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Bought by the Lone Cowboy

Page 53

by E. Walsh

Was she hearing his words correctly? Did he just imply that he likes me? She held onto the table for support. The confession and the present situation became more confusing.

  “Should we give it try?” He asked without a hint of humor.

  There was never a time in her life that a man had made her speechless. In fact, she had not looked at men the way she had been looking at him right now. She lost the interest to build a romantic attachment to any out of fear that her high school nightmare would repeat itself.

  He now stood a step away from her, leaving her little room to breathe and think logically. Taking the glass out of her hand, he gently caressed her long, straight hair. Even with her height which was taller than average, he was still towering at her, effectively intimidating her.

  “Should we give it a try?” He asked again.

  She couldn’t give him an answer or back away. His eyes, the sparkle in them that had entranced her on the same spot was bewildering. And when he leaned down to kiss her, her eyes closed on its own as she waited in vain.

  His lips crushed hers without reservation. He was needy and wild, making her drew a deep breath while he sucked more from her essence ultimately shaking off the tightness of her muscles. Her body softened and molded against his when he pulled her closer towards him.

  He grasped a handful of her hair and pulled it gently so he could have a better access to her lips. When his tongue explored her mouth in search for her own, Marly let out a moan. She had never been kissed by a man this way. She tasted the sweetness of the wine they just had and this fueled her inner desire to come out.

  As they parted to catch some air, Marly wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him for another fervent kiss. She was getting intoxicated by his scent.

  Rick guided her toward the couch while keeping their lips locked. As her body made contact with the soft cushion, she felt the rush of an undeniable need down there. Her libido was getting ready for anything as they progressed.

  “The risk may be worth the cause,” He whispered as he slowly nibbled her lips, teasing her by doing so.

  “We really shouldn’t be doing this.” She tried to utter the words while he continued to gently bite her lower lip.

  “Listen to your body.” Was his answer before he moved down to trace her collarbone with his lips.

  Whatever she wanted to say, her weak will to object was trampled by the screaming need of her own, traitorous body. Was she really going to do it with him? The risk of developing a deeper emotional feeling for him against losing the deal all together were two sides of the coin. Which risk was she willing to take?

  “I don’t think we should be doing this,” She repeated again weakly pushing him off her.

  But she let out a groan when he traced her hardened nipple underneath her bra. He gently rubbed it with his finger as he continued to plant kisses just above her breasts. She closed her eyes, slowly falling into his trap. She might regret it later, heck she would regret it, but for now her needs were domineering.

  He kissed her in the lips again while his hands were working on unbuttoning her shirt. She felt the cold air touched her skin after he successfully opened her shirt, revealing her purple lacy bra. He peeled the cup and played with her nipple with his tongue. The sensation, which gradually increased as he expertly sucked one nipple and continued rubbing the other, made her pulled his hair outward. The action made him wince in pain.

  She stared down at him while he continued to tease her. He was a devil hiding in a beautiful face. His evil ways of torturing her with pleasure made her want to scream for more. She was so caught up at the moment she had completely abandoned her logical thinking.

  Rick slowly reached underneath her pants and under her lacy panties. When his fingers found what he was searching for, he started rubbing it in circles. He was driving her crazy.

  She simultaneously kissed him while unbuttoning his shirt. It was done in such a rush that her hands started to shake, giving her a hard time succeeding with a simple task. Rick stopped her and he ripped his shirt apart with one pull, then throwing it on the floor. He then proceeded with unzipping her pants.

  Suddenly, his phone rang. They both froze while looking at each other. Rick had no intention of stopping so he leaned down to kiss her again. But the phone rang again.

  “That sounds important.” She pushed him off her.

  With a sigh, he rolled off her to pick up his phone that fell on the floor. His voice had a clear trace of annoyance on it as he talked to the person on the other line. A minute later, the call ended and he looked mad.

  “There’s been an accident,” He announced looking at her while she started putting on her clothes. “It’s urgent.” His stare lingered at her slightly swollen lips. “Damn!”

  “You should get going.” She urged him while tidying up her messy hair.

  Rick held her by the neck and kissed her hard on the lips. His anger was evident, but his desire was still burning.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  She began the day early with a horseback riding session at the guesthouse. She patted its neck so the animal can get acquainted with her. She was no expert in riding a horse, but she had tried it a few times.

  “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” The butler commented while he mimicked her movements.

  “She is. Is she ready for a ride?”

  “Sure. You need help?” The butler asked as she mounted on the horse.

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.”

  It wasn’t a difficult task. And she was the type of woman who was used to being independent and strong-willed. She grew up without much assistance from her parents. She basically did everything on her own.

  “Where are your friends? Or did you come alone?” He pried.

  Marly hated when men used this kind of line to know whether she was alone or with someone. She might answer if he had asked her honestly. But she didn’t let her annoyance show.

  “Who knows?” She answered as she patted the horse before pulling the reign.

  The animal galloped freely on the vast land. She was thankful that the land was filled with grass. She once had the worst kind of asthma; she did not want to risk suffering from it again by exposing herself to dust, which was why a business trip to a ranch never appealed to her.

  After a good twenty minutes of riding, Marly felt a different kind of rush. She hadn’t been on a horse for a long time. She patted the horse for it to slow down as she slowly approached the stables. The butler was waiting for her, and she couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

  “You’re a good rider.” He flashed her his most charming smile.

  She was annoyed because she wanted to be alone at the moment. She needed to think, to ponder on what took place the other night. The intimacy they shared was beyond making out. She almost had sex with him. Shivers ran down her spine upon the realization that she was treated cheaply. And it happened because she allowed him to.

  She jumped off the horse’s back in anger. Her mind was set on presenting the proposal soon she could leave the damn place. Erin would have to take care of the rest.

  “Leaving so soon?” The guy blocked her path, trying to look sexy.

  “Back off.” She hissed. Her day wasn’t turning out right and the last thing she wanted to do was deal with an airhead. “I said back off.” He glared at him when he didn’t budge.

  “Didn’t you hear what she said? Back off.” Rick ordered after he disembarked from the cart.

  She drew in a deep breath. Her day was just getting more interesting. The butler immediately walked away after seeing the ranch owner. She couldn’t help but shake her head in irritation.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere to deal with an accident?”

  He was his usual outfit which revealed a lot of his character. He was proud, witty, funny at times and he looked very attractive as he slowly walked toward her with his hands on his pocket. A gesture she figured he often did when he was observing her.

  “I have
my most trusted men work on it. It’s what I pay them to do.” He casually answered. “Want to join me for a ride?

  “No. I have more important things to do, like planning your wedding.”

  He stood a foot away from her with his lips pressed together. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking because his eyes were hidden behind his tinted shades.

  “We can talk about that over dinner.” He tried to tuck away a loose strand of hair, but she stepped back. He paused, puzzled by her rejection. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’ll send the proposal within the day. Kindly browse through it and find out which design you’d like to use. I will be needing your email for the files.”

  “Are you mad?” He inquired.

  “No.” She gave him a straight face. “I’m just doing my job. This is what I came for, to begin with.”

  “Ah. So now, you are just a wedding planner.” He tilted his head to the right, giving her time to think about her answer. “Is that how you want me to treat you?”

  “It’s the proper thing to do.”

  She lifted her chin to take pride in reclaiming herself. Once was enough, she wouldn’t fall for it again.

  “What changed your mind? Was it the butler? His tone raised a little, mad at her coldness toward him. She wanted to slap him for being so conceited. Just because she almost gave in to his advances the other day, didn’t mean she owed him an explanation.

  “Do you know what I think?” She stepped a foot closer to emphasize her point. “Mixing business with pleasure will never work. And I’d like to keep our relationship to be in the professional level. So please, don’t overwork yourself about my personal matters.”

  “Fine. I will play along with your little game. Just don’t forget, I don’t like losing.”

  “This isn’t a game, Rick! Why can’t you understand what I’m trying to say?”

  “And what is it, exactly? Care to enlighten me?”

  So now he wants to play dumb. He turned out to be the most stubborn client she has ever dealt with and she didn’t need any of this drama when doing her job.

  “For crying out loud, we can’t be playing games, if that’s what you wish to call it.” She ran her hand over her hair. “You’re getting married in a few days. And I’m here to make sure that wedding comes out perfectly. What’s so difficult to understand?”

  “You’re making things complicated.”

  “No. You’re the one who is making things complicated.” She raised both of her hands in frustration. The conversation was going nowhere. “I can’t mess someone else’s wedding. I don’t have the heart for that.”

  She stepped aside and walked toward her cart. The driver immediately started the engine and they drove away.

  When she reached her cottage, she thanked the driver and went inside. She took out a bottle of cold water from the fridge to cool herself down. Well, that was exhausting. How could he toy with my feelings like that? I guess it was my fault for sending him mixed messages. She began to replay the events over and over again in her mind.

  She took off her blazer and unbuttoned her shirt. The temperature outside was difficult to cool down; she was still sweating even though the room was air-conditioned. She nearly screamed when the door suddenly unlocked itself and Rick stormed in. He was still mad.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Trying to talk some sense out of you.” His voice had a trace of danger on it. He was getting so worked up over their argument.

  “What is there to talk about?”

  “Firstly, I’m not toying with you.” He stepped further into the cottage. “Secondly, you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself.” Then he stopped right next to the sofa in between them. “And thirdly, so you really think this thing, this argument, this very matter I am trying to get through to you, isn’t worth talking about?

  “I am your wedding planner. I came here to plan your wedding. And you, are getting married to the woman you chose in five days. So tell me, why are we discussing something totally irrelevant to the event?”

  Her words must have knocked some sense on him. If it didn’t, she couldn’t think of another way to explain their situation. The disappointment he felt was evident on his face. He tried to open his mouth, but then he decided not to and left. He didn’t even say goodbye.

  * * *

  Chapter Six

  Rick left without saying another word to her that day. But he left his card with his contact number and email address on it. So as planned, she emailed him two design proposals for his wedding. They were short of time, but her crew can get the work done within two days.

  She got a reply from him with the chosen design and he asked if they could further discuss the details with his fiancées. Though she vehemently insisted on keeping a strict business relationship, a little part of her had hoped that he would burn bridges for her and change the situation they were stuck with. Yet his bravado went somewhere, leaving her hanging.

  Marly wore a cocktail dress that wasn’t too revealing that night. The couple had requested that they talk about the plans over dinner. She was curious to meet the woman who he decided to spend the rest of his life with.

  When she arrived at his house, memories of their intimate moment flashed rapidly. She inhaled deeply before getting in.

  Dinner was served at the rooftop of the house. She didn’t have time to marvel at the beauty of the place or the sight presented before her for her body stiffened upon seeing the woman he chose to marry.

  The bride’s German origins were very prominent in her physical features. She wore a black satin dress that left her back bare. Her white skin matched perfectly with his bronze skin.

  For the first time since she came to the ranch, Marly felt unattractive. She wanted to shrink and wished she had a smaller waistline and a doll-like body. It’s no wonder that he chose her over Marly in the end.

  “Hello, Miss Andrada. It’s so nice to meet you.” The woman greeted her with a hug. Though there was a light hint of her German accent, she was very fluent with her English.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Lane.” She matched the cheerfulness of the bride.

  “Oh, I’m still Sara Schmidt.” She giggled and guided her to the table. “The reception design is fantastic! Maverick said you really know how to capture moments. And when I saw how the place would look like on my wedding day, I nearly jumped. It’s so lovely.”

  “I’m delighted. There’s no better compliment than seeing you adore the design.” She looked around to find Rick. “Isn’t Mr. Lane joining us this evening?”

  “Oh! I forgot to tell you. He is in a very important meeting right now. It was so sudden we didn’t have time to cancel our dinner. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Most of the time, it is better to talk with the bride about the wedding plans. Men are lousy at remembering all of the important details.”

  Sara kept a tight smile. The night was young and the wine served by the waiter was to die for. I might as well indulge myself, she thought to herself.

  Their conversation over dinner initially started with talking about some details Sara wanted to be part of the altar decoration. The reception area was left for Marly’s expertise. Then, they went to talk about how she met Rick through a site.

  “It was a friend of mine who insisted on checking out this site she heard so much about. So I went there, created a profile. I didn’t give much thought to it. I really did it to stop my friend from bugging me about it.” She slurred a bit after drinking a couple of glasses. “So you could imagine my shock when he contacted me.”

  “It must have been quite a shocker.”

  “I was so impressed by his profile I didn’t waste time to get to know him. He is really funny and very sensitive. I fell for him right away. And I believe he feels the same way too. He is nothing but considerate and kind.”

  Marly began to feel a tightening feeling in her stomach. It was like acid being poured on an open wound. She
wanted to change the subject but Sara went on about their online relationship up until he proposed to her in between sipping her wine as Marly watched Sara with envy.

  “I think you’ve had too much of a drink, Honey.” Rick stopped Sara from taking another sip from her glass. “You should call it a night.”

  He helped his bride up and half carried her downstairs, without glancing at Marly’s direction. Tonight, she felt so unwanted and unattractive. She wanted to cry, but her eyes remained dry as she made her way towards the guesthouse. The house was awfully quiet as she walked across the living room.

  The cart that brought her in earlier was still parked outside with the driver snoring. After gulping down some more wine from the bottle, she felt a little dizzy. The alcohol was taking its effect. She had to take off her shoes because it was becoming a burden, she could barely keep her balance. She drank some more and the steps down doubled, she had to wave her hand to make sure it wasn’t an illusion.

  “You’re drunk,” Rick whispered in her ear after he successfully prevented her fall. He held securely by her waist.

  “No, I’m not. A little tipsy, I guess.” She giggled this time.

  “Stop doing that,” He warned.

  “Doing what?” She giggled again. His arm was tickling her. “Oh, you have to stop touching me, it tickles.” She couldn’t stop laughing.

  Rick turned her around so she was facing him. The look in eyes was a mixture of anger, regret and lust. Yes, the thing they had, the same thing she was wallowing about, for him, was lust.

  “Stop. Just stop.”

  “Why? Do I turn you on?” She asked with a flirtatious smile.

  “You’re drunk, Marly. You don’t know what you’re asking for.” He said.

  How did he know what she was asking for? She wasn’t asking for anything. Although, she had hoped for a miracle.

  “Okay. I give up. I’ll move on with my life.” She nodded her head out of alcohol intoxication. “Sayonara!”

  She peeled off his arm around her in the attempts of walking away, but she was drunk and remaining upright seemed impossible. Rick caught her again before she could harm herself.


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