Romance: JADEN: An MMA Fighter Romance (Bad Boy Tattoo Romance) (New Adult Pregnancy Short Stories)
Page 13
“I suppose you are right Miss Samuels.” He nodded.
“Georgia.” I corrected him.
“David.” He said and held his hand out as if introducing himself for the first time.
We shook hands and we both smiled. He saw my eyes involuntarily sweep down his manly physique and he suddenly got up, pulling random clothes over him, to cover up his naked body, that he'd just realised was on show.
“So sorry Miss, ah Georgia.”
“No problem.” I blushed and walked out of the room. “I’ll leave you to it.”
I turned back around to see Mr Walton now fully dressed and I felt very attracted to his new laid back slacks and t-shirt look. He looked so much younger and no longer held his conceited attitude that made others feel inferior to him.
“Won’t you stay for lunch Georgia? It is the least I can do.”
I looked at him quizzically.
And we made our way to the kitchen.
We sat at the dining table after a very quiet and quick lunch and he looked at me in deep thought.
“I quit teaching today Georgia.”
“What?” I was completely shocked.
“I need to start fresh.”
I didn’t know how to respond so I gave him my silence.
“Thank-you for everything yesterday. I guess this will be the last time we see each other.”
My heart dropped when he said these words and I looked at him, seeing his pained eyes that I’m sure now mirrored mine. I felt my entire being fill with despair and I wasn’t completely sure why. In such a little space of time, I had gone from despising this man, to wanting to hold him and show him how beautiful life can be.
“I guess so.” I replied and he looked away disappointedly.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked, worried I had done something to upset him.
“No, no I guess not.”
“You can be honest with me…David. I am your friend now.”
“Friend. That is what pains me you see? I haven’t had contact with someone like this in a long time that I had forgotten what it was like to care; to care about myself…and someone else.”
He looked up at me with his last words and I felt them encircle inside of me.
“Now you will have lots of friends David, and you will be happy.”
He held his head in his hands and didn’t move. I sat silent, waiting for him to be ready to speak again, but there was nothing. He sat there and every so often I heard what sounded like sobs trying to crawl up his throat and out to me, screaming for help. I walked around to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay Sir?”
I realised I had gone back to addressing him as Sir but now was not the time for corrections.
He looked up at me and his now red sore eyes, staring at me, stung me so that I could hardly hold back my own tears. I sat on the seat beside him and his eyes continued to beg for me. I hugged him and I felt his body slowly start to break until he was silent and relaxed and calm. We pulled out of the embrace and our faces now stood inches apart. Both of our gazes fell to each other’s lips and then back to our eyes. His warm hand came up to my cheek and I fought my instincts to run away. He ran his thumb softly over my cheekbone and carefully forwarded his lips towards mine until I could feel their wet softness upon mine. And then he quickly pulled away, leaving me embarrassed and confused.
“Sorry, Miss Samuels. You need to go. Good luck for the future.” He tried to dismiss me abruptly and my anger from the day before bubbled back to the surface. However, my desire quickly took over and I stormed up to him and grabbed his face between my hands, pushing my lips against his again and forcing him to allow me entrance. Seconds later, he pushed me off, rejecting me again and I knew I had to leave this time. This was wrong, very wrong and we both knew it. I headed for the door until a strong force from behind me lunged at me, spinning me around and kissing me again. I opened my mouth, urging his tongue to find me and he did. He kissed me with so much passion and I finally felt like I understood him. I kissed him back and we only broke minutes later from the exhaustion of our rush of emotions. He stood there in front of me and I could see his mind thinking over his next moves.
“You’re not my teacher anymore.” I exclaimed and grabbed his hand, guiding him to his bedroom.
He didn’t resist.
Our hands sweated together as our nerves heightened; our bodies trembling with excitement and fear. We fell onto his bed wrapped in each other’s arms; his kisses deeply passionate and demanding. We stopped, momentarily panting, while I ripped my top off above my head. His eyes were unwavering in their gaze as they watched my every move with a deep yearning.
“You are so beautiful.”
He stared at my bare breasts almost scared to touch me again. I grabbed his hand and closed it around my breasts forcing him to feel my hardened longing for his touch. He quickly swung his own top off and pulled me up against him so I could now feel his firm chest against my welcoming skin. I climbed on top of him, enveloping his body, and his arms slid around my back. His touch excited me, and our bodies moved wildly against each other; our mouths gripping together; kissing and groaning with pleasure. He pushed me back onto the mattress, my legs still wrapped around his torso and his lips moved to my breasts. I held his head encouraging his movements and his impulses intensified with my touch. He dragged my pants off of me and thrust his head between my legs, his eyes fixated on mine until I relaxed and let him devour me. His tongue moved faster and faster, my body shaking, my hand gripping to the pillow beneath my head, and he slowed down, teasing my sensations. He trailed kisses back up my skin towards my neck and then pulled himself away, stepping onto the ground next to us. He quickly pulled his pants down and yanked on my legs pulling me to the edge of the bed. His penis thrusted between my thighs and a short squeal escaped my lips. I accepted his fullness and pushed against him as our desires now became our sweet reality. He pulled my legs up the length of his body so my ankles rested on his neck and I felt him move even further inside, reaching a spot that I didn’t know existed. I screamed in pure ecstasy, arching my back. His hand moved against my stomach and his pelvis pounded faster against me. David swung my legs down and over to one side of him, pushing my whole body back onto the bed. He lay behind me mirroring my curved body with his. He opened my legs and I helped him find his way back inside of me. We moved against each other as his lips caressed my neck and his hands cupped my breasts. My body convulsed in overwhelming explosions and I felt his release burst inside of me. He held me tight, his shaft still between my thighs and I lay with his arms embracing me and his voice whispering in my ear.
“You are so beautiful Georgia. So beautiful.”
When David had said he was leaving, he had failed to mention he had given a month’s notice and therefore, would still be my teacher for the next four long weeks. I was extremely nervous that someone would notice the way his eyes lingered upon me, or how I smiled to myself after he addressed me in class. I realised I was paranoid though and the only thing anybody in the classroom was concerned about was how long it was until they got to escape David’s wrath. I didn’t see the anger in him anymore though, I saw his warmth reaching out above the other students and holding me, supporting and nurturing my soul. He still held an aggressive temperament but it was nothing compared to what it had been, and it secretly aroused me. I saw others buckle under his stare as they waited to be yelled at, and then I saw their shock when he no longer tore them to shreds.
“Miss Samuels. Please stay back, I need to speak to you.”
I glanced around as the students around me flooded through the doors, desperate to leave the classroom. My body only relaxed when they had all left without any concern or questioning directed at me as to why I was staying behind. David closed, and locked, the door once the last person was out of sight.
“I’ve missed y
ou.” He said looking into my eyes.
“I’ve missed you too.” I admitted.
It had only been a week but I had not been able to get his naked body and his soft touch out of my racing thoughts. I wanted to reach over to him and slide my fingers under his shirt and feel his lips against my skin but I had to control myself.
“Do you have a class now Miss Samuels?”
“Oh, is that what we are doing Professor Walton?” I teased, and he grinned back at me.
“Well Sir,” I continued, “I actually have time off right now and I really need help with this poetry we are doing at the moment. I just cannot seem to get my head around it.”
“Yes, you do need a little extra attention, Miss Samuels.”
“Professor, what is it you suggest I do?”
With every sentence I inched closer to him and with my last words, I could now feel his warm breath against my face. I grabbed his tie, pulling him further into me so that our lips softly grazed each other and then fell apart. I pulled his tie, yanking him behind me to a chair in the back of the room. I pushed him down onto the seat and I lowered myself to my knees, unbuckling his belt. His anticipation excited me and I reached inside to release his pulsating, thick manhood. I gave him one last look before I lowered my lips onto the tip, and I felt his body shudder beneath me. His hands clasped to the edge of the chair and I lowered my mouth further over his hardness, lubricating it with the wetness of my tongue. I moved my mouth up and down, teasing him with my erratic pace. I moved my hands over his thighs, feeling his muscles tense underneath. He groaned intensely, trying to stifle his volume due to our location, but his enjoyment was very much evident and it made my body frantic with excitement and desire to please his every need even more. He lifted my head, pushing his penis back into his pants where he released himself, leaving a satisfied grin on both of our faces.
The end of the college semester was closing in, so I did not get to see David much, as my study consumed my life. It had now been three weeks since that day in his office that brought us together, which meant there was only one week until David was officially no longer my Professor. I should have been excited but the thought of people knowing about us, whether it was legal or not, didn’t change. I was still embarrassed, not because I thought badly of David, but because I knew the rest of the world did. I didn’t think he would be too keen to be out in public with me either, and I’m sure he only saw me as a young girl he was having a quick fling with, but this scared me even more. I knew we would need to talk about it soon; what we were and what we were doing, but I didn’t want to ruin the ease and comfortability we had developed in each other’s company.
I had been quite sick every day this week and Mom had found me hanging over the toilet bowl last night.
“You’re not pregnant are you?” She joked, and we both laughed.
“Definitely not.” I confirmed, and my confidence provided a strong mask for the fearful thoughts that had now entered my head.
Could I actually be pregnant?
I held the test between my fingers and awkwardly held it between my legs. I had never felt so petrified in my life. I had thought that having an affair with a college professor, and attempting to cram in study for exams, were enough of a crazy combination of nerves, but someone was really trying to test my sanity now. I placed the stick on the bathroom sink and sat on the toilet, long after necessary. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for. The test would have the answer by now, but I stayed sitting there, pants still around my ankles, unable to lift a finger or glance in the direction of the sink, just in case my eyes would catch an answer that I wasn’t ready to see. My phone rang in my pocket and I was snapped out of my hopelessness. I stood up, fixing myself up, still sure not to look over to the basin. I reached for my phone. It was a message from David. I was excited, and scared at the same time, seeing his name in front of me.
I smiled to myself, remembering how much I liked him. I sent back quickly.
I grinned at, what I thought to be, a cute response, and I imagined the smile on David’s face as he read it. And then my attention was ripped back to the immediate situation at hand and I imagined David’s look of disgust if I had to tell him that I was carrying his baby. I looked over to the sink and picked up the stick, where the word was jumping out at me.
I had thought about telling David I couldn’t make it but I didn’t want to disappoint him, and I didn’t want to have this hanging over me for the next week while I attempted to focus on my exams. I needed to tell him I was pregnant, I just didn’t know how, and I didn’t know if I could trust myself to go through with it.
He opened the door with the biggest grin on his face and he whisked me inside. He took my books out of my hands, throwing them to the couch, and picked me up in his strong arms, kissing me ardently, gliding his tongue against mine slowly. It was simple and sweet but it was perfect, and our lips lingered on each other’s, both of us not wanting to stop. He placed my feet back on the ground, and the moment that I had, that just felt light and free, was gone. It had been fleeting, and my heavy mind took over once again. He saw my frown and looked at me concerned.
“What’s wrong Georgia?”
“Exams.” I lied.
“Don’t worry we will study. I will use all the energy I have to keep my hands off you…if I can.” He winked and I giggled.
“Well let’s hope you don’t use all of your energy David. You will be needing some for later.” I winked back at him and David took a deep breath.
“We won’t get any study done if you say things like that, or look at me like that.”
He bit his lip and it made me want to jump on top of him and save his lips with mine, but I refrained, breaking our eye contact, denying the sexual tension that stood dense between us.
“So what’s for dinner, Professor?”
He brushed me away. “Go and study. It’s a surprise.”
And he made his way to the kitchen.
I sat at the table blindfolded and salivating, as the aromas tickled at my nose. David made his way back and forth between the kitchen and the table, hurriedly preparing the feast in front of me. He stood behind me and untied the blindfold revealing a candlelit dinner. There were three candles set across the table which now lit up the dim room, and there were numerous plates of my favourite foods perfectly arranged in front of me. I can vaguely remember telling him these things, but I was surprised and overwhelmed that he had remembered every detail. There sat roasted potatoes, a chicken satay, white dinner rolls with melting butter, and the list went on. We would be eating this for days. I threw my arms around David’s neck and thanked him profusely.
“You are amazing David Walton.”
“Only for you.” He gushed and we sat down to enjoy the banquet he had made just for me.
I was so in awe of him, and the delicious food, that my mind had given me the courtesy of allowing me to enjoy the moment, and momentarily forget about the impending doom I had to face. However, as the dinner came to an end, and I polished off my favourite sticky date pudding with vanilla ice-cream, my mind filled up again with the thoughts of the little life that was growing inside of me. I tried desperately to indulge in the conversation, laughing at David’s jokes, and answering his questions, but it was obvious I was concentrating on other matters. My head was aching as it ticked incessantly, waiting for its time to explode.
“Hey, don’t worry about exams Georgia. You are a very bright woman and you are going to do well. I promise.”
He grabbed my hand trying to comfort and ease the nerves he thought I was feeling and I took a breath, ready to dive in head first.
“I need to talk to you, David.”
His eyes
widened and he let me continue.
“I don’t want to be pushy or anything but I think we should talk about where this is all going.”
His look saddened.
“It hasn’t been long Georgia so I’m not really sure what you want me to say?”
“I want you to say what you are thinking, not what you think I want to hear.”
“Yes, I know, but to be perfectly honest, I have just been enjoying our time together and I haven’t really given us any further thought.”
I knew he wasn’t trying to be insensitive but I felt a pain in my heart. I suddenly felt unwanted and used and my eyes began to sting with tears.
“Georgia, what’s wrong? What are you thinking? Tell me, please.”
He reached for my hand again and I pulled it off the table and into my lap. I wanted to keep my cool. I didn’t want to be a silly little girl that didn’t know how to deal with adult life. David wasn’t just an adult but he had dealt with things that had made him grow up even more. He had hardened and I knew one sign of a complication would send him running in the opposite direction.
“What happens when you are no longer my teacher? Do we go out in public?”
“What do you want to happen?”
“I don’t know.”
I started to crumble under the weight of my secret and I had to silence myself to hold back tears.
“Look, Georgia. I really love being with you I do. But…”
My heart sank.
“…You are only twenty-three. I am sixteen years older than you…” He trailed off.
“What are you saying, David?”
“Well, what did you expect Georgia? Getting involved with your teacher?”
His angry tone shocked me, but unfortunately sounded familiar.
“You’re right. What was I thinking?”
I pushed myself away from the table and started collecting my books from the coffee table.