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Angels: A Guardians Series Military Romance (The Guardians Book 1)

Page 42

by Beth Abbott

  With his free hand he reached for her breast, lifting it to his mouth so he could suckle some more on those incredible nipples.

  “More, please.” Niko’s voice was a whisper, barely audible over the sounds of her laboured breathing.

  Hollywood pulled his hips back, until he was barely inside her, and in one long slow glide he pushed home.

  As he felt Niko exhale her satisfaction, he pulled out quickly and slid forward again, slowly but forcefully, the second thrust a little deeper into her tight channel than the first.

  It took about a dozen thrusts until he felt his cock hit the end of her channel, and he registered that her clitoris was still an inch or two from the base of his cock.

  Releasing her breast, he slid his hand across Niko’s stomach, his fingers trailing teasingly across the neatly trimmed hair on her mound.

  Using his fingers to separate her lower lips, he rubbed his thumb into the juices leaking from her each time he thrust, until he could glide his wet digit smoothly across her swollen nub.

  Niko’s hips shot up as though she’d been electrocuted, and her calves gripped around his thighs like a wrestler.

  He continued to thrust in a hard and regular pattern, but now each time he pulled out he rubbed his thumb across her clit.

  Hollywood glanced up wanting to see the look on Niko’s face, only to find her eyes closed and her lip trapped between her teeth, probably in an attempt to stifle her little cries and moans.

  He didn’t want her silence.

  He released her nipple with a pop, and bit down on it lightly to get her attention back on him.

  “Tell me what you want, Niko.” He growled. “Show me what I’m doing to you. Do you want it harder?”

  He thrust several times, hard and deep, hitting the end of her channel each time.

  Niko groaned, thrashing her head from side to side.

  “I don’t know.” She whimpered.

  “Do you want it faster, Niko?”

  Before she could moan her response, he gave half a dozen thrusts, fast and hard, biting his lip as he held off his own orgasm.

  Niko growled at him in what he could only guess was approval at what he was doing.

  “I think I know what you need.” He murmured, and as he pulled out almost to the tip, he pressed down firmly on her clit with his thumb, rubbing hard and fast as he thrust into her with everything he had.

  One, two, three seconds later, and Hollywood felt Niko’s inner muscles tighten on his cock like she was squeezing it with her hands.

  The scream from her lips was the most gratifying sound he’d ever heard, and as she arched her back, begging for more attention, he bit down on her nipple, laving it with his tongue as he thrust harder.

  The pressure on his balls intensified, and with her every whimper and gasp, he felt his control slipping.

  How could she know that there was nothing more erotic, nothing more sexually stimulating for him as a man, than to hear her cries of satisfaction as she gasped through an orgasm, gifted to her by his cock, his mouth, and his fingers.

  Hollywood lost his struggle.

  As he gave a few final thrusts, he felt the cum explode from his cock as though his balls had detonated. Maybe they had.

  His head swam with euphoria as his hips jerked of their own accord, and he emptied his seed into the condom.

  Hollywood barely felt Niko’s fingernails scratching lightly down his back, as the orgasm continued to roll over him leaving him feeling weightless. It was almost like experiencing the whole thing from outside his body.

  Eventually, it could have been a minute, or an hour later, he started to come back to his senses, and realised that the weakness in his limbs was almost enough to have him collapsing on top of the woman who’d caused his condition.

  Hollywood slid out of her slowly and moved to one side, sagging onto the mattress when his arms would no longer support him.

  When he felt Niko move, he reached out for her, pulling her limp body into his, as he turned on his side to face her.

  When he could finally open his eyes, he looked down at the most beautiful woman he could ever remember seeing.

  “Hi.” He smiled.

  “Hi, back.” Niko curled into him, her breasts crushing into his side, causing his overworked cock to jerk in appreciation.

  He watched her lips twitch and knew she must have felt it.

  “That was totally your fault.” He smiled. “It doesn’t do that for everyone, y’know.”

  Niko ran her finger across his chest and his cock jerked again.

  “Really?” She smiled innocently. “Should I feel honoured?”

  “No, you should feel very satisfied, if I did my job properly.” He grabbed a pillow and slid it under his head, taking the opportunity to pull her closer.

  “I see.” Niko nodded, and he knew she was teasing. “Well, I haven’t a wealth of experience to compare it to, unlike some people…”

  “I didn’t think you did.” He smiled.

  “But… if I were to hazard a guess…” She batted her eyelids at him. “My guess would be that there isn’t a woman within a thousand miles, who’s feeling quite as happy or satisfied as I am right now.”

  “So, you agree we’re compatible?” He nudged her with his cock.

  “Yes, I think we’re compatible.” Niko giggled.

  “You do know what that means, don’t you?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “No, what?” Niko frowned her confusion.

  “We’re gonna have to repeat that process, at least twice a day to make sure you stay flexible.” He grinned.

  “Well, if I don’t want to be kicked out on my ass for failing to satisfy a ninety-eight-year-old, I reckon we’d better go for the whole A to Z at least once a day.” Niko smiled.

  Hollywood chuckled as he rolled onto his back, pulling Niko on top of him.

  “Well, by my reckoning we’ve got at least twenty minutes left.” He glanced at the clock. “How about we kill a bit more time while I show you my other favourite ‘O’?”

  Niko’s eyes widened.

  “Would you be talking about giving or receiving?” She asked innocently, keeping her face as serious as possible.

  “Well, I reckon if we’re quick about it, we might just squeeze in both.” Hollywood suggested hopefully.

  “How did I ever think we might not be compatible?” She sighed.

  “I have no idea, but need I remind you that the clock is ticking?”

  Niko slid up onto his thighs, and Hollywood swallowed hard at the sight of her breasts swaying in front of his face.

  She glanced up teasingly as she slid down his legs.

  “Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick…”

  Epilogue – Niko

  “Who did you say dropped these clothes off for me?” Niko called from the bathroom, as she stared at herself in the mirror.

  The silk blouse was in a gorgeous green colour, and the long black skirt actually reached to her ankles, with just a slit up the one side to her knee.

  Niko turned to look at herself from another angle, not believing her own eyes.

  She actually looked elegant.

  “Ellen dropped by while you were showering. The boy’s clothes and toys she brought are stuff that her own kids have grown out of, which she thought you’d like to have for Roman. But the women’s clothes are from a lady called Vicky Dixon. She’s married to two of the Alpha Company directors, and luckily for you, the two of you are about the same height.” Hollywood stood leaning on the bathroom doorframe. “And you look stunning in them, just in case you hadn’t finished looking for faults. You can stop already, because there aren’t any.”

  Niko looked at his reflection in the mirror and poked out her tongue at him.

  “Hold on… You said she’s married to two directors?” She questioned her hearing.

  “Yeah, two directors, Drew and Tony Dixon. They’re bisexual, madly in love with each other and Vicky, and have a daughter of about eight or nine c
alled Amelia or Emily, or something like that.” He rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I just came to give you a five-minute warning. Hannah and the gang will be here on the dot of seven, so if there’s anything else you want to do, you’d better do it fast. They won’t be late.”

  Niko turned and stared at Hollywood with that wide-eyed innocent look she’d perfected just for him.

  “Oh, no!” He grinned. “Not even I can make that happen in under five minutes. I don’t perform well when I’m under time-pressure. Besides, haven’t you had enough already? I’m older than you, don’t forget. If you keep abusing him, you’ll wear him out, and where will you be then?”

  “Hmm, let me think…” She tapped her chin while she pretended to consider her options. “I guess I could always trade him in for a younger model.”

  Hollywood stepped forward and wrapped her up in his arms.

  “Don’t even suggest it, because you know it’s not going to happen.” He lowered his head and kissed her softly, obviously trying to avoid ruining her lipstick. “Just be gentle with him, and he’ll last us a lifetime.”

  Niko wrapped her arms around Hollywood and rested her head on his shoulder.

  They’d made love six times in less than two full days, so she figured it wasn’t unreasonable if he was feeling a little… well-used.

  “Come on.” Hollywood kissed the top of her head. “They really will be here on time, and we don’t want to look all mussed up like we were caught doing something we shouldn’t have been.”

  They walked from the bedroom holding hands, and Niko couldn’t help but peek in the hall mirror to check her appearance again.

  “Gorgeous, I told you.” Hollywood tugged her forward into the living room.

  “You look pretty gorgeous yourself.” She smiled, gazing at the snug fit of his pants, hugging those firm ass cheeks she loved to squeeze.

  “Yes, but that goes without saying.” Hollywood grinned. “So, you don’t need to waste your breath. I’m not the one with the under-inflated ego that needs re-educating.”

  “No, you’re the one with the over-inflated ego that needs bringing down a notch or two.” She scowled at him. “You could at least pretend you don’t know how gorgeous you are.”

  Hollywood grinned just as the doorbell sounded.

  “Here we go.” He smiled, heading for the door.

  Niko stood in the middle of the room facing the door to the hallway, nervously twisting her fingers together. She had no idea who was coming to visit with them, as all Hollywood had thought to share with her was that ‘Hannah and some of the guys were calling in’.

  In the three and a half days she’d been in London, she’d pumped Hollywood for as much information as he could give her about the Guardians, but when he’d insisted she trade questions for kisses, they’d gotten distracted far too easily, and the questions, most of them at least, had gone unanswered.

  “Wow! You’re even more beautiful than your pictures.”

  Niko’s head spun around to the door between the living room and the kitchen, to where a tiny woman with blonde hair and cowboy boots was standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry, honey.” She stepped forward. “I didn’t mean to scare you. It was just easier to drop the food in the kitchen first, rather than meet you with my hands full.”

  Niko couldn’t help but smile at the woman’s friendly manner.

  “You brought food?” She asked, realising she sounded like an idiot.

  “Sure.” The woman smiled. “Hannah told Hollywood we’d bring food with us. Didn’t he tell you? We didn’t expect you to entertain all of us, not when you haven’t had a chance to catch your breath from last week’s excitement.”

  Niko frowned.

  “You mean you aren’t Hannah?” She clarified. “You’re exactly like Hollywood described her.”

  “Oh, my goodness!” Another blonde woman appeared at the kitchen door. “You do realise you just made my mom’s day, don’t you?”

  Niko glanced between the two women, finding the similarity between them quite striking.

  “I’m Carolina Jordan.” The older woman stepped forward and enveloped her in a brief hug. “My friends call me CJ, just so you know.”

  “And I’m Hannah.” The younger woman smiled. “My friends just call me Hannah.”

  “Or Brat. Or Gob-shite.” The man at the door was huge, easily as big as Hollywood, and maybe a tiny bit wider. “I call her ‘Wife’, but that’s my cross to bear.”

  He stepped forward, but instead of shaking Niko’s hand, he grabbed his wife and lifted her up to plant a kiss on her lips.

  “Put me down, you idiot!” Hannah hissed. “First impressions, remember? I’ve told you about this before.”

  The giant put his wife down but didn’t let go of her.

  “Danny Simons.” He grinned at Niko. “Hannah’s gorgeous, sex-god husband.”

  Niko glanced at Hannah who rolled her eyes.

  She couldn’t help but smile at the couple who seemed completely at odds, but so much in love.

  “Is your little boy still awake?” CJ smiled at her. “We brought him some treats.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, no. He’s been asleep for half an hour.” Niko frowned. “I didn’t realise you expected to meet him.”

  “Oh, sugar, it’s no problem.” CJ waved away her concerns. “They’ll keep until tomorrow.”

  “Niko?” Hollywood’s voice was behind her now, as he brought the rest of the visitors through from the hallway. “Come and meet our guests.”

  As she stepped forward, Hollywood met her halfway, taking her hand and holding it protectively in his.

  “These gentlemen are all connected to the Guardians in one way or another. Obviously, Kellen you already know.” He smiled. “The others are JT, Drew and Tony Dixon, Luke Roberts, Thomas Payne, Ryan Tucker and Gregor Diminov, who you met in Budapest, and David Roan.”

  Niko knew she was staring like a rabbit in the headlights, but tall as she was, it was like being surrounded by giants. The only one anywhere close to average height was the older man standing at the end, David something.

  “I’m pleased to meet you all.” She nodded. “But you’ll have to forgive me if I forget your names. I’m not sure if it’s connected to the concussion or not, but I’m still a little bit fuzzy on certain things.”

  “We’re just relieved you’re safe and sound.” The man she recognised from the police station stepped forward.

  “Mr Tucker.” She smiled. “I remember you from Budapest. And your friend, Gregor.”

  The two men smiled at her reassuringly.

  “Drew and Tony…?” She murmured, looking at the two men standing together. “You’re married to Vicky? Could you thank her for the clothes? I’m very grateful.”

  “It’s no problem.” The darker of the two men smiled at her. “She has to have lots of clothes for the charity functions she attends with JT’s wife, Alice, but normally she’s a jeans and t-shirt kind of woman. She can spare ten times that much without even noticing.”

  “She’s also one of only a few women in our family who are tall enough to be of any use to you.” Hannah grinned. “You certainly wouldn’t want to try and get into a pair of my jeans.”

  “Alice and Vicky send their apologies, but they’ve been in America this week attending some pre-arranged charity events. They won’t be back for another couple of days.” JT smiled. “No doubt there’ll be a get-together with all the families in the near future, so you can get to meet everyone else. There are rather a lot of us.”

  “Listen, why don’t you guys sit down and get the business talk out of the way.” CJ suggested. “Thomas and Luke can help me get the food ready, as officially we’re not part of the Guardians crew. Afterwards, we can get to know each other and relax a little.”

  Niko glanced up at Hollywood.

  ‘Business talk’?

  Hollywood steered her over to a sofa while the rest of the group found somewhere to sit.

  Danny Simons took up resi
dence in their big armchair and pulled his wife down to sit on his lap.

  Niko glanced at Hollywood, wondering if she was the only one who found it strange.

  He squeezed her hand.

  “That’s just their way.” He murmured, so nobody else could hear him.

  “Niko?” Hannah smiled. “I’m sure by now Hollywood has filled you in on who we are at Guardians International Security, and exactly what our purpose is.”

  Niko glanced at Hollywood, who nodded his encouragement.

  “He’s told me some, yes.” She smiled nervously.

  “Has he told you about your old friend Drago?” Hannah smiled. “That he’s agreed to join us to help with our next mission?”

  “He mentioned it yesterday, yes.” Niko nodded.

  “What Hollywood probably didn’t mention is that we’d like you to join the team as well.” Hannah continued. “Or did he?”

  Niko glanced around at Hollywood who was looking a little sheepish.

  “Hannah asked me to say nothing, so I said nothing.” He held his hands up in defence. “I’m good at obeying my superiors. What can I say? You can take the man out of the Marines…”

  Niko smiled at him reassuringly.

  “What exactly is it you want me to do?” She asked nervously. “I don’t know anything about the military, or whatever it is you do.”

  “Actually, you know far more than you think you do.” The older man, David, interrupted. “You have all the knowledge of Ilya’s business, his contacts and his suppliers. That could be invaluable to us on future operations.”

  “But I told the police everything I know.” Niko explained. “How much more help can I be?”

  “Niko, you answered their questions, the same questions, over and over.” Ryan Tucker pointed out. “Whoever interviewed you had about as much imagination and intelligence as my son’s goldfish. You gave them what I would describe as the tip of the iceberg, because that’s all they asked for. What you still have in your head is what we’re looking for.”

  “Do you want me to go back to Russia? To Turkey, and all those other places?” She whispered, her heart racing a mile a minute. “I don’t want to go back there. Please, don’t make me.”


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