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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

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by Lisa Sommers

  Game on . . .

  Chapter 12


  I left the party early because my stomach couldn’t take any more.

  I’m in my hotel room all alone sitting by the window as I stare at all the pretty lights down below. I poured myself a glass of wine but I have no desire to drink it. I have no idea where Kelly is. I’m sure she is out on the town with some random hot guy.

  I am walking back to the kitchenette when I hear a thud in the hallway. Probably some drunk guy falling or something. I go to take a peek through the small peep hole in the door and everything in my stomach wants to come back up.

  It’s Cal . . . and Kelly.

  I watch as she practically mauls him against his hotel room door. Why would she do this now, don’t we have a pact? Why would he do this after just making moves on me?

  I hate men.

  First my dad tried to arrange someone for me and even though he’s one of the sweetest guys I have ever met, I just wasn’t attracted to him in that way. And so I came out to California to have a little fun and I end up falling for a guy that I don’t even want. Well, I do want him, but it can never happen. Even if I wanted it to happen, it can’t. Derek would kill me. He is so overprotective that it scares me sometimes. Besides, it’s not like Cal wants me anyways. He is the biggest man whore around and now he’s with my best friend just across the hallway.

  Can life get any more complicated? God, I hope not.

  I walk back into the kitchenette and dump my glass of wine down the drain. I just can’t seem to stomach anything right now.

  Maybe I’ll put my pajamas on for the night and just lay down. I feel so exhausted. You’d think that I was the one who got married today with all the emotions that have been running through me. I can’t believe I made Chelsea cry and then Derek. It’s not like me to get all emotional like that. It better not have anything to do with Cal. They say that you should always follow your heart but in this case, I don’t think that would be a wise decision.

  I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. Closing my eyes, I pray to God to please don’t let me fall for this guy. I’m begging you.

  The room is dark when I open my eyes and I want nothing more than to stay asleep for the next twenty-four hours. My body is still too tired, but I have to get up. I look at the clock and it says it’s only four-thirty in the morning.

  I quickly shuffle my way to the bathroom and barely make it when I have to lean over the toilet and expel what is left in my stomach. What is wrong with me?

  God, please don’t let this be what I think it is. I can’t be pregnant. I need to get one of those pregnancy test things. Shit!

  As much as I want to ask my best friend to go with me downstairs I know that that can never happen. I throw on some sweatpants and quietly walk past Sonny and Kelly as they are tight asleep in the next bed over. I am actually surprised to see Kelly here since I saw her with Cal last night.

  The door creaks as I slowly open it but it does not wake them up.

  There should be a gift shop or something downstairs that will have bathroom toiletries and stuff.

  I trudge through the sea of people walking in and out of the hotel lobby when I see a small convenience store down the way. I guess that’s why they call it the city that never sleeps. There is no way I could live this lifestyle.

  I am in luck when I see a corner shelf in the far back end of the store with a small stash of pregnancy test kits. For some reason, I am embarrassed to even pick it up, but I do because I need to find out.

  I make it back up to my room and luckily neither of the girls are awake yet. I head straight for the bathroom and lock it behind me. I certainly don’t need one of them walking in on me peeing on this damn stick.

  After reading the instructions carefully, like I can screw up peeing on a stick, I do exactly as it says and then place it on the counter and wait. I’m sure it’ll be negative but I just need to rule it out.

  As I sit here on the edge of the tub and wait for the recommended time to lapse, I let my mind wander to the what if’s. What if I am pregnant? What if I’m not? What if it’s twins? What if I love Cal? What if I am stupid?

  More than enough time has passed and I have yet to bring myself to look at the stick. I am not ready for it to change my entire life. I suck up my pride and look over at the counter.

  My heart sinks when I see the results.

  It’s positive.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Maybe it’s wrong. Maybe I waited too long. Maybe the product is defective. Maybe . . . maybe I’m pregnant.

  What am I going to do? Panic begins to rise and I feel like a huge weight has been put on my shoulders.

  Everyone is going to be so disappointed in me. Especially my father. He only wanted to make me happy. I drop my head in my hands and cry uncontrollably. I have completely screwed everything up.

  I allow myself to wallow in my own pity long enough before I decide that I need to get out of here. Out of Las Vegas. Now.

  I manage to pack my suitcase without waking up the girls. Just before heading out the door, I leave a note on the counter saying that I had an important job lead that I need to follow up on.

  I pause in front of Cal’s room. He, more than anyone else, has the right to know, but for the life of me I cannot seem to bring myself to knock on his door.

  I need to come to terms with this on my own first. Besides, it’s not like he will be a part of our lives. He seems to be perfectly content being the single guy for the rest of his life.

  I feel like everyone is staring at me in the airport. They all must know that I am pregnant. As I make my way into the airport bar, I take a seat and order a Bloody Mary. Once the waitress returns with it, I stare at it and wonder what in the hell was I just thinking. I push it aside and look down at my belly.

  Tears form in my eyes as I already feel the need to protect this little being inside of me. How can someone love something so quick? I haven’t even known for more than two hours and the need to provide shelter for it is all I can think about.

  I need to come up with a plan and it needs to be quick.

  Chapter 13


  I can’t believe I sent Kelly packing just minutes after her being in my hotel room. I mean, she was ready, willing and able and all I could think about was Summer. The minute Kelly kissed me inside my room I knew something was off. I mean, I felt it back at the club but being alone with her made me feel like I was doing something wrong.

  Derek called me just a short bit ago and said everyone is meeting for brunch in the hotels main restaurant in one hour. I hate to admit that I am excited to see Summer again. It feels like it’s been days since I’ve seen her.

  I miss her. “Fuck,” I shake my head. “What the hell happened to me? I don’t miss chicks. Something about her just keeps drawing me in though. I can’t quite put my finger on it but, all I know is, when she’s not around she is all I think about.

  I think I need to have a conversation with Derek when I see him. Summer and I may not be together but I can tell she wants me even though she made it clear last night that she wants nothing to do with me.

  I arrive at the restaurant and immediately see the group waiting for a table. I make my way over and greet them but something isn’t right. I don’t see Summer. Kelly, however, is giving me the evil eye. She must be pissed that I didn’t want to take things further with her in my room last night. Derek is on his phone talking to someone and he doesn’t appear to be happy.

  “Hey buddy,” Shane and Bob stand next to me and they both slap my back as men do when they greet one another. “Good morning.” They both say in unison.

  “Good morning. Hey, what’s up with Derek? Is everything alright?” I ask.

  “Not sure.”

  I continue nonchalantly looking for Summer. If the guys, or more important, Derek, knew that I had any sort of interest in Summer then they’d boot me from this little party. Derek would have my head on a platter.r />
  “It’s fucking Sunday,” Derek’s grumpy attitude catches my attention. “Who the fuck goes to a job interview on a Sunday?” He roughly runs his fingers through his hair. “I swear to God if she is up to no good she’s going back to Atlanta.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you,” Sonny pipes up. “She left early this morning to catch a plane. Something about a new job prospect or something.”

  “On a Sunday?” He questions again.

  “I don’t know. What’s the big deal?” Sonny walks up to her brother and he quietly asks her something. What I wouldn’t give to hear their conversation.

  Actually, right now might be a good time to talk to him about Summer.

  Just as I am about to pull him aside and discuss what’s been on my mind lately, he lays into me.

  “If I find out you have anything to do with my sister leaving town I will kill you.” He says.

  She left town? “What do you mean she left town?” I guess now would not be a good time to discuss me wanting his sister.

  “She just fucking left me a message saying she had to leave unexpectedly.”

  “Well, did she say why?”

  “Only that she has some sort of job lead, that’s it.”

  “Ok. Well, what’s wrong with that?” I know she’s been looking into a few things lately so maybe she found something.

  “Dude, it’s Sunday. What the fuck is open on Sunday?” Something seems to dawn on him because the expression on his face just went from upset to just plain pissed off. Yeah, now would definitely not be a good time to discuss my feelings about Summer. “I swear to God if she applies at one of those strip joints . . .” The veins on his temples are now protruding from his forehead. “That’s it, she’s going back to Atlanta. I can’t deal with her.”

  “Baby, take it easy,” Thankfully, Chelsea is here. That boy is so far gone over her that she can immediately calm his shit down. “I’m sure it’s nothing crazy like that.”

  There is no fucking way my girl would take her clothes off at some strip joint. I would never let that happen.

  Oh shit, did I just say that out loud? “What did you just say?” Derek pushes me back against the wall and grabs the front of my shirt.

  “I didn’t say anything.” I lie.

  “You just said, there is no fucking way your girl would take her clothes off at some strip joint.” His fist clenches tighter and tighter as the side of his shoulder presses more in to me. “This is all your fault, isn’t it?”

  “Dude, get off of him,” Shane puts his arms in between us and tries to push him off of me. “This isn’t the place to do this.”

  I may be these guys’ coach but off the field we are like family. “Dude, just call her back. Ask her about this job.” I need to redirect him away from me.

  “If I find out you fucking touched my sister I’m off the team.” He threatens.

  “Honey, let me call her,” Chelsea, once again, eases her husband off of me.

  Shane pushes him to the other side of the hallway but his sight never waivers from mine.

  “Why’d you say that?” He growls.

  “All I said was, she wouldn’t take her clothes off in a joint like that.”

  “You said and I quote, my girl.” Derek lowers his head and shoots invisible daggers my way.

  Well, fuck me. For the first time in my life I find a chick that I want to see more of than just in my bed, I can’t fucking have her. I need to call her. Or should I? Maybe I should just leave things between us the way they are. Done. Besides, she wants nothing to do with me, anyway―so she says.

  I walk down the hall, away from my friends, and pull my phone out of my back pocket. Thankfully, Summer sent me that text with a picture of her sweet ass otherwise, I’d have no way of getting a hold of her without asking one of the girls. I look over at them and quickly come to the conclusion that not a single one of them would ever give me her number.

  I stare at the picture for a few seconds before pressing, call. Lifting the phone to my ear, I listen to each ring before it finally goes into voicemail. I wonder if she’s avoiding my call.

  I love listening to the sound of her voice but it stops all too soon. Just as the tone sounds for me to leave a message I debate on what I should say. “Summer, call me.” Well, not what I had planned but I guess I never had a plan to start with. “Fuck.” I whisper to no one but myself.

  I join the group who are now already sitting at a table. Chelsea lowers her phone from her ear and passes it over to Sonny and then Alli.

  Something’s not right.

  I lift my chin and nod over to Shane and Rob and whisper, “What’s going on?” They both shrug their shoulders.

  Derek is giving me the silent treatment but makes no attempt to stop glaring at me.

  Chelsea and Sonny seem to be engrossed in some deep conversation and Bob and Judith are off in their own little world. They’ve been married for, I don’t know how many years, yet they still seem to be so much in love. I wonder if I will ever get to that point one day.

  Probably not.

  “Sonny, what did Summer say? Is it a legit job or what?” Derek grills his sister.

  “Umm, yeah, she’s fine,” Sonny fidgets with the spoon on the table as she talks to her brother. All the while keeping her eyes trained on Chelsea.

  “What’s wrong?” Derek still doesn’t look pleased.

  “Nothing. Everything is fine. Can we just eat?” Sonny looks around the room searching for the waitress. “I’m starving.”

  Derek grumbles something under his breath but drops the subject.

  God, how I wish Summer were here. I close my eyes, prop my elbows up on the table and rest my forehead against the palms of my hands. How did I get to this point? I feel like the fucking third wheel at this table and these are all my friends. When did things change between Summer and I? When and how did I start to develop feelings for her? To be honest, I always thought the guys were fucking idiots when they said they couldn’t live without the spouses they are with now. Is this what it feels like? Is this what the effing hole in the pit of my stomach is? Well, maybe it’s a little higher than my stomach. Fuck! I frantically search the room. For what? I don’t know. All I know is this cannot be happening. I need to get out of here.

  “Where are you going?” Derek asks as I push back in my chair and walk away from the table.

  “I’ll catch you guys later. I forgot I had to take care of something.” I leave without looking back.

  I need to get out of here.

  I need to see Summer.

  Chapter 14


  “Yes, daddy. I know. Yeah, don’t worry. Tell mom I’ll see you both tonight.” I’m flying back home. I know it seems like a rash decision but there is no way that I will be able to think straight with my brother breathing down my neck and Cal trying to make moves on me every chance he gets. Although, once he finds out I’m pregnant I’m sure he’ll want nothing to do with me.

  I can’t believe I let this happen. What was I thinking not using protection?

  While packing a couple of large suitcases, I stare at my phone for the umpteenth time. It’s been ringing nonstop for the past two hours.

  It’s been Cal every time.

  I pray to God that my sister did not say anything. I don’t think she would, but why else would Cal be calling me? He’s never called me before.

  Maybe I should answer it. Maybe something happened in Las Vegas. Maybe they need my help.

  I reach for my phone and check my messages. He’s left me one message and the only thing he said was, “Call me.” I just can’t bring myself to call him back though.

  “Sonny, what’s going on?” I call my sister to see if anything is wrong. My sister asked me a couple of times who the father is and I haven’t told her yet. I just know that this will not be good. Everyone is going to hate me.

  “Not much, honey. How are you feeling?” Hmm, she seems fine. I do hear a lot of music in the background so I’m
sure she’s in some club having fun.

  “Umm, did you say anything to anyone about me?

  “No, of course not. It’s your secret to tell. Not mine.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you think Alli or Chelsea said anything?”

  “Absolutely not. The three of us are actually all sitting together right now in a booth at some club. They wouldn’t do that to you.” She defends our friends.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I know you girls wouldn’t say anything.”

  “Babe, are you sure you’re ok?”

  No, not really. I want to say. I feel all alone. I feel scared. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow when you come home.”

  “Ok, honey. We’ll see you tomorrow. Just rest and we can discuss everything when we return. Oh and by the way, Cal left a little early, said he has an appointment with some new recruit or something.” He left early? He’s been calling me nonstop. He must know something. “So if you need something I’m sure he’d be happy to help you until we get back.”

  Oh God. Why does he keep calling me? I can’t face him right now. Not yet. I just need a little bit of time to figure things out.

  My plane doesn’t leave for another couple of hours but I need to leave now. I just know that he is going to show up looking for me.

  I quickly shove a few more items in my suitcase, zip it up and leave.

  I can’t be here when he shows up. I’m sure my brother’s house is the first place he’ll look. This isn’t something I can explain to him at the moment. I am still trying to absorb everything myself. How am I supposed to tell a guy that I’m having his baby when we barely know each other?

  I arrive at the airport a bit early. I couldn’t take the chance of running into Cal.

  As I sit and wait for my flight, I stare at my phone as Cal makes another attempt at calling me one last time before shutting it down.


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