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Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)

Page 3

by Kristen Chase

He choked on his words as I felt the wetness of his tears against my skin.

  I turned my body to face him and wrapped my arms around him. I knew I didn’t need to say anything more. I just held him and let him release his anguish.

  Sometime later, Jaden’s breathing had slowed down, and his body relaxed. He had fallen asleep and I lay there still draped over him, relaxing to the rhythm of his warm breath against my cheek. I caressed his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes. We lay face to face staring at each other and he reached out and brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. We didn’t speak a word, we just looked at each other, appreciating the comfort we felt in each other’s presence. He slowly angled his lips up to mine and grazed them gently. I let my lips part slightly, indulging in his touch. He pushed against my lips and I reciprocated. We kissed long and slow, gently sliding our tongues together. He slowly traced his hand along the side of my body and I moved myself closer to him so I could feel his chest against mine. He was sweet and soft. He wasn’t aggressive or forceful. Part of me wanted him to just rip my clothes off and thrust himself into me as hard as he could, but the way he lingered on every part of me as if he was really taking every inch of me in, was intoxicating and I enjoyed the patience I had to embrace. Now, when his hands slid underneath my clothes, I was more ready than I had ever been; my body craving him almost more than I could handle. I had to help him so he could maintain his need to be respectful. I slowly pulled away from him and removed my blouse, and lay back down beside him. He didn’t say anything but his body and his eyes portrayed his excitement. He ran his hands over my bare stomach and breasts and sighed heavily as he felt my nipples hardening under his caress. He grabbed my head firmly this time and kissed me hard and we started to move more excitedly. I fumbled at his shirt buttons and he helped me to peel it off. We both ripped our pants off and his softness was simultaneously thrown onto the ground with them. He grasped my bum in his hands and pulled me against him. I swung my leg over the side of him and our breathing became quick and short gasps as we fervently moved our bodies and our lips over each other. I moved my hands down to his hard manhood and he moaned as I pulled on it. I guided it between my legs and I could feel my wetness increasing with its touch. I shifted slightly to push it inside and we both groaned passionately as the feeling enveloped our bodies and minds in a moment where nothing else existed outside of us. I ran my hands up and down his hard exterior as he grinded against me. He moved in a circular motion and pushed his hips up as he reached my tightest spots, causing my sensations to run wild. First they came in waves and then my body began to shudder, my toes curled and I stirred beneath him trying to hold on. He was going to make it happen though. He caressed between my legs with his fingers and I screamed with complete satisfaction. I lay helpless beneath him and he moaned loudly, collapsing beside me. I realised he had been waiting to satisfy me before he could give in to his own shooting sensations.

  Morning sex is the best sex.


  I hadn’t seen Jaden for a couple of days but we talked on the phone both nights. I no longer held that doubt in the back of my mind that he may not be interested. He was more than interested and he reassured me of it in every text or phone call we had. I didn’t ask for it, he just did it, and I guess that’s why my insecurities were no longer evident. I was meeting him at work today so I could spend his half an hour lunch break together. It wasn’t a lot of time but we both just really wanted to see each other again no matter how quick.

  I watched Jaden teach the last five minutes of his class and as the women swarmed around him and gushed over him, I actually smiled more. This was my man and I was the only women he had eyes for. Man, he was so incredibly sexy.

  He exited the room as soon as he could and grabbed me by the hand leading me to the staff room down the hall. He kissed me on the lips quickly and I relished in the jealous looks on the girls faces now behind us. There was no-one in the hallway though and as we walked towards the staffroom I saw a door, with the words ‘storage room’ on it, slightly opened. I pushed it open, pulling Jaden in with me. He didn’t question me. He locked the door and we kissed in the pitch darkness, crashing into unknown objects lying around. I undid his pants and kneeled down in front of him ready to rock his world. I circulated my tongue around the head of his stiffening penis and he was completely erect before I even had time to lock my lips around it. I flicked my tongue and moved my head slightly around his shaft as I took in more and more of him. His struggling moans excited me to keep going. He knocked things off the shelves as he tried to hold on, and I didn’t stop. I sucked hard and fast until I was swallowing his explosion and he was puffing out heavy breaths. I sat on the ground, exhausted too, until I felt him pulling me up against him. He turned on the light and he looked intensely into my eyes.

  “I loved you before this Alyssa. But now I don’t think I can go another day without you by my side.”

  I looked at him lovingly, not knowing how I could kiss him or touch him, or tell him enough, just how much I was head over heels in crazy, intense love with him. I kept it simple.

  “I love you, Jaden.”

  He grabbed my face and we kissed softly. We leant our heads against each other’s, our foreheads touching, and we stood breathing together without passing another word for a couple of intense minutes.

  “Well, I guess my lunch break is over.”

  We laughed and I stepped away from him, assessing the mess we had made around us.

  “It’s always a mess.” He assured me.

  I looked up at him and noticed his pants were still undone. I laughed, kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door to leave him wondering where the hell that had just come from and how we didn’t even make it to lunch.


  “I’m late Jaden.”

  He looked up at me confused.

  “Late for what?”


  His expression changed immediately and he knew now exactly what I was talking about.

  “Are you sure?”


  I looked down and my bottom lip started quivering. Jaden’s hand lifted underneath my chin and he looked me in the eyes.

  “Let’s go and find out okay? I’m going to be with you all the way okay?”

  I was still terrified at the idea of having a baby but his comforting words eased my worry and I tried to stay strong.

  “I love you Alyssa okay? Nothing has changed.”

  I smiled at him and he smiled back at me, automatically making me feel safe again.

  The doctor confirmed it and we drove home without mentioning a single word about it. He didn’t seem angry but his silence was making my heart ache. I started crying the minute I walked through my front door and he wrapped his arms around my shaking body.

  “I knew you were the one I was going to have children with Alyssa. I may not have known it was going to be so soon, but I knew it was you.”

  I looked up at him and he wiped my tears away from my eyes.

  “I’m not going anywhere Alyssa.”

  I knew he wasn’t going anywhere. I believed him with all my heart but I burst into tears again and pulled him close to me, hiding my face in his jumper. He held me and I hugged him back. We sat on the couch together and he waited for me to calm myself down.

  “I made something for you.”

  Jaden slid his hand into his tight jeans pocket and pulled out a small box. My heart stopped and I stared at him in shock. He couldn’t be proposing to me. I had just found out I was pregnant. I didn’t think my heart could handle another rushed situation so soon.

  He smiled at me softly and handed me the box. I cautiously opened it and the silver metal reflected the light above us. It was a key and my heart started to beat again.

  “It’s to my apartment. You don’t have to move in now but when you’re ready, even if it is right now, today, I want to start our family together.”

  I looked at him, my eyes watering again.

nbsp; “I’ve never wanted something more Jaden. I do need some time to process all of this but there is nothing I want more than to wake up to you every day. You have made me, and continue to make me, happier than I dreamed possible. You saved me that night in the street when we first met, giving me the gift of my life, and now you have given me another gift; another life, and I cannot think of another soul that I want to share both lives with, more than you.”

  We kissed and I rested my head against his shoulder. My muscles relaxed and I felt a calmness filling me. I knew Jaden was going to love me and take care of me forever.


  © Copyright 2016 by Kristen Chase - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Stepbrother’s Secret

  by Kristen Chase


  I had gotten used to Mom not coming home every night, but this time it was longer than usual, and now they were sending me to live with my dad. I fought like hell to stop them but I really had no choice. At seventeen, I was still a minor and needed a guardian, and unfortunately, that was David Scott—my father. Mom had never spoken much about him to me. I remember asking questions all the time but after continually being shrugged off and told how horrible he was for leaving us, I just gave up.

  David picked me up from the airport the next day, and despite his ‘perfect dad’ persona, that he was so determined to trick me with, my plan was to keep my hostility towards him intact.

  As he took me upstairs, he pointed out the bathroom to my left and then continued to a room at the end of the corridor on the right—my bedroom. The room had been perfectly made for a twelve-year-old and I rolled my eyes in disgust. However, I decided not to hand David one of my cold remarks. At this point, I just wanted to sleep, and by the looks of David’s, now deflated demeanour, so did he.

  “Sleep well. There’s a towel over there for you and the bathroom is down the hall where we just passed and the kitchen is downstairs where we first entered the house. Claire and I work on Saturdays so we may not see you in the morning but my son will be home and will…”

  “You have a son?” I interrupted trying to keep the hurt out of my voice as I felt the sting of rejection sink in further.

  “Oh well yes, he is my step-son. Claire’s son…my wife is Claire.” He stumbled on his words. “You can meet everyone tomorrow night.”

  “Okay,” was all I could manage in response.

  He lingered for a couple of seconds longer and then, once realising we both had nothing else to say, he backed out of the room, closing the door behind him. Finally, I was alone.


  I woke up the next morning feeling confused to where I was but it didn’t take very long for reality to seep back in and smack me over the head: my mom, the police, the social workers, the airport, my father, and this new room. I sat up pulling my legs to my chest. I lay my head on top of my knees and tried not to cry. I wasn’t ready to let this all be real. I had to keep telling myself that this was all just temporary and soon I’d be back with my mom. But for now I just had to get through one day at a time; I needed to get up and have a shower. Yes, I needed to just bite the bullet and start the day. Wait, start the afternoon, I looked to the right of me and on the bedside table the green illuminated lights on the clock read 12:46pm. Wow, I really needed that sleep.

  I picked up a towel and some clothes and headed to the bathroom. I welcomed the warm water cascading over my face and I lost myself in that moment. So much so, that I didn’t even hear the door open.

  “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my bathroom?”

  My eyes sprang open as I screamed, and threw my arms around my body trying to cover as much as possible. A boy stood in front of me laughing.

  “I’m joking. You’re Victoria right? Dad told me you were around here somewhere. Did you…”

  “Get out! Get out!” I screamed before he could talk anymore.

  He laughed again.

  “Hey relax missy, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

  “Get out!” I screamed again and he turned around, still laughing, and left the room.

  I stood there in shock too afraid to uncover myself. I turned off the water and grabbed my towel. This shower was definitely over.

  After returning to my bedroom to calm myself down, I decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. It was now 2:20pm and I was starving. I found the kitchen quite easily but was not expecting what else I found. On the couch in the large room adjoining the kitchen was some skimpy dressed girl laying on top of what I recognised to be the guy from the bathroom. I shuddered and went straight to the fridge trying to divert my attention. I opened the fridge door and tried desperately to be as loud as possible—one, to drown out the sound of tongues and lips and moans, and two, to hopefully stop it altogether. It worked.

  “Hey, you finally made it downstairs missy.”

  I looked over and the two of them were looking in my direction. She hadn’t even bothered to peel herself off of him and his hands were still stuck firmly on her tight backside. I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah, hey.” I muttered.

  “I’m Sarah.”

  The girl stood up and walked over to me. I didn’t say anything and turned back to the fridge.

  “Sorry you had to find us like that,” she continued, “Jake just can’t keep his hands off me sometimes.” She giggled and I rolled my eyes again.

  Luckily I wasn’t facing her this time, but I really had to stop doing my impulsive eye rolling. I found some salad ingredients and turned around placing them on the kitchen bench. The boy, who I now knew as Jake, was now sitting at the bench with his arms around Sarah.

  “Good idea missy, I’m starving.”

  “It’s Victoria, not missy.”

  “Aw, did someone have a bad sleep?” He teased.

  I really wasn’t in the mood.

  “Whatever, call me whatever you like,” I said sarcastically, chucked all the ingredients into a bowl, and left the kitchen.


  David and Claire got home an hour ago. David popped his head into my room but I pretended to be sleeping. However, now it’s dinner time and David ‘woke’ me up to join the ‘family’.

  “Victoria, this is my wife Claire. Jake, you’ve met, and this little one is Elizabeth, our daughter.”

  “Hi,” I said, trying desperately not to make any eye contact.

  “Victoria, so lovely to meet you.”

  Claire faked being overjoyed in my presence. It was sickening. I sat down in the empty seat next to Jake. David sat at the head of the table and Claire and Elizabeth were opposite me. I looked down at my plate and my stomach grumbled with excitement. It had been a long time since I had eaten a decent meal.

  “Victoria, did Jake show you where everything is?” David tried to start a conversation with me.

  “He was a bit busy with his girlfriend actually.” I responded snidely.

  Jake snorted at this and David let out a small laugh.

  “You have a girlfriend do you, Jake?” David asked teasingly.

  “It was Sarah, Dad, still just friends.”

  David looked over to me and pretended to whisper, but did so loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Jake has many friends that are girls, if you know what I mean…” He tapped his nose with his finger.

  “They didn’t look like friends.” I rebutted.

  I’m not sure why I was so eager to have some sort of debate about such a stupid issue but my desire to not agree with these people in any way, I guess, was stronger than I had thought.

  “None of them do.” Piped up Elizabeth.
/>   “Shut up Lizzy!”

  “Ouch! Mommy, Jake kicked me.”

  “That’s enough everybody.” Claire looked sternly at Jake and then at David letting them know that she was talking to them. “Jake apologise to your sister.”

  “Sorry, sister.”

  “And stop having girls around when your sister is around or there will be no more girls at the house.” Claire added.

  Jake leant over to me grinning. “She thinks she can tell me what to do. Moms...” he said sarcastically rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry Victoria, you can have all the boys over you like.”

  “Mommmm,” whined Elizabeth.

  “Jake that’s enough.”

  “I won’t be having boys over anyway. I have school work to concentrate on. Boys are stupid distractions.” I stated matter-of-factly.

  “Now this girl has a good head on her shoulders.” David looked over smiling at me.

  I gave him a small smile and went back to looking at my plate.

  “I think they call them nerds, Dad.”

  “Jake!” Claire and David raised their voices simultaneously.

  “This is supposed to be a nice family dinner.” Claire said disappointingly.

  “Alright let’s settle everyone down,” David tried to keep the peace.

  “She’s a hot nerd though.” Jake said laughing.

  I could feel my cheeks going red and I was starting to burn up. Elizabeth was looking at Jake with shocked wide eyes. She was also the first person to find something to say in response.

  “He can’t say that to his sister can he? That’s gross. You’re gross Jake!”

  “You love it, Lizzy.” He snuck in his last comment before David stood up trying to be intimidating. Claire quietly was trying to explain to Elizabeth what was happening but I couldn’t quite hear over David’s voice telling Jake to leave the table. Jake got up laughing and walked down the hallway, off to his bedroom I presumed. Thank goodness, I don’t think I could stand being in the same room as him for any longer.


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