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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

Page 101

by Lyssa Layne

  Thursday Ana found herself at the manor alone. Jennifer had a meeting at the gallery with a new and upcoming artist that she wanted to display and although Jennifer had pleaded for Ana to come with her, Ana declined, claiming that she wanted to enjoy the grounds one last time while she was here.

  Stavros, being their investment advisor, went with Jennifer and Ana found herself wandering Jennifer’s beautiful rose garden. No matter how many times she went through them, she found a new flower or plant that she had missed before. The flowers seemed brighter and more exquisite, the foliage seemed a deeper emerald green and the birds seemed to sing more cheerfully. Everything today seemed fresh and new and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it. After a light lunch of cold meat sandwiches, she went into the study to lounge on the couch and began reading a history book on London.

  She was surprised when Devon entered the room and claimed there was a delivery waiting for her in the entry way. She started to thank him when he abruptly turned and left. Ana grinned, Devon still hadn’t warmed up to her yet. Taking no offense, she shrugged and hurried off to the entry way, wondering what it could be. She had received an e-mail from Sally that morning claiming all was calm and she was excited about Ana coming home to fill her in on the trip but nothing else was going on so it couldn‘t be anything from her. She paused and gasped at the beautiful flower arrangement on the large round table. It was a huge glass vase of exquisite red roses mixed with lavish flowers that were larger than Ana’s embrace. After her initial shock, she quickly searched for the card that typically accompanied deliveries, instead of finding a little note card, she found a beautiful pink colored card in the center of the arrangement. She recognized the handwriting even though she had only seen it once before. Rick. She tore open the envelope and sat down on the cold stone floor as she read its contents.

  Ana, first off, I want to tell you how much I miss you. I have been haunted by your kiss and longing to taste you again. I was asked to speak at an engagement in Fort Collins, Colorado. While doing readings at the Lincoln Center Sunday night, I was surprised when Austin came through and told me you had confided your secret to Jennifer. He said your aura completely changed and you were filled with relief and freedom. He said you could start healing now and he was happy and at peace. He also told me you made the right decision not to tell Jennifer of her future husband. Is there something you know that I don’t? Maybe you’re the psychic!

  Ana started laughing and was surprised when she felt hot tears on her cheeks.

  He also told me that you will be back here in New York by the weekend. Here is my number in case you’ve been too stubborn to get it from Jennifer. Please call me. I miss you, Anastasia. All my love, Rick.

  All my love! Her heart beat a little faster as she read those words over and over. A whole week she had tried to push out her thoughts of Rick, trying to force herself to admit it had just been a moment between them. She believed the saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’ but here was proof that the saying was wrong, dispelling all of those thoughts. He still wanted her.

  The rest of the day went by quickly as her mind focused on getting home and calling him, her book of London lay forgotten on the couch. Her daydreams were shattered by a high pitched squeal that came from the front door. She grinned and started to get up from the couch in the study, still clutching Rick’s note, when Jennifer ran into the room.

  “They’re from Rick, aren’t they?” Jennifer grinned, Stavros following her into the room, the familiar half smile on his face.

  Ana grinned and nodded handing her his note. Jennifer quickly read the letter and squealed again.

  “You better have the wedding here! The grounds are beautiful in the spring and we have the gazebo in case it rains which is very possible for that time of year and…”

  Ana laughed and held her hand up to stop her. “Hold it! We are a far cry from getting married. We’ve only had one kiss and…”

  Jennifer cut her off. “Nonsense. I knew before I even read this note that you two have kissed!” Jennifer laughed at Ana's embarrassed expression. “Come on! After I told you Rick had left, you went all white and pale as if someone had told you that your dog died! Not that losing a dog isn’t sad but I knew right away!” Jennifer rambled on and Ana searched Stavros face for help. He held up his hands and shrugged. He knew Jennifer was on a roll and would have to exhaust herself like a class five hurricane.

  Jennifer, oblivious to both of them, continued on, talking of possible wedding colors and where she should get her wedding dress. After five minutes of her rambling, she realized Ana hadn’t said anything. Placing her hands on her hips, she scrutinized at Ana. “Well?”

  Ana finally chuckled and gazed back at her friend. “Well, I think I need to get back to New York and call him. Wouldn’t that be the logical first step?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, both Jennifer and Ana burst into laughter. Stavros looked at both women and decided they had gone insane.

  “I’ll go into the kitchen and open a bottle of wine. Is a sweet red okay?” When he couldn’t get them to stop laughing long enough to answer, he left the room, muttering that they had both lost their minds.


  Ana sat at the little café on Broadway waiting for Sally. She couldn't help but reflect over everything that had happened on her trip. Saying goodbye to Jennifer and Stavros had been even harder than even she had anticipated and was warmed at the sight of Stavros eyes being damp and although he said nothing, hugged her as if she were a long-lost relative.

  “Take care of yourself, Anastasia Cassadine and don’t forget your newly found family here.” He whispered in her ear as they hugged goodbye. She choked back a sob and nodded before moving on to Jennifer, not even trying to hold back the tears of sorrow at leaving her new friend. The sound of a horn pulled them apart, Ana having insisted on going to the airport by herself. She knew Jennifer was busy and Ana needed time to herself. In six weeks, Jennifer would be in New York and they could spend time in Ana’s city. They were both excited about the continued adventure.

  The trip home had been long and uneventful so it had given Ana the time to ruminate on the past week and a half. Her life had changed so much she almost believed it was a dream.

  Now, sitting at the little table on the street, she felt the surreal feelings overwhelm her again. Nothing had changed in her city, it was the same New York she had left, but she had changed.

  “Ana! I’ve missed you so much!”

  She looked up and broke into a grin at the familiar face of Sally. She rose and gave her a hug before she realized she had never hugged Sally before and Sally was taken aback for just a moment before she threw her arms around her.

  “Seems like London has been good for you.” She laughed.

  Ana released her friend and they both sat down.

  “Haywards Heath to be exact and it was wonderful!”

  “Don’t tell me we will be relocating across the seas!” Sally joked.

  “Not necessarily relocating but the thought of expanding has crossed my mind.” Ana laughed.

  “You’re serious! Oh my God, tell me everything! It’s Sunday, we have all day and I don’t plan on letting you go until I hear it all!”

  They spent most of the lunch hour catching up on Ana’s London experience. Sally was enthralled, only interrupting occasionally when Ana’s descriptions weren’t thorough enough to satisfy Sally.

  Ana found she was a little jealous that Sally seemed to know more about Rick than she did. Come to find out, Sally had followed Rick’s career from the very beginning, with the release of his first book.

  She was relieved that Sally didn’t seem knowledgeable about Rick’s personal life and marital tragedies, that information he had divulged only to Ana and Jennifer.

  They eventually ended up at Ana’s apartment, Sally insisting on ordering Ana’s favorite Thai takeout and although she was exhausted, trying to adjust to the time change between the two countries, she felt the need to tell
Sally about her entire experience. She felt a moment’s hesitation telling Sally what really happened that night with Austin, fearing that she would be judged, but then remembered Rick’s note and took strength in his message.

  Sally, respectfully, never interrupted her, sensing that this was hard and personal for Ana. When she finished, Ana was proud of herself for not breaking down as hard as she did that night with Jennifer. She found herself feeling even lighter the second time she spoke of that night so long ago and secretly hoped it meant she was on the path to healing.

  “Oh my god Ana.” Sally exclaimed when she finished. “You have amazed me, once again, at what a strong person you are!”

  Ana gazed at her with confusion. “Strong? I am the weakest person I know! Hiding behind the betrayal and guilt I felt all these years! I let someone else control my life instead of fighting for the one person I loved the most in the world! I’ve closed my life off from relationships both intimate and friendly. I’ve wasted my life!” She moaned, not liking the sound of her own complaints.

  Sally gave her a few moments to compose herself and then softly took Ana’s hand in her own. “I know that what you’ve been through the past twelve years has been hard and I can understand how you see the glass half empty but I’d like to explain how the glass is actually half full.”

  Ana looked at her eagerly, needing a positive perspective on her situation. Sally saw the avid look in Ana’s eyes and continued.

  “Because of what happened, you became a self-made, successful business woman. You have earned a positive, powerful reputation in the business world. You have released yourself from the guilt that held you for many years and you’ve done all of this at twenty eight years old. You are young enough to meet someone, fall in love and even have a family. You’ve built your own little empire that will give you a comfortable life and something to hand down to your children. Your life is just beginning and you should be excited by the future prospects available to you now that you didn’t have two weeks ago.” Sally paused, seeing that Ana hadn’t seen the prospects of her life from this angle. Relieved that Ana wasn’t arguing with her and was actually considering this perspective, she continued, “It also sounds like you have already met the future Mr. Cassadine and that he has a serious interest in you too.”

  Laughing at Ana’s shocked expression, she teased “Come on, Ana, are you going to tell me you haven’t had any wonton fantasies about him? Lord knows I have and I haven’t even met him up close and personal like you obviously have!”

  Ana started to giggle, recalling her dream and knowing she couldn’t hide anything from Sally, they had spent too many years together for that.

  “The morning after he left London. It was so real! I’ve never experienced that before!”

  They both laughed at Ana’s confession, enjoying the honest camaraderie they were sharing. When they composed themselves, Sally asked, “So do you still think Austin was your soul mate?”

  Ana looked at her and gave her a sad smile. “Yes, I do. But now I believe that he was also Jennifer’s soul mate and that both of us will find another.”

  “I’m confused. If Austin was your soul mate, how could you find another and how could Austin also be Jennifer soul mate?”

  Ana laughed again and gave Sally a big hug, relieved that she was feeling comfortable enough to share her new beliefs with her friend.

  “Oh grasshopper, I have so much to teach you!”


  Ana was once again at her desk, checking out new resorts that the marketing executives had e-mailed her, pitching their benefits for her clients. She had spent the last hour blindly inspecting one of the websites that had been attached as a file.

  It was Wednesday and she still hadn’t called Rick’s cell phone, partially because she didn’t want to interrupt his busy schedule and also because she didn’t know what to say. “Hi Rick, I’ve been having sexual fantasies about you, want to hook up?” she groaned at her inner conversation. She didn’t know what to say or how to start the conversation. Men she dated always inundated her with gifts, phone calls and constant visits, because she was interested in them just long enough to get the sexual high of a new lover, she was the one that always blew them off. Here was a man that she was interested in, sexually and emotionally, and she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to scare him off with proclamations of love but she didn’t want to play games, either. Rick deserved more than that.

  After pretending to work for another ten minutes, she decided to call him. It was two o’clock in the afternoon and she figured she would get his voicemail. He was probably busy in meetings. Feeling secure in her office, she kicked back in her chair, rehearsing the message she would leave him. She had her message planned out when he answered on the third ring.

  “Anastasia. I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t call me!”

  She sat straight up in her leather chair, her mouth opening and closing like a fish, unsure of what to say.

  “Anastasia, are you there?” His warm, sultry voice snapped her to her senses.

  “Rick! I didn’t expect you to answer! I thought you’d be tied up in meetings!” She stumbled.

  “Well I hope your hesitation is because you’re pleasantly surprised that I answered. I saw your name on the caller id and was thrilled.” She heard the laughter in his voice and relaxed, comforted by his teasing.

  “Yes, it is. I mean, I am! How are you? Is New York treating you well?”

  “Very well, thank you but I hope your phone call is for more than polite pleasantries. Have you missed me as much as I have missed you?” His voice sent a shiver down her spine and she released all her inhibitions.

  “Oh yes, Rick! I’ve missed you so much. I was a little worried that you had forgotten me!”

  “Oh darling, how could anyone forget about you? I’d hoped that my roses would have squelched that fear! Did you get them?”

  “Yes, they were beautiful! Thank you for them, and for your note.”

  Ana heard the amusement in his voice “Thankful enough to have dinner with me?”

  “Yes! When?”

  “When can you pull yourself away from the office?”

  She laughed at the flirtatious tone in his voice. “Well, since I am the boss, any time that’s convenient for you!”

  She kicked back in her chair, looking at her view over the city, enjoying the flirtatious banter. At the sound of her office door opening, she scowled, irritated at this disruption.

  “How about now.” She heard Rick’s voice over the phone as he filled the doorway to her office. He was wearing faded blue jeans with a chocolate colored, long sleeved button down shirt, looking absolutely good enough to eat.

  “Rick!” She squealed, leaping to her feet and crossing the room to hug him.

  He met her halfway in the expansive office embracing her as if they were long-lost lovers. When he had left England, he had been torn about the way he had disappeared but knew that if he saw her, he wouldn’t be able to leave. As the jet took off from the airport, it felt like he had deserted his heart back at the manor and he tried to catch his breath. He knew what it was like to be in love, true love, because he had been lucky enough to fall in love twice before and leaving Ana was almost as painful as when he lost both of his wives. He felt fewer reprieves than he had hoped when he sent her the roses hoping that she would know how he felt but she never called him. He wondered if he was wrong. Did she not feel the same way? But today she called and he would accept that, was thrilled with that. Before she could say a word, he hungrily claimed her lips. The spark between them was instantaneous and inflamed them both. His tongue eagerly delved into her mouth, demanding her response which she willingly gave. He wrapped his arms around her small waist and drew her closer, allowing his hands to run down her buttocks, squeezing slightly before running them up her back and into her luscious hair. He felt content, as if missing something from his life but not realizing it until he had been away from her. He moaned when she
caught his neck with her teeth, lightly scraping, causing tremors to run through his body.

  He felt so good, so real and she didn’t care that she unabashedly showed her excitement of being with him again. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head down closer, deepening their kiss and revealing her need for him. She was so engulfed with her desire that she didn’t hear Sally’s entrance.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Sally said sheepishly, embarrassed at having to walk in on a very private moment.

  Ana pulled away, flushed from Rick’s kiss and her blatant lack of professionalism.

  “Sally! I didn’t hear you come in!”

  “I knocked” Sally grinned “but you obviously didn’t hear me.”

  “Sally, this is Rick. Rick, this is my invaluable assistant, Sally.”

  Rick released his embrace with Ana and shook Sally’s hand. “Ahh, the infamous Sally. Ana’s told me so much about you!”

  Sally blushed. “I’m flattered. I’ve heard so much about you from Ana but to be honest, I’ve been a longtime fan!”

  “Then I am the one to be flattered. Have you read any of my books?” He asked charmingly.

  “I have both of them!” Sally gushed, caught up in the adrenaline of meeting the famous psychic, Rick Montgomery.

  “Then I must insist on signing one of my books for you at some point.” he grinned.

  “Oh that would be wonderful!” Then as if remembering that her boss was in the room, Sally quickly composed herself. “Actually I came by to let Ana know that I have been reviewing the new resorts so she was free for the rest of the day, if necessary.”

  Ana blushed at Sally’s blatant attempt of freeing up her afternoon. Trying to regain her footing, she nodded professionally at Sally.

  “Thank you, Sally. If you have things under control, I will be taking off for the rest of the day.”


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