Book Read Free

Closing Time

Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  “And you think I can’t?” I snapped. My emotions were haywire. I was easily provoked into an argument, my mouth had a mind of its own, and it was easy to get me emotional. Damn hormones.

  He pulled me to the passenger side. “Just get in.”

  I knew arguing with him would get me nowhere. I rolled my eyes then got into the chair. He checked my safety belt then shut the door. I watched him walk behind the car, his reflection in the mirror. He finally got into the driver’s seat then wordlessly started the engine.

  We were quiet on the drive home. When we were almost at the house, he glanced at me. “Horny again?”

  I turned to him. “Maybe…”

  He laughed. “That’s a yes.”

  I hit his shoulder. “Don’t make fun of me.”

  “If you make fun of me for coming too soon, I’m going to make fun of you for not keeping your legs closed.”

  “That’s not fair. I’m pregnant.”

  “Which is exactly why it’s hard for me not to blow my load.”

  “Whatever.” I looked out the window again.

  “I feel bad for Mike. Cassandra is the exact opposite with him.”

  “She doesn’t want to have sex?”

  “And she’s constantly in a bad mood and screaming at him.”

  I didn’t know they were having problems.

  “I guess she’s really uncomfortable. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has the baby before term. I mean, she’s huge.”

  “Don’t say that,” I snapped.

  “I don’t mean it in a bad way. She’s in her last month. She’s still a beautiful girl.”

  “You better not ever tell her she’s huge to her face.”

  “You think I’m stupid?” he snapped.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to be pregnant, so you should be more sensitive.” My voice dripped with venom.

  “Maybe you and Cassandra are going through the same thing…”

  I glared at him with hatred.

  He pulled into the garage then killed the engine. “Baby, I understand your body is going through a lot of changes. You’ve handled it wonderfully and you look even more beautiful than you did before. Believe me, I’m in awe at what you’re doing. It’s amazing, truly. I wish you and Cassandra knew how sexy you both are to us. I know I can speak for my brother when I say this is the greatest nine months of our lives. I’m sorry you are uncomfortable but I will do everything I can to make you feel better. Whatever you need, I’m here. I promise.”

  That dulled my anger immediately. He’d been the most wonderful husband. I promised myself I wouldn’t lash out at him as often. Sometimes I couldn’t control my emotions very well. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.”

  We walked into the house, and I immediately went to the fridge, looking for something to stuff my mouth with.

  “Baby, sit down. I’ll make you something.”

  I didn’t argue. It amazed me how tired I was.

  “What are you craving?”

  “Macaroni and cheese,” I blurted.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Really?” Fondness was in his eyes.

  I shrugged. “That’s what the baby wants.”

  “Coming right up.”

  I watched TV while he worked in the kitchen. When dinner was ready, he placed the bowl in my lap then sat beside me.

  He ate a piece of grilled chicken and veggies.

  “That’s all you’re going to eat?” I asked.

  “I’m not too hungry.” He crossed his ankle on his knee and ate with perfect etiquette.

  Sean always ate healthy and worked out religiously. His body was in tip-top shape, which I loved, but it reminded me how huge I was. Oh well. This macaroni and cheese was awesome.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “Damn, it’s good.”

  He smiled. “Good. It’s been a while since I made that.” He finished his plate then left it on the table.

  I scarfed mine down, and as soon as I was done, Sean took the plates to the kitchen and washed them.

  How did I get so lucky?

  Sean walked toward the stairs. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” I watched TV until he came back.

  Sean had his arms behind his back when he appeared before me. A smirk was on his lips.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I have something for you.”

  “I can tell.” I sat up. “What is it?”

  He sat beside me and handed me the long slender box. “Open it.”

  I took it with shaky hands then opened the lid. A white gold bracelet was inside along with square diamonds that sparkled brighter than my wedding ring. It was gorgeous but it looked damn expensive.

  “Before you say something, please just accept it. I work hard to buy you things you deserve. I just want to make you happy. So please take it and be happy.”

  I felt the bracelet in my hand and marveled at the quality. “It’s beautiful.”

  He smiled, pleased by my reaction. “Allow me.” He took the bracelet and clasped it around my wrist. “Happy anniversary.”

  “What?” It was? What was the date? Had it been a year already?

  “Time goes by fast, huh?”

  Shit, I forgot…

  He studied my face. “You had no idea.”


  He grabbed the box and pulled out a paper. “I made reservations for a bed and breakfast this weekend. I wanted to take you to Paris but that’s not possible right now. But I will take you in a few months.”

  Damn, I’m a bitch. I can’t believe I forgot. “Sean, this is so thoughtful.”

  “The bed and breakfast is only an hour away so you don’t have to sit in the car too long. It’ll be a relaxing weekend.”

  I stared at the bracelet then wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you. I love it.”

  “Good. I spent a long time picking something out.”

  “It looks more expensive than my ring.”

  He chuckled. “By a landslide.”

  Growing up poor taught me how little money really mattered. As a result, I stayed away from money and purposely tried not to value it. It just destroyed people. But I couldn’t make my husband feel bad for doing something nice for me. After all, it was his money. I had no control over what he did with it. “It’ll look great with my dresses.”

  “And when you wear nothing.” He kissed my forehead then held me close.

  I felt horrible that I didn’t remember our anniversary. I was such a jerk. “Sean, I’m sorry—”

  “Forget about it.” His voice sliced through the air.

  “I just…”

  “You don’t need to explain. It’s really not a big deal.”

  I knew why he was saying that. He just didn’t want to stress me out since I was pregnant. He always put me first. That made me feel worse. “I really am sorry.”

  “I said forget about it. You can make it up this weekend.” He rubbed his nose against mine then smirked at me.

  I felt the emotion catch in my throat. “You’re the greatest husband in the world. I’m so lucky you married me. I love you and appreciate you very much. I never want to be without you.”

  His eyes softened. “Baby, I know.”

  I rested my head against his chest and hooked my arms around his waist. “I know I messed up. It won’t happen again.”

  “Baby, you can mess up as many times as you want and I’ll always forgive you.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay.”

  “Actually, it does.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Now let it go. Just the fact I get to celebrate an anniversary with you is a gift in itself.”

  I moved into his lap and stayed that way for the rest of the night. The TV was on but I didn’t watch it. The bracelet hung on my wrist, a reminder of a day I forgot. Sean forgave me but I still felt guilty. I loved my husband more than anything in this world. I never wanted him to forget that.



  I admit I was a little disappointed my wife forgot about our anniversary but it wasn’t a big deal. She had a lot on her mind, being pregnant the first and most important one. The last thing I wanted her to do was stress about it so I didn’t bring it up. She wore the bracelet every day, and that made me smile. It looked good on her. When people looked at my wife, I wanted to make sure she was marked with my gifts and my presence. Mrs. Preston was treated like a goddess.

  “You ready for the drive?” I asked when I put her in the passenger seat.


  “You don’t feel sick or anything?” Sometimes she got morning sickness.

  “No, I’ll be okay.”

  “Alright. Let me know if you need me to pull over.”


  I got into the driver’s seat then headed into the heart of Connecticut. We drove for half an hour before we finally saw the pine trees and brush of the wilderness. It was slightly warmer away from the ocean, but it was a nice view. Scarlet and I would have a relaxing time in our room, when we weren’t having sex at least. Scarlet was a heathen in bed. She wanted it all the time, which was fine with me. The more, the merrier.

  After we checked in, our luggage was carried to our room and I tipped the bellman a generous amount.

  His eyes widened. “Thank you, sir.”

  Scarlet gave me a look of approval. She liked it when I gave my money away. She even organized a list of charities for me to donate to. It was a tax write off for me, and it got her hot for me when I was a philanthropist. It worked out for both of us.

  The executive suite was luxurious with a full kitchen, two living rooms, a California king bed, two bathrooms, and a gorgeous view of the forest.

  Scarlet walked to the window then stilled. “Oh my god.”

  “What?” I asked, inspecting the glasses and sheets.

  “There’s a deer outside!”

  I came to her side and looked out the window. “Wow. You’re right.”

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “How do you know it’s a he?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Males have antlers.”

  “Oh.” I felt dumb for not knowing that.

  Scarlet smiled then looked back at the deer.

  It was grazing, munching on the grass.

  “He doesn’t have a girlfriend?” I asked.

  “A stud like that? I’m sure he does.”

  “He just wanted to watch us have sex.”

  “No one wants to watch a hot guy screw a pregnant woman.”

  I laughed. “You obviously don’t know anything about male sexuality. Believe me, if I posted a video of us on the Internet, guys would be jerking off to that like crazy.”

  “Gross,” she said.

  “I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you, baby.”

  She walked to the bed then felt it. “Comfy.”

  “The headboard is padded. Good.”

  She smirked then shook her head slightly.

  “Don’t act like you weren’t thinking it.”

  “Guilty.” Her cheeks reddened slightly.

  I stripped my clothes off then tossed them on the floor.

  “Right down to business?” she asked with a smirk.

  “We aren’t leaving the room this weekend. We’ll live off room service and the beautiful view from our room.” Working every day then taking care of Scarlet at home was really taking a toll on me. I didn’t mind in the least but I just wanted a break. Doing nothing sounded nice.

  “That sounds nice.”

  When I was naked I approached her, my intent perfectly clear. “You look good in that dress.”

  “I do?” She crossed her legs and smirked at me.

  “Playing hard to get?” I rested my hand on her knee then pulled it away from her other leg.


  I guided her on her back then kissed her, ready to get some action. She wanted me to fuck her a million ways to Sunday every single day so I may as well get a jump on it.

  She hooked her legs around my waist and continued to kiss me, her breaths coming out heavy and labored. I didn’t have to work nearly as hard to get her fired up. She was ready to go at a moment’s notice. I loved having a pregnant wife. That round belly drove me crazy.

  I pulled her dress away and removed her undergarments. Her naked body was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I kissed her stomach, knowing my baby was inside, waiting until its time to come out. My wife was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. When I thought about all the girls before her, they were hideous in comparison. As far as I was concerned, there was no one else but Scarlet. She was my one and only.

  My cock was harder than it had ever been. I felt myself leak at the tip because I wanted to be inside her so bad. I moved her further up the bed then separated her legs. The light in her eyes indicated she wanted it as much as I did. Actually, more. “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world.” I didn’t just see her as a sexy beast or a piece of ass. I didn’t just see her as my old ball and chain. I didn’t just see her as my wife. She was the single most gorgeous thing in the world. Everything about her made her perfect, almost unreal. And she was completely, utterly, and legally mine. I saw past her obvious outer beauty and saw the person underneath. She was pure and untarnished. I could see her soul and she could see mine. Anyone who said soul mates didn’t exist obviously hadn’t met theirs.

  She cupped my face and kissed me as I entered her. Her tongue touched mine gently before it pulled away, leaving me wanting more. Her breasts shook and her stomach was hard and firm. Looking down at her gave me shivers. She was the epitome of beauty.

  She moaned quietly, making musical sighs every few seconds. Her fingers dug into my back, loving everything I was giving her. She loved sex as much as I did, but knowing how she loved it made it hard for me not to come. I never had this problem before, but she made me crumble so easily. I tried to hold on but it was too damn hard. She was so gorgeous, her stomach was so sexy, and her gaping mouth was driving my senses into overdrive. My cock was twitching and I couldn’t control myself. I felt the burn and then I blew my load, coming inside her. “Damn it…” I finished my orgasm, enjoying it as much as possible before the shame came to the surface.

  God, I was pathetic. I never had this problem before, but her being pregnant and horny was making me ejaculate too early. How was I supposed to control myself when she was so damn hot? I’d never been so embarrassed in my life. This was our anniversary and I was acting like a teenage boy. But I couldn’t leave her hanging.

  I moved back over her and engaged her lips with mine, trying to distract her from my pitiful performance. My hands glided to her sex, and with all the experience I gained in my lifetime, I rubbed her nub and slipped my fingers inside, doing my best to give her an orgasm she craved.

  She breathed into my mouth and her fingers dug into my skin. Soon, she was panting for me. I rubbed her clitoris harder, moving in a circular motion. “Sean…” Her fingers moved through my hair then she moaned loudly, hitting her climax.

  My fingers continued to please her, wanting to give her as much pleasure as she gave me. She rode the high, moaning as she glided back down to earth. I gave her a few extra kisses before I pulled away and headed into the bathroom. I shut the door then turned on the shower, wanting to get away from her. Once I was under the water, I let all my shame and humiliation seep from my pores.

  I can’t believe that just happened.

  But she was pregnant. It wasn’t fair. How was I supposed to control myself when my gorgeous wife was swollen with my child? It was the hottest damn thing in the world. Her ass was bigger and her tits were huge. I didn’t stand a chance.

  I stayed in the shower just so I wouldn’t have to face her for a few moments. I’d been good in bed my whole life and I didn’t want to start messing up now, not when I was married to the girl I’d be with forever. Other guys had this problem but I was never one of those guys. I didn’t want to start being one now.
br />   What do I do? Do I just act like nothing happened? What if I do it again?


  After I sulked for twenty minutes, I knew it was time to face the music. I got out and dried off then pulled on my briefs. After I ran my fingers through my slightly damp hair, I went back into the room.

  Scarlet was on the balcony, sitting in a chair and looking at the forest. I was surprised she wasn’t hovering outside the door waiting to interrogate me. That was a good sign. I pulled on my robe then joined her outside.

  She looked at me then smiled. “There’s a mother and her baby in the trees.”

  “Deer?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Sit still and they’ll come out.”

  We sat together quietly, still as statues. Eventually, the mother and her baby emerged and nibbled on the grass. My wife and I watched them, keeping our silence. As the minutes trickled by, I knew Scarlet wouldn’t bring up the incident, which I was grateful. I just hoped it wouldn’t be a problem again.

  I liked morning sex and evening sex. Both were great. But I especially wanted it first thing in the morning. When I opened my eyes, my cock was always hard and I was in the mood. I set my alarm fifteen minutes ahead just so I could get a good lay before I left for work.

  Scarlet was nuzzled into my body, her bump against my side. She was still asleep, breathing evenly. I moved my hand up her thigh then felt her stomach. Nothing else got me hotter than her swollen belly. It drove me crazy. My cock twitched just from looking at it.

  She stirred at my touch. “Hmm?” She yawned then her eyes fluttered open.

  “Morning, baby.”

  “I slept so good last night. Something about the wilderness.”

  “Good.” That’s exactly what I wanted, for her to be relaxed.

  When she woke up first thing in the morning, she was breathtaking. Her skin was flawless and pale. After a good night’s rest, her skin had a brighter color to it. Her lips were relaxed and her eyes looked refreshed. She didn’t wear any make up, but she usually didn’t anyway. I preferred her that way.

  I moved over her then separated her legs with mine, ready to make up for the lapse in performance from yesterday. My lips gave her a gentle sucking before I slipped inside. She was wet, ready for me like she usually was. Her body was programmed to be ready for me every morning and evening. As soon as I was inside her, she gasped and writhed under me.


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