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Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 28

by E. Walsh

  Drawing her up to her feet again, Benton turned Kira around and urged her to kneel on the edge of the mattress. He gripped her shoulder and pressed her down onto all fours. Kira felt his hands glide along the length of her body, over her hips, settling on her ass. She tossed her head and looked back to see him descend behind her. A moment later, she felt him spread her cheeks and run his tongue along her pussy, from her clit to her vagina. She choked on a cry of pleasure. Benton stood up and she felt him press against buttocks. She could feel the head of his cock follow the path his tongue had just taken as he dragged it up and down, teasing, before guiding it in. Kira sucked in a breath. Benton held her hips firmly as he drove into her over and over, bodies slapping together rhythmically. She could hear him panting and moaning. Leaning over her back, he wrapped his arms around her, his breath hot against her ear and neck as he smeared sloppy kisses across her shoulders. His hands found her breasts. Kira pushed back into his thrusts, teeth clenched, growling desperately. “Yes,” she whined. “Yes, yes, god, please, yes!” Her thighs quivered with the force of her release.

  Benton cried out, and a moment later she felt him bury himself within her, his cock jerking as he came. He hooked her under the arms and pulled her to her knees, leaning back against his chest. His lips grazed her neck and deposited a breathy kiss beside her ear. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Covering his hands with hers, Kira tilted her head to one side and peered back at him with a lazy smile. “You’re welcome.”

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  They had sex again later in the night, taking the time to really enjoy themselves. When Kira woke the next morning, she found herself alone. She could not say she was surprised. Benton did not owe her anything. They were not in love. What happened between them last night had been sex, nothing more; just two people giving in to urges and comforting each other as best as possible.

  She got up and wrapped herself in her robe before going to check on William. The baby remained asleep. She checked his diaper and found it dry. Frowning, she looked over at the changing table and saw the travel bag sitting open with the powder on the table. She always put those things away. A smile pulled at her lips. So, it would seem Benton had changed the baby sometime early this morning.

  Seeing as she had a little time before William’s feeding, Kira made her way to the bathroom. She thought about last night as she showered. Running her soapy hands down over her body, she remembered how Benton had touched her. It had felt good, she could not deny that, but even now in the bleak light of another morning in London, she found herself realizing something.

  She didn’t love him. She didn’t want him.

  She still wanted Emily.

  She finished washing and turned off the water. Reaching for the towel, she pressed it to her face for a long moment and sighed. She could never tell Emily what had happened. She had no idea of knowing how it would affect her, if Emily would see it as betrayal, or be completely put off that she wanted nothing to do with Kira even as a friend. She could not take that risk. This would have to be a secret she took with her to the grave.

  Kira dried off and returned to her room. When she got there, she found a missed text message from Emily.

  ‘Can’t make it. In hospital. Food poisoning. Never eating clams again.’

  As disappointed as she was to read this, Kira was even more concerned. She wrote back.

  ‘Okay. Take care. Keep me posted. Don’t die. Stupid clams.’

  She sighed. “Well, so much for that.” She tried not to worry about Emily as she got dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before heading back out to take care of William. She took a chance and knocked lightly on the door to the main suite. Receiving no answer, she turned the handle and peered inside. The bed looked untouched, as though no one had slept in it. Since she knew where Benton had spent the night, she realized this meant that Sofia had never returned.

  She retrieved William, who had awakened but did not fuss. He smiled when he saw her. “Good morning, little man,” she cooed to him, lifting him up. “Such a big boy! I know someone’s birthday is coming up in a couple of months…” Kira felt a momentary pang of sadness. She would likely not be around to witness William’s first birthday. She would be back at college. “It’s not your fault you’re a likeable little guy,” she told him. “No, it’s not.”

  William just gurgled and make some nonsense baby words.

  She put him in his high chair. Preparing a plate of food, she proceeded to spoon up little bits at a time. William loved it. He continued to make a good transition from formula and the fast-dwindling supply of breast milk – thanks to Sofia’s refusal to pump as often as she could. Kira shook her head. She believed in breast feeding, and had often thought if she had had any children of her own she would not have hesitated to nurse them.

  She had just finished giving William his bath and putting him into clean clothes when Benton came back. Kira looked up at him. They traded awkward smiles. “Good morning,” she said, deciding it would be up to her to move things forward. “I was just getting Young Master William ready for his morning constitutional.” She tried to say it with a British accent, hoping that would get a genuine smile and maybe even a laugh out of Benton. “I’m thinking of taking him to Kensington Park.”

  “That’s a very lovely park,” Benton said. He paused, cleared his throat and rubbed his palms together in a slow circle. “Um. Kira. About last night…”

  She rolled her eyes, grateful her back was to him and he could not see her do it. She had really hoped to avoid those three words. She continued to dress the baby. “What about it?” she asked, keeping her voice neutral.

  “I…I wanted to apologize,” Benton said. That made Kira stop. She twisted around to stare at him as he continued. “It was…highly unethical…and I was out of line. I hope you will forgive me.”

  Kira chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment. A dry, amused chuckle made its way up from her chest and she looked down, smiling. “It’s okay,” she said. “There’s nothing to forgive, as far as I’m concerned. It happened, it was a one-time thing. We’re adults, we can move past it and get on with our lives.” She stopped again and looked at him, meeting his troubled gaze. “But if you’re having doubts, then you need to address them, now. I just want you to know that I don’t want anything from you. I’m not going to use that against you, to blackmail you or anything like that.”

  “I am having doubts,” he confessed, taking a step toward her. He shook his head. “But not about you.”

  She followed his gaze as it shifted to William. Her breath caught in her through at her eyes widened. “Did you…?”

  He nodded. “This morning. I called in a favor from an old friend at a local hospital. I asked him to run a paternity test for me.” Benton sucked in a deep breath and let it out shakily. “Whether or not he’s mine, I want you to know I will do my best to make sure this child is given a good life. I did manage to get Sofia to sign a prenuptial agreement so I’m not concerned with what will happen if…once I proceed to file the papers.” He looked at Kira again. “Yes, I plan on getting a divorce. One of my meetings this morning was with my lawyer. I’m doing it on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. Given the circumstances, I doubt Sofia will contest it.”

  Kira blinked. Suddenly, she felt a sinking fear. Was he doing this because of last night? “Benton – you did hear me when I said last night was just a one-time thing, right? Because I’m not interested in having a relationship with you…or any other man, for that matter.”

  It was his turn to stare at her in confusion. “What? Oh, dear, no! No – I understand completely, and I completely respect you, Kira; truly, I do. What happened between us…it was wonderful, but I am in agreement that it will never happen again.” He shook his head. “No, I am doing this because of what you said to me last night, about how someone needed to think about the child and how he shouldn’t grow up thinking his whole life had been a lie. As I said, I will help to ma
ke sure he has a secure upbringing. If he’s mine, I will fight for full custody. If he isn’t mine, I will set up a trust for him – one that she can’t touch. He deserves better.”

  Kira smiled. “And so do you,” she murmured. She lifted William up and held him as she turned to face Benton. “You’re a good man – a good human being. You don’t deserve to be shackled to someone who doesn’t appreciate you, to spend your life in a loveless marriage, and I’m glad you’re coming to realize that.” She moved to place William in his stroller in preparation to take him outside.

  “Are you in love with Emily?”

  That question made Kira freeze. Her heart leapt to her throat before doing a fast plummet to her gut. She could not answer right away, and she knew that in itself was as damning as anything she might say – lie or truth.

  “It’s all right if you are,” Benton went on. Kira forced herself to look up at him, and she saw the kindness and understanding in his eyes. He smiled at her. “She would be very fortunate to have you.”

  “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t feel that way, for me,” Kira said, surprised at how hoarse she sounded all of a sudden.

  Benton squatted down beside her. “Listen to me, Kira,” he said, soft yet determined. “If I believe in nothing else, it’s that there is always someone out there for each of us.” He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I used to believe Emily’s mother had been the only woman I would ever truly love. Will I ever find another person like her?” He shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t know. But I do believe that if it’s going to happen, then the person who is meant to be with you, to bring you happiness and be your partner in the Dance of Life, will come along…but only when the time is right.”

  Kira nodded, swallowing back the bittersweet knot of emotion that threatened to choke her. It seemed so unfair that a man as kind as Benton would become entangled with the likes of Sofia. He deserved better, and Kira hoped one day he would have kind of happiness again. As for herself…well, she needed to focus on finishing school, first. If love somehow managed to find her along the way, she would welcome it.

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  It was the beginning of another school year, and the end of Kira’s time as au pair. She returned to Vassar alone. Emily would be coming back in a few days, stopping at home on her way back from Europe to visit for a few days with her father before heading up to Poughkeepsie. Kira and Benton had both agreed not to mention their tryst to Emily, and had parted on good terms. When Kira opened her last paycheck, she found enough money to cover her remaining years at college, along with a handwritten note from Benton.

  ‘Thank you for helping me. Now, finish school and help others.’

  The door opened and she looked up to see Emily pushing her way inside, lugging a suitcase and an overstuffed backpack. Kira jumped up with a squeal of joy and launched herself across the room. “Emmie!”

  “Kirrie!” Dropping her bags, Emily leapt into Kira’s welcoming arms. Laughing, they stumbled around in circles, rebounding off one bed before falling across the other in a giggling tangle of arms and legs. Emily wound up sprawled on top of Kira, looking down at her. Suddenly, before either of them could say another word, Emily swooped in and pressed her lips to Kira’s in a firm kiss.

  Kira inhaled softly at the unexpected contact. They had kissed each other on the lips before in greeting, but this was more than a quick, friendly little peck. Emily was kissing her, lingering, mouth sliding slowly. Her tongue swept out in a tentative little lick. Startled, Kira allowed her lips to part. The next thing she knew, they were locked together, tongues slipping back and forth along each other. She brought her hands up to frame Emily’s face, fingers threading through the short, strawberry blonde hair. Heat bloomed in her belly.

  Some part of her brain managed to grab hold for a moment and wrenched Kira back from the kiss. “Wh-what are we doing?” she panted, and gulped. She blinked up at Emily, staring into those beautiful green eyes. “Em? What’s happening?”

  Emily licked her lips and rolled her shoulders in a shrug. “I-I don’t know,” she mumbled. “The whole time I was away, I couldn’t stop thinking about you…about how much I missed you, and wanted you to be with me. The text, the emails, the Skype chats – they were never enough.” She rolled off Kira and sat up, one foot on the edge of the mattress and her knee tucked against her chin. “That’s when I realized I was falling in love with you.” She looked over at Kira, helpless. “I didn’t know how to tell you, so I thought I would follow my instincts, and…and just show you.” She cringed. “Have I upset you?”

  Kira blinked several times. “Upset?” she echoed. She sat up beside Emily. “Are you kidding? Em – I’ve been crushing on you from almost the first time we met!”

  That made Emily break into a smile. “Really?” At Kira’s nod, she let out a relieved laugh. “Oh my god. And here I was, positive I was about to risk losing the best friend I’ve ever had because I’d gone and fallen in love with her.” She shook her head. “Oh, Kira…” She turned and wrapped her arms around Kira’s shoulders, and buried her face in her neck.

  Kira’s heart sang. She returned Emily’s embrace. Bringing a hand up, she cupped her chin and lifted her face. She bent her head. Emily made a soft, almost shuddery groan as their mouths came together in another kiss. It started slow, the gentle press, cling, and separation of lips. Their tongues met a moment later. Kira had fantasized about this so many times and in so many ways. Instead of trying to act them out, she decided to let their bodies call the shots.

  They undressed each other. T-shirts, jeans, bras and panties wound up in a discard pile on the floor. Kira pressed Emily down onto the bed. She trailed kisses along her neck and over her shoulder, working her way down to Emily’s small breasts. Cupping one in her hand and kneading the soft flesh, she wrapped her lips around the hardening peak of the other. Emily arched up against her mouth and let out a ragged sigh of pleasure. Kira captured a nipple between her teeth and flicked it with her tongue. Emily began to squirm even more.

  Down further she went, working her way over the curving planes of Emily’s torso, her flat belly, until she found herself at the soft tuft of almost ginger curls between her legs. Kira pushed Emily’s thighs apart. Emily raised her knees and spread herself open. Kira breathed in the scent of her before covering Emily’s clit with her mouth. She sucked at it, teased it with her tongue. Using her fingers, she parted the pink folds of Emily’s labia, already slick with her juices, and slipped her tongue inside.

  Emily’s hips snapped. She clutched at the sheets beneath her with one hand and fisted Kira’s hair with the other. Glancing up, Kira could see her biting her lips to hold back the tiny whimpers that threatened to grow into wild cries. Kira climbed up over her. She nuzzled Emily’s cheek; like a flower seeking sunlight, Emily turned her head and sought Kira’s mouth with her own. As they shared another deep kiss, they shifted to lie side by side. Kira reached down between Emily’s legs, stroking her pussy. A moment later, Emily mirrored her. Kira lifted her knee to give Emily better access. She groaned at the touch of Emily’s hand, of the nimble fingers moving rapidly over her clit and dipping inside her vagina. She pushed two digits up into Emily’s wet passage and moved them in and out while using her thumb to stimulate the clitoris.

  The kiss broke apart. Heads pressed together, panting into each other’s face, they focused on getting each other off; hands moving frantically; hips rocking and jerking. “Oh god,” Emily whined. Her voice hitched. “Kira…Kira, I’m…oh my god…I…”

  “Yes,” Kira gasped. Sweat ran down her face, under her breasts. She chased Emily right over the edge, pushing her through orgasm as she cried out and thrashed. Kira was right behind her. She fastened her mouth to Emily’s throat, ground herself down onto Emily’s hand, and uttered a long, almost plaintive groan when her body finally gave in. She came, liquid heat rushing out of her like a flood.

  They clung to one another for several minutes. Heavy breathing so
on regulated. Kira rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. “I am so glad,” she said, when she could speak again, “that you followed your instincts.”

  “Dad is doing the same,” Emily said quite unexpectedly, and the mention of her father made Kira’s heart skip a beat. “When I got back, he said something about trusting his instincts, that there would be some changes.” She rocked her head against the mattress. “I swear, I think he may be planning to tell Sofia to bugger off out of his life.”

  Kira looked over at her for a moment, silent. She returned her attention to the ceiling. Inwardly, she felt proud of Benton for making that decision. Even if William turned out to be another man’s baby, Benton would make sure he would be all right.

  Emily’s hand found Kira’s and threaded their fingers together. “I never want to go anywhere without you, again,” she said. She looked over at Kira. “I realized how much I wanted to be with you one night while I was in Berlin. I met this guy at a club and we went back to his place. The sex was good and I thought it was what I wanted…but it wasn’t what I needed. I started thinking of you, and that’s when it clicked.” She wrinkled her nose. “Does that make sense?”

  Kira swallowed and smiled. She couldn’t tell Emily about her night with Benton, but she understood. Being with him had just cemented in her mind and heart how much she really wanted to be with Emily. Shifting to pull the smaller woman into her arms, Kira kissed her forehead and nodded. “Yes,” she murmured. “It makes perfect sense.” She pulled back far enough to gaze into Emily’s eyes. “I love you, Em.”


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