Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
Page 11
I woke the next morning hoping that I had just dreamt the past twenty-four hours but the longer I lay in my bed, staring at the roof, the more real everything started to feel. It was real; a nightmare that had happened while I was completely awake. I buried my head into my pillow and screamed, trying to relinquish my pain, but my body still stung with agony.
Jack was sitting at the booth in the corner of the café and I walked over to him, struggling to keep putting one heavy foot in front of the other. He slid over for me to hop in. I started to panic as he kissed me on the lips and I knew what I was about to do.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side today.”
He laughed as he picked up the menu without a care if I actually was upset or not.
I readied myself with a deep breath and talked over my conversation in my head.
“Jack, we need to talk.”
He snorted in disgust.
“Oh, chubs you know I hate talking.” He groaned and it might have put me off if he hadn’t insulted me at the same time.
“Don’t call me that!”
“Ooh feisty today.”
“Listen to me Jack. I’m not joking around.”
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up. I’m starving…and…” He looked me up and down. “I guess you are too…”
He laughed at his own stupid joke and my stomach clenched with all of the hate I had built up just for him.
“You can’t treat me like that Jack.”
“Oh Relax Kaitlin. Fuckkk!”
“Jack, I don’t…”
“Hold on…” He interrupted. “I need to piss. Hold that thought…or don’t.”
He laughed to himself again as he slid out of the booth without a second thought, and I was left to stew in my frustration.
The table vibrated and I looked over at the screen on Jack’s phone light up. I didn’t care what girl might be messaging him, I wanted Trey’s number. I had no plan to steal it from Jack’s phone or even attempt to talk to Trey again but something came over me in that moment and my adrenalin picked up his phone and scrolled through his phonebook to land on Dad. Dad? Shit, more regret chucked on top of my pile of regret already sitting unsteadily in my stomach. I copied the number into my phone anyway and quickly chucked the phone back onto the table, making sure I exited the programs and locked it so Jack wouldn’t have another thing to spit at me.
Just in time. Jack walked back to the table and picked up the menu.
“So, you decided what you want to eat?” He questioned me, obviously hoping he had saved himself from the talk I wanted to have.
“Jack, I don’t want to be with you anymore.” I shot the words straight out so he couldn’t stop me again.
Jack slowly placed the menu back onto the table and licked his lips. He cracked his neck side to side and then looked up at me in disgust.
“We are over Jack.” I said this with less confidence this time as his eyes shot fear and nerves straight through me.
He huffed and smiled at me in disbelief.
“Kaitlin. Kaitlin. Kaitlin. Have I somehow gave you the impression that you can do better than me?”
“What?” I was shocked with his spiteful response.
“Whatever. You weren’t my favourite one anyway. Off you go. See ya. Adios.”
He childishly waved in my face like you would wave to a baby. And what did he mean by saying I wasn’t his ‘favourite one’? Well I knew exactly what he meant, but wow, the nerve of him. He does not take rejection well. I stood up and walked away without another word and I saw him pick up the menu again, pretending not to care that he had just been dumped.
I surprisingly felt a weight being lifted off of me and I could breathe again. And despite everything Jack had said and done to me, I felt my confidence finding its way back into my body with every step I took away from him. I smiled to myself and drove away.
I sat on my bed in my room and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I felt so free. I felt like the world was set out in front of me and I could take whatever road I desired. I pulled out my phone and stared at Trey’s number in front of me. Should I delete it or do I speak to him again? I sat it down next to me and I spread myself out on the soft blanket beneath me. I picked my phone back up and looked at the phone number again. I had to talk to him.
The phone rang and my heart started beating faster with every ring that he didn’t pick up, and then there it was—his thick, manly voice speaking into the receiver.
I had assumed he would have recognised my voice but that was incredibly hopeful when I had said one of the shortest words in the dictionary, and he had no idea I had his phone number.
“It’s Kaitlin.”
I heard him shift on the other side of the phone.
“Kaitlin Williams.”
How could he not know who I was now?
“Yes I know. Sorry.”
“How are you?”
Damn, I’d began with small talk.
“How did you get my number?”
And he stopped it.
However now, I kind of wished we had taken my direction. He sounded angry and I felt the familiar feeling of hurt pinch back at my mending heart. I decided to ignore his question, my answer would have only sounded like I was some sort of crazy stalker and I wasn’t in the mood to explore that conversation with him.
“I broke up with Jack.”
I heard him sigh.
“What do you want?”
His anger pierced straight through me and I couldn’t find any word to respond.
“You didn’t do this for me did you?”
His voice had softened and he sounded concerned.
“I did it for me.”
This was somewhat true. Trey had inspired the action, but I definitely knew that it would benefit me.
An awkward silence.
“Can I see you?” I asked hesitantly, scared to actually hear his response, not wanting to be thrown to the side by him once again.
“Ah…Kaitlin.” He struggled with his words. “I really don’t think that would be a good idea.”
“Why not?” I insisted.
“Jack’s my son.”
“He was the other day too.”
My pain momentarily got the best of me and I immediately felt guilty for throwing this comment at him.
“Kaitlin. I care about you a lot but I love my son and I should not have let you kiss me.”
“Let me?”
“Sorry. Wrong choice of words. I’m not blaming you.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“We are friends Kaitlin.”
The words stung me and I was furious.
“So you used me?”
“No, no not at all.”
“Then what?”
“I care about you, Kaitlin. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. You know why I can’t.”
“You’re treating me like a child Trey. I know I may be half your age but that definitely didn’t bother you a week ago and you definitely didn’t treat me like I was a child then. So be honest with yourself right now.”
“I know, I am sorry. I shouldn’t treat you this way. I promise I don’t think of you like that.”
“Are you just going to apologise about everything and agree with me? Take ownership of your feelings. I know you felt something for me, more than a friendship. And I know it started long before we were lying on the floor of that kitchen pantry.”
I was shocked at my own confidence and forwardness.
“Can I meet you tomorrow afternoon?”
“Do you actually want to see me or are you just trying to get me off the phone?”
“I want to see you, Kaitlin.”
I knew he was just trying to appease me but I
was quite worn out too, so I let him.
“I’ll message you.”
“Okay, bye.”
I hung up before he could say bye back, trying to hold some of the power I originally thought I had. Now I was beginning to doubt it all, though. Maybe he had used me. Maybe I had forced him and like all men, his dick did the talking for him. Maybe he didn’t love me at all. It was all so overwhelming and I started to wish I had never called him in the first place.
Trey sat on the chair in my room while I sat cross-legged on my bed, waiting for him to initiate the conversation. He rubbed his hands nervously on his thighs and I was somewhat relieved that he was as scared as I was. Trey stood up and walked up to my bed, sitting himself beside me. He looked into my eyes.
“I want this Kaitlin.”
Before I could make sense of what exactly he wanted, he showed me. He slowly placed his lips on mine and he increased the pressure once he knew I wasn’t pushing him away. He slid his hands over my thighs and he furthered his tongue into my mouth as I beckoned him to take me. He carefully lowered me backwards and he lay up against my side as we kissed longer and harder than before. Trey’s arm slid around my waist under my shirt and his bare skin excited me. His hairs tickled my flesh and I wriggled beneath his touch. He slid his hand to the top of my pants and played with the skin teasingly. I angled my pelvis up towards him, pleading with him to go further. Trey pushed his hand inside my pants and grabbed onto my thick thighs. His kisses became more passionate and I became more eager to feel him inside of me. His hands felt my pink lips between my legs and I slowly spread my thighs apart to welcome his touch. He tickled the outside fervently, spreading my wetness, and then he delved in, readying me for what I hoped was coming next. He bit down on my lip as he moved his fingers deeper inside of me and then moved out and around the outer layers, knowing exactly how to please me. I whimpered and jerked my body due to the exploding sensations pulsating through me.
I hesitantly pulled away from his lips and gently lowered my pants until I could flick them off the end of the bed with my feet. Trey kneeled above me and I watched as he revealed his solid chest and abs underneath his t-shirt. He kept his eyes on mine but I couldn’t keep mine on his. My eyes had a mind of their own and ate up his muscular body as he then took his pants off. His hard penis stood right in front of me and I couldn’t wait to feel it inside of me. I quickly peeled off my top and bra and pulled Trey back down on top of me. I felt his every muscle against my naked skin and I fought my urges to burst right then and there. I pulled his hardness between my legs and he pushed the tip in, circling it over my lips. I arched my pelvis into him again, confirming that I wanted him deep inside, and he thrusted his pelvis into me. I held on to him and he rolled us over so I was now in control, sitting on top of him. I tried to lie against him but he held me up.
“I want to see you Kaitlin. All of you.” He panted and I moved on top of him letting him watch my breasts bounce.
I leaned back on my hands so my stomach stretched out flat and he groaned as I pushed him inside me deeper and harder. He grabbed at my hips, clinging to them and pulling me harder against him. I sat back up straight and I pulled his hands away from me, as I slowed my rhythms. He looked at me confused but excited and I slowly planted his hands above his head.
“Stay there.” I commanded and he nodded.
I started moving again and I slowly pressed my hands against my breasts, rubbing at them and moaning. I felt trey’s hands force themselves back onto me and I opened my eyes, stopping my movements again. I pushed his arms away and back down onto the bed.
“You move, I stop.” I teased and he took a big breath as he nodded again.
I held my hands on his hips and started thrusting myself against him again. This time I slid my fingers downwards and started playing with myself as I uncontrollably shuddered at my own touch. Moments later Trey’s hands were back at me and his fingers replaced mine, delving between my wetness. I didn’t stop him this time. I couldn’t stop him. I was lost in the eruption developing inside of me and we were both moaning and grunting so loud that I knew he was feeling it too. Finally, everything came to a stop and the release was insane. His juices lay sprawled across his stomach and I lay on top of him, actually wanting to feel his pleasure against me.
“I do love you, Kaitlin. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Trey.”
And we held each other for hours, not caring what the future brought, as long as we were together.
© Copyright 2015 by Kristen Chase - All rights reserved.
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Secret Baby with my College Professor
by Kristen Chase
He was the professor everybody hated but loved at the same time. He was demanding of his students. He had no sympathy for the sob stories they presented to him when they hoped for an extension on an assignment. He was okay with embarrassing them, or anyone else, in front of an entire room of people. He always carried an angry scowl. Even the teachers had jokes about his cruel and inappropriate teachings. He was the only professor that would not allow his students to address him by his given name: David. It was Professor Walton, or Sir. But physically, he was a dream; six and a half feet of muscle that never withered. Even with the small wrinkles that had started to appear in the corners of his eyes, he somehow became even more handsome. His brooding eyes enticed us as much as it casted fear in us. He was envied for his looks but hated for his personality.
There were plenty of rumours going around about him; had been for years. The one that was most common, and I had initially thought the most believable, was the story that he had had his heart broken many years ago and had never been the same since. However, I found that very hard to believe once I met him; hard to believe that this harsh, horrible man had once had the emotional capacity to love someone, and that he was possibly a person that had acquired love from another, in return.
I had never had Professor Walton as a teacher in my two years of college but I couldn’t avoid him forever. He was the head of Literature and literature was my major. How could such an unpleasant man teach such an expressive subject? Literature was poetry in every form, romance in every sense, passion from every author. I saw no sense or passion in this man that now sat in front of me.
“You asked to see me, Sir?”
I looked down at my sneakers nervously stepping into his office.
“Yes, close the door please.” He didn’t look up from the papers he was writing on and I stood in the middle of the room awkwardly, wondering whether to sit down or wait to be invited. The silence between us seemed to last forever and then he carefully moved his papers to the side, clasped his hands on his desk and raised his head to look straight at me. He didn’t say anything and I desperately avoided his piercing eyes as I searched my mind for some sort of saviour.
“Alright, sit down Miss Samuels, quickly now. I’m a busy man.”
“Oh yes, sorry Professor.” I sat down quickly, my heart thumping inside of me, desperate to desert me; to leave me alone with this diabolical human, who still sat staring holes through me. I felt naked. I wanted to fling my arms around myself to hide all of my weaknesses; my vulnerabilities, in which I knew he could see just by looking at me with those hard eyes of his.
“Now, I want to be clear with you Miss Samuels and…”
The door swung open and I saw the expression of shock across Professor Walton’s face, one I had not seen before, as a furious man stormed into the office unannounced
. The door flung into the bookshelf behind it and he was heading right towards me. Was it possible that I had now met the second angriest man in the world? And how unlucky was I that I just happened to be the one stuck in this small office space with the two men that could kill me with one look? Thankfully though, the man didn’t even look in my direction, his eyes fixating on Professor Walton, and he stormed up to the desk, planting his fists hard onto its grainy texture. Professor Walton’s surprise had turned back into the hard and tough expression we were all used to and he didn’t back away an inch from the man who was now leaning over the desk towards him. Mr Walton looked at him disinterestedly and I could see the angry man’s fists tightening and his nostrils flaring with every second that passed. I really wanted to leave the room but I was stuck between the angry man next to me and the wall of the office, and I believed my attempts to manoeuvre out of the chair may have caused some unfortunate interruptions, leading the mens’ glares upon me. So I sat there praying that at least one of them would leave soon; the first time anyone could ever say that they actually hoped to be left in the company of solely Professor Walton.
“You fucking bastard!” The man yelled, I’m sure spraying his spit across Mr Walton’s desk.
Mr Walton stood up slowly without saying a word or seeming affected at all by the insult just thrown his way. I suppose he was used to it.
“You might think you need to push around adults half your age, acting like a big guy because your dick’s too small…”
Mr Walton’s face twitched with despise and I winced with anticipation. But he just stood there and let the man finish his filthy sentence.
“…but where I come from, teachers are actually supposed to support their students not make them cry.”