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Between Burning Worlds

Page 65

by Jessica Brody

  We are infinitely grateful to all the indie booksellers of the world who supported this book, displayed it on your beautiful shelves, and placed it in the hands of readers. You make author dreams come true every single day. Special thanks to A Great Good Place for Books, Blue Willow Bookshop, Books Inc., Books of Wonder, Left Bank Books, Main Street Books, Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, Oblong Books & Music, Once Upon a Time, Powell’s, Red Balloon Bookshop, Rediscovered Books, RJ Julia Booksellers, Square Books, Tattered Cover, Third Place Books, University Bookstore, and Vintage Books.

  And last but never least, thank you to all our amazing readers. We love that you love Chatine, Marcellus, and Alouette as much as we do and we can’t wait for you to find out what’s in store for them next! Vive Laterre and vive all of you!

  —Joanne and Jessica

  So many thanks, as always, to all my friends who have supported my books and who helped pick up the slack when I had to shut myself away, writing and editing. In particular, huge thank yous to Donna Lewis, Pamela Mann, Lesley Sawhill, and Ron Aja. And Jess! My cowriter, capitaine, and (most of all) friend. You inspire me every day!

  Thank you to my family, especially my mum, Kate Matthews who is always one of my first readers and Jana and Alan Lewis who are the most loving and supportive in-laws I could imagine. And, of course, Benny Rendell and Brad Lewis. Thank you for your endless support and patience during all the hours I was pulled into deep space by this book, and for how rich, fun, and infinitely interesting you make my life back on Earth!


  Thank you to my J-Team: Jess, Jo, and Jenn for your pep talks, late-night texts, funny gifs, final-hour brainstorm calls, and all-around awesomeness. If speed dial was still a thing, you three would have the top spots.

  I would never be able to do what I do without my tremendously supportive (and oftentimes quirky) family behind me. Thank you to Michael and Laura Brody for listening, reading, offering advice, and entertaining the dogs when this book kept me locked away for days. Thank you to my fabulous sister Terra Brody, my equally fabulous brother-in-law, Pier, and my Texas family, Vicki, George, and Jen. And as always, thank you to Charlie, my heart and Sol, my rock, and my cocapitaine. You’ve read more drafts than I can count, have seen Les Misérables more times than I’m sure you want to count, and have listened to me go round and round in plot circles more times than I thought possible. And yet, you’re still here. Merci.


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  Book 1

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  The Chaos of Standing…

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  JESSICA BRODY the author of several popular novels for teens and tweens, including The Geography of Lost Things, The Chaos of Standing Still, Boys of Summer, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, A Week of Mondays, Better You Than Me, and the Unremembered trilogy. She lives with her husband and four dogs near Portland, Oregon. Visit her online at

  JOANNE RENDELL is the author of three novels and holds a PhD in English literature. She teaches fiction writing to teens and kids and is a board member for the youth Shakespeare company, New Genesis Productions. With her husband and son, Joanne divides her time between New York City and New Paltz, New York. Visit Joanne at

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  Simon Pulse

  Simon & Schuster, New York


  Sky Without Stars

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020

  First Simon Pulse hardcover edition March 2020

  Text copyright © 2020 by Jessica Brody Entertainment, LLC and Joanne Rendell

  Jacket illustration copyright © 2020 by Billelis

  Map illustration copyright © 2020 by Francesca Baerald

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

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  Jacket designed by Heather Palisi

  Interior designed by Mike Rosamilia

  Series designed by Jessica Handelman

  Jessica Brody author photo © by Brian Braff

  Joanne Rendell author photo by Phil Treble

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Brody, Jessica, author. | Rendell, Joanne, author.

  Title: Between burning worlds / by Jessica Brody & Joanne Rendell.

  Description: First edition. | New York : Simon Pulse, 2020. | Series: System Divine ; book 2 | Audience: Ages 12 up. | Audience: Grades 10-12. | Summary: As Laterre stands on the brink of war, Marcellus, Chatine, and Alouette must rush to stop The General from gaining access to a weapon that would mean complete control of the planet.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2019035422 | ISBN 9781534410664 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781534410688 (eBook)

  Subjects: CYAC: Space colonies—Fiction. | Soldiers—Fiction. |

  Revolutions—Fiction. | Science fiction.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.B786157 Bg 2019 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at




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