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Page 15

by Dylan Quinn

  "So what about being a Guardian here? Could I choose to stay here if I wanted to?" Remie's gaze bounced between Phoebe and Raz.

  "There is always a choice, son. That's why we've been given free will. You won’t be forced into this life, it's a decision you’ll make without coercion."

  "What would happen if I chose to stay human?"

  Phoebe's mouth dropped. She pulled from his embrace, pursed her lips, and gripped her hips.

  "That is not an option, Remliel Samuels. This is your destiny. You’ll do what you were born to do, and you will not use me as an excuse to get out of it.” She huffed and stormed off.

  We all stared after Remie as he chased Phoebe down the corridor.

  What have I done?

  This was my fault. Not only would I lose Phoebe once I became Eternal, but she would lose the love of her life. And her family. I couldn't bear it any longer. This was so unfair, sacrificing the ones we love for this, whatever this was.

  Cade came over, put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me into a hug.

  "So we really do have a choice?" Rainah’s gaze bounced between Julian and Raz.

  "Of course. In everything, there is a choice. While there may not always appear to be, there is." Raz scanned the room. "Are any of you considering not answering your call?"

  Micah perked up. "No way. This all sounds super bad—I love the idea of kicking the crap out of these demons." He started jumping around, punching into the air.

  He reminded me of Eli—playful, and always making jokes.

  Raz winked.

  What did that mean?

  "What about you, Rainah. What are you thinking?" Raz asked.

  She leaned against the wall, one foot behind her, playing with her hair falling below her shoulders. "I'm in."

  Julian's aura lit up.

  Rainah spotted his grin, and her cheeks flushed. "Not sure what my powers are though. How do we figure that out?"

  "Eternal Placement Test." Raz grinned.

  "Are you serious?" She put her foot to the floor and swung her hair behind her.

  Cade, Raz and the Firstborns all chuckled.

  "Of course not." Julian moved over to Rainah, nearly stood on top of her.

  Rainah blushed and pushed out her hip.

  And so it begins.

  "We will observe you," Raz interjected. "Take inventory of your natural abilities and see what evolves."

  "Zoe does that, too. She's our emcee,” Julian said.

  "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "Part of your duty is to train Firstborns and assign us jobs."

  “And Gemini." Cade squeezed my shoulders. "Your gift for finding Gemini also crosses over to their assignments in the Eternal realm. You cannot see it yet, but you will once you Eternalize."


  "Yes, that's what we call the metamorphosis from human to Eternal," Cade said.

  "How does that work?"

  "It’s similar to when a human—" Cade pressed his lips shut.

  “Passes on,” Raz finished for him.

  "You mean?" I narrowed my eyes, my heart pounding.

  Cade stepped back but never released me, just tugged me close, embracing for impact.

  "Yes,” Raz said. “Technically—you’ll die."

  ~Chapter Twenty-Two~


  The days following Zoe's kidnapping had been tense. With the Firstborns training in preparation for whatever unknown attacks Lilith and her demons had on the horizon, everyone was anxious and needed a break.

  Most certainly, Zoe and I.

  I was prepared to do what I came here for in the first place. Spend time with Chayah.

  We desperately needed the reprieve. I wanted her to understand this life was not all about duty and sacrifice, but about our commitment to each other. She could not know that if I didn’t take time to show her.

  Zoe and Phoebe had spent all of last night planning a fun, romantic day for us. I eagerly anticipated whatever she had planned.

  Much time had passed since Phoebe arrived with Zoe’s belongings, and they disappeared into our bedroom. I had no idea what they were doing for so long, but I remained outside, pacing the concrete balcony, staring at my watch every few minutes.

  Footsteps tiptoed behind me. I turned, and Zoe stood before me, her hair tied back. She wore a dark blue sleeveless top and shorts. Very short shorts.

  "Hey." She stepped up to me, and laid her palms against my chest.

  “Hello, love.”

  She rose to her toes, and her lips met mine, gentle and sweet.

  Since getting caught by Raz in my great room, Zoe had broken her shy ways and was no longer secretive with her affections. I was truly enjoying this part of our courtship. Watching her fall in love with me, all over again. It was my favorite time of each incarnation.

  And after twenty-one years apart, my need for her physically was burning in every limb of my wanting body. This phase was the most difficult, waiting to initiate the Convergence. Being near her and knowing we could not physically be together yet, was most challenging.

  It was a rule Zoe set in motion our first incarnation. Not because it was forbidden by the Doctrine, but because Zoe was convinced waiting would make our first night together special, allowing her to fully seal her bond to me.

  I had made her a promise and had kept it each incarnation. Though keeping this particular promise wasn’t easy, it was important to her, so I did what I could to remain true to my word.

  The irony was during each successive rebirth, Zoe became more persistent to begin our physical relationship. She would become the seductress, trying to break my resolve.

  Resisting her advances was damn near impossible, but knowing what waited for me made resisting well worth it.

  "Are you ready to go?" She pushed my hair from my eyes. "We're meeting everyone at the Ferris wheel in half an hour."

  "Is there anything I need to bring?"

  She shrugged, sat on the bench, and pulled me down beside her.

  "Nope. I've got everything I need." She set her hand on my knee and ran it up my thigh. "Right. Here." She moved closer, left light kisses along my neck, up to my earlobe and whispered into my ear. "We're going to have a fabulous day." She gently tugged my earlobe with her teeth. "And an epic night."

  Yes, keeping myself in line today would be a challenge.

  And I detested telling Zoe No.

  I held her hips and quickly lifted her onto my lap, struggling to keep my hands steady, resisting the urge to roam.

  Zoe laughed, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. She pulled back and rested her forehead to mine.

  "Are you ready?” I asked. “I think were already late."

  She nuzzled into my chest. "I guess."

  I understood how she felt. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with her, too.

  Soon, Chayah.

  "Okay." Zoe picked herself up off my lap. "Let's go. It’s time I introduce you to my city."

  We left our building and arrived at Navy Pier fifteen minutes later. This was the first time I’d been this far down.

  Zoe was adorable, like a wide-eyed child dragging me by the hand to the Ferris wheel. When we arrived, there was only Remie and Phoebe.

  "Hey guys." Phoebe stood beside Remie, holding his hand. "Ready?"

  "Where is everyone?" Zoe asked.

  "They're going to meet us here soon. You two are late." She laughed. Phoebe tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

  Zoe blushed and shrugged as she pulled me close, and leaned into my shoulder.

  Remie shook his head and grinned.

  "It's about time, boss lady." Julian arrived beside Rainah. "We waited for a half hour for you two. I'm ready to go have some fun."

  "So what are we doing?" I asked.

  "Well first, we're going for a ride on this monstrosity here.” Zoe gestured to the Ferris wheel. “Then we're going to play on the pier.”

  Zoe dragged me to the line, and w
e waited to get onto the metal contraption. I couldn’t fathom what anybody would see entertaining about riding this thing.

  I seldom let my feet leave the actual ground. We didn't have to travel like humans.

  While waiting for our turn to board, Zoe held my hand, swinging it back and forth.

  I tilted my head high to see the top of this enormous thing. My stomach lurched a tad.

  "Are you nervous?" Zoe narrowed her eyes, an accusatory grin on her face.

  Am I? How odd.

  "No.” I scoffed. “Of course not." I kept my chin straight ahead, my gaze focused on Zoe beside me.

  "Cade Adams.” She shook her head, clicking her tongue twice. “You are afraid of heights." She giggled. “You know, you’re not a very good liar either. Guess gambling is off the table for both of us.” She nudged my shoulder.

  The line thinned out, and before I knew it, we were next.

  "We don't have to do this. I’ve been up there before,” she said. “Though it is an amazing view."

  "I’ll be fine, Zoe.” I squeezed her hand. “It’ll be fun." I laughed nervously.

  There was no chance I would back out on something like this.

  "I never figured a badass immortal could be scared of something so human," she teased.

  The man running the ride opened up the car, and Zoe and I took our seat in the deathtrap. She scooted over toward me, held my hand and clutched it firmly as the iron beast began to spin.

  I took deep breaths as we moved slowly at first, then faster. I closed my eyes, which only made my stomach lurch further.

  "Cade, open your eyes." She nudged me. "You have to see Chicago from up here.”

  I took another breath and opened my eyes. We were at the top, and the Ferris wheel had slowed down to start letting people off.

  "Look how beautiful the view is. Isn't it amazing?”

  She was right. The view up here was beautiful.

  I couldn't take my eyes from Zoe—Chicago and Lake Michigan, her backdrop.

  “Yes, the view from my perspective is quite beautiful.” I set my hand on her cheek and kissed her. Electricity surged through me as she pressed her mouth into my lips.

  "Cade," she whispered between kisses. "Do you realize we're making out a hundred and fifty feet off the ground?"

  "No, love." I ran my nose along her soft skin, gently skimming her earlobe with my teeth. "I hadn't noticed."


  Sometime later, we met up with the Firstborns for lunch at a restaurant called Jimmy Buffett's Margaretville. Micah explained who Jimmy Buffett was as they all sang about some lost saltshaker. Afterward, the Firstborns went off in their own directions, planning to meet up in two hours.

  Zoe and I walked along the pier, exploring the various shops and attractions. After leaving some silly maze, we walked through the Shakespeare Theater and headed back to meet the others.

  We were about to pass a stained glass museum when Zoe stopped. She tilted her head, eyeing the windows. A minute later, she pulled out her phone to check the time.

  "We've got like twenty minutes," she said. "I've always wanted to go in here.” She took my hand and pulled me inside.

  The stained glass displays were beautiful. The museum was lit using artificial lighting to show the colors of the windows. The contrast in hues of the numerous panes of glass all came together as one.

  They reminded me of the auras of the Eternals when we were all together.

  Zoe explained about glass art. She enjoyed teaching me things as we strolled along, holding hands, looking at the man-made creations. Most of the displays were from the past two centuries, and she explained their thematic significance, as she understood them.

  Spending a relaxing day with Zoe was refreshing. It felt—normal.

  We stood near the door preparing to leave when a woman removed a cloth sheet from a new display across the room. Zoe looked on as the woman set up the display, placing a stand in front of it.

  I couldn't see what it said from where we stood, but something about glass caught Zoe's attention.

  She released my hand and wandered toward the display, and I followed behind her.

  As we got closer, I recognized what the artwork depicted.

  The presentation was quaint and romantic.

  Hues of blue and green surrounded a woman. She stood beside a Tree—one hand over her head, the other handing an apple to a man who knelt before her.

  Zoe quietly inspected the piece.

  Eve had an expression of child-like innocence as she handed Adam the apple. He returned her gaze with loving adoration.

  The glass art was stunning and actually represented that moment perfectly, despite the disastrous chain of events that followed.

  "What are you thinking?" I pried cautiously.

  "I don't know what to say.” Her gaze never left the display. “This is—strange."

  I placed my arms around her waist, pulling her to rest upon my chest, and I set my chin on her shoulder.

  "I never thought of myself as a work of art or something to be displayed in a museum." She exhaled. "And I've never thought about that apple incident at all. Before now.”

  This was surreal, but I was more concerned with Zoe’s reaction. Things were tense for us, and something like this could have any number of possible outcomes.

  "Is that what it was like?" Zoe pulled free from my embrace and turned to face me. She gazed at me with her innocent, emerald eyes. "They—we. Both look so happy. In love, even."

  I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb along her lower lip.

  "We are."

  ~Chapter Twenty-Three~


  Later that afternoon, we arrived back at my building. Zoe instructed me to dress up, announcing that we were going somewhere romantic.

  Raz had helped me shop for clothes the weeks before her birthday, so I would at least appear to fit in.

  Zoe and I usually dressed as soldiers, seldom having reason to wear anything else since most our time was spent fighting demons and Fallen.

  I waited on the couch, elbows on my knees and hands clasped together. My foot tapped on the wooden floor. I periodically checked my watch.

  Phoebe was helping Zoe get ready. I couldn’t recall Zoe ever taking so long to prepare for anything, but I, too, desired for this evening to be perfect, so I didn’t rush her.

  The door to our room opened, and Phoebe came out. "Are you ready to see our masterpiece?"

  I rose to my feet as Zoe emerged from our room.

  The angelic vision left me breathless.

  She wore a shimmering, midnight blue, strapless dress. The hem reached just above her ankles, and there was a split in the fabric that reached up to her thigh. Her dark hair was swept up off her forehead, and tight curls hung down around her shoulders.

  Zoe glowed radiantly. She spun in a circle on her thin, high heels, revealing her beautifully bare back.

  A welcomed spark of energy pulsed through me. The Gemini mark on my wrist raced, and our heartbeats’ synced.

  Before the Convergence, our hearts beat independently. But when we were near each other—on a rare, yet beautiful occasion—our bodies would crave for their natural connection to be reclaimed. Our hearts would find each other and temporarily merge as one.

  Moments like this reminded me how precious our Eternal bond was.

  “Zoe.” I slowly moved closer. “You look absolutely stunning.” I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  "Thanks.” She adjusted my tie, then pushed my hair off my forehead, away from my eyes. Her gaze took me in, head to toe. Her aura blazed to life. “You look— hot.” She let out an adorable laugh, and her cheeks reddened. “Ready to go?"

  "Yes. Where are we going?"

  Julian sauntered in, grinning. "My name is Julian, and I’ll be your chauffer for the evening." He bowed.

  I held out my arm to Zoe. “Shall we?”

  She nodded, and linked her arm with mine.

  We left the apartment and followed Jul
ian to the garage of the building.

  Julian held open the SUV door. “Your chariot awaits, my lady.”

  Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the Shedd Aquarium. The night sky was lit with unseen stars. The building was empty save for us.

  We stepped out of the car, and Julian escorted us to the main entrance.

  A young woman met us there and led us inside.

  "Welcome to the Shedd Aquarium. I’m Bethany, and I'll be your docent for the evening." She led us down corridors and through multiple marine displays.

  Beautifully colored fish and other sea creatures glided through the tanks. Zoe would stop occasionally to watch them.

  Her love for the sea was legendary.

  After a brief tour of the facility, Bethany led us to a spacious ballroom with an enormous, round tank in the middle. Beside it stood one single table adorned with candles and place settings for two.

  “Wow.” Zoe’s eyes grew wide.

  “Welcome to the Rotunda. One of the most popular displays at Shedd.” Bethany gestured to our table.

  I pulled out Zoe’s chair, and she settled in while I took the seat across from her. The cylindrical tank was lit as a backdrop.

  Bethany poured two glasses of champagne then left the room to retrieve the first course.

  The overhead lights dimmed, and the lighting from the Rotunda cast shadows about the room. Candles throughout the ballroom lit instantly.

  "This is amazing, love. You did all of this?"

  "Well, it was my idea, but all of this?” She shook her head. “A little angelic help didn’t hurt." She grinned. “Raz said he had connections, but man. This. I’m speechless.”

  Bethany reappeared with salads and refilled our champagne.

  “So. Tell me about yourself, Cade.”

  “That is an odd question.” I chuckled.

  “Not to me. I want to know everything about you.”

  I reached over and took her hand in mine. “What would you like to know?”

  “Hmm.” She narrowed her eyes. “What do you do for fun? I obviously play music. What about you? What do you do when you’re not chasing demons and Fallen?”

  “I enjoy spending time with you.”

  “Oh come on.” She narrowed her eyes. “You can do better than that.”


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