A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls)

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A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls) Page 20

by De Vita, Sharon

  “Are you gonna stay, Uncle Jesse? Are you?”

  He laughed. “Well, darlin’, do you and your mama want me to stay?”

  “Yes, yes!” Riley cried, winding her arms around his neck. “We want you to stay, don’t we, Mama?”

  Hannah’s hand went to her throat where her heart seemed to have lodged. “Jesse?” She couldn’t get the words out. “What…what are you saying?” She shook her head, afraid to hope, afraid to have her heart broken all over again. “What are you doing here?”

  He glanced around then shrugged. “This is my home, Hannah-Anna,” he said quietly, slowly walking toward her. “My home.”

  Her heart began to thud in reckless, wild hope. “Home, Jesse? You mean Saddle Falls?”

  He grinned, reaching out a hand to take hers. “Saddle Falls, Tommy, my brothers.” His gaze met hers, strong, steady. “You and Riley. This is my home, Hannah-Anna.” He glanced around, savoring the connection just touching her produced. “This is where I belong.” He kissed Riley’s cheek. “I know that now.” He chuckled in embarrassment. “Maybe it took me a while to figure it all out, but—”

  “But what about Jesse Garland?” She had to know, had to ask, afraid of being hurt again. “What about Texas? Your ranch?”

  He shook his head, then smiled, feeling comfortable in his skin for the first time in a long, long while. “Well, darlin’, funny thing about that. Texas to me is just a state now. As for the ranch, I’m going to sell it, I never belonged there. Jesse Garland is just someone I once knew a long time ago.” He shrugged. “Doesn’t make a heckuva lot of sense, maybe, but that’s the only way I can explain it.” He held her hand tighter. “I know who I am, Hannah, and I know where I belong. I’m Jesse Ryan, and I belong here, in Saddle Falls, with Tommy, my family, and especially with you and Riley. I love you,” he said, growing alarmed when her eyes filled. “Good Lord, darlin’, don’t cry.” He brushed the tears from her cheeks. “I don’t know what to do with a woman who’s crying.” He dug into his pocket for a handkerchief, then shoved it at her. “Here, darlin’, please don’t cry.”

  “I love you, too, Jesse,” Hannah said with a laugh, surprised to see him so unglued by something as simple as tears. She took a step closer, needing to touch him. Laying a hand to his chest where she could feel his heart beat, she glanced up at him. “I love you so much, Jesse Ryan.”

  “I love you, too, Uncle Jesse.”

  “You do, darlin?” He looked at Riley. “Well, I love you, too, but I was wondering, how would you feel about calling me Daddy instead of Uncle Jesse?”

  Riley’s eyes widened into saucers. “You’re gonna be my daddy?”

  Jesse turned to Hannah. “If your mama says it’s okay, I’d sure like to be, darlin’.”

  “Mama?” Riley turned to her mom, excitement in her eyes. “Is it okay? Pul-lease? Could Uncle Jesse be my daddy?” She turned back to Jesse. “Are you gonna be a real daddy like Uncle Josh and Uncle Jared and Uncle Jake?”

  “Just like them, darlin’,” he said, pressing his face into the silk of her hair and holding her close.

  “Could I have a baby brother or sister then?” Riley asked, making Jesse throw back his head and laugh.

  “Well, darlin’, I do believe we’d better talk to your mama about that?” His gaze found hers. “What do you say, Hannah-Anna? Think you’re ready to give motherhood another whirl?” He grinned. “I mean, we’ve got a ways to go to catch up with the rest of the family, but I think with practice we can do a fine job of it.”

  “You mean keep up our end of the Ryan clan?” She beamed at him, loving him, wanting only to be with him. And have his children. Their children.

  “That’s about right, darlin’.” He hesitated, frightened for the first time since he’d turned the car around. “So what do you say, Hannah-Anna?” He waited, his heart in his mouth.

  She went up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. “I love you, and yes, I’ll marry you and have babies with you.” She laughed as Riley let loose a cheer. “Lots of babies,” she added with another kiss. Her heart was full to bursting as she looked at her precious daughter, whom she loved more than life itself. Then shifted to the man she loved just as much. Her family, Hannah thought, finally. It was everything she’d always wanted, dreamed of, yearned for. And now, because of Jesse, she had it all. With tears in her eyes, she pressed another kiss to his lips. “Welcome home, Jesse.” Her voice caught and she had to cling to him. “Welcome home.”


  “Can I come in, lassies?” Tommy knocked on the bedroom door gently, smiling at the cluster of voices and laughter within.

  “Come on in, Grandpop,” Riley said, pulling open the door with a smile. Dressed in a floor-length dress of pale rose and matching shoes, she looked like a miniature flower in bloom.

  Now that Jesse was marrying her mama, Tommy was her grandpop, just like Terry, Timmy, Brie, Molly, and J.J. and Joey. And she just loved saying it. Grandpop. She’d always wanted a daddy and a grandpop, and now she had both.

  With a grin, Tommy surveyed the room. Natalie, Emma and Rebecca were all dressed in identical rose dresses and were helping Hannah with her wedding dress. The sight of all his granddaughters-in-law brought a tear to his eye.

  “Lassies, you all look lovely. Just lovely.” One by one he went to them and kissed them on the cheek, stopping with Hannah, who was resplendent in a floor-length gown of eggshell with a matching veil. “Aye, lass, a more beautiful bride I’ve not seen on this day.” He kissed her cheek again. “Just beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Tommy.” She grabbed his hand, held it. “And thank you for everything.” She glanced around. Tommy had insisted on having a true Ryan-family wedding at the ranch. He’d invited the entire town and, from the looks of the backyard, anyone he’d ever known. “It’s going to be a beautiful wedding.”

  “Aye,” he said with a nod, leaning on his cane. “As it should be. When the youngest of the Ryan clan weds, it should be a celebration.” His eyes twinkled. “Now, with any luck at all, by this time next year, we’ll have a new Ryan addition to be celebrating.”

  Natalie, Emma and Rebecca exchanged amused glances. Natalie stepped forward, touching Tommy’s arm. “Uh…Tommy, there’s something we would like to tell you. We thought it appropriate today.”

  Tommy’s gaze went from Natalie to Emma to Rebecca. “And what’s that, lassies?”

  “Well,” Natalie began, looking at the others and trying not to smile, “it seems we’re going to have a few Ryan additions before next year.” She couldn’t help but beam, placing a hand on her tummy. “Well, Tommy, it seems as if I’m expecting again.”

  “Again?” he said in absolute joy. “Again!” he repeated with a laugh and a clap of his cane on the floor when Natalie nodded. “Now that’s what I call a fine announcement and cause for celebration.” He chuckled. “There’s nothing more I like than more babies.”

  Hannah patted his shoulder. “Uh…Tommy?”

  He turned to her. “Yes, lassie?”

  Hannah glanced at her sisters-in-law, then at Riley.

  “Grandpop.” Riley tugged on the hem of his jacket. “I’m getting a brother or sister. But it’s gonna take forever, months and months and months, but she’s gonna look like me. Daddy said so.”

  “He did now, did he, lassie?” Tommy said, unable to contain his joy, reaching for the child’s hand. “Well now, isn’t that grand?”

  “Grand indeed,” Hannah said, placing a hand on her tummy, thrilled at the life, the love growing there, knowing she’d never been happier or more content in her life.

  Tommy Ryan was not a man ashamed of tears, and they came now, filling his eyes, spilling down his cheeks. “’Tis a joyous day indeed, then,” he said with a sniffle, tugging a handkerchief out of his pocket and swiping at his nose. “A wedding and more babies.” He shook his head. “’Tis a great day for the Ryans. Truly a great day indeed.”

  “We love you, Tommy,” Hannah said, kissing his cheek.
/>   “Yes, Tommy, very much.” Emma, Natalie and Rebecca joined in, each in turn giving his cheek a kiss.

  Still sniffling, Tommy wiped his nose again and then stuffed his handkerchief in his pocket. “Well, lassies, I best let you finish getting ready.” He looked down at Riley. “Come along with Grandpop. And I’ll tell you a story about the Ryan clan.” He led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs, pausing at the kitchen window for a moment to look out.

  “I can’t see, Grandpop,” Riley complained.

  “Aye, ’tis true, lassie.” He lifted her up so they could both see out the window.

  “There’s Daddy,” Riley said, pointing toward Jesse who stood right off the patio where the wedding canopy had been set up, talking to his brothers.

  “Aye, it is, isn’t it, lass.” Tommy let his eyes feast on his grandsons.

  Jake, Jared, Josh and Jesse. Dear Jesse.

  Tommy sighed, his heart full of love and gratitude. It had been a long, lovely life, he decided. Filled with ups and downs, but more love than a man could wish for. He’d been blessed with a family only few would ever know, blessed with a strength of love and loyalty only few would ever experience.

  When he’d come to America so many years ago, he’d had nothing at all but wild hopes and incredible dreams. He smiled. And it was here, on this land, in this country of so much opportunity that they’d all come true.

  He’d had more than any man could wish for, more than any man deserved, and through it all he’d never forgotten the most important thing: family was everything.

  His gaze went over his grandsons again, strong, loyal and, above all, men of courage and conviction. Men who knew and understood about the land, about their home, and most importantly, understood the true meaning of family.

  And now, as time passed by, his grandsons would carry the mantle for the Ryan clan to another generation, teaching the next what he’d taught them. And so on and so on.

  Love and family were a never ending circle, he thought, and as long as there was love, there was hope.

  Looking at his grandsons, Tommy felt another swell of tears. “Dear Jock,” he whispered, looking up toward the clear blue skies, where he was certain his long-gone son was watching. “You would have been proud of your boys, son. Aye, you would have been proud indeed.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1369-2


  Copyright © 2002 by Sharon De Vita

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  *Silver Creek County

  †The Blackwell Brothers

  ††Saddle Falls

  **Lullabies and Love




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