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Page 23

by Dylan Quinn

  "Each Eternal will receive either gifts that lean toward the mental or the physical. I have mental gifts, but as an angel, I also have some physical. Although my strengths lie within my wits. Cade has physical gifts, so his revolve around things like energy absorption and physical creations. He can create portals with his hands, while you can create them with your mind through focus—tapping into your Genesis origin."

  "So I can do what Julian does? Create a portal to find Cade?"

  "Yes," Raz explained. "You have a very strong will, which pushes you forward. It motivates you. While you’ll also have the necessary physical gifts like speed, strength and senses, your gifts center on using your intelligence. We’ll jump in headfirst tomorrow. Now go rest a while. I know you don't think you’re tired, but you just Eternalized. Your new body and mind need time to adjust to the changes."

  I nodded and headed back to Cade's room. After about twenty minutes, I finally began to drift off, the scent of Cade filtering from his pillow.

  I recalled the sweet sound of his voice and for a moment, I think I heard him.


  "Wake up, sleepy head.”

  I opened my eyes, and Phoebe sat beside me.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you went home?”

  “Raz said now that you’re Eternal and Lilith is probably preoccupied with Cade, it should be safe for me here while you guys prepare to rescue him. So I’m going to hang out for a few days until Cade’s safe.”

  I sat up and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay, Phoebe.”

  She smiled. “You too. Come on, Raz needs you.”

  I peeled myself out of bed and followed her out to Cade’s front room. The entire crew was waiting for me. "How long have you all been here? You could've woken me up."

  "Good morning, Zoe." Raz came over and handed me a cup of tea. "We've been doing some research and have some news, good and bad.”

  "Okay?" I sat on the piano bench and sipped the tea.

  "Well," Julian began, "we think we know where Cade is. And how to get him."

  “You found him?” My heart raced, and the pulse in my wrist picked up its dull pace. “That’s great.” I narrowed my eyes. “So, what's the bad news?"

  Julian nodded at Raz and turned back to me. "We need the help of an Eternal Elder to reach him. One who has special abilities. A gift you and he share, actually."

  "That’s the bad news?"

  "Eh, you kind of—know him," Julian stammered. "The bad news will come after we tell you this news."

  "Okay, Julian, you're spinning." I blew out a breath. Whatever he was hiding, I wasn’t going to like it. "Just spit it out.”

  "There's only one way to reach Cade." Raz sat beside me.

  Julian sighed with relief.

  "And only you have this gift to breach their protective barrier. They’re counting on you not possessing this gift since the two of you haven’t physically united, but they don't know what you did yesterday, and they don't even realize it's possible. We may have regained our upper hand."

  "So what do I need to do?" I asked. "I'll do anything to get him back, Raz."

  "I know," he said. "In order to rescue Cade, this gift you must use—it’s difficult to master. But it’s the only way you can reach him. It will be problematic, and you’ll have to do this alone. This power isn’t one the Firstborns share, so they can only go so far into the dark realm, physically."


  Raz Nodded.

  "So I need to do this by myself? How am I supposed to fight off Lilith alone?" My chest tightened. “She’s got demons and Fallen. I can’t match that.”

  "We're hoping you'll have time to train. We’ll get to that next, but first, you won’t be completely alone. You’ll have the help of someone you know—an Elder Council member.”

  "I don't recall any of the Elders, Raz."

  "Actually, you do." He paused and took a breath. His gaze focused down the hall toward the kitchen.

  The room brightened as someone entered. The sound of a voice I’d not heard in years echoed precariously through Cade’s apartment.

  “Hey, Zo.”

  I whipped around at the familiar voice.

  He strolled in, smiling in a way that used to light up my world.

  Until he crushed it.

  “Son of a bitch."

  ~Chapter Thirty-Six~


  After three years, I never expected to see Eli, much less have to work with him to save Cade.

  Hell to the no.

  Although it was December, nothing could have kept me from darting to the balcony.

  The air was cold and heavy, and snowflakes threatened the dark sky. A chill filled my bones and grey filled my sight.

  I took deep breaths, and the pressure built heavy in my chest. I wanted to punch a wall. Actually—

  "Zoe, I—"

  I whipped around at the sound of his voice. My fist met his jaw, and the pop echoed through the still air.

  Caught off guard, Eli spun around and fell to the concrete.

  I stood over him, fist pulled back, ready to hit again.

  Remie came up behind me and took hold of my arm. “Zoe, stop.”

  I pulled hard and tried to release his hold, but he was too strong.

  “Let me go.” I pulled free from Remie’s grip.

  Eli sat on the floor of the balcony, wiping the blood from his nose.

  Good. I hope it hurt.

  He cocked his head to the side and pulled himself up off the floor.

  My narrowed gaze never wavered.

  He backed himself toward the French doors. "I guess you think I deserved that."

  I crossed my arms over my chest.

  "Listen, Zoe. We need to talk. I know how things appeared when I saw you last, but I think if you would give me a chance to explain, you wouldn't be upset anymore."

  I glared silently. He needed to know he was on my shit list, and I wouldn't back down. And I sure as hell wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

  The last time I saw him—the last thing he said to me.

  Of course, I realized there were circumstances, and I had no regrets any longer as to what and why it happened, but it didn't take away the sting.

  "So I'm just supposed to forgive you? For leaving without any explanation?"

  "Zoe." He reached for me, but I stepped back. He sighed, and his hand fell to his side. "First, I'm sorry. I—there were things I didn't even know when I asked you to meet me in New York. Things I had no control over. But something happened. I didn't have a way to reach you to tell you before then."

  He shoved his hands into his pockets. "In fact, I wasn't even supposed to be there that day and—well, I wasn't there at all. Anyway, I'm sorry you and Phoebe went there. That's my fault. And I'm sorry I ruined your birthday. That was really bad, I know." He paused and took a tentative step forward. "I really am sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

  I took a deep breath and leaned back against the wall. It was frigid outside, but I didn't care. The heaviness in my chest returned, like the day Eli left.

  "You aren't going to talk to me, are you?"

  "Unless you want to chat with my fist again, Elijah—I have nothing to say to you right now." I turned and stalked off to Cade’s room.

  All my pent-up energy surged through me, and I needed to get it out. And soon, before I exploded with rage.

  I took a cold shower to settle my anger. My temples throbbed again, exploding with emotions I couldn’t erase. I’d gotten to such a good place. I accepted what happened, accepted Cade and this new role I was meant to lead.

  But then Eli showed up, and now I had to work with him to save Cade? How was I supposed to pull that off without this urge to beat the crap out of him again?

  This rage wasn't all about Eli and his sudden appearance after a three-year vanishing act, but I couldn’t hold it in. I definitely felt different after Aravot.

  After my shower, I dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top so
I could go work off some energy at the gym. Damn, these clothes feel tight.

  I went back into the bedroom to dry my hair. Running my fingers through it to get out the knots, I realized there weren’t any. In fact, it dried really quickly, too. My once unruly, thick mess was now silky and smooth. Curls fell perfectly down my shoulders like I’d already curled them. The red tint from the sun had disappeared, and my hair had returned to its natural midnight hue.

  The reflection in the mirror was like someone else staring back.

  Chills raced into my chest as I stared at my arms.

  The scars that haunted my childhood had vanished.

  They’re all gone.

  I inspected my new body from head to toe and noticed a few other perks, too—everything stood at attention. And I mean everything.

  I have curves. Which would explain why these clothes were so tight and squeezing the life out of me. The muscles in my arms and legs were more defined, too, as if I worked out every day. I kept myself fit, but I never looked so good.

  A girl could get used to this.

  Swinging my hips, I sauntered out to Cade's room, sat on his bed and tugged on my tennis shoes like I was suiting up for war—ready to test drive this new chiseled body of mine and push its limits with one certain Elder named Eli.

  I had an excuse to train today, and no better reason to take out my frustrations on one in particular. No more picturing his face while I kicked the crap out of a punching bag.

  I bent down, elbows on my knees, and closed my eyes to clear my head. I had to focus this rage in a constructive way. This knot in my chest wouldn’t go away.

  A knock at the door startled me, sending anxious energy pulsing through my body.

  Where was all this anger coming from? Eli? No, it wasn't all him.


  That bitch was crazy. No demon on some psychotic feminist mission was going to steal my Gemini from me before I even had a chance to know him.

  Another knock.

  "Go. Away!"

  Geez, I came off like a pissy teenager. I buried my face back in my hands. I had to shake this off, I was being way twitchy, and even I didn't like it.

  The door cracked open, and Phoebe peeked her head through. "Hey, can I come in for a sec? Please?"

  "I just need a few more minutes."

  She opened the door and came in anyway. Sitting down next to me, she put her arm around my shoulders.

  I shrugged her off, got up, and shook out my arms, then went over to the window and pulled back the curtains.

  The sky was dark and gloomy, like the universe waited for this war to begin.

  "I'm not mad at you, Phoebe. Don't pout."

  Her anxiety was palpable. A measure of heat rose around her.

  These new abilities were going to be hard to get used to. I had to focus, but my head was cloudy. Too many things spun through it—memories of my past and concerns about Cade that I couldn't escape.

  "I'm sorry, Zoe. I know this is hurting you now, but I really think you need to talk to Eli. He apologized. Although knowing what I do now, I don't think he had anything to be sorry for, but if you knew what was going on, the truth, I think you would forgive—"

  "Stop." I pressed out my palm and took a step back. “Please. I... I just need some space. Time to work all this out." I leaned against the wall next to the window and puffed out my chest.

  "I understand. But if you would only—"


  Her eyes grew wide, and she sealed her lips tight.

  She had to leave before I lost it in front of her. My anger wasn’t her fault, but I didn't care to share this newfound wrath I couldn’t keep hidden.

  No, I have to leave.

  “I’m sorry, I just—I need to get out of here.” I grabbed my keys off Cade's dresser and headed out his bedroom door.

  All the Firstborns sat in Cade’s front room, tension hung heavy in the air.

  “Zoe.” Raz’s voice rang through the room. Busted.

  The boys all jumped to their feet as if expecting to tie me down.

  Eli stood ramrod straight, ready to tackle me.

  I glowered and crossed my arms over my chest.

  His shoulders slumped. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and stared at his feet.

  "I need to work off some of this anger. If you aren't going to let me go alone, which it's clear you won't, then get up and let's go." I glared back at Eli. "I have a three-year score to settle, and someone’s getting his ass kicked today."

  Julian grinned.

  “You.” I pointed at him. “Get your keys. You and Rainah are taking me. Only you and Rainah."

  He jumped up off the couch and kicked into the air.

  Rainah got a sly grin on her face, appearing quite pleased with her new tactical assignment. No better time to burst their freedom bubble than now.

  "The rest of you. Meet us at the sanctuary. We're getting this done. Today."

  I turned, whipped my hair around, and headed out the door.

  Their mumblings pierced the air behind me. Apparently they recognized the shift in power as well, because they followed quickly behind, never questioning.

  This new badass Zoe streak was growing on me. I liked her.

  A lot.


  The training gym was dark when I walked in. I told them I needed time to warm up, but really, I just needed time alone.

  I set down my keys and turned on the lights. The fluorescent bulbs lit up, one by one, across the ceiling, and the once vacant space came to life.

  I wandered the gym, and approached a row of bags lining the plastered white walls. Holding my iPod, I scrolled through my playlists, looking for something to get my adrenaline flowing, then blankly stared at a bag in front of me.

  Cade. How will I pull this off alone?

  My body felt weird, and my brain was spinning as I wrapped up my fists, distracted by my upcoming rescue mission.

  Okay, Zoe. Time to focus.

  I shook out my arms. Tilted my head back and forth to stretch, then hopped back and forth between my feet to warm up. Focus. I stood in front of the bag, pushing my fist forward. I brushed my fingertips against the worn leather, running them down and back up.

  The bag was hard and cold.

  I pulled my fist back and pushed the bag out.

  Lunged forward.

  Something stirred within me. Anger. Fear. Tremors pulsed through my limbs, from my fingers and through my feet that assaulted the leather bag. My heart thumped in my chest, racing faster, as the heat in me rose and sweat pooled on my forehead.

  Left hook. Right. Kicked with my right foot. Swung it around, then my left hand pulled the bag back in front of me.

  This felt so good, getting out the pent-up energy.

  I pictured Lilith—her dark skin, the occasional blood-red circles that encased her brown irises, the black hair that wrapped around her waist. I envisioned her face while I hauled into the bag, one punch and kick following another.

  Something brushed against my shoulder.

  I did a one-eighty and punched someone right in the face.

  Eli fell to the floor.

  Whipping around and jumping back to his feet, he crouched in a fighting stance in front of me, but I didn't give him a chance to rebound.

  My fist clenched. I pulled my shoulder back and clocked him under his jaw. Felt it pop beneath my fingers.

  Eli lunged while I dodged to the right.

  He missed and fell forward, caught himself with his hands, then hopped back up.

  I sprang from one foot to the other and narrowed my gaze, waiting for his next move.

  Swiftly, he made another attempt and charged forward.

  Too slow. I whipped my newly agile body around, kicking out my left foot, and knocked him to the ground. I planted my feet and crouched in front of him, narrowing my gaze.

  The corners of his lips turned down, and wrinkles spread across his forehead. His aura dimmed.

  The regret
ful burden he carried weighed me down like it did him. I pressed my lips together and puffed out my cheeks as I blew out a breath. I rose to my feet and crossed my arms over my chest.

  Eli’s shoulders slumped. He stared up at me, his feet spread apart and palms pressed to the floor in front of him.

  I tilted my head to the right and rolled my eyes, then reached out my hand to help him up.

  A faint smile crossed his lips. “I'm sorry,” he mouthed.

  I nodded and blinked, then pulled him to his feet.

  And that was it.

  Applause broke out behind us.

  I rotated on my toes. Five Eternals, an Angel and a human stared, varied expressions shot back. I took a bow and turned off my iPod.

  Micah came bounding over. "Hot damn, you're my hero. Where did that come from?"

  I shrugged. I had no idea.

  Raz strolled over and slapped Eli on the back. "That was entertaining." He turned to me. "I think you're ready to get your Gemini. And we can’t afford to waste any time. We know you can fight, now it's time for the fun part.” He rubbed his palms together. “Weapons."

  Julian strolled in carrying a gleaming silver box in his hands with the Genesis symbol, the same as our marks, etched into it.

  I gazed at my wrist, at the outline of the once dormant symbol that was now fully ignited and pulsing.

  Everyone sat around the dark mahogany table in the corner of the training room.

  Julian set the box down.

  Raz pulled out a key and opened the silver container like Pandora's box. He tilted up the lid, and a shining light beamed out from within.

  "Let's see what kind of goodies the Elder Council has prepared for us." Raz beamed like a kid at Toys R Us.

  Boys and their toys.

  Micah was itching to get to whatever was inside there, but I’d already felt the wrath of one of those things. I wasn't sure I was ready to wield one.

  Raz pulled out five weapons and laid each on the table. One by one, Raz spread them apart, lining them alongside each other. Each similar to the next—gleaming silver, about the length of my forearm, but with different handles and some with different edges.

  I scanned over all of them, curious why there were five.

  Julian stood aside, bouncing off the walls.


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