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Dark Is The Night_A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera

Page 15

by Michael Todd

  “Glad we’re on the same page, sir,” Timothy replied. “I knew there was something fishy about it when I got the papers, so I have kept this to myself. I didn’t want to worry Katie until there was a reason to.”

  “I appreciate that and agree wholeheartedly. The woman has enough on her hands to not worry about the IRS or some idiot trying to get to her through her money.”

  Timothy put the finishing touches on his doodle. “I guess they figured that if she was actually guilty—and they have gone to extensive effort to make her look guilty—she would be going to jail. She wouldn’t really be a threat to anyone then, except maybe the Damned prisoners.”

  The general harrumphed. “That’s not going to happen. We will get to the bottom of this, and whoever is fucking with our girl, they’re going to pay the price.”

  Moloch deposited a deep-fried hamster in his mouth.

  “Good, huh?” Baal sat across from him, his takeout box open for them to share. Hell wasn’t all fire and brimstone and endless toil, at least not for the higher-ups. They had several different fast food places on the upper levels. Baal was a frequent customer at most of them since the demon never ate in.

  “These are good,” Moloch replied. “Which place is this?”

  “Oh, that new restaurant over by the Pit of Souls. I think it’s called Hell’s Kitchen or something unoriginal, but they fry everything. I went in there the other day, and they had fried human ears on special. They were fucking divine, all gooey on the inside and crispy on the outside.”

  Moloch nodded in approval and helped himself to another hamster. He wiped his claws off on a napkin and took his feet off the desk, then sat forward in his chair, thinking about the issues they were facing. Taking his bid for domination worldwide was no small undertaking. He needed all the help he could get, and although demons tended to have rivals who hadn’t attempted to kill them yet rather than allies, Baal was the closest thing he had to a friend.

  “Do you remember the time we decided to take a vacation to Earth?” Moloch asked with a chuckle.

  Baal almost choked on his hamster. “How could I forget it? There were those three low-level demons who didn’t recognize us and tried to start a fight. I thought I would die of laughter when we dropped our human forms.”

  “The one who shit his human’s pants right there in the street!” Moloch cackled loudly.

  “And the other one just stabbed himself!” Baal guffawed uncontrollably.

  “Oh, those were good days.” Moloch looked at Baal with a twinkle in his eyes. “I still have those idiots in my fireplace.”

  Baal snickered. “I know. I stop by every once in a while to give them shit. So, how is the whole international attack business doing?”

  “The ‘international attack business’ is getting complicated. The diversion gates are going up outside Paris. They should keep the military busy for a while. The secondary effort will get underway as soon as they’re wrapped up in Paris, since they won’t have the resources or the time to get over there and stop it.”

  “I’ll never understand the humans. They fall for the same trick every time. As soon as a threat appears, they swarm it and leave everywhere else undefended. It’s like they want to be defeated.”

  “Which will only serve us in the end. Let them rush in. It will bite them on the ass.”

  Baal laughed. “I hope I get to see that.”

  “I was actually hoping that I could talk you into being my eyes down there. I need someone I can trust to direct the efforts, someone capable of the magic needed to win this fight. I want Paris. In fact, I want all of France. The United States will not just stand by and let their troops be demolished. They will come running to help, and the US will be left relatively light on mercs or military. This will give us an opening.”

  “It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in any kind of fight,” Baal mumbled, stroking his beard.

  Moloch poked through the hamsters, looking for a juicy one. “I know, but you shouldn’t have to do any kind of fighting. Just monitor things and report them back to me.”

  Baal slammed his fist on the table and grinned at Moloch. “I like it! You can count me in. I’ve been getting bored as hell down here anyway. With Lucifer moping around looking for Lilith and the demons being thrust deeper into hell, I find myself doing nothing but eating all day. I need to start watching my waistline.”

  “Of course, what with all the hot women just throwing themselves on you?” Moloch teased.

  Baal grimaced. “That’s precisely the point. They don’t, because I can no longer see my dick past my belly. Give me a few weeks of working out in the heat of hell and I’ll be back to my studly self before you know it.”

  Moloch smirked. “I’m not sure I remember you ever being a stud.”

  “Not the point,” Baal replied, narrowing his eyes. “Anyway, yes I will help you. This should be one hell of a time, and I always did enjoy working with the dead.”

  “Excellent,” Moloch replied.

  Baal stood up and pushed the rest of the hamsters toward him. “No better time than the present. I think I’ll go for a brisk walk through the lava valleys. Clear my head and burn off a few hundred thousand calories.”

  Moloch chuckled. “Have fun.”

  “I will,” Baal called from the door.

  Once Baal was gone, Moloch drew a pattern in the air over his desk with his claws, and a dark circle came into existence above the desktop. It rippled, giving the impression of fathomless water touched by the wind. The undulations settled and a soft-focus image appeared over the mirror surface. The image focused in on a plane, then zoomed in to show Katie and Pandora. They were on their way to Mexico, with no idea whatsoever that Paris was in danger.

  An evil smirk twisted Moloch’s lips, and he rubbed his hands together. “Good, they’re in no position to help when my next surprise makes its debut.”

  Moloch watched Katie for a little longer. She appeared to be caught up in the problems on her mind, and he loved seeing it. Those two were the biggest threat to his success, and he wasn’t about to lose another fight to them. They needed to be kept in the dark as long as possible, and by the time they made it to Paris, it would be nothing but rubble and ashes.

  Then he would crush them.


  Katie shook Calvin awake as the plane began to make its descent into a small airport deep inside the Mexican border. She had never been to Mexico before, but since the only things surrounding the tiny airport were vacant roads and the dry heat shimmering in the distance, she couldn’t get a read on the place just yet. She was tempted to force a side trip to the beach before they left, but she knew that Calvin was chomping at the bit to get back to Sofia. She was happy for him; it was about time her friend had some joy and love in his life. Calvin had put everyone’s needs before his own wellbeing for as long as she’d known him.

  Calvin groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “This should be interesting. I’m pretty sure I’m persona non grata in Mexico after what I did at the border.”

  Katie snickered. “Oh, I don’t know about that. You got rid of two drug lords. They may be thankful for that.”

  “Except two even more dangerous drug lords took over the family business,” Calvin pointed out. “I didn’t do them any favors. In fact, I probably screwed the power balance up around here. The authorities are hand-in-hand with the cartels. Think of it as a part of the economic model.”

  Katie looked at him quizzically. “Huh?”

  Calvin nodded. “Oh, yeah. The politicians and cops take the bribes, and the drug lords keep the damage caused by their business to a minimum.”

  “I wouldn’t call flooding impoverished communities with drugs and violence instead of education and opportunity minimal,” Katie grumped. “So you think you made things worse?”

  Calvin shrugged. “When one of them gets taken out, there’s always a scramble to fill the vacuum left by the last guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if the authorities weren�
��t pissed with me because they took bribes from the cartel and now have to start over with a new leader. I’ve seen it before.”

  Katie pursed her lips. “I don’t care about them. I just want to get in and out and do this as safely as possible.”

  “Safely? Since when did you subscribe to safety?”

  “Since I became responsible for people. Let’s just say that I now understand why Korbin took everything so seriously.”

  Calvin chuckled. “Yeah, but Korbin made sure he was safe too. You just jump in guns blazing and take care of it yourself.”

  “Someone has to take the chances, and I’d rather it be me who gets hurt than someone I was responsible for.”

  “That’s fair enough, but I warn you, I’m not as stuck on following the rules these days.” He gave her a look that challenged her to say differently.

  Katie laughed. “About fucking time. I need your head in the game, and a little rebellion is a good thing. Don’t take it too far, though, or you’ll end up being a pain in my ass, just like Pandora.”

  How dare you? Pandora retorted. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

  You should be proud that he is acting like you. You’re a badass bitch who can take on just about anything.

  You can stick your flattery where the sun doesn’t shine, Pandora bitched. The damage has already been done.

  Katie chuckled to herself and sat back. She gripped the arms of the chair as the plane touched down on the runway. She could jump off a building with ease and take on demons a hundred times her size with no problem whatsoever, but her stomach still tied itself in anxious knots every time the plane either took off or landed.

  She looked out of the window as the plane taxied to a stop inside one of the empty hangars. The Federales were standing outside waiting for them to come off the plane. Katie she immediately assumed the cops were there to stop her.

  As soon as she got off the plane, she went outside and launched into an explanation. “¿Habla usted Inglés?”

  The officer closest to her nodded. “Yes, we speak English.”

  Katie nodded. “Oh, good. My Spanish is a little rusty. We are here today for a very specific reason. We have reason to believe that a high-level demon has infected a local drug lord. We need to get in there and take care of the demon.”

  The officer hid his amusement. “Yes, your general called and explained. “We are just here to ensure that you have everything that you need.”

  “Oh?” Katie swallowed the rest of her explanation. “Well, that’s…not quite what we were expecting.”

  Katie and Calvin hadn’t wanted to be recognized, so they’d affected what disguises they could. They both wore their dark glasses, and Calvin had a bright red baseball cap pulled down. Katie had on a sun hat, which she’d tilted so the wide brim shaded her face.

  The officer was clearly not fooled by the attempt. “Señorita, we are well aware of who you are.”

  Katie lifted the brim of her hat. “You are?”

  The officer nodded nervously. “Yes, of course. You are a tracked WOMD.”

  Her eyes widened. “A womb?”

  The cop laughed. “No, no. A Weapon of Mass Destruction...WOMD.”

  Bwahahaha! That is priceless! They just called you a womb. How fitting is that? They don’t even know about your murderous vagina, either.

  That is not nice.

  Still too soon? Too bad. You’re the one taking hot men out with one swipe of your womanhood, and I had absolutely nothing to do with that. Maybe it’s the angel in you. You sin, and bam! Someone pays the price.

  Holy shit! Knock it off, P. My vagina is not murderous.

  Pandora was relentless. Tell that to the last guy you slept with. That’s if you can remember, since it was so fucking long ago. You’re going to become some kind of born-again virgin if you keep insisting on enforcing this dry spell. It will all just heal up down there, and then what will we do?

  Katie shuddered internally. Oh, gross! I thought we’d settled this. I’m not letting you dictate who I sleep with. Besides, all the guys you pick are gay, married, or dull as house bricks. I want a man who can set my brain on fire, leave my body gooey, and then disappear so I can save the damn world from the demons. I’d rather become a nun than keep throwing myself at dudes who prefer dick.

  Please! You couldn’t be further from a nun if you got up in the penguin outfit and started singing…You-Know-Who’s praises. I’ve known plenty of nuns with more of a wild streak than you. There was this one delightful woman, Hildegard. She used to—

  Katie cut her off. Please stop. I really don’t want to get struck by lightning.

  Pandora snickered. Like your little friend Gabriel would allow that to happen.

  Just then there was a rolling thunderclap overhead, and everyone looked up. The sky was the same bright blue it had been when they landed. Calvin and Katie exchanged glances.

  Katie laughed and shook her head. “Crazy weather you have here.”

  The cop looked at her strangely and then back up, unsure what had just happened.

  Katie didn’t want the conversation to linger on it, so she yawned loudly and stretched her arms over her head so her shirt lifted up to show her midriff. The distraction worked; they were too busy trying not to stare to focus on strange thunder.

  That’s a good way to keep on the featherbag’s right side.

  I have no idea what you are talking about.

  Thunder rolled over the sky again, making Katie cringe inwardly. She knew it couldn’t be a coincidence, but she was not down with the idea of being told what she could and couldn’t think. She totally appreciated the wings and the sixth sense, but if Gabriel was trying to censor her? That wasn’t going to work out too well for him.

  Or anyone else who tried to pull that shit with her, for that matter.

  Katie glared at the sky for a second then turned back to the cops. “Thank you for meeting us here, gentleman, but I think we ought to get moving. We want to be in and out as fast as we can. There is no need to draw this out any longer than we have to. We are disappointed that the situation has reared its ugly head.”

  The officer nodded and fished a small rectangle from his jacket pocket. “If you need anything, here is my card. You can contact me day or night. Good luck out there. These guys don’t play any games, and they will be prepared.” He looked them over again. “Even if they don’t know what they are preparing for.”

  Katie smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

  The cops headed to their cars, and Katie and Calvin got ready to head out. She was more nervous than she usually was going into an op. It had a lot to do with the difference between facing the demons, which was second nature to her by now, and taking down a human being; who had a family that loved them, no matter how much of an asshole they were to the rest of the world.

  We’re going now, right? And we are going to stop and have a donut or twelve before we go?

  Katie smirked. Actually, I meant to tell you earlier, but it completely slipped my mind.

  What? I don’t like the sound of this.

  Mexico doesn’t have many donut shops.

  Pandora was apoplectic in her disbelief. What? What do you mean they don’t have donut shops? How can they not have donut shops? Donuts are the international food that everyone shares with a happy smile and a warm comforting feeling. Why would Mexico be any different? Are these people robots? I knew it! I knew eventually we would have to start fighting robots, not just demons.

  Katie snorted. Since when did you have a happy smile and a warm comforting feeling?

  I don’t, but dammit, someone has to have that feeling, and I’d bet that they get it eating donuts.

  Okaaay, then. You know I can’t make them magically appear, right?

  Pandora sniffed. All I’m saying is that you’re going to be hurting if you don’t figure out how to get me some delicious tires of dough and sugar. I’m not running a charity here. I expect to be paid for my efforts.

  I think
I have supplied you enough in donuts to pay for a lifetime of helping me.

  Maybe for a human lifetime, but sweetie, we ain’t human anymore. Welcome to Oz, only the guy behind the curtain is actually two guys fighting over you, and they both want to have you for dinner. There’s no clicking your heels here. You are in it for the long haul, wings and freaking all.

  I thought you hated the wings.

  I hate that there are no donuts. The wings are just an annoyance and a constant reminder of your heavenly stalker.

  Katie laughed as Pandora continued to rant, pissed as hell that she wasn’t going to have her regular supply of donuts. Of course, Katie would somehow get them. She didn’t doubt that at all.

  However, for the time being Katie was happy the donut crisis kept Pandora’s mind on something other than her sex life. She was tired of Pandora banging on about it, and her complaints had only gotten worse since Calvin brought a girlfriend back. Pandora hated it when Calvin had something she couldn’t.

  Calvin went inside and rented a car. The car itself was really cheap to rent, but the required insurance was expensive as hell. Katie felt like she could lease something for cheaper than what they were renting it for, but there was no dealership around, and they didn’t have time for that anyway. When Calvin came out with the keys, they loaded up the car with their gear and hit the road.

  “So where exactly are we headed?” Katie asked Calvin.

  “Puerto Los Cabos, which is close to San Jose del Cabo, where our target is. I think you’ll love Puerto Los Cabos. It’s a resort town on the water.”

  Katie winked. “You can just drop me there and pick me up on your way out.”

  Calvin laughed heartily. “I think you would get bored there pretty fast. There is some stuff to do, but the real fun is for those who live in those gated communities. They party all the time.”


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