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The Coming Dawn Trilogy

Page 21

by Austen Knowles

  She found herself wandering toward the bathhouse. Knowing Cobaaron was there she hesitated going in. Then she decided she could simply relax far from him while giving him space. She hadn’t bathed in over a day, and soaking in water with privacy was a good idea.

  There were a few wide steps leading to the water. The pool was colder than she thought it would be. It gave her chills, and she tiptoed in, hiking up her dress. From what she could tell the large room was deserted. Thin tunnels splintered out in various directions. The water was shallow, and she waded out until her dress was hiked up to her waist. There were protruding rocks where few warriors and women hung their garments before hiding in the tunnels. Ky wasn’t going to undress. She pressed her back against a jagged wall, thinking the spot where she stood was good enough. The longer she stood in one spot, the warmer the water became.

  It took Ky a moment to realize warm water was drifting out of the tunnels mixing with the cold where she stood. She stretched her hand out toward the warmer water, feeling the comfortable heat from down a tunnel. She decided to walk into the tunnel, and then stopped, because if she hiked up her dress anymore, she would expose her body more than she wished; her new world thought nothing of undergarments.

  “Just keep coming,” Cobaaron’s voice spoke in her head. “It’s warmer back here.”

  She squinted, looking down the tunnel, but saw nothing. She hesitated, surprised he wanted her company, but then began to walk. As she waded, the water became increasingly hotter. Then she saw him. He was moving toward her. They met in the middle. He smiled at her. “So you’re not mad?” he asked her.

  “No more than you,” she said, smiling.

  “I know. I was wondering if we’re okay. Can we give each other time to adjust? Maybe you’ll make a new friend, and this will all work itself out. I want you happy.”

  “I’m done talking about it,” she said honestly. “I’ll mull it over later. But thank you for validating my feelings. I’ll think about what you said later. I don’t want to fight.”

  “I’m done talking about it, too.”

  He smiled, and then clutched her dress. “You bathe clothed?” He grinned, and then slowly lifted her gown over her head. Ky swallowed when he stopped to look at her exposed body. His smile softened.

  He tossed her dress over to the jagged rock, and then gently drew her toward him, embracing her. She felt their magical bond urge her to kiss and make love to him, but she was still upset. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. He carried her to deeper water. He stopped when they were chest deep.

  She put her head on his shoulder not being able to stop the union’s urges to let go and feel his secure arms. When she breathed in, she smelled his warm, clean skin. The scent was comforting. As if the union knew to make her feel at ease, the argument slowly drifted from her. She no longer cared about anything but him. She loved him.

  In his arms and alone together, was exactly what she needed and wanted. She felt at peace and there was no other place she wanted to be. Never had she loved him more; the union stirred an even greater rush of devotion. She took a deep breath, relaxing. She was incredibly thankful he belonged to her. He too let out a long exhale that made Ky smile. She had a strong desire to tell him how she felt, no matter what the consequences were. “I love you,” she whispered, not needing to be loud, because she rested close to his ear.

  He lifted her chin with a tender touch, and kissed her with such emotion that expressed his feelings. There was no doubt he returned her love.

  The warmth of their lips changed the mood. What was indescribable love one moment, shifted as the union made their bodies burn with passion and raging desire. She knew Cobaaron felt it too because he suddenly became zealous. His caressing tongue seemed to possess hormones because his fevered kiss excited her, driving her wild. She instantly throbbed between her legs, craving him. There was no holding back. He was irresistible. Every cell in her body was attuned to his presence, and every part of her wanted to be touched by him. Cobaaron immediately pushed her off.

  “Why are you fighting the union?” Ky heard herself ask.

  “I can’t take you before I can change you if I need to. I need to fight this if you won’t.” He put more space between them. “This union is not stronger than me!”

  Ky slowly moved toward him, swaying as she walked. She carefully flipped her hair away from her breasts, as they emerged from the water. Then she suppressed a pleased smile when his eyes swept over her. From where he stood, he breathed in her scent and she knew she had him. He teetered in his spot, struggling between his desires and logic. The union was pulling her to close the gap between them until she pressed her breasts against him. Then she stood on her tip toes, purposefully sliding her nipples up him, before whispering close to his skin, “I’m yours for the taking.”

  He held her at bay, taking a few more steps back. “Love, I can’t. I have to go to the cold part of the pool, and shake this off.” He began to walk away, but shook his head and turned back around to add, “I didn’t mean that literally.”

  “I’ll help you.” She seductively licked and then bit her bottom lip, bringing his attention to them, as her body moved on its own accord toward him. She had no control over her body, but she didn’t want control. She knew the union was taking over her mind and motions, but she was convinced it was for the best and she didn’t care. He was much stronger than her if he could fight it, and for once she didn’t like his strength. “I don’t want you to refuse me,” Ky said, but again the words were not her own free will. Her union was even changing him to be weaker in his resistance toward her, and she could see it as he drifted toward her while shaking to maintain his freewill.

  “Touch me, Ky.”

  She reached under the water. Cobaaron exhaled when she wrapped her fingers around his erection, but his eyes didn’t leave her breasts. He didn’t caress her. Not fondling, for the moment, was more thrilling than learning the exact height of the swell of her nipple with his tongue. She knew he was delaying his gratification for this purpose because his erection stiffened yet more in her hand. “I shouldn’t…” He said huskily but stopped short to gruffly exhale on her down stroke.

  “We should.”

  She pressed herself into him so her sex added gentle tension with a firmer squeeze. She brushed his tip against her. Then she felt the union ease up on her, no longer controlling her, now that she was obedient to the magic. He pried his eyes from her breasts. “We can’t fight it. It’s the only way to have a chance in the end.” He touched her face, pleading for her eyes. “I don’t want you out of lust. I won’t sleep with you unless it’s making love,” his voice trailed with airy words.

  She used the water to help her slide her hand up and down his shaft with slick ease. It excited her to see he loved her touch. He let out a low groan as she unquestionably pleased him; she was mesmerized watching his reaction. “Do you like this?” She knew he did, but wanted to hear the arousing words of pleasure.

  He was holding his breath, and his fingers found her nipple. He rolled her between his fingertips as she dipped another hand below the water, and gently grasped him with both hands. He leaned toward her, smelling her skin, savoring the aroma of her scent. He exhaled near her ear, whispering erotic words. He knew exactly how to stir her desire. His breath gave her thrilling tingles down her neck that caressed her skin, and his words excited her.

  She curled her wrists as she lightly slid up his length and then back down. He panted heavily as her fingers passed the ridge of his tip and pressed along the vein of his pulsating shaft. She tightened her grip, tenderly squeezing and passing over the head knowing he liked the sensation on his sensitive end. With rhythm, she massaged upward before sliding her hand all the way down to the base.

  “Now stroke down, Ky, only down,” he instructed as he lay his hands over hers, twining his fingers between hers, and then helped her alternate hands while only rubbing from top to bottom, showing her exactly what he wanted. He lovingly rubbed her b
ack and arms, while telling her how much she thrilled him and occasionally directing her motions. “I want to touch you everywhere, but I’m afraid what would happen. We can’t continue to do this long, no matter how much we want to. I’ll satisfy you, but you should stop.”

  Because of his admission, Ky had a powerful impulse to wrap her legs around him; she needed to persuade him otherwise. She found herself letting go and gripping his shoulders. Cobaaron let her jump up, and clinch her legs around his waist like a vise. Now that she was so close, the union once again surged and increased her need. Nothing except him buried deep inside would satisfy her.

  He spun her around, pressed her lower back to the cave wall where rock was smooth. He slid his hand between her legs. He wasn’t letting her any nearer. She tried luring him closer, squeezing him to her with the strength of her legs but to no avail. He overpowered her, keeping her at bay. “Don’t stop, Ky. Let’s finish together. Try to focus on me, not the magic.”

  He guided her hand, placing her fingers back around his girth, and helped her rub him until she had a perfect rhythm. Then he slid his fingers between her legs. She gasped when he found her clitoris and began caressing, and until that moment she didn’t realize how badly she needed his touch. His wasn’t firm, but perfectly circled along her erogenous zone making her alive as if her body awakened with sexual awareness and desires she never knew before. She felt like a goddess, with the pleasures of making love having no earthly boundaries with how much thrill and satisfaction she could endure. She was free and loudly moaning her infinite ecstasy.

  Her enjoyment kept building and building, until she was far off. “Kiss me,” he demanded when wild and unruly desire flooded her, overwhelming her senses and stole her attention from him. Instead of obeying she let out a cry for him, wishing he would kiss her neck to drive her uncontrollable need. She needed him thrusting into her, taking her, filling her, and consuming her. She needed him to complete the union.

  He crashed his lips into hers, trying to pull her back to him, and then, possibly for her benefit to help calm her lust, he whispered, “I’ll make love to you.” His vow calmed her slightly, and his lips became her anchor. Their kiss held tender love, that the union could not overpower with lust.

  With despairing need for him inside her, she squeezed her legs hoping he’d enter her. He slid his finger an inch inside. Then he caressed her as he burrowed deeper inside.

  His kiss continually reminded her that the union was not in total control. She let out a soft whimper; it felt so good she could scream. She continued to moan while jubilant in the gentle rotation of his finger. In that orgasmic moment she quivered and begged him to hurry.

  Ky moved with his finger in unison, massaging him in turn. They pleasured each other and shared long, lingering kisses.

  The water splashed as they sought satisfaction. As she indulged in a tremulous orgasm, Ky was completely consumed in Cobaaron’s touch until there was no sense of anything but the two of them. Even his caressing tongue in her mouth was orgasmic. She loved the wet feel of his kiss. She finally understood how making love bonded people as one, now they were fastened together, completely immersed in each other, they were connected by their feelings with such strength she was sure they had cleaved to one another.

  Ky’s powerful climax lasted an unusually long length of time. Cobaaron held her body tight to his. And when she told him she was peaking, he quivered from ecstasy, and she could feel from his tremors that he released. Then slowly their bodies relaxed.

  The orgasm satisfied them, and the union was fooled into accepting they consummated the bond. Slowly, Ky took complete command of her body. She was suddenly frightened how the union took over, even changing her will and actions.

  Cobaaron kissed her until she released him. They conned the union once, but with full vengeance the magic was returning stronger than ever. It terrified her.

  “I think,” he said, backing away in haste, “we should get out.”

  “Yes, I can’t control it,” Ky said shakily. “That entire time…”

  “The union made sure I couldn’t control myself…to a point. I feel my resolve slipping. I have to leave you,” he admitted, and then hurried away. She needed space as well. She lingered behind, shocked with the strength of the union. Still she wanted to chase after him.

  It took some time, but once again the union changed from lust into strong love. Emotionally, she was connected to him deeper than anyone she had ever known. Curious how distress caused attachment, but she loved how protective he was. The affection he hid was endearing, but she wished he didn’t hold it back. She noticed he didn’t return the declaration of loving her, but at least he passionately kissed her to let her know his feelings. She could see his adoration, though he didn’t speak it. She understood he was struggling with how to change from a warrior to a lover.

  She dressed, and waited a few minutes before leaving the tunnel. Cobaaron waited for her, seated on the top step, as nude warriors flooded into the bathhouse. Cobaaron stood when he saw her, and stepped toward the wall letting his men pass. “Some of the men are waking. We’ll be leaving soon. Are you hungry? There is more food. We have another long trip ahead of us. You should eat and rest as much as possible.”

  “So soon? My ankles are still sore,” Ky complained.

  “You’ll be riding Huntra,” he assured her.

  “But the other women…their feet must be so much worse than mine. You can’t expect them to walk another day like they had.”

  “There isn’t a lot of food around here. We will never get to our destination if we don’t make a lot of ground and swiftly. We’ll be at the ships of Tigrinia, and they can all rest for a long time—several days. But I’m not going to waste time here.”


  “Ky, if you have a problem with how I’m doing things then tell me how to fix it, not bellyache over sore feet,” he asserted.

  “Oella,” Ky said, having an idea. If she could change rocks to pillows, she could make palanquins for all the women to ride in. The idea was brilliant.

  He spun and pressed her to the wall. He whispered angrily, careful not to bark, “I am not, and I repeat not, arguing with you anymore about that wretched witch.”

  “I wasn’t arguing.” She tried shoving him away from her. He was scaring her again with his size and strength.

  “Well, quit questioning me. Please understand I have men who need to respect me, and how can they when my own partner doesn’t? Not one more word about her.” When she opened her mouth he repeated, “Not one word.”

  “You’re an oaf. You know that?” Ky snapped, feeling her anger boil up again. Clearly nothing was resolved if he set her on edge within seconds.

  “That is ironic, you calling me stupid, when you’re the one who is trusting a witch. I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no. Not while I’m in charge of this army. The only reason I haven’t killed her is because she may still be some use. So, don’t get attached to someone I plan to get rid of.” Cobaaron grasped her arm and lugged her roughly toward him. “We clearly have way too much sexual tension between us. There is only one way to get rid of it, Princess.” For a second, Ky stared at him with her mouth agape. She couldn’t believe he had plans of sex in the middle of a fight. Not even the union could pull her to forgive so quickly this time. It made her glow brighten with anger that he dared suggested it. He ignored her temper, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, and marched her out of the bathhouse.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she yelled. “Let me go, Cobaaron. Put me down.” He only squeezed her hips harder. She tried wriggling free, but couldn’t. The union had plans of its own, but Ky was not about to let it take over her body again. Her anger was stronger at the moment. “I swear if you touch me, you’ll never touch me again.”

  “Oh, we’re going to do a lot more than touch, Princess. And you’ll respect me after this, because we won’t stop until you realize you’re wrong,” he gloated in a low growl. “I’ll
tell you what, we’ll make this fun. I’ll give you a ten second head start.” He dropped her onto the floor. “I’ll even close my eyes.”

  “You’re sick,” she slapped him hard across the cheek. He smiled, and then closed his eyes and began to count.

  “Ten, nine, eight... You’re not running.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Ky yelled.

  “Seven, six, five…” Cobaaron continued.

  Ky stared at him, but only for a heartbeat, and then panicked as she ran. She hurdled over people lying on the floor, and weaved between the few amused warriors. Ky raced toward the exiting tunnel. “She’s leaving,” a warrior shouted.

  When she reached the narrow archway and saw the stairs leading outside she didn’t stop. She pushed passed the guards at the exit. She ran up the stairs then tripped, falling on the rocky ground outside. She heard Noxis growl, “Where are you going?”

  She didn’t answer. Ky could hear Cobaaron behind her. She ran, amazed by her own speed. Her sore ankles ached with each step, but she couldn’t let him catch her.

  The moon lit the dark earth. She searched for a hiding place. She couldn’t keep running; there was nowhere to run. Cobaaron was much faster than her, and would overtake her. Ky ducked behind a rock, just as she heard Cobaaron stomp up the stairs.

  “Where are you?” he asked, but she wasn’t foolish enough to answer. She clamped her hand over her mouth, determined not to breathe loudly. He walked around the stone hedge as he called out, “You’re fast. Almost as fast as me now. To make this fun, I want you fast. But I’ll catch you if you run. There is nowhere to go.” He was getting closer.

  Ky bolted off the rock, hoping the thick stone would conceal her long enough to escape. Suddenly she was captured, and wrenched backward. They tumbled to the ground. “Let go of me, you sick sadist!”

  “I don’t know what that is.” They rolled down the steep hill. He couldn’t hold her without crushing her, and let go. As they tumbled down the hillside, Ky tried to stop. The moment she reached the bottom, she attempted to stand. While dizzy, she kept falling. When she realized she couldn’t run, she rapidly crawled up the hill.


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