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Gemini Page 16

by Dylan Quinn

  “Well, we enjoy nature. We spend much time in water. Diving. Exploring. In Aravot, our home overlooks a stunning lake with sandy beaches and a waterfall. Just beyond the lake is your garden. It has the Trees and the same flowers you planted in your garden behind the lounge.”

  “Really?” Her forehead wrinkled.

  “Yes. Peonies. They’re your favorite floral fragrance. And calla lilies. You love calla lilies. We often take long walks around the lake in Aravot. You also enjoy gardening and playing with the creatures in the Eternal City.”

  “Creatures?” She sat up strait, adorable smile on her perfect lips.

  “You have birds. Sparrows.”

  “I do?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Yes.” I chuckled. “And a dolphin.”

  “No way.” Her eyes grew wide with excitement.

  “Yes—way.” I withheld a laugh. “Oh, and a phoenix.”

  “A what? Wait. Like in Harry Potter?” She bent foreword and whispered. “Those are real?”

  “There is one in existence. Journey is born the day you are. She lives and dies when you do. She loses her feathers when your rebirth is near.”

  Zoe pursed her lips, and stared at my hands holding hers. She turned over my wrist and traced the faint lines of my mark.

  “What the matter, love?”

  “Everything you’ve mentioned is about me.” She continued aimlessly tracing circles on my wrist.

  I lifted her chin and gazed into her green eyes that were damp with threatened tears. “Why are you unhappy, Chayah?”

  “I’m not unhappy. I’m just—I don’t know. I just wish I knew more about you.”

  “You are my world, love. We share everything.”

  “Isn’t there anything you like that’s separate from me?”

  “Well, Raz and I, and the Firstborns, we often enjoy sports. Raz may outsmart me, but he will never outplay me.”

  “There. That’s a start. What’s your favorite?”

  “Hmm. Baseball? And basketball is enjoyable. Raz is shorter than me, and I’m much quicker on my feet.” I laughed, recalling Raz trying to best me on the court. Never happened. Not once.

  “It’s my turn to ask the questions.” I returned the conversation to her. “Tell me about your music.”

  Her aura grew around her. “It’s everything to me.”

  “Watching you on stage, it’s magical. Music is truly your gift. One you return with each incarnation. You should know you’re the original musical prodigy.”

  “Really?” Her smile and aura grew brighter than the rotunda. “Now that. That’s cool.”

  “Tell me of your human desires, love. What would they mean to you? What does it mean to be human?”

  This evening was going well. Though I tiptoed up to this question, it was necessary. I hoped to find some clarity into her feelings, and this love for humanity that I seldom understood.

  I yearned for Zoe’s happiness as much as my own, perhaps a short amount of time to live out her dreams was not asking too much.

  “After Eli and Sophie left, I was so lost, Cade. I felt abandoned. Then I met Remie at school. Dr. Lucci took me under her wing. Something clicked.

  “Music was my destiny, it’s what I was meant to do. As a human. We answered an ad at the lounge, and everything exploded. People came out to see me. To hear me sing. When I step on stage, something inside me wakes up. Comes alive. I feel loved.”

  She stared at her hands and started peeling the polish from her fingernails. “I guess it hurts some, knowing I’ll never have it again, when I was so close two weeks ago.”

  “Is this truly something you need?” I lifted her chin. “To fulfill your human life?”

  She released a breath and hesitantly nodded. Her gaze dropped back to the table.

  Zoe’s agony was intolerable, especially when there was something I could do to prevent it. After all the sacrifices she’d made for us throughout Eternity, I owed her. Perhaps some time was not asking too much.

  “Then it will happen.”

  Her gaze lifted, her eyes grew wide. “Really?”

  “I don’t know in what capacity, or if it’s safe for every aspect of that life to be achieved, but we’ll arrange something. So you may find closure for your human life. I don’t want you coming into our Eternity with regret.”

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “No, don’t cry, Chayah.” I reached up and wiped away her tears. “As Raz likes to say, I have your back.”

  She let out a giggle.

  My sweet Zoe.

  “And what’s so funny?”

  “You. So adorable.” She beamed, reaching over and pushing my hair from my eyes. “Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.”

  “Yes, love.” I held her hand to my cheek. “I think I do.”


  After dinner at the aquarium, we went back to my apartment for a movie. Zoe said this was typical for a twenty-first century date.

  Although I often wandered between realms, I seldom took notice of modern day rituals. I picked things up on occasion, but I often paid little mind to them.

  We discussed her favorite music and movies, and then watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, though I was more interested in my Gemini, safe in my arms.

  The night grew late, and Zoe fell asleep. I picked her up and carried her into our room. When I placed her on the bed, she yawned and stretched.

  As I leaned in for a kiss, she braced my shoulders and drew me to her.

  "Will you sleep with me?" She laid her hand against my cheek. “Please?”

  It had been such a wonderful day, and I was never good at telling Zoe no.

  I took in a breath and exhaled, then anxiously laid down beside her, pulling her body close.

  She sidled up to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

  "Cade?" Her voice was quiet, and she cleared her throat. "So, um. I had a really great time tonight.”

  “As did I.” I smoothed down her hair and left a kiss to her forehead.

  She tilted her head and gave a weak smile. Wrinkles spread across her forehead.

  “What it, love?”

  “So, hmm. I just wanted to—” She inhaled slowly, then swallowed, and her heart picked up its pace. She leaned up, gazing into my eyes. “Well, I—I think I’m falling for you.”

  My wrist began to burn, and my pulse raced to catch up with Zoe’s.

  "Falling?" I narrowed my gaze and rested back onto my elbows.

  Zoe blinked slow and released an audible breath. She rolled up, carefully lifting her leg over my waist, and then kneeled above me.

  Our hearts sped on. A knot grew in my throat as nervous energy pulsed through my limbs.

  Zoe placed her palms on my chest and pushed me back onto the bed. Hovering above me, she settled her hips over mine and leaned down. Reaching for my hands, she laced her fingers with mine, then pushed our arms up alongside my shoulders.

  Moonlight from the window streamed in, leaving billowy shadows over her skin. Zoe’s hair spilled over her neck. Her blazing green eyes never wavered.

  “So beautiful.” I whispered.

  Zoe bent down and kissed me, slow and measured. Her breaths became scattered as she pushed her hips into mine, sending our heartbeats racing, merging as one. She released my hands and ran hers down to my waist. She grasped my T-shirt, and pulled it up over my head.

  Straddled above me, Zoe drew in a harsh breath as she chewed her bottom lip, and her gaze skipped across my chest.

  Raw energy coursed through every nerve. My body came alive with her emerald eyes burning into me, imploring for something I could not give.

  I’d allow her this brief moment, but nothing more, as I knew it would open a door to a place we could not yet go.

  "Zoe, we can’t—"

  "Shh." She placed a finger to my lips, methodically shaking her head.

  It had taken so long for Zoe to warm to me, that I feared she’d take my reluctance as rejection, and that was not what
this was, so I gave her this moment.

  I refused to hurt her. She’d been through enough.

  Zoe lifted my wrist and traced the Gemini seal. With her gaze fixed to mine, she kissed the mark like I had when we'd met.

  My senses heightened.

  Our heartbeats were frantic, racing within our chests, pleading our bodies, begging them to Converge our souls.

  She reached down to the hem of her own T-shirt and pulled it up over her head, exposing her bare breasts.

  A knot rose to my chest as a shudder of emotion pulsed through my veins.

  Zoe sat above me, her thighs tightening around my hips, her waist grinding into mine.

  I closed my eyes, breathing deep, holding her hips. Desperately attempting to keep my resolve intact.

  Her form was breathtaking. Her skin, translucent. Her arms and shoulders, strong. Lines in her flushed abdomen were traceable. Her breasts were perfect.

  I ached to touch her. To run my fingertips gently across her skin, to draw her close and feel my body pressed to hers, deep within her.

  Our bodies and souls, Converged as one.

  But I couldn’t. I had to be strong. For her.

  With slow, steady breaths, I regained my composure.

  As much as I longed to make love to my wife, needed her desperately, I could not. I’d made her a promise over five thousand years ago—a promise that had never been broken.

  A promise I intended to keep.

  She picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles, placing my palm over her breast.

  Our hearts raced. Together.

  “You feel it, too. Don’t you?” She closed her eyes for a brief moment, let out a hushed moan, then returned her gaze to mine. “Our heartbeats. They’re the same.”

  I removed her hand and sat up, shifting her into my lap.

  Her legs instinctively wrapped around my waist.

  I pressed my nose into the soft spot behind her ear as she moved closer and sighed, leaning against my chest.

  I let out an unintended groan, struggling to keep my body and emotions at bay.

  "Cade?" she whispered.

  I ran my hands down her sides, to her belly. My gaze followed her beautiful form as she laid back onto the bed and pulled me down above her, our chests now hard-pressed together.

  My heart pulsed quicker, every nerve heated with my Chayah’s body above me.

  Zoe ran her hands along my back to the curve of my hips. Tugged at my pajama pants, forcing the goose bumps to race faster.

  As much as I hungered to make love to my wife, craved her body and yearned to complete our Twin Soul’s Convergence, I had to end this.

  Before I did something I’d regret.

  We would complete our Convergence soon enough. Though in reality, for me, it would never be soon enough.

  "Zoe." I breathed out between kisses. "We cannot do this tonight, love. I want to. Desperately, but—"

  "Shh—” She pressed her finger to my lips once more and gazed into my soul, like I was the only man in the world. "I know. I just wanted to be sure you understood."

  She placed her palms on my cheek and ran her thumb along my bottom lip.

  "I'm falling in love with you, Cade Adams."

  ~Chapter Twenty-Four~


  Lucci: You. Sam Gaits. Tonight. Ready?

  Zoe: OMG, YES! See you there.

  I twirled on my toes and did a happy dance on my way to the lounge Friday night. Cade and I were finally leaving on our mini vacay as soon as I got off work tomorrow.

  But tonight, I had a date with Infinity.

  Cade had inadvertently given me his blessing to pursue it, so when Lucci texted me about the offer on the table, I accepted. As soon as I knew something, I’d let him in on it.

  I peeked back over my shoulder at my shadow that followed a block or so behind.

  Cade refused to let me walk alone, insisting I needed protection. We’d been training mercilessly the past few weeks, and though things had been quiet on the Lilith front, Julian and Nate had been in and out with more frequent demon and Fallen breaches at the borders of Aravot.

  Cade was convinced it was Lilith trying to wear us down, that she had some epic showdown planned. His suspicions alone kept me within arm’s reach at any given moment, and this walk was the furthest he’d let me be in a month.

  Not that I was complaining.

  At least he kept out of sight, giving me the illusion of freedom.

  Everything was changing.

  Summer was coming to an end, and Phoebe was still talking about leaving. Now, more than ever, I needed time to get used to the idea of giving up my best friend and the rest of my life.

  I wanted to pretend to be normal for the last bit of my human existence. And this opportunity with Infinity, however limited, was my final salvation.

  Next May was graduation. One month before my twenty-second birthday, but I was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen. I so needed some sense of completion. A tour was clearly out of the question, but the possibility of a record deal. Even if I didn't get to do it, I still wanted an offer. I deserved this.

  I wasn’t sure how long I could hold this Convergence thing off anymore. Getting this far into the summer had been torture. I used training as an excuse, but I got the feeling I could only hold him off a little while longer until he started making demands.

  When it came to my safety, Cade would give no concessions.

  Everyone was convinced I’d want this over with. Julian. Raz. They all insisted they knew me, but I wondered if they really knew me at all. At least not the girl I am today.

  And now after admitting my truth to Cade weeks ago, that I was falling for him, he refused to sleep in his bed with me either.

  I felt like some harlot trying to steal his virtue.

  Wasn't it supposed to be him corrupting me? He was a complete gentleman, telling me we had to go slow. It made no sense. I mean, if we had this history together, what was he waiting for? We were supposed to be Gemini. We’d never had sex with anyone else, why was this wrong?

  Wait. Did he sleep with that demon?

  Oh damn, did I try to push that from my head. Chunks rose to my throat at the possibility. And he would probably never tell, at least not until we made things official.

  I was kind of looking forward to this vacay, though. Would it happen this weekend? Our first time? What would that be like?

  I got occasional sneak peaks of his body. His firm abs. Broad, tan chest. And let me say. Yum. But I wanted more. I was ready for all of it.

  Ready to give Cade all of me.

  Strong arms wrapped around me, and Cade nuzzled his head into my neck.

  “I’m sorry, but I had to get one final embrace before you begin work.” He kissed the top of my head.

  I turned around and let him kiss my cheek.

  “I’m going to hang with Phoebe.”

  Cade pulled me into a hug. “Of course. I’ll see you soon?”

  “Definitely” I gave him a quick kiss then went in the back door.

  He followed me inside and went to talk to Vince.

  Backstage, Phoebe sat at the piano, playing some depressing song and singing beneath her breath. She’d agreed to meet me early so we could practice for tonight’s show.

  With Sam Gaits here, everything had to be perfect.

  “Hey Phoebs. How’s it going?”

  She shrugged and continued playing while I sat on the bench beside her.

  Whatever was going on with her and Remie, she’d been tight lipped. I figured it had something to do with her leaving, but I wasn’t sure. There were consequences of me choosing this new life and unfortunately, it also affected her—not just our friendship, but also her relationship with Remie.

  Nothing about this was fair. Especially to her.

  “What are you playing?”

  Phoebe looked up, her eyes were red and swollen.

  "Oh Phoebe, no. Please don’t cry.” I put my arm around her and laid my head o
n her shoulder. “I’m going to fix this. You know that, right?"

  She sighed and returned to staring at the keys.

  "What can I do? Tell me what to do."

  She stopped playing and dropped her head to her hands.

  "You've always been strong for me. I won't leave you. I don't care if you want me to or not. You belong with us, whether you're human or not. I swear, I'll fix this."

  "Zoe." She lifted her head, yet stared at the keys. "I believe there’s a reason for all this. If Remie's not meant to be part of my life right now, then I have to believe there's something waiting for me someplace else." She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  "What do you mean someplace else?" My heart fell into my stomach.

  She took a deep breath and returned her hands to the keys. "I’m going home.”

  "You can't, Remie needs you." I sucked in a breath. "I need you."

  "Things are getting dangerous, and besides, I need to find my own life. It obviously isn't here."

  "Stop. This is your life, and we’re your family. We love you."

  My hands shook. My blood pumped so hard, the whoosh pulsed in my ears.

  "My mom said the trust fund Sophie set up could be used anywhere. You and the rest of them need to focus right now. I’m only in the way."

  "You're not in the way. How can I do this without you?"

  "You're going to have to figure that out." She stopped plunking on the piano and clasped her hands in her lap.

  "What about Remie?"

  "I love Remie. But if I stay, I'll only be a distraction."

  “But what if he stays here as a Guardian?”

  "Raz says it's too dangerous for me, regardless. He's right. And I know Remie. He'd be more concerned with protecting me than the borders, and I won't let him do that. He'd be risking something so much more, and that's not what he was destined for. We obviously have different journeys. And that's okay."

  "In what messed up world is that okay?" A knot rose to my throat, and the temperature in my cheeks spiked. "I matched you two. And why would I be allowed to match two people who can't be together? What kind of crap is that?"

  "I have to believe that my own fate will be made known when it’s time.”

  No way. I was not about to lose my best friend over some guy.


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