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The Coming Dawn Trilogy

Page 50

by Austen Knowles

  Everything he did excited Ky from his confessions to his groans, and his relentless rocking of gentle hips. As if she was following his command, she gripped his hands tighter and peaked as he released inside her.

  The glowing dust from the anthers didn’t relinquish its stirring effects. They both continued in the cycle of yearning and gratification. They made love until they were glistening with sweat and exhausted. He refused to part from her, until she was satisfied and trembling from multiple orgasms that seemed to unite them together once again because they felt so connected. Hours later, they finally crawled under the sheets, held one another, and fell asleep unable to exert any more energy beyond confessing their love, which they both confided they never felt stronger.


  Ky’s head was under the covers, and her necklace was glowing brightly. Cobaaron was already awake, but he still lay in bed next to her. His kissable lips tugged at the corners when she rolled toward him.

  “Sleep well?” he asked. She nodded. “You should go to the baths, soak your back, and take your time getting ready. Enjoy the last few hours in the city. I need to spar with young Tyrus, and make sure the warriors are leaving the halls. We need to move out soon. The longer we take to reach the king’s castle the more prepared he will be. Zevera most likely knows about the portal, and knows we made a jump to get here.”

  Once they dressed, he escorted her to the bathhouse door, and promised to come for her later. She smiled, kissed him, and they parted.

  Ky slipped into the bathhouse. Keeping with the sexual theme, the inner room was covered floor to ceiling with square gold sheets representing a naked, pregnant Lu Lush on each plate. Ky lit the room simply by entering. The water shimmered with golden ripples, and reflected on the walls. She warmed the water until it was hot, and then sank into the depth and relaxed.

  Her chin was barely above water level as she relaxed. She sat there so long she was drifting into a relaxed meditation and close to sleep. She became alert when she heard a noise outside the door, and then the bathhouse door clicked open. A warrior entered, took one look at her, and locked the door. Ky didn’t recognize him. He wasn’t a young stud, but appeared older and rugged as if wars had made him rough, bitter, and jaded.

  It was strange a warrior would come into her presence, especially while she was bathing alone. The fact he locked them in didn’t go unnoticed either. She sat up, and pressed her back against the wall when he stepped to the water’s edge, his eyes fastened on her. Something was very wrong.

  “I…don’t think you should be in here,” Ky choked.

  “No, I should be in here. This is the one place I most definitely should be.”

  The warrior yanked his belt from his scale skirt, letting his clothes fall away. Ky stiffened, afraid of his intentions. “You can’t be in here!” She covered her body with her hands, sure his motives were lustful and wicked, but he folded his belt in half and snapped the leather several times, making loud smacks with his aggressive act. Ky jumped with fear; the sound was too close to what she heard while being beaten by Zevera. She hadn’t expected to be in another terrifying situation so soon. She began to tremble.

  Ky then knew why he came. She pleaded: “I know what you are thinking, but I’m not a witch.”

  Ky tried to put more space between them, but she moved in the wrong direction and was cornered. He captured her, wrapped his belt around her neck, and yanked her into the water. Ky kicked, but the deep water made her blows futile. She couldn’t strike him hard enough to stop him. Ky grabbed at the belt that squeezed her windpipe. It was so tight that her skin bulged. She couldn’t pry her fingers under the leather.

  She could hear his shouts. “You’re defiled! I’ll decapitate you with this leather, you witch.” He squeezed the belt tighter. Her windpipe felt like it would collapse. “Though, if you swear to bind with me, I will save you.”

  Ky needed air desperately. She thrashed and grasped for anything she could. All her squirming accomplished was scratching long bloody marks. Finally he pulled her from the water. “Do you fear I ask for strength only to defeat you, witch?” His voice hushed as he asked, “Why don’t you fight?”

  She couldn’t speak; the leather was too tight. A strained, airy noise came from her throat. He clearly didn’t expect her to answer.

  Ky became dizzy, and her vision became black. Then Ky had an idea. She burned brightly, making the water boil and steam. The gold walls reflecting her light made the air instantly hot. The warrior bellowed, shrieking with such violence it expressed his torture. She burned the belt around her neck, catching the leather on fire, and melted the metal, which dripped into the boiling water. She gasped for air when her throat was free. He backed up, and ran from her because her heat was cooking him.

  Ky stood as she gasped and coughed, leaning against the wall. The gold liquefied where she touched. As she panted and shook from fear, the warrior splashed into the boiling water. His scream echoed, but the man was dead and floated face down on the surface.

  Ky panicked at the sight of the man she killed. She couldn’t bear to be alone with him or spend another second in the bathhouse. Ky rushed for the door. Her heart was pounding, and passing him was terrifying. She clutched her chest, trying to calm her thumping heart that felt like it would explode. She didn’t stop running even when she left the bathhouse, prying on her dress.

  Ky sprinted in the direction she saw Cobaaron leave. She wanted this nightmare over, and to tell Cobaaron what had happened. But the moment she rounded the corner, she collided with Noxis. “Whoa. Why are you in such a hurry?” He grabbed her arms and halted her when she nearly ran him over.

  “Noxis,” Ky said, close to tears. “I killed a warrior in the bathhouse. He came at me with a belt, and choked me, holding me under the water. I…I boiled him.” By the time Ky finished admitting what she had done, she was crying.

  “Why would a warrior attempt to kill you?” Noxis asked. “He thought you were a witch?”

  “Everyone thinks that.” Including you, Ky thought. She no longer wanted to admit her actions to Noxis. “I want my husband. He’ll believe me.”

  “I believe you,” Noxis said. Ky blinked, surprised to see such sincerity in his eyes, but then he was admitting that he believed someone else suspected her of being a witch. He wasn’t the only warrior convinced she hid her true nature. “Stay in your room, and wait for Cobaaron. Keep Huntra close. I will go get your…my brother.”

  “Thank you, Noxis,” Ky said quietly.

  “For what?”

  “Believing me,” Ky said. His eyes narrowed and then he nodded. Ky swallowed, because his altered gaze felt suspicious and cold.

  Octavos, Athaya, and Ambrosia entered the hallway and walked in their direction while in conversation. The three stopped when they saw them standing there.

  “What is going on?” Octavos barked at Noxis. “Why are you alone with Ky?”

  “What’s wrong?” Athaya asked Ky seeing the tears on her cheeks. Ky promptly wiped them away.

  “A warrior attacked Ky in the bathhouse. She’s distraught,” Noxis disclosed. “Excuse me. I need to tell Cobaaron at once.”

  As Noxis left, Octavos commanded the women to head to Lu Lush’s quarters under Huntra’s protection. He accompanied them safely to the room and ensured they were alone, but shortly left, saying he was going to the bathhouse.

  “Are you okay? What happened?” Ambrosia asked when they were alone. Ambrosia rested a reassuring hand on Ky’s shoulder. Ky hugged her, and told the highlights of the encounter but divulged as little as possible hoping they wouldn’t ask anything else about the horrific event. “Ky, I’m so sorry,” Ambrosia consoled Ky as she shook her head angrily, and then complained, “The warriors are acting ridiculous. Cobaaron would know a witch. This is all so stupid.”

  “I’m sorry, too, my Lady,” Athaya said. “Women aren’t use to seeing these things. Men think we’re warriors when we’re not. I’ll never get use to seeing men without a glim
mer of a soul in their eyes.”

  “The warriors boast in front of the men they’re fine seeing so much death, but in bed some weep over what they have seen,” Ambrosia said. “It’s kind of sweet. Duval in particular is very emotional. He talks a lot, too. I’d rather have a man that was honest about his feelings, rather than hide them, and pretend he doesn’t have any love to give. Duval is my favorite lover because he’s so open. I’m not fooled into thinking there is anything more to our mating than wishing for children, but he is sweet. I pick good men, with adequate traits for my children.”

  “How can you sleep with so many men?” Athaya asked, clearly disappointed.

  “You sound like Tyrus, Ram and Parson last night. Instead of watching over me like Octavos commanded, they lectured me because I was upset about missing an opportunity to try for children. I don’t sleep with so many men. Five is nothing compared to the hundreds of warriors other women try to conceive with. I want to get pregnant. It’s not like I’m destined to find love beyond the children I hope to have. My chance for happiness has passed unless I become fortunate and conceive. Until then, I have nothing, and I understand the hard reality that it may always be that way. I guess it’s easy to sleep with men in hopes for children when you’re numb and no longer dream of love.”

  “Ambrosia, that is sad. Who hurt you so deeply?” Ky asked. But she could guess the answer. It was the healer who went to Tungsten Hills on sabbatical, and from the way Ambrosia spoke of him, he had no desire to return to the City of Sterlings or to her.

  Ambrosia glanced at Athaya, and chose to disclose only a little in reply. “A healer I used to know, but he’s too altered, too bitter, for me to say I still know him. But I’ll forget easier once I have children.” She looked away, not wanting to say another word. “He wanted me to cherish our memories, stay true to him, and save myself for a lifetime despite he’d never care for me in return. But I want children to love and be loved in return.”

  “I’m pregnant and I’ve only been with Octavos. We got pregnant the first few tries. I’m sure you’ll have success,” Athaya said, encouragingly. She put her hand on her stomach. “I guess it’s easy for women who conceive with no trouble to easily judge. My mother always told me that I should choose love because I would effortlessly have children.”

  “Well, obviously you’re a descendant of Lu Lush if you got pregnant so quickly. My clan has never produced children without difficulty. I was born after years of trying, and once my father died, my mother met Hyun and had my brother. Healers rarely have more than two children, and most only have one. I’ll be lucky if I have one.” Ambrosia shrugged, sighed heavily, and then added, “Anyway, this is a terrible topic when our queen had her life threatened recently. I should never have mentioned…”

  “No, it’s okay, Ambrosia. I don’t want to discuss it,” Ky said. “I’m curious why you think only descendants of Lu Lush so easily become pregnant.”

  “Well,” Ambrosia said, “it’s legend that a long time ago when the first woman gave birth in over hundreds of years, all her descendants after that were blessed with children. Most people say it was Lu Lush, but some say it was her mother who had the first child. Either way, our god had pity on Lu Lush because she was depressed and he wanted to see her happy. He thought the only way she would find true happiness was with children. Therefore, he blessed her womb, and she conceived many children. However, Lu Lush was independent and resented her lover’s touch, and she sent her children away, because they reminded her of her overbearing partner she swore she never loved. Her children were scattered around the world, and Lu Lush became the goddess of fertility because her descendants easily conceived.”

  The bedroom door burst open, and Cobaaron came in with Wyt, Octavos, Tyrus and Noxis at his heels. Cobaaron stopped when he saw Ky, and then exhaled in relief. “You’re okay.”

  “I’m okay,” Ky said, though she felt unnerved. She nodded as if she needed to convince him she was strong.

  “It was self defense, Ky. You did nothing wrong,” Cobaaron stressed as he came to her.

  “How did you not see this, Wyt? What good are you if you don’t tell us these things? Cobaaron came for you so you would guide him and lead Ky away from harm. You let her walk into trap after trap,” Octavos growled.

  “It has to escalate before it gets better, or the warriors will always believe she’s a witch. The warrior died from scalding water, not magic, and plenty of men will see this. Let the militia see her weaknesses,” Wyt replied. “They all need to see her powerless with their own eyes and with niggling doubt the rumors may be wrong.”

  “So you will lead her into another trap so they see?” Cobaaron roared.

  “No. You have my word that I will protect her with my life.”

  “The warriors will all be punished. They’ll spend an hour on their knees on blistering salt. Let it be known that if one man threatens Ky’s life, they all suffer the consequences.” Cobaaron then stared at Noxis. “I want to make myself clear. If any man lives after attacking or even threatening my partner, no matter how close he is to me, I’ll banish him from this army and from my presence.”

  “Cobaaron, no.” Ky hugged his arm. “You don’t mean that. I’m fine.”

  It was too late. Cobaaron’s temper flared. The week Ky was missing clearly changed him, reinforcing his need to protect her. He was no longer tolerant of threats. She tried to capture his attention, stepping between Cobaaron and his brother as he glowered at Noxis.

  “Don’t lie to me! Wyt tells me you’ll strike my partner, believing she’s a witch, and Ky has dreamt you stab her while she is pregnant. I swear if you touch my lover, Noxis, you will not be a brother to me.”

  “You don’t mean that,” Ky cautioned, imploring him to not say another word. “Noxis, he doesn’t mean that!”

  “Yes, I do!”

  “Cobaaron, I’ve been nothing but loyal for hundreds of years. How can you let a woman stand between us?” Noxis growled with narrowed eyes.

  “He doesn’t mean it, Noxis,” Ky interjected. “He’s upset. He’s protective because Zevera took me, and now the warrior…. This will pass. Give him a few days.” Ky beseeched Cobaaron who was still glaring daggers at Noxis. She gently touched his chest to get his attention. “Cobaaron,” she spoke softly, knowing he’d always loved the sound of his name coming from her lips. “Cobaaron.” He looked at her. She shook her head in a desperate, silent plea. Cobaaron took her hand but diverted his eyes from both Noxis and Ky.

  “Banishment would be mercy,” Octavos disputed. Because Cobaaron was angry and silent, Octavos seized control of the situation. Reasoning, he commanded, “Noxis, you’re to find a woman with whom to unite, because once we’re in the City of Lights you will no longer be a part of this army but a member of the council. If you aren’t chosen by the quill, you’ll be a dishonored advisor, but an advisor all the same.” Octavos glanced at Cobaaron, obviously stopping to let him protest if he didn’t like the idea. But Cobaaron kept quiet, and Octavos continued, “You’ll never understand the persuasion of any woman unless you lay with one. You have twenty-nine hours, one day, to find a partner, or I’ll choose one for you.” He smirked, making the moment lighter, and added, “An ugly, old woman.” Noxis growled, disliking his sense of humor.

  “I was going to send him to finish your job, Octavos,” Cobaaron concluded, but he refused to look at Noxis.

  “Well, Noxis, she better like traveling with few women, and little protection,” Octavos said with a shrug.

  “Then it’s agreed,” Cobaaron said. “You make the bond and then meet up with the warriors Octavos left behind. You beseech others to join our cause.”

  “You’re banishing me before my time? I haven’t touched your partner,” Noxis complained.

  “You’re wasting your last day as an unbound man. I suggest you find that woman instead of quarreling,” Cobaaron replied coldly.

  “I’ll take Vergara,” Noxis said, indifferent. “Bind her to me now if you wis
h. She’s pretty enough.”

  “She’s also vicious,” Ambrosia and Athaya warned at the same time.

  “I’ve heard, but I don’t plan on spending time with her.”

  “Onya is equally beautiful, but small which makes her look exceptionally young,” Ambrosia said. “She is a sweet girl, Noxis, and a good match for you.”

  “Octavos,” Athaya uttered. Her soft voice captivated her lover’s attention, and when Octavos looked at her, Athaya silently beckoned for him to interfere.

  “If it makes no difference, Noxis, we will get Onya.” Octavos then waved for Ambrosia to fetch the woman before Noxis replied. When Ambrosia left, Octavos asked, “Well, Wyt? Do our actions change the future?” Wyt simply shrugged, playing dumb. “You are truly proving to be the most unhelpful....” Octavos glared at Wyt, but the blind Star did not see his irritation.

  Cobaaron cursed loudly, and growled his words: “I protect your family, but you only say you’ll protect mine! Answer him!”

  “You must trust that I do everything for the best outcome for your partner, Cobaaron. And I’ll do what I need to when the time comes.”

  “How am I supposed to trust that?” Cobaaron asked. “You seek the greater good, but not my partner’s wellbeing!”

  Wyt bowed in consent. “No need to dismiss me. I will go. But you do have use for me, and you will see in the end you made the right choice asking me to follow you.”

  When Cobaaron didn’t reply, Wyt left as Ambrosia came back to the room with Onya. As Ambrosia mentioned, Onya was indeed very short and thin. Her face was soft and feminine, but gave her the appearance of a sixteen-year-old. Onya scanned Noxis from his sandals to dark hair. Ambrosia must have told her why she was summoned, because Onya assessed Noxis in a single sweeping glance, though her conclusion was hidden in the nervousness of her gaze.


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