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Page 2

by Dylan Quinn

  And he was beautiful.

  Dark chocolate hair swept just above his brows. I couldn't see his eyes, but he had a straight nose and strong jaw, with stubble in all the right places.

  Something about him called to me. Like gravity. I wanted—no. I needed to get closer.

  "Is he?" Phoebe's voice became a barely audible whisper, like she was about to say a bad word. “The one?” She nudged my shoulder. “Is he your…?”

  “No way.” I jerked out from behind the door, leaned against it, and crossed my arms over my chest like a stubborn child.

  Could he really be my Gemini?

  My ring was glowing and heating up my hand. Is this how the ring led me to him? I—wait. His aura. It was the same color as my ring. Gemini shared the same color. Of course I couldn’t see my own…

  Ah crap.

  Like his ears were burning, he turned around in his chair, and that adorable dimple sunk deep into his left cheek. His eyes, man, they're intense, practically lit up as he tipped his head to the side and uncrossed his arms to reveal a broad, muscular chest.

  I held my breath and stared like a star-struck fan.

  Seemingly unfazed, he tipped his head and mouthed my name.

  "Girl, this is your night." Phoebe nudged me. "Look at him, he's all kinds of hot." She moved closer and whispered, "Happy Birthday."

  Sophie said this would happen, but tonight? Seriously?

  There was a talent scout out there right now, I sure as hell didn’t need a bout of supernatural déjà vu distracting me—even if it did come with a totally hot guy I couldn’t stop staring at.

  No. It’d taken me three years to emotionally recover from that Genesis BS, and I wasn’t about to go back there. Not tonight.

  Sophie and Eli’s abandonment cured me of wanting anything to do with my Genesis blood or the duties I supposedly inherited, although Sophie refused to tell me what most of those were.

  Turning eighteen sucked.

  Sophie, the only mother I’d ever known, bailed, and my heart was broken by my—well, by a guy who I thought was my Gemini, despite Sophie’s insistence that he wasn’t.

  But all the signs were there: His Genesis aura and birthmark. The timing of his arrival. Our instant connection.

  I was so sure Eli was my Gemini. So was he, but then out of the blue, he and Sophie left, and I lost all faith—in everything and everyone. I stopped trusting others, and worse yet, myself. Sophie said trusting my instincts was key.

  But I’d been so wrong about Eli.

  After a year or so, I settled into college at Northwestern. Met Dr. Lucci, my adviser, and my Genesis friends, slash family, slash bandmates.

  Then the manager here at the lounge took a chance on us, and my sullen existence came to life.

  I fell in love with music. With performing.

  I found myself.

  I blew out a breath, shook my head, and stalked backstage. I sat on the wooden bench in front of the practice piano, and Phoebe sat beside me.

  "I know what you’re thinking," she said. "But it’s been three years. You have to let go. Look at what’s in front of you. Or rather, who’s waiting out there for you.”

  Despite Phoebe’s blind faith in Sophie’s Gemini stories, I couldn’t fault my BFF. She meant everything to me. We grew up together in the foster home. When our foster demon, I mean dad, went crazy and lit our house on fire, Sophie kept Phoebe close, so I wouldn’t lose my best friend.

  We’d sit for hours listening to Sophie’s fairytales, dreaming of my happily ever after… until Eli left. Then I just shoved the stories away in my Never Going to Happen file, and moved on with my life.

  But not Phoebe. She always held hope.

  Her fatal flaw.

  Phoebe didn’t have Genesis blood like the rest of our small circle of friends, and no birthmark. She was human in every way but still the most amazing person I knew. And an Empath, according to Sophie. Probably why she could calm my nerves with her angelic smile.

  “Ugh.” I rubbed my throbbing temples. All this unintentional reminiscing made my head hurt. Literally. I covered my face with my palms and bent down onto my knees.

  Phoebe rubbed my back. “It’s all going to be okay. I’m sure of it."

  She didn’t get it, but her voice soothed my nerves, nonetheless. Phoebe was my rock, and I never could have survived my childhood or the foster demon’s wrath without her.

  I sat up, and my gaze locked onto my arms.

  The scars the demon left behind were more vivid today.

  It’s not like I hadn’t tried to move on, but my marred arms were constant reminders of the dark shadows that hovered over me.

  And on this night, every damn year, it all came crashing back.

  Sophie’s abandonment still stung, and Eli’s words still hung in the air…

  “I’m not the one for you.”

  Despite his assurance that we’d be together for Eternity just days before, Eli met me on my birthday, spoke those ruinous words then left me crying in Central Park. Alone.


  Something inside me changed that day—a wall thick as steel grew around my heart.

  Eli promised he’d always be there for me.

  He lied.

  ~Chapter Three~


  "Happy Birthday!" Remie and Rainah Samuels chimed in unison as I stumbled backstage.

  “You okay?” Remie reached for my shoulders to steady me.

  I nodded to him. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “You’re a hot mess tonight, Zo.” Remie’s twin sister Rainah smirked.

  “Yeah, thanks for that.”

  We’d just finished our last set, and I couldn’t be more relieved to escape the stranger’s unwavering gaze. He was turning me into a clumsy disaster.

  “Finally legal.” Our drummer, Micah Peters strutted in, holding out a shot. He pushed the drink in my direction, wiggling his fingers around the glass.

  "What is it?" I wrinkled my nose.

  Micah raised an eyebrow. He cocked his head to the side and flipped his too long sandy hair from his eyes. "Don’t trust me? Awe, come on. Be brave.”

  "Yeah, no.” Phoebe giggled and grabbed my arm, then dragged me out from the dressing room.

  Micah just shrugged, toasted his glass to me, and tossed back the shot.

  Phoebe led me into the crowded room, past his table, and we found two empty stools at the bar—far from the Genesis stranger’s gravitational pull.

  "There's the birthday girl," Brennan Tucker, one of our summer bartenders, greeted me from behind the bar.


  He glanced over my shoulder, and his slate eyes flickered red, so quickly, I almost missed it.

  “You okay, Bren?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Never better.” He winked, handing me a wine glass. “Happy birthday.”

  I took the wine and nodded, then downed the drink. Mmm. Moscato.

  Phoebe knew me so well.

  "Thanks." I set the glass in front of him. "Another, please."

  “I’m running to the ladies room.” Phoebe stood. “Be back in a minute.” She squeezed my shoulder and left me alone at the bar.

  I sipped my wine, enjoying my first, no, second legal drink while waiting for someone I actually wanted to find me this evening, and avoiding the inundating stare scorching me from across the room.

  “Zoe Adams?”

  I sucked in a breath and spun around in my seat.

  Here we go…

  A tall, built guy, I’d say early thirties, stood before me, holding out his hand. Blond. Tan. Good-looking for sure.

  “Yes?” I grinned, trying to play coy, though pulling off a poker face was never my specialty.

  “Sam Gaits, Infinity Records.”

  My heart beat against my chest.

  I glanced at his hand and offered him mine, then recognized a familiar pattern of purple freckles on his wrist. I leaned closer to get a better look, but he grabbed my hand too quickly.

nbsp; Whoa. First a Gemini aura, then flickering red eyes, and now a maybe Genesis seal on the rep’s wrist.

  Yep, losing it for sure.

  He handed me a card. “I really enjoyed your set. You have one hell of a voice, a solid fan base, and I’d like more time to see if you’d fit with our label. You play here five nights a week?”

  I was speechless. Twice in one night, must be some kind of record.

  “I do. And thank you, that means a lot. Is Dr. Lucci here with you?” I scanned the room, looking for my adviser, but she was nowhere in sight.

  “Uh, no? I’m not sure who that is. My boss called a couple of hours ago, said the scout who was supposed to be here cancelled. I was already in Chicago for another gig, but that band cancelled, so here I am. Must be fate.” He grinned.

  Fate? Please.

  “Anyway. You have my card, and I have to go. But I’m interested. We’ll be in touch.” He nodded then disappeared through the crowd.

  “Oh. My Gods.” I squeezed my eyes shut and began a happy dance, bouncing and spinning around in my chair.

  This was it, the moment I’d worked my booty off for the last three years. My dream of a music career was really going to happen.

  Curse broken.

  “Excited much?” Phoebe stopped my barstool pirouette. “See, I knew if you just gave it a chance to sink in, you’d be thrilled about finding your Gemini.”

  “Uh, no. That’s not what…”

  Nobody knew about the scout coming tonight. I didn’t even know until yesterday, and I wasn’t ready to say anything to the band yet. What if the scout didn’t like them?

  What if my friends didn’t share my dream?

  We never really talked about the Genesis thing, not since we all met at Northwestern and realized we had the birthmarks. After one conversation comparing childhood war stories, it was never spoken of again. It became the elephant in the room that nobody would discuss.

  At least not with me.

  I was pretty sure they kept all sorts of things from me, so I felt no pressing need to share my intel with them. At least not yet, until I knew for sure what the deal was.

  “Man, is he into you,” Phoebe teased. "He can't stop staring.”

  I spun back around to check him out, and my stomach wrenched at the thought.

  Timing was everything, and at that moment, the hot guy had crappy timing.

  Fate, be damned.

  I tried focusing on something else, stared down at the Moscato in my hand, but my gaze had other plans.

  I glanced back toward my table and watched Rainah reach over and smack Micah upside the head, when the light beside them grew brighter, recapturing my attention.

  That aura. It was so… familiar.

  In obvious denial, I scanned the room, hunting for a matching light, but surrendered in defeat. Nothing.

  Maybe Phoebe was right. It’s not like I wasn’t expecting this.

  Not today, though.

  His head tilted up, and my gaze locked onto his.

  I sucked in a breath.

  A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth then he brushed his hand through his hair and nodded.

  I turned back, cheeks on fire.

  Brennan glared at my admirer. Someone isn’t happy.

  "Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I stood and adjusted my laced up crimson tank top. "Okay," I relented. "Let's get this over with."

  I pulled on Phoebe’s elbow.

  She got all giddy and popped up to her toes. Clapped all fangirl-like.

  We sifted through the crowd and reached our table. Three sets of eyes glared at me.

  "Nice of you to finally join your own party." Rainah scoffed, tucking her dark auburn hair behind her ears.

  Phoebe and I settled into the two empty chairs. My back was to him. Thankfully, I wouldn't have to face him. My hands shook as I gripped my drink, barely keeping my nerves in check.

  What’s wrong with me?

  "Finally." Remie grinned, wrapping his arm around Phoebe as she nuzzled in under his chin.

  Phoebe and Remie were Gemini, though I wasn't sure how. Genesis, from what Sophie said, couldn’t be with humans. Phoebe had an aura, but didn't have the birthmark like the rest of us. I tried telling myself this… and Phoebe, for like, ever. Even after their Gemini colors merged in front of me, but in time, none of that made any difference. Genesis or not, she belonged with him.

  They were soul mates.

  My attention was quickly averted when everyone sitting across from me focused above my head. Gaping stares gave away who stood there, as did his enticing scent. Musk maybe? I couldn’t tell.

  I put down my glass and stared at my mother's ring. The stone, once again, played its tricks.

  A light tap to my shoulder forced an electric jolt through me, nearly knocking me out of my chair. I twisted around to see him up close. Intense eyes, tall and muscular. Protective.



  He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans with a midnight blue, button-down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, showing every inch of hidden power in his tanned arms, and a sprinkling of dark hair hid beneath his shirt.

  "Miss Adams?"

  Oh geez, his voice. It was smooth as silk—music to my ears as the butterflies I’d fought so hard to tame were set free.

  My gaze locked onto his.

  "I'm Cade." Crystal blue eyes sparkled from the reflection of the lights shining overhead. "It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Your performance was perfect, and your voice. Truly breathtaking."

  Flattery will get you everywhere.

  As he spoke, heat rose to my cheeks and tiny flecks of sweat crept up on my forehead.

  "Thank you." My voice shook. I caught my breath and swallowed.

  I reached for his outstretched hand. The instant we touched, a tingling burst of energy darted from my fingertips to my wrist and through my arms, then into my chest. I gasped and instinctively pulled back, but he held my hand and refused to let go.

  He reached out for my other hand, and I relented, allowing him to help me to my feet. Tall. My three-inch heels brought me to six feet, but even in my favorite stilettos, he still had a few inches on me.

  As the distance between us narrowed, our eyes met, and I studied their color. Tiny flecks of green scattered about and a cerulean circle encased his iris, but the rest was like cool, blue water. The contrast with his bronzed skin and dark hair made me dizzy.

  I chewed on my lip, and he let out a laugh.

  Something primal pulled from deep inside, drawing me to him. I knew him somehow. Had we met before? No way, I would never have forgotten this guy.

  The lights overhead dimmed, and the acoustic version of Adore began playing from the speakers, almost on cue. My current favorite song. Seriously?

  "Could I persuade you to dance?"

  I froze, my mouth hanging open like an idiot. What in the hell was wrong with me?

  "Zoe." He spoke my name softly, a tone exuding reverence, then tilted his head toward the dance floor.

  I glanced back at my friends, all nodding their approval, jaws dropped to the table. Phoebe bounced in her chair.

  Cade held my hand and led me to the dance floor.

  A knot lodged in my chest. I hadn't danced with a guy since, well. Ever. I had no idea what I was doing.

  He took my right arm, wrapped it around his shoulder, and held my left.

  I followed his lead, and we swayed in sync to the music.

  Cade peered down under thick lashes. His dimple burrowed into his cheek, sending my heart into an erratic cadence of its own.

  I couldn’t take my eyes from his as we moved to the rhythm of the piano playing from the speakers. My pulse spiked. Skin tingled, chasing goose bumps over my arms. My wrist was again, engulfed in flames, but in a good way.

  Warm. Pulsing.

  Weak in his arms, my body hummed, came alive like it’d been holding out on me all this time. If this was how having a Gemini felt, I definitel
y wanted one.

  "So," Cade started.

  I shifted my gaze over his shoulder and tried to pretend like everything about him wasn’t setting my soul on fire.

  "What are you and your friends celebrating this evening?" His voice was low and sensual.

  Simply hearing him speak made me shudder.

  "Um," I stammered, refocusing on his amazing eyes. "It's my birthday.” I swallowed. “Not really celebrating though."

  We stopped moving. He lifted my chin and met my gaze.

  "Zoe." He spoke in a commanding yet gentle tone. "Every birthday, particularly yours, is cause to celebrate." He returned his hands to their previous positions and tugged me closer. He snuck a peek at my wrist, and a yummy, crooked smile pulled at the corners of his lips.

  For the next sixty seconds, we didn't speak—just danced. Our unified gaze locked on one another.

  My heartbeat grew louder. If I wasn’t mistaken, so did his, its sweet song called to me.

  Next thing I knew, my head dropped to his chest like a magnet.

  I closed my eyes, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, on the gentle rhythm of his heart strumming beneath my cheek.

  Something felt right.

  Like home.

  But the dance ended too soon, and the music picked up its pace.

  I raised my head, cheeks burning, embarrassed to have gotten so close.

  He stepped back, still holding my hands. "Thank you. You’re most graceful on your feet."

  "I would hardly call that performance graceful." I laughed.

  "You are a most elegant and graceful beauty." He raised my left hand to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles, never taking his eyes from mine. "I realize we’ve only just met, but…”

  “I know you,” I blurted out. “Somehow.”

  He let out a relieved breath. “Yes. And I was hoping you’d be agreeable to a meal? Uh, dinner.” His voice trembled. “To-morrow, perhaps?”

  Cade’s aura was crazy bright. I could usually focus beyond them when they appeared, tune them out, but not his. It literally took my breath away.

  What was wrong with him? With me?

  Neither of us had any composure, but I had to find mine. Gemini or not, I’d swore never to trust another man with my heart, and I wasn’t about to break that promise tonight.


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