Book Read Free

Closing Time

Page 27

by E. L. Todd

  Our family didn’t like that very much.

  They didn’t get a chance to meet Skye, and they were disappointed they would have to wait another twelve hours to meet her. But I was so exhausted that I couldn’t keep my eyes open anyway.

  Skye was handed over to the nurse where they put her in the nursery, giving us some peace and quiet. My nurse let Sean stay because he made it perfectly clear he wouldn’t be going anywhere, and I was grateful he wouldn’t leave my side.

  “Get some sleep, baby.” Sean kissed my forehead then moved to the couch against the wall.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  “Just resting.”

  I pulled the covers down. “Come here and rest.”

  “I don’t want to crowd you.”

  “Shut up and get in.”

  He smirked then moved into the bed beside me. I was sore down below and I was still in a little pain, but other than that, I was okay. Sean lay on top of the blankets and cuddled with me in the small bed. The upper part of my body lay on top of his chest so we could minimize the amount of space used. His arms moved around me and held me close, his read resting on mine. “We did a good job making her.”

  “I know, she’s so beautiful.”

  “But I think she gets that from you.”

  “She has your eyes.”

  “But everything else is from you.”

  I smirked. “You’re sweet.”

  “No, just honest.” He closed his eyes and kept me in place. Feeling safe and protected even though my daughter was in another room, I fell asleep, knowing for the first time in my life, that everything was really going to be okay. I may have had horrible beginnings and hit a bunch of bumps on the way, but now everything as right in the world.

  I made it.



  When I was a jerk that only thought with my dick, I wanted to have kids but it was always under the pretense that my Stepford wife would be the one taking care of them every minute of the day. I would have kids, but it wouldn’t require any work, and I didn’t need to be a good parent or adult figure.

  But having a daughter with my wife, the love of my life and my closest friend, was completely different than I ever could imagine. I met Skye, and as soon as I saw her, my heart was hooked on her. I loved her so much even though I’d only known her for a few hours.

  How was that possible?

  I memorized every feature of her face, the way her eyes shined when they looked at me, and even the sound of her cries made my spine shiver. She was an exact image of Scarlet, strikingly beautiful and perfect. Every finger and every toe was crafted by a professional. Her lips were thin and curved slightly, just like my wife’s. The only part of me that I saw was my eyes. They were identical to my own, to my brother’s, and to my fathers. But that was enough for me.

  My heart hurt just from holding her. But it was a good pain, not a bad one. And as soon as she was taken away, I missed her. I actually missed her.

  How was that possible?

  After I hurt Scarlet for the second time, everything changed. I promised her I would be the man she needed in her life. I promised I would do anything for a chance with her, that I would change and be exactly what she deserved. I kept that promise and did the best I could. After I got married, I changed even more. Somehow, I fell more in love with Scarlet the longer we were married. I was the man my father raised me to be. I was honest, loyal, committed, and I always put my wife first even if it hurt me. My dad was proud of me. I knew he was. And I knew Scarlet adored me more than she already did.

  But now that Skye was here, I changed again.

  I didn’t even recognize myself. So much had changed in such a short amount of time. I felt even more protective of Scarlet and my baby than I did before. I was obsessed with keeping them safe. She and I worked so hard to get to where we were, and nothing would ever sabotage that. I was a different man.

  When I woke up the following morning, Scarlet was still asleep. After the pain and energy of childbirth, I understood why she was so tired. I didn’t want to wake her up, so I crept from the bed without stirring her then walked outside. Like I expected, everyone was there, waiting for one of us to come out.

  “How’s Scarlet?” Mike asked. “Is she doing okay?”

  Ryan patted my shoulder. “You need anything? How about some coffee and breakfast?”

  “Coffee would be great. Thank you.”

  “Coming right up.” Ryan walked down the hall.

  Mike was impatient. “So?”

  “Scarlet is great,” I said. “But she’s a little tired. She’s still asleep, actually.”

  “Well, she just pushed a living person out of her body,” Cassandra said. “She’s entitled to be tired.”

  Ryan returned with the cup of coffee and a banana. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” I sipped the coffee then shoved the fruit into my mouth. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate.

  “So, how’s your daughter?” Mike asked.

  “She’s good.” I smiled and couldn’t stop. “She’s perfect just like I imagined.”

  “Who does she look like more?” Cortland asked.

  “Scarlet—all the way,” I said. “Thankfully.”

  “Oh no,” Mike said. “It’s going to be a close call against Trinity.”

  Cassandra hit his shoulder. “They are both beautiful. Stop comparing.”

  My dad came over with Trinity in his arms. “You feel different?”

  “Completely,” I said. “My world is a very different place now.”

  “You’ll do a wonderful job, son.” My dad gave me a reassuring smile. “And you always got help if you get overwhelmed.”

  “I want to meet her,” my mom said impatiently. “When can we see her?”

  “When Scarlet wakes up, everyone can come inside and visit,” I said.

  Monnique sighed and looked at the clock. “She’ll probably be asleep for a few more hours.”

  Janice turned to Ryan. “Did Skye scream when she saw you?”

  His eyes brooded. “I thought we were done with that?”

  “We will when your ridiculous tan disappears,” Cortland said.

  “I hate all of you,” Ryan said in annoyance.

  We sat down in the visiting room and got comfortable. After I finished my coffee then washed my face in the bathroom, I stood up. “I’ll be in the room. I’ll text you when she’s awake and ready to see you.”

  “Tell us the second we can come,” Mike said.

  “Please,” Monnique said. “I want to see my niece.”

  “Me too,” Cortland said. “I want to hold both of them and juggle.”

  Mike’s eyes were wide and spitting flames. “You’re never going to babysit.”

  Cortland laughed. “It was a joke.”

  “I can’t take any chances,” Mike said firmly.

  “Whatever,” Cortland said.

  I walked down the hall and entered my wife’s room. She was still asleep, her mouth relaxed and her eyelids heavy. Her lips were slightly parted, and her chest rose and fell at a steady rate.

  I sat beside her and patiently waited for her to wake up.

  The nurse came inside, holding Skye. “Are you ready for her?”

  I peeked inside the blanket and saw my daughter sleeping. If she stayed that way, she wouldn’t wake up Scarlet. “Yes.”

  She put Skye into my arms and I sat back down, leaving her in the crook of my arm. I leaned my head back in the chair and looked down at her, just watching her. Her arms were pulled to her chest, and she took a deep breath. Then she squirmed slightly, restless, and then returned to a deep slumber.

  I couldn’t believe this moment was really here. Scarlet and I tried for months before she finally conceived. Honestly, I thought Scarlet was barren and would never have children. Even though the doctor said everything was fine, the longer she didn’t get pregnant, the more I feared it would never happen for us. And then when Scarlet’s mother sh
ot her, I really thought that was the end for both my wife and child. But, miraculously, Scarlet pulled through.

  Skye was a bigger miracle than anyone realized.

  I stared out the window while I held her in my arm. She was so small that my hand was the size of her entire body. Anytime she made a sound, I looked down at her, wanting to know what she was doing.

  “You guys are adorable.”

  I looked up to see Scarlet staring at us.

  She smiled wide, love in her eyes. “Too cute.”

  “We’re buds,” I said.

  “You are.”

  I stood up then sat at the edge of the bed. “She’s a sleeper just like you.”

  Scarlet looked at Skye in my arm. “Well, she worked hard to get here.”

  “You want to hold her?”

  “I always want to hold her.”

  I passed Skye into her arms and watched Scarlet look into her face, tears welling up again.

  “She’s so perfect.” Scarlet sniffed then brought Skye’s hand to her lips, kissing each of her tiny fingers.

  “Both of you are.”

  Scarlet stared at our daughter, no longer interested in me. The feeling was mutual. Skye was the most amazing and precious thing in our lives now. I would no longer be the most important person in her heart, but I came in a close second. But I was okay with that.

  “Everyone is eager to meet her,” I whispered.

  “I’m sure they are.” She kissed Skye’s forehead. “Let them in.”

  “Are you sure? Everyone will burst into tears and never stop taking pictures.”

  She smirked. “I can handle it.”

  “Okay.” I sent out the text message and waited for the stampede. They walked in less than a minute from when I sent the message. Mike came in first, eager to meet his niece. He came to the bed, being quiet, and then looked down at her.

  “Wow, she looks just like you, Scar.” Mike reached out and rested his hand on her head, feeling the few strands.

  “She does,” I agreed. “Thankfully.”

  Skye opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “I’m Uncle Mike,” he whispered. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  She stared at him for a while before she turned her eyes back to her mother.

  Mike sat beside Scarlet then felt her small feet. He was just as entranced by her as Scarlet and I. “I’m so glad this happened for you guys. You’ll be amazing parents.”

  “Thank you,” Scarlet said quietly.

  “Come on,” Ryan said. “You’re backing up the line.”

  “You already met her,” Mike snapped.

  “I didn’t get to hold her,” Ryan snapped.

  “Well, that’s not my problem,” Mike said. He took Skye from Scarlet and held her small form in his large hands. “She weighs the same as Trinity.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be great friends,” Scarlet said, resting her hand on his arm.

  Ryan growled. “She’s my niece.”

  “And you think she’s my distant uncle?” Mike said sarcastically.

  “If anything should be next it’s Andrew and Diane,” Cortland said.

  “Just give me another minute,” Mike said while he cradled my daughter.

  I smirked, amused by everyone’s impatience.

  “Time’s up,” my dad said as he came near. “Skye needs to meet her grandfather.”

  With a sigh, Mike handed her over. “Fine.”

  My dad cradled her in his arms like a pro and stared down at her, rocking her gently from side to side. “She has your eyes, Sean.”

  “She does,” my mother said. “And she’s so perfect.”

  “I know.” I felt the pride glow inside me. I had a beautiful daughter because my wife was such a beautiful woman.

  “At least you know she’s really yours,” my dad teased.

  “Not funny,” I snapped.

  He laughed. “Calm down, Sean.” He stared at Skye and rocked her back and forth. “We’re so lucky to have two beautiful and healthy grandbabies.”

  “We are.” My mom kissed Skye on the forehead. “I’m so glad I’m alive to see this.”

  No one said anything. My mom surgery was coming up, but we were all hopeful. But none of us could blame her for being scared. I knew I would be.

  My dad handed her to my mom, and she smiled down at Skye, tears in her eyes. “Two beautiful babies.”

  “And I’m sure there will be plenty more.” My dad put his arm around her shoulder and stared down at Skye, sharing the moment with her.

  No one dared to tell them to speed things along.

  Cortland and Monnique patiently waited for their turn, sneaking glances at Skye.

  I sat beside Scarlet and put my arm around her, holding her close. We watched everyone treasure our daughter as much as we did. She was the light of the day, outshining everything in her vicinity.

  My parents eventually passed her off, and everyone had a chance to hold her. Mike took Trinity so Cassandra could have an opportunity. Ryan was the last one, getting pushed out by the crowd waiting their turn.

  When he finally got her, he sighed. “About time.” As soon as he held her in his arms, his body stiffened and he took a deep breath. The emotion was in his eyes, and the rest of us were forgotten. He memorized every feature of Skye’s face, looking at her like she was a famous piece of artwork. “I’m your uncle Ryan. I’ll always be here if you need anything.”

  Scarlet watched him, warmth in her eyes.

  “And when your crazy mom drives you crazy, just call me,” he said with a smile.

  “You’re the last person she’ll call,” I said. “I don’t want her coming home with tattoos.”

  Ryan shrugged. “If she’s eighteen, she can do whatever she wants.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Scarlet said firmly.

  Ryan laughed. “You know I’m kidding. I’ll probably be more protective than both of you.” He sat down next to Janice and continued to hold her, clearly having no intention of giving her up anytime soon. Everyone sat in their chairs and spoke quietly, their eyes glued on the bundle.

  Scarlet was growing tired, her eyes becoming heavy, while everyone engaged in conversation. We sat together until visiting hours were over. When everyone was kicked out, they weren’t happy.

  “You guys can come over whenever you want,” I said. “You know where to find us.”

  Ryan returned Skye to Scarlet. “When are you going home?”

  “Tomorrow,” I answered.

  “Can I get you something?” Ryan asked Scarlet. “Some pizza and beer?”

  She laughed. “No, I can’t have beer for a while. I’m hungry but Sean will get something from the cafeteria.”

  Ryan kissed her forehead. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him.

  “Okay, I’m only going to say this once, so listen up.”

  That caught my attention.

  “You’re a bad ass, Scarlet.” He tapped her shoulder then walked out.

  “For what?” she asked.

  He turned around before he stepped through the door. “For everything.”

  When we came home the next day, Scarlet was sore and still drowsy, but she was with Skye every single moment of the day. They lay on the couch together, slept in the same bed, and most of the time, Scarlet was just staring at her. I was just as infatuated with the baby that came into our lives.

  “She’s hungry again,” Scarlet said with a sigh. “Our baby is going to be fat.”

  “She likes your milk.”

  “A little too much.” She pulled down her dress and exposed her nipple. Like a magnet, Skye’s mouth puckered around the skin.

  I watched my wife feed our daughter, mesmerized by the sight. Her breasts were twice as big as they used to be, catching my eye. They were firm and round.

  Scarlet caught my look. “Do you mind?”

  I smirked. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Oh. I thought you were being a pervert.”

  “I am,” I said honestly.

  She rolled her eyes and kept feeding Skye.

  I reached for the other strap of her dress and pulled it down.

  Scarlet shook her head slightly. “Do you ever think of anything else?”

  “No. You really thought having a baby would change that?”

  “I guess it was stupid for me to assume such.” When the baby was full, she cleaned off her breasts then put Skye in the crib. “She’s ready for a nap.”

  I kept eyeing her breasts, which were still hanging out. “I’m hungry.”

  “What do you want for dinner?”

  My meaning went right over her head. “You.”

  She pulled up the straps of her dress. “I’m too sore down there.”

  I yanked down her dress. “That’s not what I meant.” I leaned in and sealed my mouth over her breast then sucked, tasting the slightly sweet milk coming from her nipple. It tasted like cantaloupe juice.

  Scarlet didn’t push me away. She breathed while I sucked on her nipple hard.

  She was so hot that she was driving me crazy. I grabbed her hips and pulled her down the couch, her head landing on a pillow. “Sean, I’m too sore.”

  “I know, baby.” I moved my hand between her legs and touched her clitoris. “I can make you come anyway.” I moved over her and sealed her lips with mine, letting her get a taste of the milk.

  She moaned while I rubbed her nub. Soon, she was arching her back and scratching at my skin, loving what I was doing to her. She broke our kiss and panted while she stared at me, her knees shaking. “Hmm…”

  I rubbed her harder. “Come for me.”

  She stayed quiet by biting her lip, breathing hard as she spun downward in a fiery crescendo.

  When she was finished, I pressed my lips to her hip and kissed her. She still had a stomach from the delivery, and I knew she didn’t feel sexy, but she was still perfect to me. I loved every inch of her. Having a baby wouldn’t change my desire for her.

  “Now you.” She sat up and reached for my fly.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I just want to make you feel good.”

  “I know you have a raging hard-on. I can feel it.”

  “And I’ll survive.” I kissed her cheek. “When you’re feeling better, than you can make me feel good.”


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