Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
Page 6
“Mom, what’s going on?”
“You both need to go upstairs, please.” She looked worried and looked directly in my eyes with a stern look that I knew meant ‘don’t question me.’ We both understood and turned to head back upstairs but the sudden bang of the door flying open along with my dad shouting quickly caught our attention. Victoria stopped and just stared and the woman that had just burst into our house. Something clicked in my head and I knew who this woman was. She looked like Victoria but an older version. It was Victoria’s mom and by the look on everyone’s faces, I was right. Oh shit.
“Mom?” Victoria spluttered out as she ran towards her crying.
“Victoria honey, I’ve come to take you home. I’m so sorry this was all a big mistake.”
“I thought you were dead. Why didn’t you come home? Are you okay?”
Tears were running down both of their cheeks and they continuously hugged after every sentence. I looked at Mom and Dad. Dad looked angry and Mom looked really worried, I was a mix of both. Dad was the first one to interrupt the reunion.
“Victoria, Jennifer, we need to sit down and talk. You can’t just come barging into our house like this. Did you think how this would affect our daughter?” he tried to move everyone to the couches but they wouldn’t budge.
“She’s my daughter David. I made a mistake but I’m taking her home now.”
“What do you mean you made a mistake, Mom?”
Shit, this was going to be bad.
“Victoria, please come and sit down so we can explain.” Dad tried to edge Victoria over to the lounge again but Victoria was visibly confused and she shrugged him away as she also distanced herself from her mom. My heart was breaking for her but all I could do was watch.
“We? What do you mean? What is going on? I’m not going anywhere until I know what is happening.” Victoria was crying and she looked like she knew she had just been betrayed by everyone.
“Victoria” Dad started to say but Victoria’s mom cut in.
“She’s my daughter, I’ll explain what you did.”
“What I did? I took Victoria in so she could have a better life instead of living with a drug addict.” Oh no, I think dad’s temper had crossed the line. Victoria looked shocked.
“Well, you’re about seventeen years too late David.” Victoria’s mom hissed at him. Dad was about to retaliate but my mom grabbed his arm and gave him one of those warning looks.
“Let’s give Victoria and Jennifer time to talk.” She suggested.
“They can talk but I’m not going anywhere.” Dad stated firmly.
“Thank you,” Jennifer said to my mom and went to walk Victoria over to sit down. Victoria hesitated. She seemed so lost and I just wanted to pick her up and take her away where it could just be me and her and I could make all her pain go away.
“Victoria darling, please.” Victoria took a deep breath and slowly followed her mom over to the couch and sat down. Dad sat across from them with my mom and I moved towards the stools around the kitchen bench. Part of me felt like I didn’t really have any business being there so I wanted to keep my distance but I knew Victoria needed me and that meant I wasn’t letting her out of my sight.
Half an hour later Jennifer and Dad had covered the entire story to Victoria’s devastated face. Dad had found out last week that they had found Victoria’s mom, but due to her drug and alcohol intoxicated state, it was decided that she was not fit to look after Victoria and she would stay with us until she got help. The thing is though, Dad didn’t tell Victoria, and after I overheard Mom and Dad talking about it, I didn’t tell Victoria either.
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?” Victoria shouted at Dad. “I have a right to know, this is my life…” She looked up at me. Shit!
“Did you know about this too?” She looked at me desperate to find someone she could trust, and my heart broke. I looked straight at her and I could feel my eyes filling up with tears.
“I’m sorry.” I said and she knew exactly what I meant.
“No, no, no!” She started screaming and looked back to Dad. “Seventeen years. Seventeen years you haven’t wanted me, and now…now you try to keep me here against my will?”
Dad looked at her, sadness filling his eyes. He looked over at Jennifer and then back to Victoria.
“I didn’t know you existed Victoria and when I found out, you were already fourteen and your mom and I decided it would be best not to come in and mess up your life…just yet anyway. It was the most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make and if I had known how you were living, I would have fought for you that very day….but I was assured you were happy….”
Victoria turned to her mom. “You told me he left us!”
“It was for the best honey.”
“Who are you to decide that?” Victoria stood up. “I don’t want to know either of you.”
And she ran.
I ran out the door and down the road, tears flying off my face. I stopped at the corner and bent down holding my legs heaving. I couldn’t breathe. I felt a hand on my back. It was Jake.
“Don’t you dare touch me!” I screamed and tried to run but he grabbed me. I flung my arms at him trying to push him away but he grabbed me, and I was no match for his strength. I screamed and struggled to free myself but there was no point and I finally gave up. He didn’t say anything and neither did I. I slumped down to the ground and he followed still holding me as I broke down and cried in his arms. I could feel his heart pounding against my back as mine felt like it was going to burst.
We sat like that for what seemed like an eternity and the rhythm of his heart relaxing and slowing down had seemed to somewhat sooth mine as I relaxed too.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I finally asked without turning to look at him.
“I’m sorry Victoria. I didn’t know what to do, I just had to trust what my dad told me…”
He was silent and I could feel his body heating up again not wanting to admit his betrayal.
“I, I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well, that plan went well didn’t it?” My eyelids started to burn again with the pressure of tears. I don’t know what response I was expecting from him but I’d hoped he’d say something that miraculously made all my pain go away. But it didn’t.
“I’m so sorry Victoria.” He whispered in my ear and pulled me closer to him. I let him this time and unleashed round five of my never-ending tears.
He kissed the side of my head and I felt myself melt into him and I knew what I had to do. I stood up slowly and Jake stared at me letting me be released from his grasp. He stood up next to me and I turned without a word or look and we headed back towards home. We got to the front door and he stopped me.
“Are you sure you want to go back in there? I can let them know you need space?”
“Thanks, but I know what I have to do.” I turned, taking a deep breath and slowly opened the door. My mom, David, and Claire immediately stood from their seats and crowded around me, throwing apologies at me with looks of concern. Once they realised I wasn’t responding to them, however, they quietened down and let me speak.
“Mom, I love you so much and there is nothing more that I would like than to come home with you…but I’m not.” She began to protest but I stopped her and continued. “I want you to get help. Rehabilitation. And while you are doing that, I will stay here with David and Claire.” I looked at David and then spoke to everyone. “I have been completely betrayed by all of you and I am willing to forgive…but it will take a long time. Right now I just need you all to respect my space.”
They all looked at me stunned, no one knowing what to say. I think they all realised that no one was going to change my mind.
I embraced Mom and we hugged and cried while the others left us to say our goodbyes.
A couple of days passed and despite my efforts to try and console Victoria, she wouldn’t talk to me. I hated seeing her like this but she
wouldn’t let me help.
I had just climbed into bed and there was a knock at my door. Before I could answer, the door slowly opened and Victoria popped her head in. She didn’t say anything and after a moment, she walked over to my bed. I held the cover up and she got in and pulled my arms around her. It felt so good to feel her touch again, and this time one of love.
“You are safe with me, Victoria.” I whispered and we fell asleep in each other’s arms, knowing that everything was going to be okay.
© Copyright 2015 by Kristen Chase - All rights reserved.
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Billionaire’s Secret
by Kristen Chase
I knocked my hand against the double wooden doors of the boss’ office and stood there anxiously waiting to see the man behind the desk. A deep husky voice called from inside for me to come in and I placed my hand on the cold steel handle. I slowly pushed down, pulled my shoulders back and opened the door, ready to fake my way through my first day at my new job.
Sitting in front of me was my new boss; my step-brother Sam. He looked up at me with a somewhat shocked look that curled into a smile that I haven’t seen before.
“Well, look at you, Nikki! You definitely have grown up in the last six years haven’t you? Come, come take a seat.”
He pointed to the seats on the other side of his desk and I smiled back at him as I tried to walk over confidently.
It’s been six years since I have seen Sam. I moved to London with my mum once Dad decided he couldn’t put up with my behaviour anymore. I was fourteen at the time and had really stepped up to the challenge of ‘rebellious teen years’. Sam was twenty-two. He was barely home but when he was, me and my girlfriends were always drooling over him. He had changed a lot since then but still totally drool-worthy.
“How are you settling in back at your dad’s Nikki?”
“It has only been a few days but I think we are going to be okay. I have done a lot of growing up since I left so I think he will be able to put up with me now.” I joked.
“Yes, I can tell.” He nodded with a cheeky grin. “Now, let us get down to business. As you know, we are both doing your dad a favour here but you are a smart girl Nikki and I think you will fit into many roles here. But to begin with, I think it would be wise to set you up as my personal assistant so I can get you well acquainted with how things work around here. How does that sound?”
“It sounds great Sam. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
I sat down at the corner desk just outside the doors to Sam’s office. Folders were stacked up on both sides of the desk and Sam had asked me to read through them so I could get a good idea of their procedures and policies. I took a deep breath and picked up the blue folder to the right of me. It was bulging with papers. It was clear that Sam had not had a personal assistant for a while as they didn’t even seem to be in order. Today was going to be a long one.
The phone rang an hour into my reading and I waited three rings before I answered to ready myself for Sam’s voice. I picked up the phone and said hello, trying my classier phone voice, but there was no answer. Oh, I remember, Sam said I needed to press a button. Oh no, what button did he say? I searched over the buttons on the telephone pad, my finger hovering above them for what seemed like way too long. And evidently it was. I heard laughing behind me and I turned around with the phone still pressed to my ear. Sam was leaning against his door watching me in amusement.
“Having some trouble, Nikki?”
Embarrassed, I admitted I was. “…Yes, actually. Sorry to make you come out here.”
“Don’t be silly Nikki, it is my pleasure to help you whenever you need.”
He walked over to me with one hand in his pocket and stood behind me. He slowly leant over me and I could smell his aftershave and I felt a rush of heat between my legs. His arm brushed against mine, his face was so close that I could almost feel his clean shaven beard prickling my face.
“See here, Nikki? This button allows you to answer my call.”
He looked at me and I nodded mesmerized at his blue eyes looking at me.
“You need to pick up the receiver first,” he continued, “and then press the button…”
He continued to explain and I tried to listen intently to his words, trying with great difficulty not to reach my hand out and touch his pink, soft lips that sat perfectly at my eye level.
He stood up straight, smiling at me.
“If you have any questions at all, just ask okay Nikki? I don’t bite.” He chuckled.
“Thanks, Sam, I will let you know.” I smiled back, my cheeks overtaken with embarrassment…and a pinch of lust.
I had to snap out of it. Dad was counting on me to be responsible. He ‘believed in me’ and I actually believed him when he said it. I could see all the hurt in his eyes that I had caused all those years ago and I was really hoping to prove to him that I really had changed.
Sam turned around and headed back into his office, closing the door behind him, and I was once again left to my own devices.
I didn’t actually need an assistant but there was always plenty of work to do, and when Frank told me his worries about having Nikki sitting around home and settling into her old ways, I was more than happy to help. Not just because she was going to be a pretty face greeting me outside my office door, but Frank had practically raised me as his own and I owed him a lot for turning mine and my mum’s life around. He is definitely just as much my dad as he is Nikki’s, biological or not, it all doesn’t make a difference in my eyes.
I hadn’t seen Nikki since she was fourteen. She was one of those out of control teens you see on ‘Maury’ or ‘Dr. Phil’, and after she got pregnant, Frank had a nervous breakdown and decided she needed to get out of the country and start fresh. She had an abortion without anyone knowing, which broke Frank even more and by the next week she was off to London to ‘grow up’, Frank had hoped. Frank missed her incredibly and for the first few years she stayed quite distant from him but slowly her attitude started to change and after a few more years Nikki actually decided she was ready to come back. Frank didn’t even hesitate, he booked her a flight the next day. Secretly, mum and I, were quite hesitant about it all. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Nikki since she left and now that I didn’t live at home, I really had no idea what to expect. Mum said she had even started talking to Nikki on skype and there definitely was a considerable change, but of course she couldn’t help but worry.
Seeing Nikki walk into my office this morning, however, reassured me that Frank had made the right decision. She was reserved, polite and quite sweet. I couldn’t help but notice that not only had her attitude changed, but so had her face, and body—she had grown up, and into quite a stunning young woman. She had soft brown hair pulled loosely back into a bun at the base of her neck with a couple of strands falling out in front of her ears. Her eyes were no longer hard and careless but warm and I automatically felt like, I too, had missed my step-sister, which I definitely had not realised before that very moment. I really wanted to hug her and welcome her back but I knew that would be quite inappropriate.
Nikki was also dressed very smart: straight black suit pants and a matching jacket over a white collared shirt. I had never seen her look so innocent and…nice.
Day one had reached its end and I had set Nikki to menial tasks to ensure she had an easy day, although boring I’m sure, at least she would feel competent and I could move her slowly into my business one day at a time.
“Nikki,” I said as I poked my head out of my office, “you can pack up and go home now. Thank-you
so much for all of your work today.”
“My pleasure Sam. I actually told my dad to come at six o’clock though, just in case I finished later, so I can do some more work until then if you like?”
I looked down at my watch. Five-fifteen. I was going to stay to finish off some extra work, but I could easily do it at home instead.
“Hang on a sec Nikki, I’ll just grab my things and I will give you a lift. I’ll ring Frank and let him know.”
“Oh no, I really don’t mind waiting.”
“I go past your house on my way home anyway Nikki and I was just about to leave.” I lied.
“Oh okay as long as you’re sure it’s no trouble.
Wow, where did this Nikki come from—so polite.
“It is not a problem at all. Wait there, I’ll be five minutes.”
I slipped back into my office to pack up.
The seats in Sam’s car were so comfortable and it still had that new car smell I love. Apparently he owns four cars and doesn’t drive this one often. I wanted to roll my eyes but the way he said it so modestly, I couldn’t help but just be simply impressed.
I looked over at him, and his look of concentration as his gaze focused on the roads, was to die for. He lay one hand on the gear stick between us and the other loosely held onto the steering wheel. The way he bit his lower lip while turning a corner was so cute and now that I could see him more closely, I could see the collection of freckles he had lightly dusted over his nose and cheeks. I had never been one for freckles before but his actually made him more attractive, if that’s even possible. I quickly looked out the window next to me once I’d realised there was no way he wouldn’t have felt my eyes staring at him for the past ten minutes. Fortunately for me, he didn’t say anything.