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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

Page 104

by Lyssa Layne

  When Ana looked at her quizzically, Lissa explained. “When you had your reading with the medium in London, didn’t he have you practice a meditation and call for protection? That was the white light of protection. If you start feeling uncomfortable or something starts to happen, close your eyes and start speaking that meditation, demand, don’t ask that you are to be left alone and state that the hostile spirit is not welcome. If it continues, call me on my cell, I never shut it off.”

  Ana smiled trying not to let her disappointment show. Moments later, their food arrived and they fell into an easy conversation sans ghosts, hauntings or lost teenage girls.


  Sally was following up with a new client’s request for a secluded island getaway when she heard the elevator doors open. Without looking up, she addressed the visitor, “Welcome to Cassadine's, I’ll be right with you.”

  “Thank you, Sally.”

  She jerked her head up to meet Rick’s intense blue eyes. Feeling as guilty as a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar, she tried to cover up quickly and plastering a Cheshire smile on her face.

  “Rick what a pleasant surprise! Ana isn’t back yet, hasn’t she called you?”

  “No, she hasn’t, but I think you know that.” There was no friendliness in Rick’s voice and Sally was immediately alarmed.

  “Rick, I’m sorry she hasn’t contacted you, I thought that once she got settled, she would have at least text…”

  Rick broke in. “Sally, this isn’t a game, I think Ana is in danger and I need to help.

  “Danger? From who? To be honest, you’re starting to make me uncomfortable and maybe Ana was right by finding…” She cut herself off knowing she already said too much.

  Rick’s voice softened, “By finding what, Sally. By finding another psychic?”

  Sally stared at him, her mouth gaping slightly in surprise.

  “Tell me where she is, please, so I can help.”

  Angry that she felt caught off guard and torn, she changed her tactic and turned the questions back on him. “Well, Rick, you’re the psychic, why can’t you ask the spirits to tell you where she is?” She hated the nastiness in her voice but didn’t know how to respond to the questions he asked.

  “It doesn’t work that way. I don’t have all of the answers I have questions to.”

  “Well, maybe you need to respect Ana’s wishes and let her deal with whatever is bothering her the way she wants to.” she suggested critically.

  Rick brought up his bandaged hand and placed it on the receptionist counter. “And let this happen to her? Or the person from whom she’s seeking help?” At Sally’s stunned expression, he continued. “Did she even tell you what’s going on? That she’s being haunted by someone she believes is Austin but that I now know, is not?”

  “Haunted? Ana? No, she didn’t say anything…” she stumbled.

  “Please Sally, I love her. Let me help her.”


  Ana opened the door to her room tentatively, unsure of what to expect, and flipped on the lights. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the room was just as she left it, nothing broken or in disarray. She closed the door and had engaged all the locks when she heard the water running in her bathroom. Frozen, she tried to remember if she had turned off the shower. Slowly making her way to the bathroom, she felt the adrenaline flowing through her body, flight or fight, she was ready for either.

  Opening the bathroom door, she felt the warm, moist air blast over her. The light was on, barely visible through the steam coming from the hot water that was spewing from the sink faucet. She was almost to the sink to shut the water off when she saw the simple but threatening message written on the mirror again, still only two words but just as bone chilling.

  You’re Mine

  Choking down fear in sobs, she shut off the water and closed her eyes repeating the words of prayer that she remembered Rick taught her during their first meditation. She sensed the bathroom lights start to flicker and slowly backed out of the room, repeating her words of protection and keeping her eyes tightly shut. When she ran into the coffee table, she slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the bathroom. The lights were still on but held steady, the steam evaporating slowly.

  She looked around fearfully before she was suddenly enveloped by a warm, soothing comfort and ever so subtly, a familiar scent filled her nose and she had an overwhelming feeling that she would be okay tonight and felt the tension leave her body. Trying to place the scent, she closed her eyes again, trying to place the familiar aroma but as quickly as it came, it dissipated.

  Frustrated, she changed into her nightgown and climbed into bed. Allowing her exhaustion to take over and her mind relax, she abruptly recalled the origin of the scent and she smiled. “Austin.” She sighed and fell asleep.


  Rick paced the airport terminal, frustrated with the whole “standby” process. Obviously he didn’t have Ana’s connections and Sally was more than reluctant, after giving him the information of Ana’s whereabouts, to pull strings to get him there sooner. He knew he had pushed Sally beyond her limits and guessed that even now, she was beating herself up, probably feeling like she had betrayed Ana and that Ana would be furious with her. He’ll make it perfectly clear to Ana that Sally was a very reluctant informer.

  He had already been bypassed for two flights, Italy being a popular place to jet off to at this time of year. He could have arranged a personal flight through his manager but he felt it would be more of a hassle and grief than what he was willing to deal with at the present time. The next flight was in twenty minutes and the flight coordinator indicated it was almost a sure bet, being so late at night. Sally had told him where Ana had gone but not who she was meeting, he just hoped he got there in time.

  Ana opened her eyes to bright sunshine that filled her room. She felt rested and was pleased that nothing disturbed her sleep during the night. She looked at the clock saw she had slept soundly through the early dawn hours. Deciding she could bypass the shower, she hesitantly went to the bathroom to relieve herself and brush her teeth. With no unexpected messages on the mirror, she washed her face, pulled her hair back into a clip and went to get dressed for the day. She had time for a quick buffet breakfast before she headed over to Lissa’s room.

  She was halfway through getting dressed when she realized she had shut off her phone the previous night, hoping to avoid any unwanted text. She was a little concerned when she saw three text messages from Sally. Cursing herself for shutting off her phone, she opened the first message and felt panic rise in her throat.

  Rick knows, he’s on his way!

  The next two messages were pretty much the same and she tried to push out the trepidation, knowing she would meet with Lissa before Rick would get there. She quickly finished getting dressed and went to check herself again in the bathroom, hoping that nothing would happen to interrupt her morning. Ever so subtly, she caught a whiff of the familiar scent from last night as a comforting sensation once again flow through her. She smiled, “Austin, is that you?” She whispered softly. She waited, hoping he would talk to her as he did with Rick.

  She stood there silently, willing him to come to her when she felt a cold breeze across her face. The room became frigid as the warm feeling she felt wavered and started to fade and as she looked into the mirror, she saw the bathroom door start to move, as if wanting to trap her in the bathroom. Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand, she lunged for the door even as the lights over the mirror began dimming and flickering. Throwing the door open, she fled to the common room, grabbed her keys and headed for the door, noises were now coming from the bathroom, as if a wild animal was trapped in there. She fumbled with the door locks, frantically trying to leave her room but they wouldn’t budge.

  She closed her tear filled eyes and began chanting the words of protection once again, searching for the comfort she had found in them the previous night. Keeping her eyes closed, she continued to work at the l
ocks that kept her trapped in the room, ignoring the escalating noises coming from the bathroom. Only when she heard the last lock disengage did she open her eyes, flinging the door open to freedom. She never looked back as she ran down the hall.


  Lissa opened her door at the frantic knocking and wasn’t surprised to see Ana standing there or the panicked look on Ana’s face. Although it was only eight o’clock in the morning, she had been up and prepared for Ana’s arrival.

  “Good morning Ms. Cassadine. I hope your night wasn’t too horrible.” Lissa opened the door and beckoned her in.

  “It was… interesting.”

  “I know, my spirit guide told me, I learned a lot about your situation last night. We have quite a bit to do so I hope you didn’t have plans on any sightseeing today.”

  Ana appreciated that Lissa was trying to lighten the mood but she was unnerved from this morning and Lissa’s revelation threw her balance off that much more. “Your spirit guide told you?” She asked, unconsciously sitting on the plush taupe sofa where Lissa motioned for her to sit.

  “Mmm. Most of us have a helper or spirit guide that helps us with our readings and daily prayers. They’re kind of like teachers that help guide us through our lifetimes. Mine is Rebecca, she was an Aborigine princess almost a hundred years ago. She died in childbirth and decided to become a guide as opposed to coming back to this earth to learn more lessons. Of course, Rebecca wasn’t her earth name, but that was the name that I could pronounce when she first came to me at four years old.”

  “Four years old? You’ve spoken with the dead since you were four? How hard is that for a child?” Ana was aghast at the thought of a terrorized child speaking to dead people.

  “Actually I’ve been seeing dead people all of my life. I remember seeing my great-grandmother standing by my crib singing a beautiful lullaby during a very scary thunderstorm. She soothed me back to sleep though she had been dead for over six years.” Lissa stated matter-of-factly.

  Dazed, Ana asked, “How did you know it was your great-grandmother?”

  “Oh, I didn’t then, it wasn’t until I was almost five that my mother and I were going through photo albums and I pointed to a picture of her and squealed ‘my singing lady’, and it was then that my mother told me it was my great-grandmother. She sang to me until I was about ten, and I haven’t seen her since.”

  “Weren’t you scared?”

  “Why would I be? Seeing and hearing dead people were as natural to me as you not seeing and hearing them. I also have a wonderful family who understood early on that I had this gift so they nurtured me and taught me how to handle the things I experienced that other kids didn’t. My mother and grandmother were psychic, along with my great-grandmother and her mother. It doesn’t seem to skip generations.”

  Feeling awkward, Ana had to ask, “Do your children have the gift?”

  “Unfortunately, Marcus and I don’t have any children. We tried for many years but never had any blessings of our own.” She answered quietly and Ana could tell she had hit a painful topic.

  “I’m so sorry. Can’t you ask your spirit guide, Rebecca, why you haven’t had any children?”

  “Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way for me. Very rarely am I given insight as to what or where my life is to be. I’m only here to serve the greater good, but I’m content with that.”

  Forgetting herself, Ana spat out, “Well I think that just sucks!”

  Lissa surprised her with laughter. “I used to think so too but I see the help that I am able to give people and have learned to take solace in that.”

  “I’m sorry, Lissa, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”

  “Don’t be. It gladdens my heart to see another person that is honestly concerned with the welfare of others, Ms. Cassadine.”

  “Please, call me Ana. Ms. Cassadine is reserved for business associates!”

  “Very well, Ana. But we are here for your welfare, not mine. I have a wonderful husband who spoils me rotten, even after thirty years! As for you, it seems that you have a soul mate, Austin, who is very concerned for your safety.”

  Ana jerked in surprise, “You’ve talked to him?”

  “Only briefly while I was doing my nightly meditation. He told me that someone who’s crossed over is a threat to you but he couldn’t tell me more, he had to go to help protect you last night. He was gone as quickly as he came, unable to give me the name of the soul who‘s haunting you.”

  “I knew it! I knew Austin was there last night!”

  Excited, Ana told Lissa of her experiences last night and this morning.


  Rick checked into his room around one in the afternoon, haggard and tired. He was unable to sleep on the flight, his worry for Ana all encompassing. Although Sally didn’t give him all of the information that he needed, he didn’t push, knowing that she already struggled with the feelings that she had betrayed her boss and friend.

  Finding the hotel Ana was staying at hadn’t been hard, giving Ana’s full name and claiming he was her fiancé there to surprise her. He booked a room in the same hotel but wasn’t shocked when she didn’t answer her door. She was a strong and determined woman who wouldn’t be sitting around waiting for things to happen. Knowing he could be looking for a needle in a haystack, he ordered room service which included a local paper with his coffee. Forty-five minutes later, he found the break he needed. There at the bottom of the second page was a brief article of a young Florida girl who had been feared abducted. She had been found in Ravenna, by a Florida psychic named Lissa Perry. Because he didn’t believe in coincidence, he knew this was the psychic Ana had sought out for help.

  He breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing that Lissa was a reputable psychic. He had only met her once, at a holistic fair in Las Vegas, Nevada, three years before but they kept in touch on a regular basis.

  He’d been disappointed at the time, meeting the other self-proclaimed psychics and finding them more talented at manipulation and selling the ‘image’ as opposed to being true mediums. He was drawn to Lissa Perry‘s booth more for her extravagant jewelry and vibrant dress than anything else and stood on the outside of the crowd, preparing himself to mentally critique another poser.

  He found himself pleasantly surprised when instead of encouraging her subject to offer information, as so many of the fake mediums did, gently asked them to hush as she began telling the story to her client. As with him, she appeared to listen to a silent voice, whispering into her ear and occasionally, she would look to one side or the other of her subject and describe the person she was listening to. Gasps and often tears would validate she was correct.

  Because Rick usually was only able to sense colors of auras and hear the dead, he was intrigued. He stuck around until Lissa’s break and introduced himself and albeit she was warm and friendly, he could tell she was just as skeptical of him as he had been of her. She and her husband, Marcus, had indulged him by agreeing to join him for a cup of tea. It was on their way to her dressing quarters that he had a strong southern female voice telling him to address Lissa as Li Li and when he blurted it out, he saw Lissa and Marcus turn to him in surprise. He explained he had a grandmother type spirit coming through to him, telling him that it was her childhood nickname. More information spewed from his mouth and he decided to go with the flow as opposed to trying to hold back the strong presence that was relaying the messages in his ear.

  There had been a few moments of silence before Lissa burst out laughing as she turned to her husband. “Marcus! We found a live one! Grandma must approve!”

  They hit it off from that moment and although they had never met again in person, they kept in contact through e-mails and phone calls.

  Coming back to the present, Rick slapped his thigh, “Of course!” It would make sense that since Ana turned away from him to solve this problem, that the spirits would lead her to someone he trusted. He wasn’t too dense to see that it wasn’t that Ana didn’t trust him to help
her but instead she was doing it to protect him, to keep him safe. Like a ton of bricks, it hit him how much she loved him and wanted to keep him safe.

  Aware that he would never find out where Lissa was staying, public figures knowing how to keep their identity safely hidden, he decided not to even try to call the local hotels but he couldn’t just sit back without doing anything so he pulled out his laptop and e-mailed Lissa. He sat back and prayed that she checked her e-mail, soon.


  “Okay, we’re going to start our meditation and then go into prayers of protection. I know you’re scared but I need you to be as relaxed and open as possible. I’m here to help you so I need you to trust me, do you understand?” Lissa asked gently.

  “I do, I will.” Ana nodded before closing her eyes.

  Lissa started the meditation and then moved into the prayer. As she was finishing the prayer, Ana began smelling the familiar scent of Austin’s cologne.

  “Austin is here, he is somewhat agitated, telling me that that he is sorry, he didn’t want any of this to happen. He’s telling me you did the right thing by telling your friends about what happened that night and wanting to comfort you. He is very upset, there’s another person here, another man, he’s very angry. He’s furious with what Austin is saying. They’re so hostile to each other. This other spirit keeps repeating ‘she’s mine! I want her! I searched my whole life for her. It’s not fair that you got her heart!’”

  “Who is it? Can you see who it is?” Ana was scared and confused.


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