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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

Page 34

by Lyssa Layne

  Just as he said it, the front door erupted in a wall of blazing hot orange, red, and yellow flames. “Get out the back way. I’m going to get Mrs. Benson.” Mark ran back down the hall as Cherie coughed, making her way toward the back door. It too was blocked. She grabbed a kitchen chair and threw it through the picture window in the dining room. The pane blew out onto the back patio disintegrating into shards. Thank God they hadn’t replaced the old window. She grabbed a cookbook from the counter and knocked the rest of the glass from the base of the frame. Cherie took off her jacket and laid it over the windowsill then climbed out. Outside, she waited for Mark to bring the doctor’s wife.

  She heard him coughing as smoke started rolling out the window. He passed the now barely conscious Mrs. Benson to her and then climbed out himself. They turned to go around to the front of the house when they heard, “Freeze!”

  It took a lots of fast talking on Mark’s part to keep them from being arrested. Cherie was impressed. However, he couldn’t talk them into just releasing them. Cherie couldn’t believe she and Mark had to stand there and wait for the Police Chief to come and give permission for them to leave.

  Mrs. Benson had been taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation and to have the bump on her head checked. Mark showed the officers his search warrant and begged them to keep an officer outside her door and not allow anyone in, especially Dr. George Benson.

  When the chief showed up Mark charge, “Here’s the warrant. Look at her car. She was packing to run. We knocked on the door and it pushed open. I called out, and there was no answer. We heard a noise at the back of the house and went to investigate. We found her unconscious and immediately called 911. You can check the phone logs.”

  “Believe me, we will. And if I find you entered illegally I’ll pull your Private Investigator’s license.” The Chief snapped his fingers for emphasis. “Funny, how we had you two at the scene of another fire only a few days ago. A bit too coincidental, don’t you think?”

  “I have the warrant from that one as well. It’s in my car.” Mark handed the keys to his car to the chief. “It’s in the center console.”

  Cherie leaned against Mrs. Benson’s car. She saw something through the windshield. She stood up and leaned forward, spying a metal box. “Mark, come here.” She waved him closer, the chief followed.

  “When you were here with the police yesterday, did you see that metal box?”

  “No. That wasn’t in the house. Chief, can we pull that box?”

  The chief instructed one of the officers to retrieve the metal box. Then he sent the same officer in the house to look around.

  The officer was back in a few minutes. “I went to the back bedroom where he said they found her and looked in the closet. It appears the box must have been hidden, the carpet was pulled back, and a few slats of wood from the floorboards had been removed.”

  “I’ll bet you a steak dinner Dr. Benson hit his wife and left her for dead. Only she’s not dead. Not by a long shot. Can you make sure there is an officer posted outside her door around the clock until we find the doctor?”

  The chief promised to do so, then stepped over to his car and radioed dispatch to send another officer to the hospital. He advised his office that he’d head over there as soon as he was done at the Benson house.

  A few minutes later another police cruiser rolled up, bringing the knobs from the convalescent hospital with him. The officer turned it over to the chief. “Looks like you’re in the clear. The investigator said the door was barred from the outside and that the locks had been jimmied.”

  Mark responded, “I didn’t need to jimmy the door. I had the keys from the county clerk’s office.” Mark dangled the keys to prove his point.

  The chief handed the metal box to Mark. “Looks like you’re on the up-and-up. Here’s the box and if I were you, I wouldn’t open it until you have that lawyer friend of yours and the judge handy. It seems like every time you two are involved in something, it goes wrong.”

  As soon as the chief released them Mark put the metal box in his trunk.

  Cherie considered all they’d been through. “Mark, I think we need to go to the hospital.”

  “I assumed you were going to go see your mom?”

  “That was before this. This is more important. We have to speak to Mrs. Benson before anyone else can get to her. Maybe if we can convince her that her husband left her for dead, I’m sure she’ll turn on him. If nothing else, we can lie through our teeth and offer her immunity.”

  “Immunity for what?” he laughed.

  “That’s just it. We don’t know, but she doesn’t know that. We just insinuate we now know the whole story. And knowing her husband was behind her injuries, we can really sling some misleading statement out and try to get her to admit what they did. We have to try. It’s the only way we’re going to catch them at anything.”

  At the hospital, Cherie and Mark paced up and down the floor in front of Mrs. Benson’s room.

  When Cherie saw Jason race down the hall toward them. Her first thought was “Oh shit.”

  It was Mark who muttered, “We’re dead.”

  “I thought you were going to see you mother?” Jason accused, then turned on Mark. “I thought we agreed you’d leave Cherie out of your excursions?”

  Mark started to respond, but she knew she had to clear the air, “Look, Jason, don’t blame Mark. It was my fault. I told him if he didn’t let me come along I’d show up anyway. This is my life. I want answers.” When Jason started to interrupt, she added, “And before you go and act all butt hurt, you don’t own me. You don’t run my life. And you don’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do. I’m my own person and will do exactly what I have to in order to find out what’s going on. You best get that through your thick skull right now!” She advanced on him, poked his chest, as he backed up and bumped into the wall.

  “This is the second time you’ve been involved in a fire in as many days. Can I help it if I’m concerned for your safety?”

  “I’m concerned about my safety as well. I don’t happen to like that this is the second time someone tried to roast me alive.”

  “Me either.”

  “Then you have two options.”

  “And they would be?”

  “Either you trust me and respect me and my wishes and let me be a part of this search—”


  “Or we don’t have a future together.” She put her hand on her hips and asked, “What’s it going to be?”

  Cherie knew it wasn’t fair to give Jason such an ultimatum. Except that she had no alternative. She must help find out what was going on with the Benson’s or die trying. And from the way things were going she needed to give some considerable thought as to how she wanted to die.

  By fire wasn’t on the list.


  Jason considered himself a calm, collected man; that is until Cherie entered his life. Now it was chaos and threats. “Damn it Cherie. This isn’t fair.”

  Cherie let out a chuckle that was worthy of a maniacal Stephen King evil fiend. “Fair? You want fair? Who the hell said life is fair?”

  He opened his mouth to respond but she advanced on him, and poked him in the chest, causing him to step back.

  “Where was fair when my mother needed it? Where was fair when my Grandmother needed it? Where was fair when my folks were killed? Fair. You want fair? So did I, but now I say fuck fair!”

  “Jason, take it easy.” Mark said.

  His friends advice wasn’t wanted nor was he in the mood to listen, not when Cherie was practically pounding his chest. He spun out of her reach and turned on Mark.

  “I asked you before to keep her out of this. It’s not a game, not when people are being hurt,” Jason spat.

  “You think I don’t know that?” Mark’s fingers scored rows in his hair as he scrubbed a hand through it. “I tried to call you this morning, but you’d already left.”

  “This ends today!” J
ason demanded. When he looked to Cherie he realized it was the wrong thing to say.

  “You’re right. We’re done. Get the hell out of here. I’ll find my answers on my own.”

  Shit, that’s not what was supposed to happen. Not what he meant at all.

  “Cherie, honey, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. If only you’d gone to visit your mother like you promised, none of this would have happened. Maybe if you hadn’t been so selfish—”

  Cherie’s brows rose, her eyes wide as a dessert plate. “What! Now you’re blaming me?”

  Jason stepped closer; he had to make her understand. “No that’s not what I said.”

  In a move that was pure Cherie, she crossed her arms, stepped closer, stood with her body stiff, back straight and challenged him. “What did you say then?”

  “Only that I wished you’d gone to see your mother. Nothing more. If you’d gone there, you’d have foiled whoever did this.”

  “Oh really and just how do you come up with that pile of crap? If we hadn’t gone to the Benson’s house they would have gotten away. At least this way, we have Mrs. Benson, and with a little luck we might just be able to convince her she’s got no alternative but to help us now that her husband ditched her.”

  “That’s not what I mean.” He took hold of her hand, wanting to calm her down, to make Cherie listen, force her to hear his concerns.

  “What do you mean? And you best choose your words wisely because I’m at the end of my patience here.”

  “I just don’t want you involved in anything dangerous. That’s it. Leave it to the professionals. I don’t even want Mark involved anymore.”

  “Too late buddy, someone’s tried to kill me twice now. I don’t take kindly to it. I’m involved to the very end,” Mark retorted.

  “Me either! And even if Mark listened to you and quit, I wouldn’t. Too many people have interfered in my life. I’m taking control now whether you like it or not. I owe it to the Michaels’, I owe it to my grandmother, I even owe it to Destiny and Jeff, but most of all I owe it to myself to see this through.”

  The nurse in front of the nurse’s station came around and glared at them.

  The cold sterile setting did nothing to calm anyone.

  “Why are you being so stubborn? Do you think your grandmother is going to be happy about this?”

  “Stubborn? Damn you, Jason. You should know better than anyone what it feels like to have people interfere in your life. You’ve been battling your father’s demon for years. I thought you of all people would understand my need for answers. So be it. I’m not your worry any longer.” She yanked her hand out of his grasp.

  The last word had barely slipped from her mouth when Olivia came running down the corridor, her heels clacking on the tiled hallway. “Cherie.” Olivia collapsed into Cherie’s arms.

  Cherie held on tight, but was barely able to support her. She was able to get her into of the vinyl chairs along the wall. “Grandmother, I’m okay. Really, don’t worry.”

  “No, it’s your mother. They’re bringing her into emergency. We have to go.” Tears ran down Olivia’s cheeks.


  Cherie’s knees buckled. If he hadn’t caught her, she’d have fallen. He supported her then took charge. “What happened?”

  “They’re not sure. They found her unconscious in the activity center.”

  “They should be bringing her in any minute now. We have to get downstairs now.”

  Cherie wrapped her arms around her grandmother, helped her up then headed for the elevator. At the last minute she looked over her shoulder and spoke to Mark, not him. “Stay here. You have to find out what Mrs. Benson knows. We’ll be down in emergency.” They stepped into the elevator.

  When Cherie scowled at him, Jason knew she didn’t want his company

  Cherie leaned forward and pressed the button to close the doors.

  Mark shook his head, “You blew it again, Jason. Go after her, she needs you.”

  “She doesn’t want me around. I’m staying here until we can talk to Mrs. Benson.”

  “What happened with the Judge?”

  Jason started to explain. “Not as much as we hoped. We have Benson’s full name, corporate office address, and not much more.” He copied the information for Mark. “See if you can find anything else about him?”

  Mark tucked his chin and gave him a sour expression.

  “I thought you didn’t want me involved?”

  “I don’t, but Cherie is right. You’re the only one I trust to find the answers we need.” Jason sat down hard on a plastic chair outside Mrs. Benson’s room.

  “Look Jason, I’m not going to tell you what to do, but if you don’t get your ass down stairs this minute you’re never going to forgive yourself.”

  “I’ve made such a mess of it already. Cherie doesn’t need me.”

  “That’s bull shit and you know it. What she wants is for you to care enough to do anything and everything it takes to help her find the truth. The question is can you do it for her, without questions, without demands, without excuses, just because that’s what she needs?” Mark stressed.

  “I have to. I love her. It’s just that simple.” Jason leaned his forearms on his knees and stared at the tile floor.

  “I wondered how long it would take you to figure that out. Then go to her…because even if you believe she doesn’t need you, you need her. That much is evident.”

  Could Mark could be right? Did she really need him as much as he needed her? He was damned well going to find out. Jason had a sudden horrible thought…what if Desiree’s being brought in had something to do with Dr. Benson. He jumped up and raced toward the elevator and yelled over his shoulder. “Don’t leave her alone. Not for a minute. I think there’s a connection between Benson and Desiree.” He didn’t have time to explain, he had to get downstairs.


  Cherie and Olivia were standing just inside the sliding glass doors in the emergency room of Auburn Faith Hospital when the paramedics pushed through the door. “Heartbeat is shallow, pulse is thready,” they said to the nurses guiding them to an empty room.

  Dr. Andrews followed them in. “I’m so glad you’re both here.”

  Cherie was stunned when Jason walked up and put his arm around Olivia. “What happened?” she asked.

  “One of the aids was feeding Desiree and suddenly she started convulsing, then lost consciousness. By the time the paramedics arrived they’d had to resuscitate her.”

  “Has she ever done that before?” Olivia asked.

  “No, never!” Dr. Andrews supplied.

  Cherie was about to ask a question when Jason broke in, “Can you ask them to do a full toxicology panel on her? I have a feeling that she was drugged or poisoned.”

  Olivia sucked in a gasp, covering her mouth.

  Cherie grabbed his arm for balance.

  Dr. Andrews asked, “Why do you think that?”

  “Because Dr. Benson’s wife is upstairs in intensive care, we think he hit her and left her for dead. If he was able to figure out we were on his trail, I think he’d be only too desperate to make sure Desiree can never come out of it.”

  “What do you mean? She’s been an altered mental state for the past twenty-five years,” the doctor said.

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  Dr. Andrews was slow to respond. “Altered Mental State or AMS is a disruption in how the brain works, changing the behavior of the individual. It can be as minor as slight confusion to full amnesia, total disorientation in the form of loss of cognizant self, time, or place, all the way to coma.”

  “How did my mother react?”

  “At first, she was catatonic. Over time, it was apparent she’d suffered from amnesia then reverted to a child’s state. Most of the time she doesn’t speak, she needs help feeding and getting dressed; completely withdrawn from her surroundings.”

  “Any chance you made notes in her chart about briefly coming out of it the other day.”

  “Well, of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because I believe the good doctor has been keeping an eye on her and when Mrs. Benson told him we were snooping around, he tried to cover his tracks. This leads me to believe that there is some shred of evidence about his past connection to Desiree. Something he wasn’t able to hide. If that’s the case, he has to be sure to silence everyone involved or risk getting caught.”

  Dr. Andrews tore down the hall to find the attending physician.

  “Jason, do you really think she was poisoned or drugged? How could that happen?” Cherie couldn’t believe anyone could harm someone as fragile as Destiny.

  “You’ve seen how crazy things can get in a place like that. No one is normal or they wouldn’t be in there. If Dr. Benson was able to get in, of course Desiree wouldn’t recognize him much less be able to scream and stop him? I’m starting to wonder if she’s been drugged all along to stay in that state?”

  “What? You can’t bet serious?”

  “At this point, I’d believe anything. We can’t know for sure, but if I had a guess I’d bet we’ll find Dr. and Nurse Benson still have privileges at the home even if it’s only on a voluntary basis. It wouldn’t matter, all she had to do is tell the doctor about the updates and there you have it. Dr. Andrews has regular hours, very predictable. What I bet is we could show a picture of the Bensons to the staff we’d find out they’ve been on site lately.”

  “This is crazy. What the hell is going on, Jason?” When Olivia snapped her head around to stare at Cherie, shecorrected herself, “Sorry Grandmother. This was supposed to be a simple adoption—why all the intrigue?”

  “I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. There is something more going on now we have to figure out what? Until now, we’ve only been concerned about finding out about the terms of the adoption. I think there is more to it than that. We need to find out what happened the night Cherie was born.”

  Jason led Olivia to a chair. When she was comfortable, he pressed on, “Think back Olivia. Tell me everything you know about the night Cherie was born. I want every little detail you know, heard, or have since discovered. No tidbit is too small. We have to piece this together and fast.”


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