Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3) Page 5

by Lisa Sommers

  I quickly divert my gaze to Alli when she says my name. I wave her off and let her continue her announcement. Grabbing a hold of Selina’s arm, I pull us a few steps away from Summer. Of course she immediately notices and flashes me a smile that completely fucks with my head. Is she intentionally taunting me? No. She has no clue what I am feeling inside. Hell, I don’t even know what I am feeling inside. All I know is, she gets under my skin like no one ever has.

  I need to get this chick out of my head. “Selina, I’m going use the restroom. Will you be okay out here?” I just need to splash some cold water on my face to collect my thoughts.

  I lean up against the bathroom counter with the palms of my hands resting on the cool granite and my head held low. What the hell is wrong with me? First of all, it’s not like me to bring a date to these types of things, but I overheard Derek saying something earlier about his sister bringing a guy tonight. The dude needs to back off his sisters a little bit. They are grown ass women looking for a little fun before they settle down.

  I also had no idea which sister Derek was referring to. Summer and Sonny are both single and they both have become close friends with Alli and Chelsea so I hear a lot about what’s going on.

  Second of all, ever since Summer told me I’d never have another chance with her I knew she was wrong. I can see it written all over her face. She wants me. I know she does. She’s fighting whatever this is between us and I’ll be damned if I let her win.

  Game on, baby. Two can play at that game.

  Chapter 8


  Thank God I decided to bring Johnny with me tonight. If he hadn’t come up to me while Cal and I were alone, I don’t know what I would have done.

  Stupid me. Stupid, stupid me.

  Every time Johnny touches me I want to cringe. He is a full-on player and the only reason why I invited him, even though, apparently, he was already invited, was because he was all I could come up with on short notice.

  I was happy that Cal saw the whole charade though. Maybe he will stay away from me. Don’t get me wrong. I’d be all for having a fling with him, but he clearly cannot handle it. Him being a total douche bag afterwards pissed me off. Not to mention my brother. He had no reason to think anything happened between Cal and I yet, he got all shitty with me and Cal when we pulled up to Cal’s home.

  I just can’t handle being treated like a child anymore. My parents, specifically my father, were way more overprotective of me and my sister than Derek will ever be, but I just want to live my life.

  They need to give me some room. And, so does Johnny. Why is he standing so close to me? I look over to see if someone else is crowding his space but no one is near him. Can’t he move over just a little bit, say on the other side of the house? Ok, maybe I’m being a little ridiculous. I did invite him here, after all.

  I look up at Johnny’s face to let him know that I need to use the powder room, but he’s busy checking some married chick out across the way. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He’s busy touching one girl while staring at another. He makes me want to vomit.

  “Umm, Johnny, I need to go freshen up,” I tell him even though he clearly has no interest in what I am saying. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Mhm, sure baby.” Is he seriously calling me, baby? This guy has bigger issues than I thought.

  Damn, I knew this guy was a player, but come on. I shake my head and leave him to make further advances on the married woman.

  I make my way into the house and down the hallway to the closest bathroom but the door is locked. That’s fine anyway. I should go upstairs and use Alli’s bathroom. I can just relax on her chaise lounge since I don’t plan on coming out anytime soon. Just the thought of Johnny laying one more hand on me makes me nauseous.

  “Seriously? Someone’s in this bathroom, too?” I look around the room and can only imagine what goes on in this bedroom. Not wanting to leave the quiet solitude of this part of the house I decide to hang out and wait in Alli’s massive dressing room. I walk over and run my fingers over the soft purple crushed-velvet chaise lounge. I could totally fall asleep on this thing. I sat in it once when I helped Alli move in. Shane had to literally pry me out of it. It’s the most comfortable chair ever. I lean my tired body against the edge and easily slide right down onto it.

  “Oh my God,” I sink into the softness of the warm velvet and close my eyes. I seriously need to get me one of these things. If my bladder wasn’t full my mind would easily shut down and allow my body to relax in sleep mode.

  “What is taking this person so long? I really need to pee.” I finally hear the sound of running water so my body jolts upright so no one catches me snoozing. As soon as I hear the doorknob jiggle I jump up and make a move for the door. Just as the door swings open I nearly bump into the person who seemed to take forever.

  “Summer!” His surprise matches my own when our eyes lock on one another.

  “Cal!” Once again, my night is not going to plan.

  His gaze travels down my body. “You follow me up here?” I just want to smack that smug look off his face.

  “No,” I grab a hold of the door knob and try to push my way through but he stretches his arm out to block my way. He doesn’t say a word yet his eyes tell me everything I need to know and there is no way I am giving in to him. “If you don’t move out of my way Alli is going to be really pissed off. I’m thinking she really doesn’t want me to make a puddle on her floor.” That quickly gets his attention.

  Cal removes his arm but drags the back of his fingers down my arm sending an immediate set of goosebumps down my flesh. I am not going to give in. I am not. I repeat to myself. Cal finally steps away allowing me to bolt into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and immediately locking the door. I so wouldn’t put it past Cal to try and open the door so I am better safe than sorry.

  I take my time in the bathroom and end up hanging out longer than necessary just to make sure Cal is gone. I absolutely can’t run into him anymore tonight. Let alone be alone with him. My body clearly betrayed me for just those few minutes alone with him in the backyard.

  I splash some water on my face to lighten up my flushed cheeks. I’d take a shower if I could get away with it. I can still feel Johnny’s touch on me and it makes me feel dirty.

  For a little extra precaution, I take a seat on the edge of the tub and wait just a few more minutes to assure myself that Cal will be gone.

  Pressing my ear up against the door, I listen for any noise. I don’t hear anything so he must be gone. Why wouldn’t he be gone? He has that gorgeous woman out there waiting for him. I’m an idiot for even wanting anything more from that man. Not that I want something. Well, maybe a little something. If only he could act his age when the deed was done, then maybe things would be a little different. Because it’s not like I expect anything in return.

  It sounds like the coast is clear so I open the door and make my way over to the purple chaise lounge to hang out for a while.

  “Cal!” The asshole has already taken up residence on my chair. I come to a halt and watch as he just casually sits there with his elbows on his thighs. His hands splay over his face before he roughly drags them through his hair making him look absolutely gorgeous. “Cal, what are you doing here?” He turns his head slowly and looks at me as if he were lost. “Why are you still here?” His damn silence is unnerving. I can’t handle this anymore. “I’m done,” I pick up my pace and begin to walk out of here but he grabs my wrist and roughly tugs me back. I gasp at his level of compassion. . . or lack thereof.

  I wind up landing awkwardly in between his legs but still standing my ground. Cal has yet to release his grip on my wrist so I whip my head around to face him. “Why are you here with Johnny?”

  Is he kidding me? “What is your problem?” Seriously? Why does it matter to him who I’m here with?

  “I don’t have a problem.” Is this dude bipolar? How can he go from taking me in his locker room to treating me like shit
then act like he owns me?

  “Then it’s none of your business,” I see a flicker in his eyes and his demeanor seems to soften up just a little bit. Regret, maybe? Jealousy, perhaps? Our eye contact does not waiver and something in me takes me back to that place where we were outside together before Johnny interrupted us. My walls are being peeled back again and I can feel the sensation on my skin where his hand now begins to loosen up. Is he going to let go? I question my own need for this man as the loss of his hand begins to slowly glide down my wrist but never leaving my skin. He looks down at his hand as his fingers begin to trace over my knuckles. My heart beats faster with his sensual caress on my skin. His fingers finally reach my fingertips and he lingers on them for just a moment before lightly lifting my hand as he lowers his head until the tip of my forefinger slides slowly into his mouth. His gaze looks up at mine and I gasp at what he is doing. Oh my God. I want to scream. Instead, I suck in a fair amount of air as I watch him slowly slide my finger back out of his mouth and begin to kiss the tips of my other fingers, one-by-one. “Cal . . .” My voice is weak and my body is limp. I want to run. I want to get far away from what he is doing to me, but I can’t. I want to pull my hand away from him but it’s like a force is leaving me rendered motionless. Everything about this man screams, yield. Get the fuck out. Everything about this man yells, halt, turn the other way. But I can’t. I can’t seem to move away from where I am standing.

  Instead, my knees buckle and I land easily into his lap.

  Damn him!

  Chapter 9


  The moment I saw Summer standing before me I knew this night would be trouble.

  She may not realize it yet, but tonight she is mine. I know I have another woman downstairs waiting for me but I’ll be damned if I let Summer go this easily.

  “Shh,” I hush her, not allowing any more words out of her mouth. I can tell she’s overthinking what is about to go down with us so I need to keep her mind occupied for just a little bit longer. “Relax, baby.”

  I can tell she is torn between wanting to run and wanting to spread her legs for me. My vote is for the latter. Now I just need to get her one hundred and ten percent on board.

  Her body slumps into mine as she gives in just a little bit more. I slowly slide up so that my back rests against the armrest on this purple chair. Summer reluctantly stays in one place but her gaze intently follows mine. I can tell she wants me. Otherwise, she would have bolted out of this room by now. Reaching my arm out, I grip the hem of her blouse and lightly tug so not to stretch it out. I’m sure that would make her leave in a heartbeat. Luckily, Summer abides and scoots her sweet body closer to mine. She is now positioned in between my legs. Exactly where she needs to be. Almost.

  Her eyes trail down my torso and back up again. I am not one to take what I want from a woman unless she is fully on board so the fact that Summer has not walked the plank yet, tells me she is exactly where she wants to be as well. With her legs tucked neatly under her sweet ass, she faces me with a look of lust and hatred written all over her face.

  She doesn’t want to want me. But she can’t help herself. Just as I can’t seem to help myself with her.

  She reaches out and grabs the hem of my shirt and roughly lifts it until she slides it up and over my head. I lean in towards her to make it easy on her. Summer takes me in and just the thought of her taking something else of me in has my nether region standing on end. She has always turned me on so I can’t believe that we waited this many years to finally make this happen.

  I stay quiet and just watch to see what she wants to do with me. Starting on my lower abs, she places both of her palms against my warm skin and slowly slides them up until she reaches my chest. She lingers there just a moment when she pushes hard against me until she is up on her knees. One-by-one, she steps off this comfy as fuck chair and heads for the door of Alli’s massive closet.

  I close my eyes and lean my head back against the soft velvet. I guess that is it. She’s proven she wants me and I am totally good with that. Besides, I have another woman waiting for me downstairs.

  I briefly remove my ball cap and run my hands roughly through my hair. After exhaling a deep breath of air, I put my cap back on. I am about to get up and grab my discarded shirt when I hear the lock of a door.

  Of course my head whips over to where Summer is standing. With her back against the locked door she glares at me with defeat in her eyes. Lifting and removing her own blouse, she tosses it onto the floor and makes her way over to me.

  Everything in me wants to relax, but I have a feeling that I will need all the energy I can muster. Leaning forward, I try to get up but Summer pushes against my chest one more time. Only this time, she wants to keep me in place. Fuck yeah. Climbing on top of me, Summer straddles her legs over mine and sits just in the right spot. Our only problem is we still have the lower half of our clothes on. I shift her so that we can get right down to business but she clearly has other plans.

  “It’s my turn this time.” She nearly growls the words at me. She wants to take full control of the situation. I have never let a woman take control of anything in the bedroom so I guess this’ll be a first for me. Far be it for me to let a beautiful girl take advantage of me.

  Summer trails the palms of her hands across my shoulders and down my arms. Dragging her fingernails back up, she gets to my hat and rips it off my head, tossing it onto the floor. Everything in me wants to tell her that I don’t let anyone touch my hat, but at this moment she can burn it for all I care. She has got me so turned on that I can’t believe I never let anyone have their way with me. Usually, I am the one who sets the pace and gets the job done. I don’t particularly care for some chick to linger around my bedroom so the quicker I can get her to leave, I do. However, in this case, I’m willing to make some exceptions.

  I reach out and lay my hands over her beautiful chest. She feels so fucking good. Once again, I close my eyes and imagine her exactly where she is at only we are completely naked. Summer moving up and down and my hands exactly where they are at now. Grabbing a hold of my shoulders, Summer moves the lower half of her body against mine, making my jeans stretch tight to their max-capacity. The feeling is almost too much to stand. I need to remove them asap.

  As if she can read my mind, Summer slides back until she is standing at the end of the lounge chair. Undoing the button on her pants, she allows them to pool at her feet. She steps out of them and crawls back onto the chair and trails up my body like a fucking tiger. I have never seen anything or anyone this sexy before. I am freaking putty in her hands. Summer puts her delicate fingers on the button of my jeans and easily releases the button. She takes charge and removes them all on her own. I could get used to this. I just want to kick myself for never having had this kind of pleasure before.

  Summer makes her way back over to me and resumes her position of straddling me. However, this time we are skin against skin. Flesh against flesh and as much as I want to pound into her right now, I refrain and let Summer keep the control. At least for the moment.

  Without further ado, Summer aligns herself with me and lowers her unfuckingbelievable body over mine. She lets out a gasp and stops herself as I am balls deep into her. I watch her as she closes her eyes and relaxes her body over mine. Slowly lifting herself, she quickly picks up pace until she gets a rhythm going that matches my own. We couldn’t be any more in sync if we tried. Summers delectable body bounces up and down as I take each of her breasts in the palm of my hands.

  “Baby, you feel unbelievable.” I breath the words out to her. My voice must break her out of her concentration as her eyes fly open. Our gaze’s lands on one another and the emotion I see in her eyes knocks me off kilter.

  There is something about this woman that throws me so far off the beaten path that it scares me. I close my own eyes to banish the thought. Gripping her hips, I help move her at a faster pace. I hear her moan in pleasure and it drives me over the edge. But, not before she hits her own
high and we both jump so far over the cliff and lose sight of everything around us.

  Summer immediately climbs off of me and starts putting her clothes back on. For once, I actually wouldn’t mind having her stay put right where she was just moments ago.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” Her muffled words catch me off guard. “My brother would kill me.”

  Oh fuck, Derek. “Trust me, baby. I’d be first on that list.”

  “Yeah, well. It can’t happen again.” Not the words I expected to hear her say, not to mention, just the thought of this not happening again doesn’t sound like something I want to hear.

  As a matter of fact, it pisses me off. “We’re grown adults. It shouldn’t matter to anyone what we just did.”

  My words put fire in her eyes and the look that she flashes me makes me feel like I just hit a wrong chord.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” She furiously whips her head back and concentrates on getting dressed. Once she is done, she turns the handle on the door, swings it open and takes a step out but not before turning around and giving me one last look of shame. She has nothing to be ashamed about.

  Chapter 10


  The moment I returned to the party I knew I had to leave. Johnny was now hitting on Selina, which is fine, but I can’t just stand here and put on a pretty face when all I am doing is hurting inside.

  My father didn’t raise me to be like this. I may put on a fun and flirty show the majority of the time, but I am by far someone who sleeps around.

  “Where have you been?” Sonny and Kelly both ambush me as I make my way to the bartender Shane and Alli hired to fix drinks for the guests. “We’ve been looking for you.”


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