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The Book of Freedom

Page 2

by Timong Lightbringer

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  It’s impossible to predict the duration of own life, but one can choose its width. The one who chosen the wide road will have more fellow travellers.

  It’s impossible to feel taste and distinguish flashing landscapes of own life, moving with too high speed. The one hastening to live is hastening to die.

  Ignorance of the general traffic regulation, as well as ignoring of other moving ones can become a cause of accident. The understanding of rules and psychology of those moving comes with experience.

  Everyone starts from his last point. The point of destination is same for all.

  * * *

  It’s possible to travel own road, creeping. It’s possible to pass it on foot. One can soar high and fly through it. Both three options lead to one point, but only from height of the bird's flight all way is clearly visible.

  * * *

  Nobody came back from death doors in the same kind as he entered it. Either there was nobody to come back, or one’s clothes were different.

  * * *

  When you approach the border of own "I", a chasm of despair reveals before you.

  When you see events and people of the past, now forever left far behind, and rush in a search of irrevocably lost, a chasm of despair lives nearby.

  When you realize all senselessness of former life without awakening, a chasm of despair opens under your feet.

  When you understand that it will be impossible to return, once started travelling your way, but only accelerate your steps – you accept a chasm of despair.

  There is a bridge through a chasm, but it passable only alone. Those fallen into a chasm and those crossed the bridge to the end never return.

  * * *

  The one aspiring to slow down time will not be in time. The one hurrying events will not be in time. Only the one going with natural speed of his Way always comes and leaves in time.

  * * *

  The star which has fallen in hands cannot be kept.

  The star which has fallen in hands cannot be sold.

  It is possible to absorb its beauty, giving it the new form.

  The form is not capable to show all beauty of stars.

  The one who never saw start will also reject all forms.

  * * *

  We are blind from a birth, but not everyone realizes that he is plunged into the darkness.

  There is a switch in a dark room, but is it so easy to group it in the dark ? The switch is high up, and man is small from a birth.

  There are a lot of things which you will inevitably come across in darkness. They seem much more terrible, than they are actually.

  Each of us has his own room, plunged in darkness.

  It is possible to accept a dark room for a native habitat and to take out judgments about world, without seeing. A simple way for many is the most attractive.

  It is possible to grow gradually, and to touch walls consistently, sooner or later having come across the switch. But not all of us are given that much time.

  It is possible to try to grope it, being small, and to put a finger in the socket. Not everyone is capable to endure painful shock being received and furthermore to continue searches once again.

  It is possible, moving exclusively instinctively, to upraise hands upwards and in a desperate jump to turn it on miraculously. How many people possess such inborn instinct ?

  When the switch is found, the darkness dissipates, and the room appears in its true form.

  Those who stayed in darkness for too long bright light could blind for a while.

  It’s never possible to put the joy of those awakened into words.

  * * *

  As your own "I" is being dissolved, you start to hear the music of the heavens.

  Personal desires and ambitions deform it, but are not capable to force to break off.

  The one realizing his true nature becomes a tool for music.

  The Awakened One, travelling the path of Existence is the source of the purest sound of stars.

  Book of the Sleepers

  The Sleeper has come to the Awakened, yawning deeply.

  - I heard from others that you had reached something, which is not spoken about among simple people. Tell me please, what is that you have learnt ?

  The Awakened has smiled.

  - I have reached nothing. I have simply ceased to sleep anymore.

  - I too do not sleep in the afternoon, and sometimes I may not sleep even at night. If it’s everything, of what you are capable – than you are not greater than I am at all.

  - In the world of those awakened there are no those, who are greater, and those, who are lesser, - answered the Awakened.

  - Then why do they say differently?

  - The ones saying this are sleeping ones – much like you are.

  - Then how do I distinguish those saying this from those awakened ?

  - Look in their eyes, and if you are close to awakening – you will feel the difference.

  - Why does the sight of these, how you call them, awakened ones, is shining with fire of unknown origin, disturbing me ?

  - Because their eyes are opened.

  - Who is this sleeper, of which you speak all the time ?

  - It’s you.

  * * *

  A sleeping mind is full of illusions. The one plunged in sleep is like the water carrier with a sieve full of holes. Only having awakened it’s possible to see those sleeping.

  * * *

  The dream of the sinner in filled with expiations. The dream of holy one is filled with inspirations. The dream of evil one is filled with treachery. The dream of kind one is filled with joy.

  Only having realized all these dreams, it is possible to take the first step to awakening.

  * * *

  The sleep of everyone was long. Awakening demands time. For those who have awakened time is stopped.

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  It’s possible to become the richest one in sleep. It’s possible to become the poorest beggar in sleep. The value of awakening cannot be measured.

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  When you live common life – you remain in a dream. When you sleep – you remain in a doubled dream. Few ones are capable to awake truly, but those who did still live common life.

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  The love is transformed to hatred, and hatred pretends to be love. The love and hatred of sleepers are doomed to endlessly transform into each other.

  * * *

  Mind in sleep is full of illusions. Illusions of one are capable to damage minds of others. Dreams are similar to illusions. The most powerful dreams of sleepers should never come true.

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  It’s impossible to awake, not living in sleep. It’s impossible to fall asleep, not living in sleep. Only those learnt will confirm these words.

  * * *

  It’s possible to sleep in the afternoon. It’s possible to be awake at night. For once awakened there is not difference between day and night.

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  Having awakened, you will see sleepers around you. Having fallen asleep again, you cease to see them. Two sleeping ones will never see each other’s sleep.

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  Those important will remain. Those useless will vanish. The importance of everything useless is indisputable for those sleeping.

  * * *

  Good intentions may create hell. Bad intentions strengthen it. There is no difference between different intentions of sleeping ones.

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  The shyness, moved to its limit, becomes recklessness. The recklessness, moved to its limit, becomes feat. Heroes of sleepers are always full of shyness.

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  The faith, moved to its limit, is fanaticism. The mind, moved to its limit, is genius. Heroes of sleepers are always fanatical concerning possibilities of mind.

  * * *

  The joy becomes a grief, and grief of others becomes a joy. The grief and joy of sleepers never change their nature.

  * * *

  Awakening reliev
es of illusions. Awakening makes one reasonable. A mind, full of illusions, is unable to understand the beauty of awakening.

  * * *

  Having awakened, you become lonely. Sleeping ones cannot share the path of awakened. Awakened ones are free to aid sleeping ones to wake up.

  * * *

  The way of sleepers is long. The way of awakened is difficult. Life does not end with awakening.

  * * *

  Rescue outside is illusion. Rescue in other is illusion. Rescue from illusions comes through own awakening - and the question on saviors disappears.

  * * *

  The sleeping and awakened ones live in one world. The worlds of both are completely different.

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  Sleeping ones dream of own importance. Having awakened, they become guides of importance of Universe to those still sleeping.

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  Sleeping ones live in the past, hardly realizing the present. Awakened ones live in the present, presaging the future.

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  Nature laws, that were firm earlier, collapse under a stream of new knowledge. Only sleepers firmly believe in own pansophy.

  * * *

  In the beginning there was a dream. Then comprehension has come. Awakening has come after comprehension. Such is a way of the world. Such is the way of everyone.

  * * *

  We dream and think that we exist. We awake to see our former dream. Are we all the dream of someone another ?

  * * *

  It’s possible to wake up from an intolerable cold - and to see winter, reigning around you.

  It's possible to wake up, having heard birds, singing behind a window, - and to find spring’s arrival.

  It's possible to wake up in sweat from devouring summer’s fire, when the sun is already in zenith.

  It's possible to wake up with arrival of autumn when from a last leaf falls from withering tree.

  Every awakened one has its own path.

  Book of the Future

  Adults will be like children, and children will show traits of adults. Only with revival of child in a soul simplicity of life will be learnt.

  * * *

  The war always comes after the peace – and new peace becomes simply a delay before the following war. Will the epoch of thousand-year peace finally come ?

  * * *

  Borders are opening. Nations are mixing up. Cultures are enriching each other. Those divided in pieces will once again become whole.

  * * *

  Shabby knowledge fall. Superstitions die off. When last prejudice will be rejected, your understanding of the Universe will transform greatly.

  * * *

  Outdated knowledge demands updating. New age demands new discoveries. The most valuable discovery of everyone will be he himself.

  * * *

  The time of planet’s assimilation has already passed. The time of its usage passes. The time of its transformation comes.

  * * *

  What’s the reason to inhabit far worlds, if own home remains deserted ? Only with transformation of own home world the transformation of others becomes possible.

  * * *

  Unexplored influences are awaiting their research. Unknown energies are awaiting their discovery. Mind without prejudices will be a key to the treasury.

  * * *

  Knowledge releases from fetters of ignorance. Knowledge makes one more reasonable. The knowledge is a result of studying of a universe. The knowledge will become the catalyst of itself.

  * * *

  Those living in epoch of changes complain about small disorders, not seeing a sunrise on the horizon. It is impossible to cease sunrise, but the one who raises his sight from the earth receives an enlightenment.

  * * *

  Uniform, transformed, young, rejoicing, singing, prospering. Such is your future world.

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  Document ID: d1e2bf7a-df58-429c-a6b2-ffc021a4c1c8

  Document version: 1.3

  Document creation date: 06 October 2010

  Created using: FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 software

  Document authors :

  Timong Lightbringer

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