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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 22

by G. Bailey

  "How are you feeling?" she asks.

  "Good, but I’ll be happy to go home," I say honestly. I miss my brothers, and even school.

  "I wanted to speak to you alone. Blake is waiting at home for the man at the garage to pick up my car and mentioned the brothers are busy. So, I thought I'd try to catch you alone." She gets straight to the point.

  "Ok, what's up?" I ask nervously.

  "I know it wasn't just a car crash, Izzy," she says firmly.

  My heart beats against my chest, not wanting to lie to her. I tell her, "I'm not sure what you want me to say."

  "The drugs in your system came up as a date rape drug. I'm guessing you were kidnapped. So your brothers, and I guess my son, got you back." She stops talking, shocking me to my core at her guess.

  "I knew your dad in school, and I knew your mum, too. Lisa and your dad were inseparable in school, but around the age of eighteen, he got into some bad stuff.” She stops to take my hand as I wait for her next words.

  “He met Arthur, and, well, I'm guessing you know how that went. Your mother left. I didn't know that she never saw your dad again, or had you, but you look so much like her. Lisa was heartbroken when she left, and I believe she asked him to pull out of The Cage," Summer tells me, with a far-off look of affection for my mother.

  I sit there in complete shock. Summer knew my mum. The fact that my mum was from around here, and grew up with my father, is news to me.

  "Sorry, I'm just in shock, she never told me any of this. I thought I was a one night stand at best," I say.

  "That's all right, honey. Lisa was good for your father. He was a good man when she was around, but he got into drugs and fights. Your mum was such a sweet person, and she couldn’t handle it." She squeezes my hand in comfort.

  “You were good friends with her then?” I ask, as she clearly knew her.

  “Yes, we all went to the same schools. I always hoped I would see her again, but I know why she didn’t come back now. She protected you from him.”

  "You are right. Arthur took me. He was trying to bribe my brothers into more fights for him I think, but it didn't work out well for him. I owe your son my life," I say truthfully.

  "I don't believe he feels that way." She shakes her head at me.

  "No, he doesn't. I love him," I say, wanting her to know how I feel. I trust her.

  "I know. I never liked him being friends with your brothers because I knew they were fighting. The town is small and people talk, if you’re wondering how I knew. My son is a good man and stood by them as a friend when they needed it." She smiles at me, looking distant again.

  "He is a good man, the best," I agree.

  "I will speak to Blake tonight and tell him what I know." She lets go of my hand to stand.

  "Can you tell me about my mother when she was younger." I stop her from leaving with my words.

  "Yes, I would love to, and I'm so sorry about her passing. She was such a kind person, and she didn’t deserve that ending." She exhales with a small tear leaving her eye. She must have cared about my mum more than I realised.

  "I believe she always loved my father. Mum never dated anyone else, and she gave me a necklace. Mum told me the only man she ever loved gave it to her." I sit up on the bed a little as I talk.

  "Was it a blue sapphire?" Her eyes widen in recognition.

  "Yes," I whisper, with tears in my eyes as she confirms my thoughts.

  "Your dad gave it to her for her sixteenth birthday, he told her it was his mother’s. Lisa told me all about it, she must have loved him very much," she says sadly.

  I start to cry then, and she pulls me into a side hug, gently rubbing my back.

  "What's going on?” a dark voice says, and I look up to see Elliot in the doorway. I wipe my tears as he looks at us, worried as hell.

  "I'm good, just a little emotional, but nothing to worry about." I smile at his relieved face. I think he was panicked he would have to comfort me. My all black-leather wearing, motorcycle driving, bulk of muscle brother is scared of girls’ tears. The thought makes me chuckle in my head.

  "Right, I’ll leave you with your brother. I look forward to chatting with you soon, so get well, honey." She kisses the top of my head and walks out.

  Elliot takes the seat she emptied and looks at me as he sets his motorcycle helmet on the floor under the chair. "I'm sorry this happened to you. We should have protected you more," he says eventually, sounding a lot like Luke, but he looks at the floor as he says it.

  "It's not anyone's fault but Arthur's. I'm really okay," I say and take his hand. Elliot tenses before relaxing a little at my touch.

  "Are you sure? I still want to go kill the fucker," he says and looks at me.

  I can see the caring look in his eyes, and I start to cry again. "Fuck, don't cry," he says, and it makes me laugh a little at how nervous he looks.

  "It’s just, I wasn't aware how much you cared about me." I laugh, still calming down as he smiles at me. It’s a weird smile because I’ve only seen him smile a handful of times, and they’ve always been because of a joke made by my brothers.

  "Then I should be sorry. You’re my sister. It's just that I have a hard time dealing with shit. That's nothing to do with how much I care about you, sis." He bites out the nickname that Luke and Sebastian use. It makes me laugh out loud, and he smirks at me. "I just came to check on you. Do you want anything?” he asks.

  "I would love some good sandwiches, or anything other than hospital food," I say honestly, as the food is terrible, and I’ve even tried to eat it because I don't want to seem like a spoiled person. But when they gave me liver and lumpy mash last night, I just couldn't eat it.

  “I can do that. I’ll be back soon," he says and walks out.

  My phone buzzes.

  Sexiest man alive: I miss you. My mum’s car broke down so I'm waiting for the garage to pick it up before I can come to see you. I miss you, did I say that ;). Xx

  Me: I miss you too, and I know, your mum came to see me. We had a long chat. She is going to tell you all about it. I love you, Blake xx

  Him: the chat was good, right? I love you more. Xx

  Me: yes, see you soon xx

  My door bursts open as I put my phone down and bangs against the wall, making me flinch.

  "How is my bestie?" Allie says as she bounces in and sits on the end of the bed. Allie found out about the supposed car crash the next morning and didn't leave my side all the next day. I was impressed, she even said ‘no’ to Blake begging her to go so he could spend time with me.

  "I’m feeling good. Just want to go home," I reply.

  "Yes, I can guess. I'm guessing you miss sex, huh?" she asks with a laugh.

  "Yeah, that too," I mutter, with a laugh at how blunt she is.

  "Honestly, I'm happy to see you laughing. I was so worried about you." She pats my leg.

  "Thanks, bestie." I grin at her.

  That’s the moment Elliot comes into the room. He frowns at Allie as he mutters something I can't hear before sitting in the empty chair and handing me some sandwiches, chocolate bars, crisps, and a chocolate muffin. I smile at him as he says, "I wasn't sure what to get you."

  "This is too much, but thank you. I don't need five sandwiches, do you want one, Allie?" I ask as she glares at Elliot.

  "Sure," she says awkwardly. I remember that Elliot and Allie don't get along, but they seem angrier toward each other today; did I miss something?

  Elliot holds out a sandwich to her. "It’s cheese. It’s your favourite if I remember right." She accepts, looking shocked and not saying anything. "I'm off. I will see you tomorrow, Izzy." Elliot picks up his helmet and leaves while we both watch him.

  "I can't believe he remembered," Allie mutters to herself as she opens the sandwich and takes Elliot’s seat.

  "That he remembers your favourite sandwich?" I ask, confused.

  "Yeah, I had them every day for school because our parents were always off somewhere, and I hated the cafeteria food," she
says with a slight sigh in the direction of the door where Elliot left.

  "Wow, I'm surprised he noticed," I agree.

  "Me too." She shakes her head and smiles at me. "So, when are you planning your great escape?" she asks, and we laugh together. We spend the next few hours chatting, until Blake turns up and Allie goes off home. Blake gets onto the bed with me, and we cuddle until I fall asleep in his arms.



  Two weeks later.

  I smile as the girl of my dreams stands next to her finished painting and drawings of what she believes life to be. In the middle is a hand drawing of my eyes; it’s really something and, honestly, makes me love her more for it. There are beaches from different viewpoints, on different sized canvases around it, which she told me are from little holidays with her mum. I remember when she first showed me the completed drawing of my eyes. I threw her over my shoulder and took her to a storage cupboard in school and showed her how much it meant to me by making her moan my name.

  It's beautiful and well-drawn. Izzy really has something special with art and is top of the class, but I didn’t expect any different. Speaking of the angel, Izzy walks over to me with a grin on her face and looks at my work.

  She shouldn’t be surprised it’s pictures of her, as she is all I’ve thought about these last few months. There are five different ones, and the first is of when I first saw her at that party when she was standing by the wall looking lost and beautiful. The others are random times that she smiles or laughs, and she still looks stunning in every moment.

  "Wow, Blake," she says, and suddenly I'm a little nervous she doesn't like them.

  "What do you think?" I ask and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her to my side. I'm careful to avoid her other arm, which is still in the cast.

  As stubborn as Izzy is, she was back at school the week after she was kidnapped. Everyone believed us, that it was a car accident caused by an animal. My arm is still sore, but my stitches have come out now.

  "It's beautiful. I love you," she says in a whisper full of emotion, looking up at me. I can't help myself as I slide my hand to her cheek and kiss her. I meant it to be gentle, but suddenly, I lose myself and the kiss deepens. A few weeks without sex are making me forget I’m in public and I groan.

  "As much as this is hot, I don't need to see it this early in the morning," Allie’s voice comes from next to us.

  "Sorry, well actually, I'm not," Izzy says, breaking away from the kiss but staying at my side.

  "Yeah, yeah, miss ‘I’m getting laid for the first time in weeks tonight,’ come and show me your work." She loops an arm through Izzy’s, pulling her away from me.

  "See you in a bit." Izzy winks at me before walking off with Allie.

  "I see that you have gotten into the local university for a teaching course, Mr. Frost," says our teacher as she studies my work next to me.

  "Yes, I was accepted fully yesterday," I reply. I remember getting my letter as Izzy and Seb were accepted into the university too. We will all start this September, which is in two months’ time.

  "That's good, and I'm glad for you. Brilliant work," she says before walking off. I look around to find my friends. I find Seb and Elliot chatting by his work.

  I walk over to them, looking at Seb’s paintings. Seb has the same talent as Izzy, but not as good. It’s still clear the black-haired, pale girl in all the paintings are his ex-girlfriend Maisy. There is a pair of fists in the middle painting, dripping with blood. It’s a little disturbing if you don’t know he fights, and to Seb, that has always been a part of his life.

  It’s been a bit weird between all of us since Izzy and I have been out in the open. I try to keep the touches and kisses between us to a minimum around them, but I'm not pushing Izzy away because her brothers can't accept us together.

  "Hey. Are you all right?” I ask Seb, who is staring at his painting with sadness.

  "Yeah, I’m ready to get out of here," he says, looking away from the painting to me.

  "Izzy told me you got into uni, congrats, man.” I pat his back, and he does the same.

  "Same to you." He grins, and I smile back.

  "What about you, Elliot?" I ask. I know he doesn't want to go to university, and I'm aware he is more interested in buying something to work in.

  "I bought a space in town. I'm building it to be a new night club," he says, as Seb punches him on the arm.

  “Why the fuck am I only hearing about this now? I’m your twin, bro,” he says.

  “I am telling you,” Elliot says, clearly not giving two shits.

  "I’m looking forward to coming." I smirk.

  "Yeah, I guess I prefer running things," he says and shrugs. I hold back a smile as I know Elliot couldn't deal with being told what to do by anyone.

  "Can't wait until opening night," I say, patting his arm. Izzy slides in next to me, her fingers entwining with mine.

  "Hey," she says to all of us with a big smile.

  "Hey, my little sis," Seb grins at her as Elliot nods in hello.

  "Where's Allie gone?" I ask.

  "Home. Something about her dad." I try not to tense at that, and I know her brothers do too, but I change the subject quickly, just in case.

  "Are you excited about uni?" I ask. I know she doesn't know yet, but I paid all of her university fees off. Her brothers know because Harley tried to do the same, but I beat him to it. We laughed together and agreed to go halves on the money, so we can blame each other when she realises.

  "Yes. My art therapy course looks amazing. I really can't wait, and its good that’s it's only half an hour away so I can live at home."

  I frown a little at that because I would love for her to move into the new apartment I bought. I have found two roommates, but it's not the same. I know it’s a little too soon yet, though. I know she is only half an hour away and we agreed she would stay at my place half the week anyway.

  "That is good. I can't be losing my new sister already, Izzy." Seb smiles at her.

  Elliot's girlfriend, Lily, joins us then and smiles at us all before hugging Elliot. "Hey guys," she says.

  "Hey, Lily, I didn't know you would be here today," Seb says, and I'm a little confused too. I mean, Elliot isn't in this class, and she isn't that great of friends with Izzy.

  "I was just near anyway," she mutters before looking around. Honestly, she looks like she is looking for someone else.

  "Coming to my place tonight? I could take you out for dinner," Elliot asks.

  She doesn't even look back at him before saying, "I can't. I have plans."

  "What plans? I haven't seen you all week, and you haven't replied to any of my messages, Lily," he says, trying to get her attention. I can feel Izzy tense up as Lily ignores her brother. She is more protective than I thought, but then she told me she feels closer to her brothers since that night.

  "It's a long story," she mutters, clearly getting annoyed at Elliot.

  "Come outside, and you can explain it," he demands, walking out. She rolls her eyes before following Elliot out.

  "That was awkward. If you guys argue, can I not be there?" Seb asks.

  "Shut up Sebastian. She is being a bitch to him," Izzy says as her eyes flare with anger.

  "Yeah, she has been weird. Elliot said they were having problems," I say to her.

  "He doesn't deserve for her to treat him like that," Izzy says.

  "Come on, my little hellcat, I want to take you out tonight," I say to Izzy, who smiles at me.

  "All right, what do you have planned?" she asks while sliding her hand up my chest. Just by doing that, she has me turned on.

  "How about the movies? And, then I’ll cook for you at my house?" I reply. I think this is a good idea as I can feel her up in the cinema, and the loud movie means no one can hear her moans but me. The ‘going back to my house’ part is better.

  "That sounds good." She winks, and I hear Seb groan.

  "I don't need to see or hear my best friend and siste
r flirt. I'm finding myself a girl to erase this conversation from my mind,” he says in disgust.

  I turn and smile at Seb with a laugh. It's the first time he has said I'm his friend since he found out.

  "Bye, Sebastian,” Izzy says with a little wave as he turns to leave with a wave over his shoulder at her.

  "I love you, beauty," I say as I look down into those beautiful, green eyes.

  She pushes up on her tip toes, and I lean down to meet her in a deep kiss.

  We are both breathless by the time we pull away, and I run my fingers down her cheek.

  "I wasn't alive until I met you, Izzy. Thank you for choosing me," I whisper.

  "You never need to thank me. I was lost and alone before I found you," she says, looking up into my eyes.

  "You'll never be lost or alone again," I say, knowing I mean it.

  "I love you, Blake Frost," she sighs.

  I pull her to me as I kiss her deeply and smile to myself. Life couldn't be better.



  My head spins when I try to think. It’s been a damn long day, and I feel like shit as I sit in the restaurant with the rest of my family. I’m fucking eighteen today, and last night I must have drank far more than I remember to forget about my life for a night. I woke up with two blondes–I don't remember their names, or if I fucked them, but I guess I did. That doesn’t make me feel good, and neither did looking at myself in a mirror today. What the fuck has happened to me?

  “Happy Birthday, Sebastian and Elliot,” Izzy says, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I grin at her.

  I really do love my little sister; she makes me smile, and I wasn't sure about Blake’s feelings for her, but I am now. Blake spent the last few months acting like he didn't get shot and looking after her. It’s clear by how he looks at her that he loves her, and we are fools for not seeing it sooner.

  "Thanks, sis," I say, and Elliot nods at her. Luke and Harley are still eating away. I look over at Izzy as Blake kisses her.

  "Oi, no hanky-panky at the table," I say loudly at them, causing a few people around us to look, and Izzy’s face goes bright-red. Blake grins then wisely carries on eating without saying a word.


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