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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

Page 98

by Lyssa Layne

  “He wants you to know Ana, that you were his first love. You were the one that inspired him, that made him feel like he could do anything. He said he left you the Paradise Valley series because they were the best memories he had of you and also the portrait of you hanging in the sitting room. He says he knows what happened that night and is upset that you kept it from him. He is telling me that keeping the secret is tearing you up and you should have no guilt, that you did nothing wrong. He wants you to let it go and be happy in your life because you deserve it. He says his father was wrong about what he did to you but it’s not your burden to bear.”

  “Oh my god.” Ana jumped to her feet, “I can’t do this!” As she fled the room she heard Jennifer’s bewildered voice. “I thought it was Austin’s mom that tore them apart?”


  Ana ran blindly to her room and slammed the door. How could Rick know? The only people who knew what had happened that night was her mother, and of course, Austin’s father, both having died within the past seven years. Was Rick really talking to Austin? She couldn’t say one hundred percent that she doubted him anymore, no one knew that she sent lilies to her mother’s grave every year. She hadn’t talked to her mom since that horrible night and when anyone asked about her parents, she just said they were both dead. Lying on her bed, bewildered and confused, she started crying again. She didn’t hear Jennifer entering the room, only became aware of a soft touch rubbing her back. She jerked up, and stared into Jennifer’s tear-streaked face.

  “I realize you feel alone, scared and confused. I know because it’s the same way I felt after my first reading with Rick. The way he has knowledge of things that you were so sure you had kept hidden from the world, suddenly being repeated back to you by someone you just met, is very unnerving. After my first reading I was so angry; sure that Rick had done research on me and my family. We’re not exactly your typical family, since we are in the social section of the newspapers frequently. I attacked my close friends and acquaintances, accusing them of revealing personal information but none of them had talked to Rick and was honestly amazed that I was able to have a reading with him in the first place. At that time, he had been doing book tours only in the United States and hadn’t come over here yet. When I had my reading, he had only been in London for two days.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this?” Ana sniffed her nose running as much as her eyes.

  “Because I want you to understand, to believe.”

  “How can I be sure you didn’t research me or give Rick information about me, supplied by Austin back when he was alive?”

  “Because I never had any intention of having you attend Rick’s reading. I have hated you for so many years. I believed I was competing with you for Austin’s love. I had built you up in my mind as this shrewd, cold-hearted bitch that didn’t care about anyone but herself. I hated you so much that it became obsessive. It got to the point that Austin wouldn’t mention your name or shares with me any of his inspirations for his work from back home. When I found out you were in Austin’s will, I was furious and hurt, feeling betrayed by Austin. I didn’t want you here and I didn’t want you to have anything of Austin’s but the attorney told me that his will was legal and binding, that you had to be here.”

  Ana was gaping at Jennifer, feeling the raw emotions that Jennifer expressed with her spoken words. Closing her eyes, she whispered, “What changed?”

  “When you got here, I saw all of the love and admiration on your face when you saw Austin’s paintings and doubt started filling my mind. Then when you spoke of Austin, your face was filled with so much pride but also pain. I could tell that you didn’t leave Austin because you were selfish. You left because you loved him and wanted to protect him. You were selfless when it came to him and when you talked to me, it was with respect and tenderness, and you still do. You never belittled me or talked down to me. As I started warming up to you, you seemed to open up as well and I started to forget that you were Austin’s first love and began feeling as if you were my friend. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you and look forward to more time together. I wanted to share this beautiful, personal experience with you, my new friend.

  “Rick never had time to do any research on you because I never intended on you being there. He didn’t know you were going to join us until yesterday morning at breakfast, right before you came down. Both he and Stavros vehemently argued against it, worried that something would come through that might hurt me but I convinced them both that it would be okay.”

  “Stavros?” Ana was startled. Stavros barely knew her and she was surprised that Jennifer would allow staffs help to have a say in her personal life.

  As if reading her thoughts, Jennifer smiled. “Stavros is an old friend, my best male friend other than Austin. He came to work for us a year after Austin’s first gallery showing. When Austin was locked in his studio for weeks at a time, Stavros was there to keep me company.”

  Ana looked at Jennifer shocked.

  Jennifer started laughing, “Not like that, silly! I have always been faithful to Austin. Stavros would help me with shopping, picking out furniture, planning my gardens and just being there to talk. It can be very lonely, married to an artist.”

  “It never bothered Austin?”

  “No, in fact, he encouraged our friendship. He knew I loved him and would never be unfaithful but he also knew that I needed someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of. I think he felt guilty for spending so much time in his studio.”

  Understanding the feeling of loneliness, Ana nodded, but then became curious of the reason why Rick hadn’t wanted Ana to be at the reading. “Why was Rick against it?”

  “He didn’t want me to be hurt. He’s been such a good friend and he worries about me, although sometimes he’s a little too overprotective.”

  Recalling Rick’s statement that people have multiple soul mates and his reading declaring that Jennifer would love again, what if it was Jennifer and Rick who were meant to be together? Ana felt a pang of jealousy.

  Where the hell did that come from? Pushing the thought and the feeling away Ana sat up straighter. “I don’t need to accept any of the paintings he left me, Jennifer. I really enjoy our time together too and I don’t want to jeopardize this new friendship. I would rather have it than what Austin left me.”

  Ana felt criminal as Jennifer started crying again, fearing she was inflicting even more pain on her. “Oh Ana. You just proved, once again, how badly I misjudged you! Of course I want you to have whatever Austin left you and it will not interfere with our friendship!” she grabbed Ana and gave her a huge hug and pretty soon they were both crying again but this time it was mixed with laughter.

  When Jennifer pulled back, she still held onto Ana’s hands and gave a little squeeze. “Want to go look for the painting Austin left me?”

  Ana grinned and nodded excitedly. “Let me freshen up though. Stavros and Rick are still in the den and one thing I’ve learned is that men can’t deal with crying women!” as she headed towards the bathroom. Jennifer agreed and got up to follow her. They both laughed and joked as they cleaned up their faces as best they could.

  When Jennifer and Ana entered the den holding hands and giggling, both men rose, worry apparent on their faces.

  “We’re fine!” Jennifer exclaimed with a wink in Ana’s direction. “Just girl stuff.”

  Rick and Stavros exchanged looks of relief, which sent Ana and Jennifer into another bout of laughter. When the women calmed down, Ana looked at Rick, her face still flushed from crying and laughing. “We’re going to the studio to look for Jennifer’s painting. Care to join us, gentlemen?” Ana was pleased when both men nodded and Stavros went protectively to Jennifer side.

  “Are you sure you’re up to this?” He asked Jennifer, his thick, Greek accent unable to mask the worry.

  “Definitely. I have my best friends around me and I feel stronger than ever!” She gave Ana’s hand a squeeze.

  Instead of the dark, dingy r
oom that Ana had pictured, the studio turned out to be a huge room, about the size of a medium sized ice skating rink, surrounded by windows that looked out over the west side of the grounds and though it was dark out she surmised that the view would show the beautiful rose garden Jennifer had crafted. She was surprised at the amount of paintings that were in the room, many had been started but not finished, set aside as though another inspiration had ignited, taking over Austin’s imagination and attention. For as many paintings that were started, there had to be three times more that were finished. Landscapes, abstracts, still lives, so many that it was hard to believe they came from the same artist. All of them, Ana proudly noticed, were beautifully done. It took them almost thirty minutes to locate the corner of the studio that Rick had described.

  They uncovered about fifty works of art that even Jennifer hadn’t seen and when they finally came to the last stack, they found the large five foot by eight foot painting that was meticulously covered with a cotton fabric throw.

  Jennifer, Ana and Rick stepped back as Stavros gently pulled it out of the stack. Jennifer moved forward to stand next to Stavros and Ana felt a thrill run through her as she felt Rick’s hand rest at the small of her back and she moved in closer to his touch. The heat from his hand seemed to inflame her entire body and she found herself excited but slightly uncomfortable with her own body’s reaction to his seemingly innocent contact.

  Stavros carefully un-wrapped the cloth tarp and Jennifer gasped. True to Austin’s talent, he had captured Jennifer in a breathtaking, intimate pose. Her hair was longer, beautiful brown tresses flowing off of her slender shoulders. A lavender rose tucked behind one ear kept her hair back and soulful, doe eyes with lush lashes stared seductively back at the viewer. She was sitting on a stone bench with a multitude of blooming flowers filling the foreground with a portion of the manor in the background.

  The silence was deafening as all eyes turn to Jennifer, unsure of what her reaction would be. “Oh my god.” Jennifer whispered as she fell to her knees in front of the painting, lovingly touching the brush strokes of the painting. “This scene is of the first time we looked at the manor. It was totally out of our price range and I remember sitting on that bench telling Austin that I knew we could afford it because his paintings were going to be a huge success. His gallery opening was two weeks later and because my premonition turned out to be true, he bought me the manor, telling me he couldn’t have done it without me, without my belief in him.”

  Ana sucked in a sob, realizing it was mixed with feelings of happiness for her friend and regret that it hadn’t been her supporting Austin. She felt Rick’s hand drop away and was alarmed at the sadness and isolation that she felt.

  “Where would you like to hang this, Jennifer?” The softness and compassion that Stavros voice held made Ana study him in a different light. Was Stavros in love with Jennifer? Before she had a chance to contemplate it any further, Jennifer answered Stavros.

  “Well, according to Rick, there’s going to be a spot come available above the mantel in the sitting room. Ana, would you be offended if we took your painting down and wrapped it? We have to get it ready to ship to your home anyway.”

  Ana was touched that Jennifer would show such immense grace and ask her permission. “Of course not. It’s your home after all and the lady of the house should have her own portrait gracing the walls, not someone else’s!”

  Ana and Jennifer linked arms and followed the men to the sitting room where Rick gently removed Ana’s portrait and Stavros hung Jennifer’s. Deciding it had been a pretty full night, everyone agreed it was time to retire. Jennifer exchanged hugs with Ana before hugging and kissing Rick, thanking him for his reading. Ana couldn’t hear what Rick was quietly saying to Jennifer but Ana felt a pang of envy as they stood facing each other, Rick holding both of Jennifer’s hands in his.

  Ana remembered the soft tones Stavros had used earlier with Jennifer and glancing in his direction, tried to get a reading on him. It was hard to tell exactly what Stavros was feeling, though his warm eyes were now a little cooler. As if sensing Ana’s gaze, his deep dark eyes slid toward her face. Ana blushed at being caught staring at him but she gave him a small smile. His gaze softened. One side of his mouth tilting up into a half smile and he nodded his head once before Ana turned her attention back towards Jennifer and Rick, where they were hugging again.

  Jennifer quietly glided over to Stavros and Rick moved over to stand next to Ana. “I don’t know about any of you but I am exhausted from all of the information. I haven’t been this tired since that night…” she trailed off and Stavros placed his arm around her shoulder.

  “Please, let me walk you back to your room.”

  “Stavros, I’ve lived here long enough to know where my room is.” Jennifer teased, but even as she said that, she leaned in closer to his body. “But I’ll indulge you tonight, my mind is muddled and my bearings may be off. Given the time, my good friends, I say we make it a brunch day tomorrow? Say between ten thirty and eleven?” Everyone nodded agreement and started to leave the sitting room.

  “May I escort you to your room, my lady?” Ana was surprised when Rick squeezed her shoulder and then held out his hand. Feeling confused and dazed by the night's events, Ana could only nod and take Rick’s hand. They walked down the corridor without saying a word and all too soon found themselves at Ana’s door.

  “It’s a little chilly tonight. Would you like me to start a fire to take the edge off?”

  “No thank you. I’m so tired that once I’m bundled under the covers, I’ll be out like a light!”

  She turned as she was speaking the words and found herself standing right in front of him. She only had a second of thought before Rick leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft, tentative kiss, as though he was unsure as to whether Ana would pull back and slap him or allow him to continue kissing her. When she didn’t pull away, he deepened the kiss, pulling her closer to him.

  Ana was pleasantly overwhelmed. She hadn’t felt this spark, this strong chemistry that turned into desire since Austin. She vaguely recalled Rick’s words the previous night that it could be just as intense with a second soul mate, but different.

  She felt the start of a giggle in her throat at the thought of Rick being her soul mate, before it turned into a moan when she felt his tongue caress her lips, softly asking for permission. When she complied, he demanded more from their kiss, aroused and enflamed from the passion of this cool demeanor business woman. He gently grabbed the nape of her neck, tentatively pulling her to him, away from the wall. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she stepped closer to him, molding her body to his before she began worshiping him with her hands, touching and exploring everywhere.

  The scent from his heated body aroused her even more; seemingly her own personal aphrodisiac and her hands began to rove lower on his body. She felt the contours of his defined back and followed them down to his buttocks, hesitating only a moment before moving down his thighs. She tried to focus on his body, what it felt like, what it smelled like but his lips and his tongue left her dizzy, being vaguely aware that everywhere her hands touched, his body was hard. She wanted more, needed more and could only focus on the desire to have him. She felt over heated and knew only Rick could diminish her fire.

  Rick knew the situation was getting out of control and fast. He had kissed her out of curiosity to ebb the fever that swept through him every night, hoping to diminish his desire but never imagined the depth of his reaction to her. Her taste was as sweet and succulent as anything he had ever savored before. Her toned body felt pliant as he pulled her closer to him and felt her form fit his perfectly. He ached to rid her of her clothes, frustrated at the barrier between his hand and her skin. He sucked in his breath when his palm gently glided over her breast and he felt her light, erect nipple, her moan verbalizing the need was just as intense for her as it was him. He knew he could take her now. She was as hot and wet as he was but he didn’t want to take advantage of her knowi
ng she had been under a tremendous amount of stress so he tried to pull away but found his body unresponsive. He focused on Jennifer, how this might affect her and envisioned her being angry before he was able to pull away, both of them breathing heavy. Unable to find any words, he took her hand and kissed it, lingering before he finally found his voice.

  “Good night, Anastasia.”

  She smiled and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He turned and left her at the door as she watched him stroll back the way they had come. When his figure disappeared, she backed into her room and quietly closed the door. The exhaustion that recently filled her body was gone now and she knew it was going to be a long night. With her lips still swollen from the passion of their kisses, she quickly undressed and snuggled under her covers. Hours would pass before she found slumber, her thoughts filled with questions of who Rick Montgomery really was and reliving that kiss.


  The next morning Ana awoke shortly after dawn. Having only a few hours of sleep she was pleased that she felt rested, refreshed and even excited. She knew something special had happened between her and Rick and was anticipating the time they would spend together. She dressed carefully, taking her time to pick out a fun and flirty outfit, something she hadn’t done since Austin. It was almost seven when she quietly entered the kitchen to commandeer a cup of coffee. She gasped when a shadow from the corner stepped forward.

  “Oh god, Stavros. You scared the life out of me! I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here!”

  “Neither was I.” He replied with just enough suspicion in his voice to make Ana blush.

  “I couldn’t sleep and I thought Jennifer wouldn’t mind if I came into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I hope that’s okay.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched up and he nodded. “I just brewed a fresh pot, the mugs are here. Please help yourself.”


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