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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 5

by G. Bailey

  The quietness ends, and we start chatting again about school. An hour later, we leave and Sebastian drives us home. Elliot says nothing again and goes straight to bed.

  "Elliot will come round, he just doesn't like change," Sebastian says, following my gaze as I watch Elliot go upstairs, and pats my shoulder before walking down the stairs behind the main staircase.

  I decide to follow him, and it leads to a gym with two sofas. There’s a bar in one corner, which has several stools and overlooks a swimming pool I didn’t realise they had. I’m going in that soon. I turn as Sebastian looks back at me.

  "Want a drink? I can make you a famous Sebastian cocktail," he grins.

  I nod, looking away from the pool. "That would be good." I have to admit, some of my best memories these last few years are of getting drunk with Tilly and Devon. Their parents did eventually realise we had replaced their vodka with water, and I remember how all the boys and Tilly were grounded for a month for that.

  Sebastian starts making a cocktail and opens himself a beer.

  "So are any of you boys dating anyone?" I ask as he mixes.

  "Just Elliot. Harley has had some non-serious girlfriends, due to him always being busy. Luke is like me and likes to-" he stops when he realises who he speaking to and changes the subject quickly. "So, my little sister has had just the one boyfriend who I need to hunt down," he jokes. Well, I hope he’s joking as the serious expression he has is worrying.

  "Yeah, it wasn't serious. I guess we acted more like friends, and we realised that by the end. There wasn't any passion," I say honestly, because there wasn't. We did everything excluding sex because I didn't feel like sleeping with him was a good idea. Devon was kind and pretty, but it never felt right.

  "I understand that," he says, passing me a pink and yellow drink.

  I take a sip, and it's a little strong but fruity.

  "I like it," I say, and he grins.

  "You’re only having one, Miss Underage," he laughs.

  "Only by five months, but so are you."

  "When's your birthday anyway?" he asks, avoiding my answer.

  "November twenty-first."

  He smiles, "I’ll remember that."

  "Can I ask when yours is?" I ask, a little nervous for the answer.

  "It's in July. I know why you asked, but our dad was never faithful, and my mum knew. She left us when Luke was one," he says quietly.

  My birthday is close to the twins, by about three months, which means he must have cheated after getting their mom pregnant with them. I wonder if he knew she was pregnant. I wonder if my mum knew about his wife. Harley said he had my name and a DNA test, so they must have been in contact. I wonder if he ever met me. I guess I’ll never know the answers.

  "I'm sorry," I say, not sure what else to say.

  "Don't be. It's not your fault, or your mum’s. Dad wasn't a good person, Izzy." Sebastian’s face goes cold, which just makes me want to ask a million questions.

  "Why wasn't he a good person? Was it because he was a cheat? Not that I think that’s acceptable, because it’s not." I want Sebastian to look at me, but he doesn’t.

  "No, for a lot of other reasons." He turns to put away the bottles he pulled out for my drink.

  "None that we can mention," Elliot suddenly says behind me, and I turn to see him glaring at Sebastian before he turns to me.

  "You should go to sleep. Seb, and I need to talk," Elliot says, and not in a nice way.

  "You don't talk to me, and then you expect me to listen to you?" I ask, glaring at him.

  "Don't take it personally, sis. Elliot is right, we need to talk about school stuff, and I’ll see you tomorrow," Sebastian says and smiles at me, but it’s a tight smile, which means he isn't happy.

  "Fine. Goodnight, and thanks for the drink," I say, moving past Elliot, who doesn't say anything. I wonder what Sebastian was going to say about our dad. Part of me guesses I don't want to know.

  The next few days pass uneventfully, other than my new car coming. I get to know my brothers, except for Elliot who has ignored me or walked out of the room every time I’m near, and I’ve just tried to forget about it with thoughts of school starting today.

  To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I’ve dressed in low-riding, black skinny jeans, a black vest top, and my new leather jacket. I pull my long, blond hair into a high ponytail and add a little makeup before finally putting on my knee-high boots, then head downstairs for breakfast.

  I'm eating cereal as Sebastian and Elliot come into the kitchen and start grabbing different foods. I’ve learnt that my brothers don’t talk in the morning until they have one cup of coffee, or they are grumpy, to say the least. So, I mutter ‘hello,’ and soon, Luke joins us as well. We all eat in silence, and I briefly wonder where Harley is this morning.

  “Can one of you drive me as it’s my first day, so I know where I'm going?” I ask, knowing I should have asked before now.

  “I can,” Elliot says, surprising me as he has barely spoken to me other than grunts now and then when I asked questions, I hope he is just the silent type.

  “Thanks, ready when you are.” I smile at him. I look over to see Sebastian and Luke wearing big grins. Clearly, they are glad he is speaking to me, too.

  “Good luck today, and call me if you have any problems,” Seb says before leaving with his bag and a few pieces of toast in one hand.

  “Let’s go, or we will be late,” Elliot says as he hops off the stool, and I quickly follow. I stop to grab my bag, containing a few new books for school, before we head outside, and he unlocks his black Mercedes-Benz. I hop into the passenger seat, and we are off.

  “Thanks for this. I know you would rather ride your bike,” I say, and he smirks at me. Elliot loves that bike of his, I’ve seen him spend hours messing with the thing in the garage, and Luke told me he loves that bike more than anything else.

  “Look, Izzy, I don't say much, and I won't again, but I'm always here for you, got it?” Elliot says and glances my way with his piercing, green eyes.

  I feel so shocked at him actually talking to me that I don’t know what to say at first, but I’m sure I look funny with my jaw hanging open.

  “Wow, thanks. Same to you. If you want to watch a chick flick with some popcorn, you know where I am,” I joke.

  His lips twitch before he laughs and then frowns at himself.

  We pass into more country lanes before turning off at the end of another long driveway and end up at a massive, grey castle-like building. It’s surrounded by perfect, green lawns and full of expensive-looking cars. I immediately panic, thinking how lost I'm going to get on day one, as we park near the entrance, next to two more empty spaces, which I guess are my brothers’.

  “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a place as big as this before,” I say to Elliot’s back as we walk up the many steps to the entrance hall.

  Of course, Elliot grunts at me, and I roll my eyes. I forgot, not one for small talk.

  I follow Elliot as he takes a right down a long corridor and then a left. We reach an office. He knocks once before we enter to see a middle-aged man sitting behind a desk on the phone, who holds up his finger to say wait.

  “I have to get to class. Just tell him who you are, and someone will be your guide today,” Elliot says and walks out the door before I can even say anything, so I mutter ‘bye’ to myself.

  “Hello, can I help you?” the man asks as he puts down the phone.

  “Yes, I'm Elizabeth Turner. It's my first day,” I say and stand closer to his paper-filled desk.

  “Elizabeth King, you mean? That's what it says on here,” he asks with a questioning look, pointing at a piece of paper he finds.

  “Oh, that's my brothers’ last name, but I guess they must have put that in. It’s fine.” I guess I need to talk to them about the name change and about telling me this shit. I should have known with their money, and it’s not surprising they are having my name changed. Also, Harley did ask me to sign som
ething two days ago, but I was too tired to read it, as he caught me after Luke and I had a film day all day. I trust them, so I just signed it, and I’m guessing it was this.

  “Okay, here is your schedule, and your guide has just come. Mr. Frost will show you around today and tomorrow, so you don't get lost.” He smiles a knowing look at me, which makes my shoulders relax.

  The man gestures behind me, and I turn to see those blue eyes I spent all night dreaming about. Blake stands there with his arms crossed over his impressive chest, looking at me. I can’t help but look him up and down, taking in how striking he looks today. Blake is wearing dark-blue jeans with a grey hoodie. I nearly drooled at the sight of him before shaking my head and reminding myself what a dickhead he is.

  “Miss King, shall we? We have the same art class to start with,” Blake says with a sexy grin, winking at me.

  I huff and walk past him to wait outside while his amused chuckle fills my ears. “Really, Blake? Of all the people in this massive school, you happen to be my guide?” I ask once he shuts the door, and I continue to glare at him with my arms crossed.

  “I needed an excuse to spend time with you without annoying your brothers. Well, annoying them too much.” He frowns a little, making me wonder if he wants them to know or not.

  “They don't care, and why would you want to spend time with me?” I ask, not really wanting the answer, and start walking to the right.

  “Wrong way, beauty, but yes, they do. They have warned every male in here not to touch you, or they will beat the shit out of them. Why do you think that is?” He looks at me with a meaningful smile that makes me look at his soft lips.

  I huff at my own thoughts and start walking next to him. “Well, they are clearly crazy. Why aren't you listening to the warning?” I ask, hoping he will say he likes me and . . . ah, I sound like a silly girl with a crush, but god damn, this man is hot as fuck, so I simply don't care right now. My feelings are all over the place, making me do and say stupid things.

  “Call me crazy, but I couldn't forget that kiss if I tried,” Blake mutters more to himself than to me and suddenly stops, looking around before pulling me up to him until we are a breath away. There are teenagers walking around us, but no one seems to pay attention.

  “The moment I saw you, I wanted you, and trust me, baby, I’ll have you,” he whispers and then kisses me with such a passion I can barely think straight. Blake suddenly stops the brief kiss and grabs my hand, walking me to a nearby door. I notice he lets go of my hand when we walk in, and I can't help feeling a little disappointed, but I shake it off as I look around the massive art studio. There are easels all around, and I instantly spot Sebastian behind one of the easels, he sees me too and gestures me toward him.

  I go to walk to him and Blake holds my arm gently to stop me, saying, “Wait for me at the end of class, and I’ll take you to lunch.” His voice is so quiet, only I can hear him.

  I simply nod, still in a daze from the kiss, and blush a little as he lets go. I turn in time to see Sebastian’s angry glare across the classroom, aimed at Blake as he sits down at his easel. I sit down at an easel next to my brother, who nods at me while finishing a message on his phone. I can’t help but glance at Blake, who just smiles back with a big grin, and I choke back a giggle.

  “Hey, thanks for saving me a spot,” I say as I put my bag down. There are paint and brushes all set out on a table next to me, and there is a box of pencils and lots of plain canvases lined up next to the table by the window in all different sizes.

  “No problem, sis,” Sebastian doesn’t look at me, but is still glaring at Blake across the room, and I roll my eyes at his angry face. I note to myself that Sebastian is clearly the one who has the biggest problem with Blake and me.

  “Morning class,” an older woman says in a cheery voice as she enters. She has grey hair, which is cut short, and is wearing a hippy flower dress that stops at her ankles.

  “We will be making a set of twelve canvas pieces on the subject of what you believe or see life as.'' I look at Blake as she goes on about different methods to create our canvas and how it will be the main part in our end of year grades, and he is staring at me too. I feel my cheeks turning red, and I quickly look back at the teacher. I don’t need to add to his ego by boldly staring at him.

  “These are to be displayed, so make them good.” With that, she walks out.

  I think about the question. Life is many things, it’s the world around us, but the most beautiful thing in life is love–true love and the love of those closest to you. Maybe it’s even happiness and joy.

  I decide to start my first canvas as a drawing of the most beautiful place I have ever seen, which was when I was ten and my mum took me to see the sea for the first time. We drove for five hours before we came to a small beach. I can't remember where it was, but I remember the sun setting over the sea with a ferry crossing on the horizon. The watercolour painting takes the whole three-hour lesson, and the teacher comes back just to say we could leave our stuff if we wanted. I guess this is our classroom as it’s a pretty big school.

  “I’ve got a date, so I have to go. I’ll see you at home, yeah?” Sebastian asks while grabbing his bag.

  “Yeah, sure, see you,” I mutter, looking around for a certain guy that’s not my brother, and start grabbing my bag.

  “Wow, that’s some nice work, new girl.” A cheeky-sounding, deep voice says next to me, and I turn to see a very good looking guy, about my age but maybe younger. He has nearly-black hair that curls around his face, and his bottom lip is pierced, which is totally hot. I realise I have stared as I look up at his eyes, and he grins at me.

  “Oh, yeah, thanks. I'm Izzy,” I say way too quickly. Who wouldn't be flustered when a guy like him talks to you? Part of me is still thinking he isn't as seductively handsome as Blake, and another part of me is thinking about the fact that he doesn’t make me tingle like Blake does when he is around.

  “Tristan, most people call me Tris, but you can call me whatever you want,” he says with a wink, and I can't help but blush while giggling at him.

  An arm slips around my shoulder, and I recognise the smell of Blake instantly. Blake smells like the woods when it rains, and it makes me feel relaxed straight away.

  “Hey, Izzy,” he says while gently kissing my ear. I frown up at him and wonder what in the hell he is doing while trying not to shiver at his kisses.

  “Nice to meet you, Tris,” I say, looking back at Tris, and he smiles at me. Tris’ gaze cuts to Blake with a glare, and they both seem to have a silent conversation just by staring at each other.

  I nudge Blake’s arm with my shoulder and start walking out after getting my bag. I hear him say something to Tris, but I'm too far away to hear it clearly, and I decide to wait outside the door as he comes out with that grin on his face again.

  “What was that?” I whisper to him as he moves to my side.

  “What was what?” he shrugs.

  Is he seriously going to pretend he didn't just do that? “You know what, it doesn’t matter,” I say to him and come to a stop in front of him. I know he was jealous then, I’m not stupid. I just can’t decide if I want to call him out on it. Thinking about it, I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same if I saw him with another girl. I shudder at the thought.

  Blake shakes his head at me, looking down at me with those twinkling, blue eyes.

  “Come on, I'm hungry,” he says with a smirk, walking around me, and I quickly follow, huffing at him in my head.

  We come to a massive lunch room filled with plastic, blue tables and white, plastic chairs. There’s a queue to the food at the front and we quickly join, getting a plastic tray at the start. I grab a sandwich, crisps, and a diet coke, feeling quite hungry. I stare open-mouthed as Blake pretty much loads his entire tray with everything possibly available. I watch with shocked eyes, looking at the food and then his flat stomach, but he doesn’t seem to notice. When we get to the end, I go to pay with the new debit card the boys
gave me, despite my protests about it. But Blake shoos my hand holding the card away and pays for mine before I can even protest.

  “Wait, no, I want to pay for my own,” I say and glare at him.

  “Nope,” is all he says with a chuckle, which makes me shiver. I might as well not be here, as the cashier ignores me and takes his card. I hate owing anyone anything, but I’m not sure how to get out of this one. I follow Blake to an empty table near the front, and Blake sits across from me.

  “You are seriously going to eat all that? Like, all of it?” I ask in amazement. He is already opening his third sandwich while I eat my first slowly, like a normal human being.

  “What can I say? I'm a big boy.” He winks at me, and I blush again, knowing exactly what he is referring to.

  “Yes, you are,” says a pretty red-head as she slides in next to Blake and rests her hand on his arm.

  She has shoulder-length, red hair, and she is thin but with clearly fake boobs. You couldn’t miss the tons of makeup she has plastered on. She looks like she is trying way too hard. I suddenly realise I'm trying to find her faults. I don’t even know her, but I have to admit, she is very pretty. I know it’s because I don’t like her hand on Blake, or what she just said, which means she knows him well. My hands tighten on my poor ham sandwich as I watch her look up at Blake like she adores him. I put it down, suddenly not having any appetite to eat.

  Red-head Doll ignores me, not even looking at me once, which makes me madder, and asks Blake, “Want to drive me home today, baby?”

  Blake moves her hand off him slowly while looking at his food. “No, I don't,” he says coldly and glances at me, looking for something. I just stare back, feeling more than a little awkward.

  The girl finally looks between us and glares at me when she realises I’m here before sweetly saying, “You don't mean that. It’s only been two days since we broke up, and you know you'll come back to me.”

  Wait, two days? He kissed me at the house two days ago. Was he with her then? Fuck, he's a dick, and I should have realised. Now, I feel stupid as well as hurt. It may have only been two kisses, but it felt like more, and I fell for his stupid words. I get up and grab my bag to leave before either of them realise I'm upset. I learnt in the last few years you shouldn’t let people know you’re upset if you can’t trust them.


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