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A Dangerously Sexy Affair

Page 4

by Stefanie London

  Moving as gingerly as possible, she swung her legs out of the bed and stood. There was no time for awkward morning-after conversation. Besides, she’d been very clear what she’d wanted from him.

  Aiden’s resting form could have been used for a mattress commercial; the hint of a smile on his lips and the messy splay of his dark curls made him look angelic.

  But there sure as hell hadn’t been anything angelic about last night.

  Quinn pressed the heel of her hand to the throbbing spot between her eyes. She needed to get out. Now.

  Tiptoeing across the room, she gathered her panties and her dress and slipped both on as stealthily as she could. Alana’s patent leather stilettos gleamed beside the bed, still standing upright from when she’d discarded them last night. Heat surged through her as she remembered exactly what had happened after she’d shed them, her knees wobbling at the memory.

  Holding the heels in one hand and her purse in the other, she glanced at Aiden. He mumbled in his sleep, rolling onto his back. The sheet came up over his hips, outlining an impressive erection. Swallowing, she let her eyes linger for a moment before sneaking for the door.

  Part of her wanted to scribble down her number and leave it for him to find, but a relationship wasn’t in her plan. She had a promotion to chase and a personal life to sort out before she inflicted her problems on someone else...and her gut told her that seeing Aiden again would be like trying to take drugs without getting addicted.

  You both agreed, no strings. You don’t owe him anything.

  Quinn opened the hotel room door just enough to squeeze through, and she held her breath as it closed behind her.

  As she walked barefoot to the elevator, her phone buzzed, Alana’s face flashing on the screen.


  “You slept with someone?” Alana’s high-pitched squeal ricocheted in Quinn’s head, making her flinch.

  “Jesus, Alana. Can you not scream?” She shook her head, trying to clear the ringing in her ears. “And you say that with such amazement. I wasn’t a virgin, you know.”

  She stopped at the elevator and jabbed the call button repeatedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited. Hopefully, the early hour would mean she wouldn’t have to walk past many people in a dress that was barely decent for a cocktail party, let alone breakfast.

  “I know but it’s exciting. You’re getting past your...”

  “Mental deformities?”

  Pause. “Trust concerns.”

  Quinn rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that sounds a whole lot better.”

  “So who is he?”

  “A designer for Ricochet Studios.” Quinn drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “Kind of cool that I slept with a guy who worked on ‘Slayer’s Faith.’”

  Alana snorted. “I could make so many jokes right now.”

  “Don’t. And, before you ask, no, I’m not going to see him again.”

  Alana sighed. “I get it. Baby steps. Where are you, anyway?”

  “I’m still at the hotel.”

  “Me, too.” A sly laugh came through the line. “You’re not the only dirty birdie here. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes and then we can head to my place.”

  Alana’s was only a short walk away. She could shower and change and be at the office in forty-five minutes tops. “Any chance I can borrow something to wear to work?”

  “Of course.”

  Quinn stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. Mercifully, the doors closed and no one else had joined her. “See you in a minute.”

  Dropping the phone into her bag, she sagged against the elevator. Drained. Her whole body thrummed with satisfaction but a monster coffee was required to put her in good form. The new guy was starting today, and she would make damn sure her manager knew what a mistake he’d made not choosing her.

  Whoever this guy was, he would not show her up.


  “DAMN ALANA. DOES SHE not own a single pair of pants?” Quinn muttered under her breath as she walked into the Cobalt & Dane head office, tugging on the hem of another one of her friend’s dresses.

  Thankfully, this little black number covered her more comfortably, although the hem was still above her knees. She’d thrown on a pair of white high-top sneakers and a denim jacket in the hopes of dressing the outfit down. However, judging by the raised eyebrows aimed in her direction, she’d failed.

  “You can’t sit here.” Owen Fletcher, her colleague and friendly office pain in the ass, dropped down into her chair before she had a chance to dump her satchel there. “This desk belongs to a grumpy pink-haired lady who never wears skirts.”

  Smirking, she sipped her giant latte. “That’s got to be the first time you’ve ever called me a lady.”

  “Seriously, what’s with the dress? It’s...weird.” He scrunched up his nose as if she’d walked into the office wearing a trash can.

  “Can’t I wear a dress without getting hassled?” She tugged on the hem again.

  The tight fit was already bugging her, not to mention the fact that she’d had to go commando because she hadn’t brought a fresh pair of underwear with her. How did women dress this way? Give her a baggy top and a pair of jeans any day.

  “Please come to work in a ‘Space Invaders’ T-shirt tomorrow.” Owen got out of her seat and held it out so she could sit down. “You’re messing with my view of the world.”

  “Your view of the world?”

  “Yes, the things I need to believe in order to know the universe is right. Taxi drivers are crazy, the Mets are the greatest team on earth and you dress like a teenage boy.”

  “I guess I should feel honored that I feature in the world law according to Owen Fletcher.” She swung her chair around to face her desk. “Now go away. I have work to do.”

  “No dress tomorrow, promise?” Owen raked a hand through his blond hair and grinned.

  “Promise.” She shooed him away with one hand and typed her password into her laptop.

  Already her inbox was filled to bursting with banal requests. Printer errors, missing cables, password resets and setup for the new hire. Ugh.

  She couldn’t take this job much longer before she’d go nuts. The years she’d spent at university could not be wasted on constantly advising people to restart their computers.

  “Quinn?” Her manager, Rhys, came out of his office and over to her desk.

  “Morning, boss,” she said, pushing up from her chair. “Any chance you might be free to catch up today? There’s something I’d like to discuss.”

  “Hold that thought. I have a special project for you to work on.” He motioned for her to follow him through the IT department. “Bring your laptop.”

  Great. What’ll it be this time, a server upgrade? Someone broke a macro? A busted scanner?

  She opened the cable lock that secured her laptop to the desk and tucked the device under her arm. Scooping up her coffee with her free hand, she hurried after him.

  “So I was thinking about the position you applied for recently,” he said.

  “Oh. Really?”

  Rhys nodded to the receptionist as they walked past her and into an empty conference room where they usually met clients. “I know you were disappointed you didn’t get it.”

  “No shit,” she muttered as she pulled up a chair and placed her laptop and coffee onto the table.

  He held up a hand as he usually did when Quinn was about to start ranting. “We had a better candidate.”

  “Did you really drag me out here to reinforce the idea I’m not good enough?” she asked, heavily ladling on the sarcasm.

  He folded his arms over his chest and took the seat across from her. The wall clock ticked loudly in the pause, the sound grating on her nerves. She inspected the remain
s of her black polish and made a mental note to locate the bottle of remover she kept in the IT department cupboards.

  A smile tugged at the corner of his full lips. “Now, if you could dial back the sulky-teenager act for a minute, I’d like to talk about the job I have for you.”

  “A job?” She tried not to appear too excited at the possibility that they’d already realized she was promotion-worthy without her having to convince them.

  “I want you to work a case with the new hire.”

  If she’d been able to pop Rhys’s head with sheer mind power at that moment, she would have. “What?”

  “We’ve assigned him to a case involving a leak at a game design company, and we thought it would also be a great opportunity for you to stretch your wings.” He folded his hands in front of him on top of the table.

  “What exactly will ‘stretching my wings’ involve?” She chewed on the inside of her cheek.

  “It will mean playing nice in the sandpit, for one.” Rhys looked at her pointedly.

  “And?” She kept her face neutral, undecided how she felt about this opportunity. It was what she wanted...kind of. However, being forced to work with the guy who’d gotten the job she deserved was not at all her cup of tea.

  “Getting a positive outcome. We’re briefing the case this morning, so you’ll be up to speed on all the important details.”

  “Can’t I work with one of the other guys? What about Jin or Owen?” She drummed her fingertips against her bare thigh. “Surely they’d do a better job with this case since they already know how we do things around here.”

  “No.” Rhys turned his phone over in his hands and swiped at the screen. “This is the opportunity I’m giving you. Take it or leave it.”

  “Since when do you play hardball?”

  “Since you decided to argue with me. I like having you on my team, Quinn, but damn, you’re difficult sometimes.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Now, are you on board or not?”

  She rolled the proposal around in her mind. Her gut told her she’d be stupid to turn it down. Rhys was trying to make things right and, given he was the head of IT, she’d still be working for him.

  “Who’s going to cover my job while I’m on this case?”

  He shrugged. “We’ll get a temp in.”

  “Will you let them sit at my desk?” She shuddered at the thought of someone touching her things.

  “Yes. Where else would they sit?”

  Crossing one leg over the other, she leaned back in her chair. “Do I get a raise?”

  “We’ll talk about it if the assignment goes well.”

  “Do I get an office?”

  Rhys laughed as if she’d asked for a life-size statue made of marshmallows to be erected in her honor. “No office. What you get is the opportunity to do something different, which I believe is what you’ve been hounding me for. Do it well and then you can negotiate with me.”


  “Okay?” He stifled a smile as he checked the clock. “You’re not going to chase the new guy away?”

  “If he’s chased away so easily, he probably isn’t a good fit for our team,” she said. “So, when do I start?”

  “Right now.” Rhys motioned to the conference room door as Jin, one of the senior security consultants, held the door open for the person behind him.

  “Hey, Quinn, glad you could join us.”

  She opened her mouth to respond but the words evaporated right off her tongue as the new hire walked through the open door.

  The intensity of his blue gaze hit her immediately, followed by the sharp cut of his jaw, the tangle of dark hair and broad shoulders. Magic hands...hands that had been on her all night long.

  Jin closed the door behind them. “This is Aiden Odell, our newest team member.”

  * * *

  AIDEN THANKED HIS lucky stars the FBI had trained him to be calm in a crisis. And finding out Quinn was his new colleague definitely counted as a crisis. Not only because he’d been pissed that she’d sneaked out without so much as a “so long, thanks for the laughs,” but also that she’d now see him as a liar and a fraud.

  In his defense, he’d tried to come clean but she’d shut him up with her “this is just sex” spiel. Though, judging by the daggers she was shooting at him now, she must have forgotten that little nugget of information.

  “Quinn Dellinger is our IT support guru, but given her unique skill set, we’ve assigned her to this case,” Jin said, motioning for Aiden to take a seat at the conference table. “She studied game design at university and has strong ties with the gaming community.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Aiden said, sticking out his hand.

  She let it hang there for an excruciatingly awkward moment, only accepting the gesture when Jin cleared his throat. “You, too,” she finally said.

  “I believe you’ve already met Rhys?” Jin continued and Aiden nodded. “For your benefit, Quinn, Aiden will be working in the security consultant pool with myself, Owen and the others. But he’s mainly going to focus on the information and cybersecurity jobs, so he’ll be reporting to Rhys.”

  Quinn looked as though she’d eaten something sour. But Jin proceeded as if nothing was wrong and ran them through the assignment with Third Planet Studios. There wasn’t a whole lot of extra information than the briefing Aiden had been given when he accepted the position at Cobalt & Dane, but the extra run-through was welcome since his brain was still clogged with memories of Quinn’s naked body.

  She sat across the table from him, scowling, and the sexy little stone in her nose glinted in the light from the window behind her. Her brown-and-pink hair was piled on top of her head, a few strands escaping messily at the sides. What would happen if he withdrew the pin holding her hair in place? He already knew how silky and soft it would feel against his palms, or swishing over his chest as she rode him, her small breasts bouncing with each thrust—

  “Aiden?” Jin peered at him from the head of the table. “Did we lose you there for a minute?”

  You can’t blow it on day one, dumb ass. Pay attention to the job, not the girl.

  “Just thinking about the case.”

  Jin nodded. “It would be great if you could give Quinn a quick intro to your background before we dive into the approach I’ve put together.”

  He swallowed, trying to ignore how intently Quinn was staring at him. No doubt she was eager to hear what he did for a living, since it was clear he wasn’t a game designer, as he’d told her.

  “I’ve been with the FBI since I graduated. I started out in their police force, primarily working in the New York headquarters.” He sucked in a breath, trying not to let the memories get to him. “Then, two years ago, I moved into the Cyber Security Action team. I worked on a number of high-profile cases there, including taking down a prominent financial crime ring.”

  “Why did you leave the police side of things?” Quinn asked, her tone more than a little accusatory.

  “I no longer met the physical requirements for the job.” He touched his ear. “I was involved in a shoot-out inside a building, and I suffered acoustic trauma in my left ear. I failed the audiometer test.”

  She uncrossed her arms and fiddled with the hem of her dress. “Oh.”

  “I’m partially deaf in one ear’s permanent.”

  He remembered delivering the news to his father. Rather than asking how Aiden was coping with the change, his dad had immediately set about ordering the FBI to provide him a new job somewhere. Anywhere.

  The perks of your father being the head of Intelligence. Too bad he’d never put that kind of effort into being a good dad.

  “But my injury won’t affect my job here,” Aiden said. “I do my best work with computers and one-on-one interviews.”

  Quinn shifted in her se
at. Not many people knew about his hearing problem outside his family and the people he’d worked with at the FBI. Certainly no one he’d taken to bed. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of it, but he didn’t draw attention to it, either. He didn’t want sympathy, and he certainly didn’t want people thinking he was weak.

  So he’d learned to cope, always taking a seat first—as he’d done with Quinn last night—so he could use his good ear. In groups or in noisy venues, he relied on his other senses for context. He read lips, analyzed gestures, listened to pitch and tone if the words themselves were hard to make out. For the most part, he could be around someone every day and he or she wouldn’t realize anything was wrong with him.

  But even his father hadn’t been able to bend the FBI Police’s hearing rules. The audiometer test was an unforgiving SOB.

  “Thanks, Aiden.” Jin nodded and fired up the large screen at the head of the room.

  An hour later they were all up to speed with the plan for the Third Planet Studios assignment. Quinn would go undercover as a game designer—since she was the only one on the team who’d actually studied game design and had enough knowledge to pass muster with the employees—and Aiden would go in as himself. He would rattle the cage by interviewing staff and asking questions. Meanwhile, Quinn would keep her ear to the ground to observe the fallout.

  They would work together. Closely.

  “Is this your first time going undercover?” Aiden asked Quinn as they wrapped up the meeting.

  “Yeah.” She pushed up from her chair and snapped her laptop closed. “I’m not all that adept at lying. Maybe you could give me a few tips?”

  Rhys walked toward the door with Jin. “Excellent idea, Quinn,” he said, clearly missing the intended sting in her words. “Take Aiden for a coffee and get to know one another. I’m sure he could give you a few pointers.”

  A blush flared across her cheeks, lighting up her porcelain skin. Her jaw clenched, the muscle twitching enough that he could tell she was grinding her teeth. “I’ve got a meeting scheduled with Addison about the new password requirements.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Rhys paused in the doorway for a moment. “Unless you’re having second thoughts?”


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