Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
Page 9
Five minutes passed and I still hadn’t got a reply. I was just about to send another message and my phone vibrated in my hand with a message.
That was all. She did have a very strong argument there but I was willing to do anything to make things right again.
Ten minutes passed and still nothing. I decided to drive home and try again in the morning. I had ruined everything.
Two in the morning and my phone vibrated in my hand. I had fallen asleep holding it, in the hope Nikki would message me. Four hours later and she finally did. I opened the message.
Okay? I looked back at my previous message to see what she meant. She was giving me another chance. I smiled and fell asleep with Nikki’s message sitting in the palm of my hand. I could almost feel her warmth around me.
I woke up the next morning feeling like I hadn’t slept at all. After thinking about everything that had happened the night before, my calmer more rational self, (and with more sleep), began to realise that maybe Sam hadn’t really done anything too bad; nothing I couldn’t forgive at least. I looked at my phone and I had a message from thirty minutes ago.
I wanted to make him suffer for a bit but considering he wanted to pick me up in thirty minutes I sent back straight away, a little worried that he may have made other plans in the time it had taken for me to write back.
He messaged me when he was out the front and I quickly slipped out the front door and into his car so we could race away without being spotted by Dad or Helen. Once we were around the corner, Sam reached into the back seat and pulled out a bouquet of red roses and handed them to me.
I tried to hide my excitement but smiled briefly.
“They are beautiful Sam.”
He reached over and squeezed my hand.
“You look amazing today Nikki. Like always.”
I smiled.
“I’m sorry about last night Nikki.” He pulled the car over to the side of the road, put it in 'park' and turned his body towards me.
“I’ve fallen in love with you Nikki and I never ever want a day to go by without you.”
My heart pounded in my chest and my hands were sweating considerably. His sudden confession had stunned me, but more than anything, I just wanted to say it back.
“Let’s not talk about last night, Sam. I just want to get back to loving you.” I smiled sweetly and he leant over and kissed me with all the passion he had. And corny as hell, but we drove off into the sunset—in love, holding hands, and excited for the road ahead of us.
© Copyright 2015 by Kristen Chase - All rights reserved.
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Trey: My Boyfriend’s Dad
by Kristen Chase
“You have been such a great influence on Jack, Kaitlin.”
I smiled at Trey and he smiled at me with a look I wasn’t expecting.
“You are quite a wonderful girl, I don’t know how he snapped you up.”
He joked with me and laughed that incredibly dorky dad laugh he always had, which then made me laugh too.
“Me neither.” I agreed and we laughed again.
He stared into my eyes and I suddenly felt uncomfortable, like he was undressing me just like that. I peeled my eyes away, embarrassed at what his eyes suggested, and scared that someone might be around watching us interact like this—like his son and my boyfriend, or his wife.
I had always had a great bond with Jack’s dad, and he definitely treated me better than Jack did, but Jack was young still, and, well, his dad was not. Plus, he wasn’t my boyfriend so I hadn’t spent nearly enough time around him for the possibility of disrespect to come into play. And I’m not saying Jack treated me terribly, but he had made me cry more times than I thought a boyfriend should. But what would I know, he was my first boyfriend I guess, and from what I heard from all of my friends, all boyfriends were a little difficult to handle. We knew it was just a stage though, you know—a teenager thing. We couldn’t have too many expectations while we were still so young. They were learning just as much as we were.
“Hey chubs.”
Jack walked up behind me grabbing my love handles and I struggled out of his grip.
He knew I hated him touching me there, it made me feel fat; his comments didn’t help either.
Trey looked at him disappointedly.
“Jack, how many times do I need to tell you that you’re not going be able to keep a good girl like this when you call her names.”
“Shut up dad! She loves it, don’t you chubs?”
“You know I hate it.”
I looked at Jack seriously but he laughed once again as if it was all one big joke and I felt the need to cover myself up.
I used to feel quite confident in my body. I knew I was a bit overweight, but I made it work, and I think that’s what drew Jack to me in the first place. But now he had sucked all the confidence out of me and I was left wondering why he even wanted to be with me anymore. Come to think of it, I’m not really sure why I even stayed with him. I loved him of course but I knew I didn’t love our relationship. It was just hard to quit something that I had gotten so used to. He told me he loved me too, mostly after or during sex, but other times he did too. Well, I guess the other times weren’t much better either. It was always to pull me back to him when he had upset me. He was the king of manipulation and even though I knew he was doing it, I was powerless to stop it. I don’t know why, but I had lost all my power the moment I said I would be his girlfriend.
Sometimes I felt that his character wasn’t exactly all his fault though and I almost felt sorry for him. His mother, you see, was, to cut it short, a bitch! She was never around, due to her booming business, which I know is quite incredible in itself, considering she had made them all billionaires, but when she was home, she ruled the house like she was the boss there too, like it was no different than her workplace. They were all terrified of her, even Jack. I would see him so vulnerable in her presence and I just wanted to save him, but then I saw Jack’s dad, and I couldn’t understand why Jack hadn’t taken more attributes from him. I mean, I didn’t exactly comprehend why Trey would let his wife treat them all the way she did, but apart from that, which was none of my business and I really knew nothing about, he was a pretty great guy, and he loved Jack and his brothers more than anything. Jack was the youngest of the three boys though and the other two had left home as soon as they legally could, but when they came around to the house, I could see, without a doubt, the invaluable bond they shared with their dad. This was not shared with Jack though, and I once again found myself feeling sorry for Jack who now seemed to be the one that was left out, and I could definitely see the reasons for all of his anger. I know that didn’t mean I deserved to be his punching bag, but I did love him so I didn’t know what else I could really do.
Even though Jack had his own Lamborghini and I was still stuck catching shitty public transport, it was very rare that he ventured over to my house, or even picked me up. I was kind of embarrassed by my living situation though, especially compared to Jack’s mansion house, and of course Jack’s numerous crude comments about how poor I was didn’t make it easier. I wasn’t actually poor at all and my house was just your average house, nothing wrong with it at all, but once again, when we are comparing to Jack, nothing quite lives up to his arrangement. Plus, my parents were not exactly great to me either so I didn’t mind having to get out of the house and over to Jack’s. His house was big enough that everybody could be home and we could still have our privacy.
I knocked on his front door, knowing I would have to wait an extra minute or so for someone to actually make it through the house and to the door.
Trey finally answered and welcomed me in.
“Hi Trey, how are you?”
“Great thank-you Kaitlin. How are you?”
“Good thanks. Is Jack home? I noticed his car wasn’t outside?”
“No, actually he has been out all day. Did he know you were coming over?”
“Yeah, I spoke to him this morning.”
“That would be right.”
He rolled his eyes and I followed him to the lounge room to sit down and wait.
“Would you like me to give him a call sweetheart?”
“Oh that’s okay, I can call him. Thanks Trey.”
“Well, would you like a drink while you wait?”
“No thanks, I’m fine.”
Trey left the room and I tried dialling Jack’s mobile, but it kept ringing out.
“No luck?”
Trey entered the room again with a coffee cup and sat on the couch next to me, seeing me looking at my phone frustrated.
“He is hopeless with his phone.” I sighed trying to brush off Jack’s unreliability as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Boys are all a bit hopeless.” He laughed and I smiled at him for his efforts to make me feel better.
I was used to Jack, though. This wasn’t the first time I would have to wait for him and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“I can keep you company anyway.”
“Oh, that’s okay Trey. I don’t want to bother you.”
“Don’t be silly. You are not a bother one bit. I’d be glad to spend some time with you.”
There it was—that uncomfortable air rising between us again. I forced out a smile. I actually did really enjoy Trey’s company but I didn’t really like the way he was so friendly to his son’s girlfriend. And how many girlfriends of his sons’ had he been friendly to in the past? I shuddered at the thought and even though I usually really liked Trey, my thoughts had made me a little wearier of him. I didn’t want to be though. I had been with Jack for almost a year now and Trey had always been a very decent and genuine person. Maybe it was the way my body reacted to his comments that was making it uncomfortable. Maybe he was just being friendly but now my mind somehow broke it up and put it back together in a very different way.
I looked over at Trey and his eyes were fixated on the television. His jaw was clenching tight as he watched Hulk Hogan body slam Andre the Giant—a replay I had unfortunately seen way too many times. However, I found myself attracted to Trey’s intense attention to his all-time favourite wrestling program. The thought of what it would be like to kiss a man with a beard involuntarily came into my mind and I shook my eyes away, immediately angry that my mind had taken me there. I wasn’t thinking about kissing Trey of course, his beard had just provoked random thoughts about things that were not connected to him in any way.
Trey turned off the television and focused his attention back onto me. His eyes seemed ever bluer than I’d remembered, if that’s even possible. Of course it’s possible.
“Sorry, I just needed my daily dose.” He laughed.
“Oh me too. That one’s my favourite.” I said this sarcastically, but Trey’s face lit up with surprise and a pinch of hope.
He leaned forward in excitement and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I was joking. Hogan’s moustache is sexy and all but I definitely could live without seeing it ever again.”
Trey looked at me in shock, as if I had just personally attacked him.
“You think moustaches are sexy hey?” He said stroking his own with his hand and laughing.
Phew, he wasn’t offended by my response. And he wasn’t actually looking for a response to his question about his own moustache thank goodness. He got up before I could say anything and this actually made the situation not nearly as awkward as it could have been.
“Just getting another cuppa, you sure you don’t want anything?”
“I’m sure, thank-you.”
“Sorry I’m late babe.”
Jack came walking into the lounge and threw his bag off his shoulder.
“Totally forgot you were comin’ over.”
“That’s okay.” I said even though it wasn’t, never was, and never would be.
“What’s the plan?”
“You said you were going to take me out?”
“Did I?”
“Yes, Jack.”
“Shit okay, no need to get your large panties in a twist.”
I sighed inside and I felt myself being crushed further by his compulsive insults towards me.
“Well, what you want to do?”
“Whatever you want Jack.” I immediately regretted my automatic reply. Why did I just say that?
“Awesome, the bedroom it is. Let’s get it on babe.”
I rolled my eyes and felt my stomach twist on itself.
“Fuck, don’t be a bitch, Kaitlin. You said whatever I want.”
“I know, sorry. I had just got my hopes up that you were taking me out tonight.”
He laughed at me. “You should know better than that.”
It was true. I should have known better and I was so angry with myself for giving him the benefit of the doubt once again. But what was even more upsetting was the fact that he so carelessly admitted that he knew this too but yet didn’t do anything about it.
I smiled weakly and followed him upstairs.
“You should be happy Kaitlin. No one else is gonna hold those thighs up like I do.”
I was too angry to say anything. I was too angry to fight him off. I was too angry to feel the pain. I was too used to it to care.
“Are you okay?”
Trey looked at me sympathetically and I immediately knew he had heard me and Jack arguing last night.
“Yeah I’m fine.”
It seemed like a lie, but it was kind of true. I had lost my ability to feel deeply anymore and I was already over Jack’s harsh words that he spat all over me in last night’s wars.
“I know he’s my son, but I don’t want you thinking I like how he treats you, Kaitlin.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Thanks,” I guess was the only thing I remotely thought would be appropriate.
“You don’t have to be treated like that.”
“It’s fine.”
“It isn’t.”
I looked at Trey shocked that he was being so direct. I knew he didn’t like the way Jack treated me, but he had never pushed it like this before. I knew he had always held back because Jack was his son so I was confused why his questioning this time was any different.
“It’s really not that bad.”
He sighed and sat down next to me.
“Can I trust you with something Kaitlin?”
“Of course.”
I smiled, unsure of what I was getting myself into.
“I don’t want to scare you or make you think differently of me, but I used to be a lot like Jack you know?”
I looked at him shocked but let him continue.
“I treated Jack’s mother very badly. I loved her very much and I didn�
��t realise how much I was hurting her. And when I did realise, it was too late. Jack knows Janette isn’t his birth mother, but he was too young when his mother died for him to remember her.”
Trey’s eyes started to well up with tears and I could see a lot of pain rising to the surface. I felt very uncomfortable, but this time it was because I wanted to comfort him and I knew I couldn’t. I gave him his space and waited for him to speak again.
“Sorry, sorry. I miss her a lot. I won’t go into any more detail here, but I’m just trying to say that I completely broke the love of my life’s spirit and I don’t want that to happen to another person that I care deeply about.”
I swallowed down a lump of nerves and looked at his weeping eyes. I don’t know what I came over me, but I reached out and wiped one of his tears away. Trey slowly raised his hand to mine and I felt a rush of emotions shoot through me. I pulled my hand away and stood up abruptly.
“I have to go. Thanks for the chat.”
I walked away before he could answer. I was feeling feelings that I knew weren’t right. I had wanted to kiss his falling tears, and his lips. I wanted to hold his manly body and feel what it was like to be cared about. But then my thoughts rushed to our conversation and I was left so confused. How could someone speak so truthfully about the pain he had caused but then look at me with so much desire, if I’m not mistaken, and therefore once again cause pain to all he loved around him? How could he preach about his son’s misdemeanours against his own ‘changed for the better’ person, but then try to seduce his son’s girlfriend? I know he hadn’t seduced me. I am not that ridiculous to think he was doing that, or that he would even want to, but I don’t think that the way he had been looking at me lately was in line with the good character he so desperately was trying to portray.