Soul Keeping
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70: “Over the course”: Ariely, The Honest Truth about Dishonesty.
70: Mike Adams: “The Dead Grandmother/Exam Syndrome and the Potential Downfall of American Society,” The Connecticut Review (1990),
72: “God is merciful”: Francis Fenelon, The Royal Way of the Cross (Cape Cod: Paraclete Press, 1982), 38.
72: “I remember my affliction”: Lamentations 3:19 – 20.
73: “law of the Lord”: Psalm 19:7.
CHAPTER 6: It’s the Nature of the Soul to Need
78: Hans Walter Wolff, Anthropology of the Old Testament (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1975), 74.
78: “We are limited in every way”: Kent Dunnington, Addiction and Virtue (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2011), 146.
78: Idolatry is the sin beneath the sin: Timothy Keller, Counterfeit Gods (New York: Riverhead Trade, 2011).
79: True devotion checklist: from Gerald May, source unknown by author.
81: “We are all governed”: Keller, Counterfeit Gods, 141.
81: “Jacob served seven years”: Genesis 29:20.
81: “Today I’m repaying”: Luke 19:8, my translation.
81: “My soul yearns”: Psalm 84:2.
83: Francis Fenelon, The Royal Way of the Cross, 1.
CHAPTER 7: The Soul Needs a Keeper
86: “What do you people mean”: Ezekiel 18:2 – 4 NIV 1984.
86: “You reap what you sow”: Galatians 6:7, my paraphrase.
87: Adoni-Bezek: Judges 1:5 – 6.
87: “Seventy kings”: Judges 1:7.
88: “Do not be deceived”: Galatians 6:7.
88: “Call this world”: “John Keats to George and Georgiana Keats,” 21 April 1819, in Letters of John Keats, vol. 2, ed. H. E. Rollins (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958).
88: subjects observing angry faces: M. D. Lieberman, “Putting Feelings into Words,” Psychological Science 18 (2007): 421 – 428.
88: “I am the master of my fate”: William Ernest Henley, “Invictus: In Memoriam R.T.H.B.” (1888).
89: blessed people are like trees: Psalm 1:3.
90: “tell my brother”: Luke 12:13 – 21.
90: “Soul, you have many goods”: Luke 12:19 NASB.
90: “You fool”: Luke 12:20 NASB.
92: “Both for his own sake”: Kees Waaijman, “The Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” Studies in Spirituality 6 (1996): 7.
92: “such persons must be cut off”: Leviticus 18:29.
93: “Do not be afraid”: Matthew 10:27 – 28.
CHAPTER 8: The Soul Needs a Center
95: “sinkhole syndrome”: Gordon MacDonald, Ordering Your Private World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1984), 15.
96: “double-minded”: James 4:8.
96: Pilate: Matthew 27:11 – 26; Mark 15:1 – 15; John 18:28 – 40.
96: “re-soul”: 2 Samuel 16:14.
96: Elijah: 1 Kings 19.
97: “Have mercy on me”: Psalm 57:1 – 2.
97: “their souls grew short”: Numbers 21:4, translation in Wolff, Anthropology of the Old Testament, 17.
97: “long-souled”: Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 16.
97: King Saul: 1 Samuel 13:5 – 14.
98: “Nothing in man”: Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 17.
99: lift your soul up in pride: Habakkuk 2:4.
99: who can live in God’s presence: Psalm 24:2.
99: “How collapsed”: Psalm 42:6, translation by Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 13.
99: “Let the morning bring”: Psalm 143:8, my translation.
100: “My soul cleaves”: Psalm 63:8, translation by Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 18.
100: Thomas Kelly, quoted in Gordon MacDonald, Ordering Your Private World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1984), 120.
100: “My soul clings”: Psalm 63:8 NASB.
100: “My soul thirsts”: Psalm 42:2.
100: Brother Lawrence, Practicing the Presence of God (Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, 1982), 19.
CHAPTER 9: The Soul Needs a Future
103: “In the day of my trouble”: Psalm 77:2 NASB, emphasis mine.
103: “A voice of one”: Isaiah 40:6 – 8 WEB.
104: Churchill: William Manchester, The Last Lion Vol. 1 (New York: Dell Publishing, 1983), 367.
105: “[God] has also set”: Ecclesiastes 3:11.
107: “The Word became flesh”: John 1:14.
108: rescuing the soul: Psalm 33:19.
108: escape the sword: Psalm 34:23.
108: delivering it from the threshold: Psalm 142:7.
108: anything to keep the soul: translation by Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept” (see Pss. 33:19; 34:23; 142:7).
108: “In whose hand”: Job 12:10 KJV, emphasis mine.
108: “In a little while”: John 16:16.
108: “A woman giving birth”: John 16:21 – 23.
108: “In that day”: John 16:23.
111: “It is the nature of joy”: Rudolph Bultmann, quoted in Frederick Dale Bruner, Gospel of John: A Commentary, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012), John 16:23.
CHAPTER 10: The Soul Needs to Be with God
112: Indeed, the soul: Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 17.
113: “heard the sound of the LORD”: Genesis 3:8.
113: “the LORD was with Joseph”: Genesis 39:19 – 23.
114: “they will call him Immanuel”: Matthew 1:23.
114: “I am the vine”: John 15:5.
117: Frank Laubach: in letter dated March 9, 1930, in Letters from a Modern Mystic, ed. Laubach et al. (New York: Student Volunteer Movement, 1937), 15.
118: “I have set”: Psalm 16:8 ESV.
118: “We take captive”: 2 Corinthians 10:5.
120: “From now on”: 2 Corinthians 5:16.
CHAPTER 11: The Soul Needs Rest
122: “Come to me”: Matthew 11:28 – 30, emphasis mine.
122: Frank Lake: Trevor Hudson and Jerry Haas, Cycle of Grace (Nashville: Upper Room, 2012).
123: Cycle of Grace: Ibid.
123: “You are my son”: Mark 1:11.
124: “This is my beloved Son”: Matthew 17:5 ESV.
125: “The Son of Man came”: Matthew 11:19, my translation.
126: Lettie Cowman, Springs in the Valley (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1939), 41.
126: Roy Baumeister and John Tirney, Willpower (New York: Penguin Books, 2011), 24ff.
127: indicators of soul-fatigue: Background on this list came from ibid., 245.
128: “Peace I leave with you”: John 14:27.
129: “This is my beloved”: Matthew 3:17 ESV.
129: “IF you are”: Matthew 4:3, 6, my translation.
131: “Come with me”: Mark 6:31.
132: “He makes me lie down”: Psalm 23:2 – 3.
134: “God had finished”: Genesis 2:2.
134: “Remember the Sabbath”: Exodus 20:8 – 10.
134: Abraham Heschel, The Sabbath (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005): 13.
CHAPTER 12: The Soul Needs Freedom
137: They delight: Psalm 1:2 TLB.
139: Philip Yancey, What’s So Amazing about Grace? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997), 193.
139: John Calvin’s Geneva: Ibid., 234.
140: “I am the LORD”: Exodus 20:2.
142: “I brought you out”: Ibid.
143: “I will always obey”: Psalm 119:44.
143: “I will walk about”: Psalm 119:45.
143: “whoever looks intently”: James 1:25.
144: cure of the soul: Gregory of Nazianzus, Oration 2.16 – 17 in Phillip Schaff, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series (7).
144: Philip Rieff, Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), 25ff.
144: Barna research group:
146: “I do not understand”: Romans 7:15, 19.
146: Duke University study: Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit (New York: Random House, 2012), xv – xvi.
CHAPTER 13: The Soul Needs Blessing
148: Richard Selzer, Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery (San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1996), 16, 46.
150: “I will eat”: Genesis 27:25, my translation.
150: “forcefully expresses itself”: Waaijman, “Soul as Spiritual Core Concept,” 16.
150: “Bless me”: Genesis 27:38, my translation.
150: “The Lord bless you”: Numbers 6:24 – 26 ESV.
153: “You shall not oppress”: Exodus 23:9, my translation.
153: “The soul of Jonathan”: 1 Samuel 18:1 – 4, my translation.
154: Celtic Christians on soul friend: Kenneth Leech, Soul Friend (New York: Harper & Row, 1977), p. iii.
154: “[he] whom my soul loves”: Song of Songs 1:7 ESV.
155: mirror neurons: G. Rissolatti, “The Mirror Neuron System,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 27 (2004): 169 – 96.
155: ACC role in response to suffering: This research summary came from a researcher who wishes to remain anonymous.
156: “Love your neighbor”: Matthew 19:19.
CHAPTER 14: The Soul Needs Satisfaction
157: “Why did she look at me . . .?”: Michael Singer: Untethered Soul (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2007).
159: Shechem and Dinah: Genesis 34.
159: “His nephesh, his soul . . .”: Genesis 34:3, my translation.
159: “See, the enemy is puffed up”: Habakkuk 2:4 – 5a.
159: “and like death”: Habakkuk 2:5b.
160: “There is nothing better”: Ecclesiastes 3:22, my translation.
160: “Because your love is better”: Psalm 63:3, 5, my translation.
160: “My soul, find rest”: Psalm 62:5.
160: “whoever wants to save”: Luke 9:24, my translation.
160: “My heart is not proud”: Psalm 131:1 – 2, my translation.
161: Monkey stress and brain research: For more information about this research, consult the journals Developmental Neuroscience 31.4 (2009); Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 103.8 (2006) and 107.33 (2010); and Psychoneuroendocrinology 32.7 (2007).
163: Kent Dunnington, Addiction and Virtue, 141.
164: “Come, all you who are thirsty”: Isaiah 55:1 – 2.
CHAPTER 15: The Soul Needs Gratitude
165: “Do everything without grumbling”: Philippians 2:14.
166: “be thankful”: Colossians 3:15b – 17, my translation.
166: “give thanks in all”: 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
166: “Why, my soul”: Psalm 42:5.
167: “Praise the LORD”: Psalm 103:2 – 5.
167: “Don’t be deceived”: James 1:16 – 17.
169: “For although they knew God”: Romans 1:21.
169: “forget not”: Psalm 103:2.
172: “We can only be said”: Thornton Wilder, Our Town, 1938.
CHAPTER 16: Dark Night of the Soul
178: “there will come a time”: St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul, in Devotional Classics, ed. Richard Foster and J. B. Smith (San Francisco: HarperOne, 1993), 33.
178: “God’s love is not content”: Ibid., 37.
179: Their problem is that they lack the patience: Ibid., 35 – 36.
179: “Break the teeth”: Psalm 58:6 – 8.
181: Frederick Faber, Growth in Holiness (Baltimore: John Murphy, 1854), 120 – 24.
184: “The one who trusts in me”: Paraphrase of Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:27.
CHAPTER 17: Morning
186: “[Redeem] the time”: Ephesians 5:16 KJV.
192: “Let no debt remain outstanding”: Romans 13:8.