “Kelly and I were talking.”

  Kelly pipes in, “Yeah, he’s not in the fishbowl.”

  I stop my searching and look them both in the eyes. “He’s not?” The three of us have a pact that when
more than one of us have an interest in a guy then none of us can have him.

  “Nope. So, cross him off. He’s no longer a fish in the sea.”

  I look to my sister because she is usually not the one to hookup with men just for fun so the fact that she had any interest in Cal shocks me. “You?”

  “Hey, I may be innocent but I have needs too.” She says.

  The three of us laugh at her comment, but internally, I am totally freaking out. I already waded in that pool. Dipped my toes in. Tested the waters. Took him for a test drive. Whatever you want to call it.

  “What’s wrong?” The both of them look wearily at me. I’m busy being lost in my own mind that I didn’t even notice that Sonny and Kelly are both watching every move I make.

  There is no way I can tell them what happened between Cal and I. “Nothing.”

  “Come on, girls.” Alli strolls by with Chelsea in tow and instructs us on what is about to happen. “Let’s go out back. I want to make my announcement now.”

  “Oh, okay.” We each trail behind them as we make our way to their beautifully lit backyard.

  Dozens of tea lights float in their pool and strings of white lights hang from the surrounding palm trees that accent the perimeter of the yard. The sun has just set in the distance giving another gorgeous glow from the ocean. The smell of the salt water eases my senses and relaxes me. I’ve been so wound up about seeing Cal tonight that I hadn’t realized how tense I’ve been.

  I make my way to the far end of the property to be alone for just a few minutes before Alli makes her announcement. I rest my arms against the black wrought iron gate, close my eyes and take in a deep breath of salty air.

  There very well may be at least a hundred people here at this party, but at this very moment, I feel nothing but peace. Living in San Diego has been so much fun and such an eye opener that it’s hard to look back at how things were not so good not that long ago. That life wasn’t made for me. I love my parents and I will always respect them but I am a grown woman. I can make my own decisions.

  The wind suddenly picks up, making my hair blow in the breeze. I wrap my arms around my torso and take in one more breath of fresh air before returning to the party.

  However, I don’t get the chance.

  “Crowds not your thing?” The voice I never wanted to hear again is now coming from the man standing right next to me.

  I remain facing the ocean with my eyes closed. I suck in one more deep breath of air through my nose and slowly expel it from my mouth.

  “You may not believe this but I’m not much a crowd person myself.” He continues talking to me since I haven’t acknowledged his presence. “During a game it’s one thing, but having all eyes on me while off the field is not something I prefer.”

  His comment makes me laugh. I turn slightly so that I can take a good look at the guy that treated me like a tramp just the other day. I want to tell him off, but I can’t. As he looks out over the ocean I take a quick glimpse of him. He’s dressed unbelievably sexy in black dress slacks, paired with a gray and white pinstriped button-up dress shirt.

  I almost can’t turn away. I don’t want to turn away. I want to feel the sensation I felt when we touched the other day. My breath hitches at just the thought of being able to run my fingers along his toned, firm skin. I find myself wanting to reach out to him. Take a step toward him. Allow him to take away the chill that is taking over my body from the cool breeze.

  Cal suddenly turns his head toward me and it catches me off guard. My body jolts and I pull my arm back that I hadn’t realized was reaching out to him. What is wrong with me? I already know that Cal is bad news. Let alone he is no longer an available fish in the sea. I need to steer clear of him.

  Sadly, we have yet to break eye contact with one another. There’s this magnetic pull between us that seems to be stronger than either of us can break away from. My body starts to shake, but slowly dissipates when a familiar voice cuts the invisible tension between us.

  “Baby, are you cold? You’re shivering.” Johnny runs his hands up and down my arms trying to put some warmth back into them.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be fine.” I respond as I keep my eyes on Cal.

  He doesn’t look happy.

  Chapter 7


  Why the fuck does Johnny have his hands on Summer?

  Johnny and I go way back. Not to mention, he owns the club I frequent on my downtime. He and I may be friends but he is a bigger slimeball than me when it comes to women.

  I’m watching as he dips his head down and kisses her neck. The neck that drove me crazy just the other day. She leans back against him all the while never removing her gaze from mine.

  As if timing can’t be more perfect, my date appears at my side. “There you are,” she walks up behind me and slides her arms around my waist. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

  “Selina, you know Johnny.”

  “I do. How are you Johnny?”

  “Good, sweetie. How have you been?”

  He eyes my girl up and down as he releases one arm from Summer and reaches out to take a hold of Selina’s hand. She briefly hesitates before removing her hand from me and grabs his. It’s only for a brief moment and it really has no impact on me. As a matter-of-fact, the only thing that is currently bugging the shit out of me is that he still has his other hand on Summer. The fucker clearly has his hands full.

  After running his thumb over Selina’s knuckles he releases her hold and resumes his grubby ass touch on Summer.

  Summer’s eye’s focus on Selina for a second before returning her gaze back to mine. I watch Johnny tug her close into his chest and then he tucks her in nice and neat and for some reason it is making my blood boil. I don’t get jealous so the feelings that I am having right now are clearly out of the norm for me. I have no idea what it is but all I know is Johnny better back the fuck off her.

  I catch sight of Summer’s eyes as they roam down to where Selina has her hands on me and I can see a flicker of jealousy in her demeanor. That is all the indication I need to see to know that Summer time is not over.

  My satisfaction quickly dissolves when Summer leans her head back against Johnny’s chest and snuggles in close to him.

  I want to put a stop to what they are doing. I want to rip his hands off of her. I want to be the one to hold her.

  Whoa! What the hell was I just thinking? I don’t care if Summer gets her jollies with someone else.

  I try to focus my attention on the ocean in front of me, but it’s not working.

  My date!

  “Selina, come here, babe.” I whisk her around so that she is now nestled in front of me. I wrap my arms around her waist, close my eyes and dip my head to take in a big whiff of her strawberry-blond colored hair. Only, it doesn’t smell right. I wait a moment longer trying to focus on the girl in front of me but it’s not working. All I see are visions of Summer. Her beautiful form bent over in front of me. Her ass mere feet from me in that locker room. Me buried deep inside of her. It all seems so clear in my head. As if it were here in front of me now.

  I am finally in my happy place when all is interrupted by the sound of Johnny moaning something into Summer’s soft flesh.

  Fuck this! I gotta get out of here.

  “Babe, let’s go.” I make one last glance at Summer and her eyes are one hundred percent focused on me.

  “But they haven’t made their announcement yet.” Selina whines.

  Shit! She’s right. We can’t just leave. “I meant, let’s go get a drink.” I try to cover my tracks. Anything to get me away from this situation.

  “Oh, sure. I could use a refill.” Selina looks up at me with sexy as fuck eye’s and it nearly does me in until I hear the crunch of gravel next to me as we begin to leave the area. I turn to see Summer watching us walk away.

  Damn it! I almost made it. We were just about gone. Gone so that I can forget everything about her. I had Selina’s gorgeous eye’s engrained in my system
until Summer’s face practically ripped out my heart.

  Selina and I are not technically together. Just on occasion when one of us needs the other we make that call. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a sweet girl and she has a mind that could rival any competitor in her field and more. Her body is to die for and her calm demeanor is what makes us work. With the stress level that my job brings me, Selina is the one who can calm my nerves from a whole season of baseball with just one afternoon spent with her. She’s perfect.


  The only problem is. . . she’s not Summer.

  Lord knows I have had my fair share of women and it is also public knowledge that I have never held down a steady relationship with anyone. Nor do I care to.

  So, for the fact that I can’t seem to get Summer out of my system, even though we’ve only been together once, it fucking racks my brain as to why I can’t seem to get her out of my mind.

  Selina and I just make it to the patio where the whole baseball team and their spouses are when I hear the chiming of glass being rung to catch everyone’s attention.

  I look over to see Shane standing on a large boulder with his arm raised high. “Friends, family. I’d like to thank everyone for coming over this evening. We all deserve to celebrate after the winning victory of today’s game,” he pauses while the crowd expresses their excitement for the win. “But, with no further ado, I’d like to bring my wife-to-be up here and let her give you some other good news.” Shane reaches one arm down for Alli to take and he easily pulls her up to stand next to him.

  After a brief kiss, they both turn to address the crowd. “Thanks, baby.” Alli lingers on the lips of her soon-to-be husband long enough to make the crowd whistle their cat-calls to the happy couple. Alli giggles and turns to face her peers. “Everyone, champagne is being served as we speak,” just then a waitress appears next to Selina and I with a tray of bubbly-filled champagne glasses. I grab one for the each of us just as another hand brushes up against mine. I turn to notice that Johnny and Summer are standing right next to us. Once again, all concentration is lost as Summer’s gaze rests easily on mine. Alli continues to talk as my mind is racing a million miles a minute. “I have to admit it’s a little strange talking up here after a game when Coach Cal is the one to usually give the final speech.”


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