Book Read Free

Snow Covered Moon

Page 41

by L M Adams

  When a not-wolf loves you

  I shrug on Jack’s robe, quickly making sure our skin does not even come close to touching. I swim in the dark blue lushness of his robe, my entire body a sexual organ as the power of Vayrá pulses against my Sacral Chakra powering it beyond even my own belief.

  He throws on a pair of jeans and an undershirt quickly. Padding barefoot, he rushes over to the door opening it and standing back.

  We walk back to the torture chamber in complete silence, me locking away the soft parts of my heart with every step. What I am about to do will have no softness in it.

  The room is empty except for Tabari and the one not-wolf that was willing to answer questions before. He still sways gently, quietly.

  Tabari eyes widen seeing me, he opens his mouth and closes it slowly. His eyes glow powerfully, hair lifting on the ends, third eye open trying to read me.

  “What has he done to you, Jaevia, what has the vampire done?” Tabari’s voice is low, filled with power and downright deadly.

  “I know not, brother.” My voice laps over its self, echoing with my own power.

  “You do not read as Jaevia; your aura, it’s as if you were pure succubus, I see not my sister here, not a glimpse of her. Vampire, explain or you will die where you stand.”

  Tabari turns those eyes filled with the promise of death to Jack. Jack does not move; his body is so still, no one would believe he was a living, breathing man to look at him now.

  “I do not know, Tabari, I fed her from the conduit. I fed her directly from Vayrá, and she drank much. More than I thought she could take in, I did not know her Chi could accept so much or I would not have done such a thing. I swear it, Tabari, I swear I did not intend to cause her any harm. Past… past the price I set,” Jack responds.

  “How are you able to feed her from the power conduit of the Blood King?” Tabari’s eyes return to the sprinkle of green and gold, marking him as part wolf. His hair settles around his face as he releases whatever nasty spell he’d planned for Jack.

  “It’s complicated,” Jack responds.

  I want to scream, “Because you’re the fucking Blood Lord,” but the power pulses just then. I cannot contain it much longer, and goddess help me, what will happen if I release it inside a clutch of vampires? My power does something to the vampire kind; if nothing else, Jack has certainly taught me that.

  My prey sways gently in his chains, and I want to get to business of exacting his soul and making him scream for me in miserable pleasure. I blink slowly as such a strong emotion courses through me. My succubus is so close to the surface. I should check, make sure she is still chained before I do anything else.

  “Give me a moment,” I say tasting power and sex on my tongue, my body tightens and quivers as I sit down on the cold, hard cement floor and close my eyes. It’s not too hard to find the prison I keep my succubus locked away in. Not hard at all.

  Her prison would usually be almost a blinding white. Instead it’s awash in a black purplish color, the color of my power signature, the color of my frequency.

  My succubus stands before me in a floor length dress made entirely out of delicate white down feathers. It is gorgeous, and the most intricate thing I’ve ever seen her in. The dress glows, I don’t know if it’s from power or the dark backdrop of the prison.

  Her hair is in deep curls tumbling around her purple glowing eyes that burn with fiery intensity. I suck in a breath. The power coats and pulses around her. But at least the collar, the collar I bind her with, is still there; she is still under my power.

  For now. She almost hisses.

  “Forever,” I respond. I feel like a mouse standing in front of her, the projection of my body is still me in Jack’s robe.

  She moves so quickly, grabbing my throat. We’ve never touched before. The two mental projections of me. I feel as if the fabric of space and time itself is ripping apart inside of me. My knees buckle and she forces me to my knees in front of her to bow before her greatness.

  Release me, let us be one, she demands with a voice of power and heat and all the lust of the worlds. I explode in climax so strong my eyes roll back into my head. I cannot form words, I cannot fathom a time that my body was mine to control. She releases my neck but the waves of climax continue to beat against me, she is a succubus here, and me? I’m nothing more than a human girl in this place and she has enough power to make me her thrall, I realize with horror.

  The wave of climax does not end every muscle in my body tightens in pleasure; my mind rips and shreds in pleasure. I could go mad, madder than I am, my heart could give out. I want it to give out, anything but being made into a thrall, trapped inside my own body as my succubus does god knows what in the real world with nothing and no one to control her, to curb her appetites.

  You will not die, I will take you to the edge of death and back again riding waves of pleasure until you break, until your mind is nothing but a blank slate, until you lay upon this prison floor drooling in need, in desire and unending torment, until this body is mine. And still it will not end, for that will be the beginning.

  I can’t even scream in terror, but I am terrified to my core, even Sheba….

  Fuck Sheba, always thoughts of Sheba; she is nothing compared to me. Here, now, I am your Mistress, I am your Goddess, I will keep you chained here and torture you until the end of time. You will have peace on my whim. I will fuck and torture the world, create thralls by the thousands. All will bow before me, and I shall feed.

  But you? I will always find a way to punish you. I will demand things you cannot even begin to fathom and you will enjoy it all, you will climax, your pussy always throbbing with heat and need, the most degrading things will give you the most enjoyment. I will make sure of it.

  Another climax breaks across me, and I scream but no sound escapes as tears run from my eyes. I try and pull from the trance fight my way back to the surface, back to reality. I see the torture room faded behind the facade of my succubus’s prison. I see Tabari and Jack standing before me, they are yelling, I can think of nothing else to do. I need a link back to the real world, and Jack, is the most likely to be able to provide it now, he’s the only one who has been in touch with my Chakras, my Chi, my center, he is the only one that can navigate me out of here. I reach out to him.

  It takes so much effort to move my corporeal body. I latch onto his forearm he drops to his knees in front of me. My power knows him and flows into his Chakra’s easily, making the connection directly to Anja his third eye, ruling the waking dream, visions.

  When I blink again, I am back in my succubus’s prison, and an astral projection of Capaneus Nicholas Jackson de la Fontaine is with me.

  My succubus turns looking at Jack; he stands deathly still looking back and forth between us.

  “What is this, Jae?” Instinctively, he looks at me, not my succubus. At least he can tell us apart. Of course, me is the one on her ass, losing.

  “I cannot explain, no time. I am trapped. I need you. But I don’t know how to, to tell you what…” Before I can finish a climax stronger than ever I’ve felt before rips through me. My back bows backwards as pleasure that cuts like pain rips through me again and again in an ending wave, my consciousness is ready to collapse in on itself. I know without a doubt if I lose consciousness here, it will be her that emerges in the corporeal world; she will finally own me body, mind, and soul.

  He cannot help you, this is my world.

  “I hold the power of the Blood King, the only man to be equal to the Mother of the Succubus and Incubi,” Jack says, taking a step towards my succubus. His eyes begin to glow the deepest blue I’ve ever seen.

  My equal, not my Master.

  “It is enough,” Jack says and walks towards me.

  Jack falls on his knees in front of me, he grabs my arms and the cold terrifying power he holds crawls up my arms and into me. It does not destroy the power I hold and so my succubus holds, but I can control at least a portion of it, he helps me push back th
e torment of the unending climax my succubus is using to destroy my mind.

  “Tell me what you need, Jaevia, tell me what you need.” Jack’s voice is worried and urgent.

  “I need you to do what you’re doing now, cool the fire, cool the passion and power. Freeze the bitch out.”

  If someone were to tell me that Jack was not Jack Frost himself, I would not believe them. As the coldness of age, of the earth, of the oceans far and wide pours into this place, snow begins to actually fall. My succubus tries stroke the flame of desire again but Jack is right: he is equal and it is enough to beat her, along with my own will, as weak as it is.

  I hold fast to him as I climb through my own psyche to the real world and surface like I have been drowning. I come up with a gasp of air as my lungs burn at the taste of freedom.

  I watch as Jack blinks and his eyes stop glowing that brilliant blue, settling back into the metallic blue I’m used to, the color of his own balance of powers he holds within him. The power of rage itself and the power to cool rage.

  “What the fuck was that, Jae?” Tabari demands.

  I do not look away from Jack, shaking my head no, please keep my secret, Jack, please keep my secret. I beg him with my eyes. I watch as the decision wars within him, but he slightly nods his head.

  “It’s too much power, Tabari. I was caught in it and needed Jack to help me control it. I need this to be done before I go mad. Just put up a shield around us; the power, some may seep off.” He nods his head with a worried look.

  “Jack, please can you stay with me? I’m sorry to ask. I know you did not want me to do this.”

  “Of course, Jaevia, whatever you need, whatever you need.” His voice is filled with worry and trepidation, I guess seeing the inner psyche of your girlfriend and learning she truly is bat shit crazy will do that to a fella.

  I gather my courage and stand up, my legs ache. I don’t even want to know how long I’d been sitting there. I need this power out of me so I can re-balance myself, so I can bring my succubus to heel.

  I walk forward to the not-wolf that is stalking me with its eyes. I feel awash with shame for the thing I am about to do to it.

  Am I not about to torture this poor, pitiful creature? Am I any better than the vampires? Any better than Sheba? If I was to ask this not-wolf, after I’m done, I think he would say no. I’ll be doing nothing more than mind raping him. I’m not going to pretty it up to make myself feel better about it.

  I feel the shield of power wrap around me, Jack, and the not-wolf. It snaps into place, keeping the world safe from me. It’s nothing I can see. Maybe I could, if I could open my third eye, but I’ve always been third eye blind. I can’t find enough inner peace and balance to open it. Having an astral plane with a succubus being kept prisoner within your psyche kind of fucks up the possibility of having peace and inner balance.

  This is the one that spoke up before, the one that reminds me of a twisted satyr or faun, just with wolf bits. He has wolf ears atop his head of human hair, dark brown hair curled tight and streaked with sweat. Its legs and feet are wolf and covered in pelt; its manhood still human, no lupine sheath.

  “I apologize for what I’m about to do now.”

  It mews in response. Its body is healed, but the memory of pain is not far away.

  I reach out a hand wrapping it around the base of its manhood, which is soft and plaint. I push my power into his Sacral Chakra, it takes a lot of force to do it, he howls with lust, becoming hard at the feel of my hand and my power, I close off the chakra with ease. You cannot seduce the seven if the power, desire, or misery is allowed to escape in climax.

  Manipura, its center, the gatherer of energy from your Chi, directing it to the Chakras in need, to keep the body functioning. I place my hand flat on its stomach and push, but nothing happens, I feel the dark nasty power that feeds him, the trickle of power from me is paltry compared to whatever is holding this abomination together. It’s like turning away a three-course meal for a can of tuna.

  I step back and look over; I apologize to Jack with my eyes, he was right. This is far too dangerous with no way to guard myself, too much with my succubus fighting for control, I don’t feel her but I know, I am here.

  What if this power within these abominations decides to latch onto me? Can I battle it back?

  Goddess help me, I call the power I hold down to my hand, so much energy even I can see it lapping like wet purple ooze on my forearm and hand, coating my skin. It drips to the floor shimmering in drops of pure succubus essence. Jack has given me so much energy. I almost drown in the scent of myself, the smell of freshly cut oranges inside the bubble; there is no new air, I realize. Tabari has closed it off tightly.

  “Jaevia,” Jack whispers in question.

  “I’m fine Jack, it’s going to take everything you gave me to seduce his seven. Whatever is feeding the not-wolves power, it’s strong, very strong. Don’t touch me unless I reach for you, understood?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Jack responds. Well I guess we are back to Jack being my slave.

  I slap my hand against the not-wolf’s stomach again. Come, you want me; I feel a tendril of my power reach from my Sacral wrapping around my arm and hand like a jellyfish tentacle and sink into the not-wolf’s stomach.

  I cry out as the not-wolf yells in my ear, this part always burns. I feel the dark pulse of power in him, fighting to stay latched. I peel it away with my power; I fall to my knees. His manhood, hard and throbbing in unfulfilled desire, so close to my face, I turn away. It’s so much harder when I feel no passion. Again and again I have to send huge pulses of my energy down the tendril and into his body but finally, his Manipura drinks me in, accepting me; turning away from whatever the fuck has been giving it power before. I stand up on shaky legs. The not-wolf jerks in his chains, screams deafening, bouncing off the magical bubble. The smell, the sound drowns me in sensory overload.

  I reach for each of his other Chakras, they are so easy to take now. I’ve broken through and this thing has no true will past the black twisted power that was controlling it. It’s my creature now. My thrall, like a human would be if I ever did such a thing to one. I reach for his brow, Ajna, his third eye; I rip it to shreds filling him with my will.

  To make the binding complete, I need to wrap the tendril of my power back into myself. I need some sort of passion, some empathy, some connection to this disgusting creature.

  I let my robe part and I rub my bare breasts on its pelt, teasing my nipples. I grow wet and ready as I realize I would love to feel its fur rub against my skin, we have always loved the twisted things. I nod my head as I give it that part of myself, to make a connection. The tendril binds me quickly, tightly. My chest tightens in pain, I scream from the pleasure and disgust that courses through my body.

  The tendril rips through my own third eye and then I see it. A gem, full of unending power. Not one gem. A mutilated gem: part ruby, part diamond, and part emerald. It pulses with dark power. Who holds the gem? I think. And the vision in my mind draws back. I see an older woman, in robes. A witch. A very powerful witch.

  “It makes me drink the power, Mistress,” the not-wolf whispers with pain and despair heavy in his voice.

  “You do not want to?”

  “I didn’t at first, but it begins to hurt if I do not, so I accept it.”

  “What does she want?”

  “Power, she wants the power of the Moon Goddess. She wants the power of creation.”

  “Why attack the vampires?”

  “To make more of us, but different,” it hisses out.

  “Not-vampires?” I ask in shock.

  I don’t know what that would turn out to be. I never want to find out. But it makes sense; you don’t have many vampire Bâtardi, usually all born vampires are just turned into purebloods, it’s not up for discussion. You would need a vampire to infect a human with the Dracula Strain to turn them into Crows. Still the Crow would be loyal to its master or mistress until it gained enough power to
survive on its own. But crows are not made to live without purebloods, a madness seeps within them if they even try.

  There would be no way for the witches to control either purebloods or crows, but they do not follow the laws of our worlds. I remind myself. Why do any of this? What is the point in it all?

  “Why try to make you into wolves?”

  “That was the price for power.”

  “Whose price?!”

  “The humans, they want to have the power and healing of the wolves, but not be wolves. The humans give us to our Mistress. I didn’t want to be a wolf, beholden to the Wolf Mother, but I wanted the power. I wanted the power,” he hisses.

  “Let me fuck you, Mistress,” it begs. I ignore its plea.

  “Where are they, tell me where they are!”

  I feel whatever curse he carries lock his vocal box and rip through him in pain. Nasty fucking curse. His body seizes jerking harshly in the chains, but I begin getting visions- snippets of images. I see a place, but I don’t know it. I’m walking down a hallway. There are rooms everywhere with half glass windowed walls sectioning each off. I look into the windows, people in white coats walk about. The smell of antiseptic burns my nose, covering the stench of death and rot. There are twisted creatures on the tables, all in partial change.

  It’s not right; everything is wrong. They can’t figure out why it’s not working. I see a CNAE guard in uniform, I’m not surprised; we knew the CNAE had to be involved in some manner. I notice the patch on the uniform is different than ones I’ve seen before. I try to remember every detail about it.

  “They do not have the power of the lone wolf. That is what they are missing, they need pack magic.”

  “Jesse, is it him?”

  “I do not know. Mistress, let me fuck you now.”

  “Where are they?”

  “I do not know. Mistress, let me fuck you now.”

  “Are they planning to attack the real werewolves?”

  “I do not know. Mistress, let me fuck you now.”

  I realize my power and the curse have burned him out. There is no memory or thought in him. He’s a thrall; there is no freedom from it except death. You cannot give back something you have destroyed.


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