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Angels: A Guardians Series Military Romance (The Guardians Book 1)

Page 28

by Beth Abbott

  Kellen had become Roman’s buddy, watching films with the little guy, and playing silly games. So, why was it that as soon as Roman started to get tired, he’d crawled up onto Hollywood’s lap and curled himself inside Hollywood’s shirt, thumb planted in his mouth and free hand gripping solidly onto his shirt pocket?

  It sure wasn’t because he had a fatherly way about him. What the hell did he know about parenting?

  With the way Roman was gripping on to his shirt for grim death, anyone would have thought the kid was worried Hollywood was going to offload him as soon as he fell asleep.

  Abandonment issues, much? Hollywood frowned.

  He glanced up to see Kellen staring at him, half a smile on his face.

  Oh, yeah, all the guys back home were going to love hearing how Hollywood had gone soft, cuddling a little kid because he couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

  Or maybe Kellen would tell them the version where Hollywood was playing up to the kid because he wanted to get into the single mom’s pants.

  Ok, so he’d be putting Kellen straight on that score, first chance he got. He wasn’t that sort of guy.

  Yeah, Niko was hot, and yeah, she was beautiful. But that didn’t mean to say he was trying to get on her good side by getting in tight with Roman.

  Truth be told, Hollywood really liked the little fella. He was cute, and funny, and chatty in the way only a bright, intelligent three-year-old could be.

  He tried to ignore Kellen and turned to glance at Niko.

  She looked tired, like she’d barely slept in a week, and her fingers were gripping her phone as though she was willing it to ring. Not for the first time, Niko’s stress levels seemed to be going through the roof.

  “What time is your brother due back?” Kellen asked her, breaking the trance she had lapsed into once Roman had fallen asleep.

  “I’m not even sure if he’s coming back tonight.” Niko shrugged. “If his meeting goes well, they might decide to go out and celebrate, in which case we might not even see them until morning. The only way we’ll know it’s over is when his men return after the meeting has taken place. That’s likely to be long before Ilya returns.”

  “They’ll be drunk when they get back?” Hollywood leaned forward slightly, trying not to jostle Roman too much. “That sounds like it’s going to be problematic.”

  Niko frowned as she nodded, almost as though the same thought was occurring to her.

  “Probably.” She conceded. “Which means the women are going to be at risk, as I’m quite sure Ilya’s men will come back with the hope of having a little ‘fun’ with them.”

  “Over my dead fucking body.” Logan’s voice was quiet but full of steel.

  Hollywood glanced over at the Scot, wondering what he was going to say next.

  “We’re being paid to deliver them unharmed.” Logan continued. “So that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

  Kris stood up and stretched.

  “We’d better get the guns out of the trucks and get in position.” He suggested. “That way, by the time Ilya’s men get back, they’ll have to get through us to get to the women. Hopefully a couple of semi-automatics in our hands will wipe any funny ideas out of their heads.”

  “Are you kidding?” Niko gasped. “There’ll be between twenty and thirty of them.”

  “Hey, no sweat.” Evan grinned. “We’ll go easy on them.”

  “Wait! What do you mean, you’ll ‘go easy on ‘them’?” Niko snorted incredulously. “They could outnumber you, five or six to one.”

  “I know the odds aren’t fairly balanced.” Evan nodded. “But where are they gonna find more men this late in the day to even things up?”

  “Don’t worry yourself, lassie.” Logan grinned in a somewhat sinister way. “We won’t hurt them unless it’s absolutely necessary. But if they make it so, then the hurt will be short-lived.”

  “You’re going to kill them?” Niko whispered, as though the idea was shocking to her.

  “Honey, if they come back full of drink with one thing on their minds, past experience has taught me that the only way to deal with them is to put them down hard, fast, and permanently.” Logan explained, almost rationally. “Besides, aren’t you forgetting what the ‘one thing’ is that we’re talking about? This isn’t a drunken husband coming home hoping to get lucky with his wife. These are disgusting thugs, each of them hoping to rape one of those women in there, just to get their rocks off. Would you prefer that we let them do it? Because those are the choices on the menu tonight, lady. Let the men commit rape, or resolve to kill them, if necessary.”

  Hollywood watched Niko’s face grow pale as her frown deepened.

  “I can’t give you that order.” She shook her head. “They’re my brother’s men. If he thought I’d given the order, he’d have me killed.”

  “Sweetheart, in case you hadn’t noticed, we don’t work for either you or your brother.” Logan shook his head. “Our employer’s instructions were to do whatever was necessary to get the cargo to Rotterdam unharmed. That’s what we’re going to do.”

  “I can’t allow you to start spraying bullets around everywhere.” Niko looked shocked. “What about Roman? He could get caught in the crossfire.”

  “You and Roman will be safely stashed away in the truck, long before the men get back.” Hollywood tried to reassure her. “Our truck is parked furthest away, so even if the shit does hit the fan, you’ll be well out of range.”

  Niko turned and stared at him, not looking in the slightest bit mollified.

  “Did you seriously think that was going to make me feel any better?” She snorted in disbelief. “The walls to the room the women are being held in aren’t so thick that a bullet wouldn’t penetrate them. And while I trust that you know how to handle a semi-automatic, Ilya’s men don’t. Unfortunately, nobody gave a damn about that minor detail when they handed the weapons out, so you’re going to be facing thirty armed men with no formal training. It’s a recipe for disaster.”

  Yuri leaned forward, attracting Niko’s attention.

  “Niko, I can assure you that we won’t do anything unless it’s absolutely necessary. We’re not reckless, nor do any of us have a death wish.” He smiled kindly at her, probably acting more like a big brother to her than she’d ever experienced with Ilya. “And if anything kicks off, then you can be sure it will be dealt with quickly and efficiently, in a way known only to men and women trained in the ways of a military machine. Ilya’s men won’t know what hit them, and they’ll be dead long before they have a chance to figure it out.”

  Hollywood watched Niko wringing her hands together, obviously never having had to deal with such life and death situations.

  “Look, why don’t we get you and Roman squared away in the truck for the night.” He suggested. “That way, if anything does happen, Ilya can’t blame you for it. Ok?”

  “And the six of you are going to take on all of Ilya’s men?” She whispered.

  “Five.” Kellen smiled. “The five of us will take them on, because Hollywood will be staying with you and Roman in the truck, to make sure nobody tries to get to you instead of the women.”

  Hollywood watched her glance over at him sharply, and for a split-second he thought she was going to argue.

  “Non-negotiable, sweetheart.” He shook his head. “We’ve already had this discussion, and tonight is going to be no different.”

  Niko still didn’t appear convinced, but after a few seconds she nodded silently and stood up.

  “Good night, gentlemen.” She whispered. “Be safe.”

  As Hollywood stood up, he lifted Roman’s slight body and leaned him on his broad chest, Roman’s tiny hand still clutching Hollywood’s pocket.

  “Kellen? Did you want to get your gear out of the truck?” He suggested. “I’ll have my stuff ready, so if you want to switch out later, you can take my place and I’ll be ready to go.”

  Kellen got to his feet slowly and watched Niko heading for the truck. />
  “What happens if Ilya comes back with them, or Drago?” Kellen asked quietly. “Do we dispose of them as well?”

  Hollywood shrugged.

  “If it was just Ilya then I’d say absolutely, yes! Take the opportunity of getting him out of Niko’s life for good.” Hollywood agreed. “If it’s Drago, then I’d put money on it that the guy would be on our side, trying to stop Ilya’s men from doing anything stupid. He’s Ilya’s man, but he’s not like the others. Nor is he like Ilya.”

  Kellen nodded, and followed him to the truck.

  “Make sure you’re all wearing your Kevlar vests underneath your shirts.” He cautioned. “You don’t want to get wiped out by a stray lucky shot. You’re a big fucking target.”

  Kellen stared at him in disbelief.

  “Look who’s fucking talking!” He grinned.

  There was probably not a half inch between them in height or width.

  Kellen pulled the door open and leaned in and grabbed his weapons and Kevlar vest.

  “Watch out for the little fella.” He ruffled Roman’s curls. “His mom, too. They’re your responsibility tonight. Stay with them no matter what’s going on out here, right?”

  “I’ve got it. Semper fi, brother.” Hollywood nodded. “You just do your job well and try and stay alive.”

  “Oohrah!” Kellen grinned. “Will do.”

  Hollywood climbed up into the cab, and found Niko waiting to take her son from him. As she scooped him up and turned towards the sleeping area, Hollywood touched her arm to slow her down.

  “Get him to bed, Niko.” He said quietly. “Because I think it’s time we had a little talk.”

  She turned to him, her eyes full of weariness and wariness in equal measures.

  Instead of the argument he thought was coming, she just nodded.

  He guessed they both knew this conversation was long overdue, but he still didn’t know which way it was going to go.

  Was she going to turn out to be his Angel? Or was she really the devil in disguise?

  Hollywood genuinely couldn’t call it.

  Chapter 47 – Niko

  Niko managed to change her son into his pyjamas without jostling him awake, and as she lowered him into the makeshift crib, he mumbled something to himself and chuckled.

  Niko smiled.

  The sound of Roman’s laughter and the sight of him wearing one of his big grins lifted her spirits like nothing else could. It told her that no matter what else was going on in her fucked-up existence, she was at least managing to shield her son from the worst of it.

  She reached for her bag and pulled out an old football shirt she usually wore to sleep in. It had once belonged to her father, and was an extra-large men’s shirt, so even as tall as she was, it still reached almost to her knees.

  Knowing that Hollywood was sitting in the front, she shrugged off her jacket and shirt, and tugged the sleep-shirt over her head and shoulders as quickly as she could. Once it was in place, she unfastened her jeans and quickly slid them off, rolling them up and stuffing them into her bag.

  The tapping sound made her jump back.

  “Niko? Can I come in?” Hollywood’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “We need to talk.”

  Niko pushed her shirt and Roman’s dirty clothes into a clear laundry bag and shoved them in a side pocket in her pack. When she was done, she pulled the curtain back.

  “What do we need to talk about?” She looked at him suspiciously.

  Niko edged back on the bed as Hollywood filled the gap, and when he sat opposite her on the mattress she suddenly felt the cab become quite claustrophobic. She tried to grab the hem of her shirt and pull it down to cover her legs without being too obvious about it.

  “There are a few things we need to talk about, but before we start, I wanted to check that you were Ok.” He looked at her face in the dim light and she could tell he was looking for something. She just didn’t know what.

  “Are you kidding me?” She hissed. “Of course, I’m not Ok. Why would I be?”

  Hollywood nodded in response, and she wondered what he thought she meant.

  “What would you say if I said I thought you weren’t cut out for all this shit?” Hollywood began. “If I thought that you hated this life with a passion?”

  Niko looked at him in surprise.

  “Firstly, I’d point out that you’d changed your tune.” She scowled at him. “Last time we talked about this, you thought I was some evil bitch who enjoyed trafficking women.”

  Hollywood nodded.

  “I may have been under the wrong impression.” He conceded, still staring at her. “But what if I had changed my tune, as you suggested, and I now thought you were totally opposed to it? What would you say then?”

  Niko wondered whether this was some sort of test.

  “I’d want to know why it was so important to you to know one way or another.” Niko shrugged. “Are you asking to satisfy your own curiosity, or are you asking on behalf of your employers, to see whether I can be trusted?”

  “Niko, I already know you can be trusted.” Hollywood smiled. “And the only two people involved in this conversation are you and me. Nobody else is around, and nobody else will ever know we spoke about this.”

  Niko wanted to trust him, she really did. How easy it would be to just come right out and tell him that she had her own plans for how to help the women and herself. But she had to keep reminding herself that doing so could be a fatal mistake. The price was too high.

  “Of course, I hate what Ilya does. I hate the trafficking worse than the drugs and the guns. If I could persuade him to stop that part of his business, don’t you think I would have by now?” Her shoulders fell, as though the weight of keeping the words inside had kept them tense, and now the words were out, she was free from the pressure. “But there’s nothing I can do except try and keep those women safe while they’re in transit.”

  “I’ve seen you do what you can for them.” Hollywood nodded. “But what if, hypothetically, you could do more? What if you could disrupt Ilya’s business somehow.”

  Niko stared at Hollywood in shock.

  “Do you have any idea what my brother would do to anyone who tried to let those women go?” She shook her head. “He’d kill them. It’s his simple and effective way of keeping everyone in line. Even me.”

  “You seriously think your brother would kill you.” Hollywood sounded doubtful.

  “I don’t just think it, I’m sure of it.” She insisted. “And then what would happen to Roman? Ilya wouldn’t want to keep a kid around, even one that was related to him, and he’s too young to be good for anything for a long time. I wouldn’t put it past Ilya to sell him at one of your auctions.”

  Niko watched Hollywood’s face cloud over, and she was sure she heard a growl somewhere deep in his chest.

  “Besides, it’s not even worth considering hypothetically. Your employers wouldn’t be very happy if you ruined their deal, would they? They can only hold an auction if there’s stock to auction.” Niko pointed out. “Between Ilya and your employers, any attempt to free the women would be disastrous. Not to mention that all of Ilya’s men and your colleagues might have a thing or two to say about it.”

  “There are always things you can do if you’ve a mind to.” Hollywood took her hand and held it in both of his. “If you’re strong enough.”

  Niko stared at their hands, knowing she should pull away, but not wanting to. When she glanced up into his face, Hollywood’s gaze was fixed on her.

  “If it was just me, I’d have done something a long time ago.” She admitted. “But I’ve had to be so careful not to do anything to put Roman at risk. It kills me to see what those women go through, but at the end of the day, he’s my son, little more than a baby, and I’m all he’s got.”

  “I’ve watched you when you’ve been standing guard over those women.” Hollywood obviously wasn’t giving up. “You stand up to Ilya’s men, and make sure they’re protected. If only they kne
w the danger you’re putting yourself in, they’d realise that you’ve actually been their guardian angel all along.”

  Niko pulled her hands back.

  “Are you out of your mind?” She hissed, as though his words had caused her actual pain. “I’m nobody’s angel, and definitely not theirs. Those women look at me like I’m the most heinous person on the planet. If they had the chance, I’m pretty sure they’d kill me first, just because I’m a woman.”

  Hollywood leaned forward and cupped her cheek in his large hand and leaned forward to stare into her eyes.

  “They’d be dead wrong.” He said quietly. “You look like an angel to me.”

  Niko could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest at the feel of a man’s touch, even if it was just a gentle caress of her cheek.

  Her eyes were locked onto his, and she could feel herself almost drowning in their warmth.

  She watched, mesmerized, as he leaned forward, and as his face grew closer, she tipped her head back slightly in anticipation.

  When his mouth finally found hers, Niko’s eyelids dropped shut as the exquisite sensation of kissing the softest lips in the world washed over her.

  She opened her mouth a little, wanting to taste his lips, wanting to know what it was like to be kissed by possibly the most gorgeous man she’d ever set eyes on.

  Taking her slight movement as an invitation, Hollywood moved forward until he could slide his hands up around her neck and slip his fingers into her hair.

  Once he could hold her in place, Hollywood seemed to take control of the kiss, and Niko found herself being pulled into his strong broad chest, even as his tongue invaded her mouth.

  When her sensitised breasts rubbed up against him through the thin material of her t-shirt, Niko couldn’t help the groan that escaped her. His kiss was stoking her to heights of pleasure she couldn’t even remember experiencing before.

  Hollywood responded instantly, pulling her closer, kissing her harder and deeper, and loosening his grip on her hair so he could wrap an arm around her shoulders and crush her to him.

  It took a few seconds of increasing dizziness before Niko remembered she needed to breathe, and even then, she wasn’t willing to pull away to gulp in the amount of oxygen she actually needed.


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