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The Centaur's Bride: A Mates for Monsters Novella

Page 3

by Tamsin Ley

  She tilted her chin to look up at him, the flush of embarrassment melting into an aroused glow. Her lashes fluttered closed, lips parted slightly, ready for him to taste.

  Much as he wanted to throw her into the hay and sink himself inside her, he knew he had to do more. He had to win her heart. He’d never played at courting before, because no mare would ever choose a centaur. His previous sexual encounters had always been with humans, quick and dirty, no tethers attached. And now here was Renee, offering him the usual steamy interlude, and he was thinking about bonding.

  "You ever been in love?" His voice was husky in his own ears.

  Her eyes popped open. A flash of something vulnerable passed through her gaze. Then the wild filly was back. She reached up to run her index finger from his throat down his chest. "What a silly question.”

  He reached up and grabbed her hand, stilling it against his breastbone. Her heated skin was soft. Looking deeply into her eyes, he said, "I take that to mean 'no.'"

  There it was again, that vulnerable flash behind her eyes. She straightened her spine. "This doesn’t have to be about love. We can just have some fun."

  He frowned back. Behind her clumsy attempts at flirting he’d glimpsed someone worthy of being Toliman’s granddaughter. Someone capable of love. Not a woman on the prowl. He rubbed his thumb across the soft skin of her palm. “You don’t want more?”

  She shook her head. “Love's just a way to get yourself killed, if not in body, then in spirit. I watched my dad turn into a stranger after Mom died.” She shook her head, as if flinging away memories. “I’m not looking for love.”

  Black raised a brow at her, knowing he was about to push some buttons. But he wanted to know who he was really dealing with. “So you decided to become a player, instead? A predator?"

  She blinked. Pulled her hand free. But he caught it and brought it back to his chest. She glared up at him. "I'm not a player.”

  In that moment, something about her posture, the way she defended herself, grabbed hold of his heart's reins. This little blushing filly was definitely not a predator. Pretending to be, maybe, but when push came to shove, she wasn't the type to leave a string of broken hearts behind her. No, this one was playing a game, like a yearling flirting with a new herd.

  He gave her a wry smile. "If you're not a player, then you're a tease."

  She gasped and jerked her hand free. "I'm not a tease!"

  "No?" He stepped closer, pressing his chest against hers, forcing her to back up. One step, two, until she bumped the post he'd been aiming her toward. "Prove it."

  He looked down into her wide eyes, and when she didn't push him away, he ducked his head to meet her lips. Cupping one side of her head, he threaded his fingers into her pixie hair. The softness of her mouth, the sweet flavor as she opened to him, made his head reel. She seemed to melt beneath him, opening up like petals to the sun. Her hands slipped to his hipbones, sending shivers across his skin, igniting his already rock-hard cock. Damn, this woman was like a drug.

  He found himself kissing her harder, slipping his tongue between her teeth. Exploring her mouth. Inhaling her breath as his own.

  She arched her breasts against him, throwing her head back and exposing her neck. He nibbled along her jawline, his hat bumping her cheek. She reached up and knocked it tumbling to the floor. Freed, he pulled her tightly against him and dropped his mouth to the sensitive skin at the curve of her neck. Her warm scent engulfed him, deeply female and exciting. Her nipples had risen like little buttons through her shirt, prodding him through the fabric. God, he wanted to taste those breasts.

  She set both hands at the back of his hips and rolled herself against him, grinding his erection into her. He reached down and cupped her backside, lifting her slightly, fitting her to him. She made a tiny noise at the back of her throat that about sent him over the edge. Her hands roamed his back, his sides, swept down to rummage for the hem of his shirt and slide beneath, burn trails across his skin as she stroked his abs and sought his own hardened nipples.

  "Woohoo, you go girl!" A flash penetrated his closed eyelids, and a familiar, predatory scent intruded on the moment. "This is so going on your Instagram page."

  Renee stiffened, her fingers ceasing their caress. He loosed his grip, turning to face their peeping Tom while stepping between Renee and the camera. Her friend stood there in a low-cut tanktop, Daisy-Dukes, and flip flops, her frosted hair falling in two short braids to either side of her face. He growled, "What are you doing?"

  "Capturing the moment." Steph didn't look up from her phone as she typed something to go with the photo.

  He lowered his chin to glare at her. Photos were something he avoided, for obvious reasons. "You shouldn't publicize pictures of people you don't know."

  She looked up to meet his gaze with artful innocence. "Oh, we're definitely getting to know you. Aren't we, Renee? Besides, I told that fellow out at the gate he could come inside with his camera."

  "You did what?" His hands balled into fists. His head felt naked without his hat, and he searched the dirt floor until he found it. Dusting it against his knee, he glared at her. "We tend to be private here at the ranch."

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of, stud muffin. You are one gorgeous hunk of man!” She grinned and snapped another photo of him.

  Gritting his teeth, he slapped his hat back onto his head, taking one step toward her. He was going to yank the phone right out of her grasp and—

  Renee's soft touch on his arm reined him in. He crossed his arms and waited to see what his little filly would do.

  Renee stepped out from behind Black, trying to calm her racing pulse. Steph was just being Steph, taking over like she owned the place. Only this time, Renee actually did own the place. This was Renee’s territory, and for once she had no patience for Steph’s disrespect. "Steph, not everyone wants their life out in the open."

  “Don’t worry, the photos didn’t post. I don’t have cell service here. This place is so backwater.” She shoved the phone into her back pocket. “I came to tell you we've been invited to go base jumping! We’re leaving for Dubai in the morning. Let's get this treasure hunting thing out of the way and move on." She looked around as if the treasure might pop out of hiding any moment.

  "Base jumping?" Renee's step faltered. Steph had been talking about base jumping for almost a year. She'd even convinced Renee to do a tandem parachute jump in "preparation." Renee had sprained an ankle and been laid up for over a week.

  "There's this building there, like, a million miles high. People do it all the time. And if we get caught, we could end up in prison." Steph squealed and made a little mock face of excited fear.

  Black's deep voice rumbled at Renee's back. "You're excited to go to prison in Dubai?"

  "Oh, we won't end up in prison. At least not for long. I've got people to get me out."

  "And what about Renee?" His voice was hard as iron. Renee wasn't sure if that made her feel worried or safe. He was looking out for her, but his animosity toward Steph was almost physical.

  Steph moved around Renee toward him, a familiar hungry glint in her eye. "Aw, that's so sweet, I love a man who's protective."

  "Dibs, remember?" Renee gritted softly between her teeth.

  Huffing, Steph spun and flounced toward the bay doors. "We don't have time, anyway. We have to be in Dubai day after tomorrow. Jamison has it all arranged."

  "That's not enough time." Renee swallowed, trying to find some courage—not courage to base jump. No way in hell she was doing that. She needed courage to tell Steph no.

  "You haven't signed the papers yet, so everything'll still be here when we get back. Maybe your lover-boy can find a friend for me while we're gone?" Steph shot a look over her shoulder at Black, pursing her lips in a playful kiss. “Come on, Renee.”

  Renee gave Black a tight smile. The set of his shoulders told her his hackles were still up. Best she step away and deal with Steph now. “I’ll have to take you up on that ride later." />
  Scurrying after her friend, she caught up in the gravel lot where they'd parked the Ford. Steph had the back end open and was digging through one of the suitcases. "I'm sure I packed my Louis Vuitton flats in here. I want to wear them on the plane."

  "We just got here, Steph. I want to stay a few days." Renee paused beside the SUV to watch Steph unfold and refold several stacks of clothing, all too fancy for the ranch.

  "This jump is a once in a lifetime chance." Steph didn't look up. "You don't want to miss it."

  Renee swallowed, her stomach churning. "I have an appointment with the realtor. Why don't you go on without me? Maybe I can catch up?"

  "Is this about the money?” Steph scowled. “You know I'll cover you until you can pay me back."

  "No, it's not that. I just want to get this ranch thing handled."

  Steph paused her assessment of a navy blue sleeveless blouse dotted with sequins and looked at Renee. "Renee." She tossed the blouse on top of the open suitcase. "Are you really going to flake on me now, when I've finally lined this up? You know I've been waiting months for this."

  At the edge of the barn, Renee spotted the glint of a camera lens as the paparazzi took his opportunity. Rolling her eyes, she redirected her attention to Steph. "You'll have Jamison. Anyway, three's a crowd."

  "He has a friend for you, too. Not like here, where I'm the third wheel." She wrinkled her nose like a petulant child.

  "I haven't been here since I was eight, and I've barely had a look around—"

  "Come on! It'll be a blast! The shopping in Dubai is crazy."

  Renee shrugged one shoulder, trying to keep the acid in her stomach from rising any farther into her throat. "I think I'm going to stay here." There. She'd said it.

  Steph squinted at her, her lash extensions shading her flecked green eyes. Her scrutiny shifted to the barn and back again, not even acknowledging the camera guy there. "I see. Thrown over for a penis."

  "What? I would never—"

  "What do you call it, then?"

  Renee swallowed back the sour taste filling her mouth, her blood pumping as hard now as it had while kissing Black. Truth was, she did want to stay and see where things went with him. Plus, the ranch was bringing back so many memories, she felt she needed some time to absorb them before the ranch was no longer hers. Black was helping her do that in a way that felt safe. Like she could be herself instead of the player she had to act like in Steph’s shadow. Renee dug her nails into her palms. "I don't want to go base jumping. Not now, not ever."

  Her friend's eyes widened and she took a half step back, as if she'd been slapped. "Oh. Well, why didn't you say so?"

  Eyes burning with angry tears, Renee shook her head. "I—you—" The words were choking her, too many held back for too long.

  Steph reached out to pull Renee into a hug. "I know, I know. You just did." She squeezed until Renee's hands rose to hug her back. "Fine. I'll go by myself. I already told my fans. But don't sell this place until I get back. We have a treasure to find."

  Renee slumped against Steph in relief, guilt already sprouting in her chest, urging her to relent. To pack up and go back to being Steph’s shadow. Instead, she simply said, "Thank you."

  Planting a big kiss on Renee's cheek, Steph said, "Make sure to take notes on that juicy cowboy. I'm going to want all the deets."

  Renee gave her a wry grin. Then she pointed to the paparazzi skulking beside the barn. "Meanwhile, can you get rid of your boyfriend over there?"


  Black stomped back to the barn to grab a bridle for Petunia, resenting the need to rely on a normal horse's legs to carry him, but he couldn't shift with all these humans about. And the herd needed to know right away about the photographer before one of them got careless and shifted near the barn. On top of that, the mention of a realtor proved Lori really did have a reason for him to move fast with Renee. Developers had been hounding Toliman to sell for years, but the old man had held out, mostly because of the herd. Without the ranch, they'd no longer be able to be a herd.

  Whether Black married Renee or found another way to convince her to keep the property, he had to do it soon.

  A thump from the stall where they stored grain and medical supplies drew his attention. Too loud to be a barn cat. Had one of the ranch's yearlings snuck in to get into the grain again? He didn't need a colicky horse added to his list of worries. It didn't rain, it poured, as the saying went. He sighed and grabbed the nearest bridle before going to check it out.

  Around the corner, near the shelves of vet supplies, stood a man with his back to the door. His shirtless torso showed the many years of tiny scars his position as Lead Bachelor had gained him from nips and kicks as he jostled for dominance.

  "Uncle Saul?"

  The dark-haired man swung around, holding a bloody swath of gauze. A fresh magenta bruise stained his cheekbone.

  "What happened?" Black moved forward.

  "Eh, I'm fine. Lori caught me with a hoof, that's all." He was favoring his right arm, and blood smeared his ribs.

  "She do this to you before or after she volunteered you as a steed?” Rage burned the back of Black's throat. Shifters only offered that honor to very special humans. Like his grandma and Old Man Toliman. They'd run the ranch together as if they were an old married couple, and she'd often served as his steed. But that was her choice. Not even the Lead Mare had a right to force another herd member to serve as a mount.

  "This had nothing to do with that." Still favoring his arm, Saul grabbed a shirt from one of the wall pegs and started to put it on.

  "Wait. Let me take a look." Black strode forward to examine the laceration on his uncle's ribs. The sharp edge of an unshod hoof had left a gash surrounded by bruising that might hint at broken bones. "How's your breathing?"

  "I'll recover." Saul's voice carried a thread of pain that showed even through his gruffness. He tended to overdo the alpha posturing, especially in human form. After a decade leading the other bachelors, his position had become a point of pride for him. "Just have to take it easy."

  "You're Lead Bachelor, not some gelding." Black searched for a bottle of antiseptic spray on the shelves. "She had no right to do this."

  "She caught Grant in the canyon after she told everyone to stay out. Went after him like she does. He’s just a kid, so I stepped in. Things got a little rough."

  Black frowned. "Grant’s okay?”

  Saul nodded tersely.

  “Why's she keeping the herd out of the canyon?" The canyon provided shade and sometimes pockets of water or green grass during the drought of summer. It was also a nice place to hide from tourist eyes and allow young shifters a chance to master their human form. Black had enjoyed the relative solitude many times in his centaur form.

  "Says it's cursed ground since we lost both Gloryanna and Old Man Toliman there."

  "I see." Black located the bottle and leveled the nozzle at Saul's wound. Toliman had been riding Black's grandmother—Saul's mother—when the accident happened. The official report said icy rocks and a trail too close to the edge had fouled up the older horse's footing and plummeted both horse and rider to their deaths. Lori declared it’d been the old mare giving her human one last ride. Black still had difficulty believing his grandma would’ve been on that trail under those conditions.

  He finished cleaning the blood from Saul's side and reached for a laceration kit. "You're going to need a couple stitches."

  "Naw, it's okay." Saul stuffed an arm into his sleeve.

  "I insist." Black glowered at his uncle. "You may outrank me on the range, but in here, I'm the vet. You need stitches."

  Saul paused, eyes swinging to meet Black's. After one blink, he dropped his gaze in acquiescence. He pulled his shirt loose and exposed his side once again. "All right, then."

  Black's heartbeat slowed a little. He hated these battles for hierarchy. He’d prefer a more democratic way of interacting with his brethren. But instincts ran strong, and traditions were hard to ove
rcome. He broke out a sterile needle and pinched the gaping skin together to begin the first stitch. "Uncle Saul, you ever hear anything about a buried treasure around here?"

  Saul twitched as the needle entered his skin. "Buried treasure? Like pirates or something?"

  "Not sure. Renee—Toliman's granddaughter—said there was something in the will about a buried treasure."

  Saul's laugh forced Black to pause or risk skewering his uncle in the wrong spot. "I don't think your grandmother expected that one."


  "Toliman wanted to tell his granddaughter about us, but the girl never came to visit. And you know our policy about putting any of our history in writing. Gloryanna convinced the herd advisors to let him put a cutesy poem in the will."

  "So the treasure is... the herd?"

  "Hidden, not buried. And yes, I believe so."

  Black tugged the stitch tight and tied it off. "Renee's in for a surprise, then."

  "Only if she discovers us."

  "If Toliman wanted her to know, we should tell her."

  Saul turned to face his nephew. "Lori wants to keep humans out of herd business."

  Black surveyed his uncle's swollen eye. "You're head of the Bachelor Herd. What do you think about it?"

  Shoving his head into his shirt, Saul grunted. "Doesn't matter what I think. It's a herd thing."

  The underlying subtext—that Black wasn't part of the herd and couldn't understand—stung. Lori's promise to give Black a place in the hierarchy felt like an impossible dream when even his own uncle couldn't accept him. Black held up the needle. "You need one more stitch."

  "Not unless you want me to kick you." With that, Saul stalked out the door.

  That night Renee and Steph had a bonfire, staying up far too late and drinking far too much tequila. She glimpsed Black watching from the barn door, but he chose not to join the bonfire, and she was grateful. She didn’t want to share him with Steph. There would be plenty of time tomorrow to flirt with her cowboy.


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