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The Best and the Brightest (Modern Library)

Page 106

by David Halberstam

Moffat, Abbott Low

  Mohr, Charles

  Momyer, General William

  Monnet, Jean

  Moore, George

  Moore, Jonathan

  Moorer, Admiral Thomas

  Morgenthau, Hans

  Morse, Senator Wayne

  Morton, Senator Thruston B.

  Moyers, Bill

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  Mundt, Senator Karl

  Murphy, Robert

  Murrow, Edward R.

  Mus, Paul

  Myrdal, Gunnar

  Nader, Ralph

  National Security Council (NSC)

  National Youth Administration

  Nehru, Jawaharlal

  Nelson, Gaylord

  Nes, David

  Neustadt, Richard

  Ngo family

  Nhu, Ngo Dinh

  Nhu, Madame

  Nitze, Paul

  Nixon, President Richard M.

  Nolting, Ambassador Frederick E., Jr.

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  Nosavan, General Phoumi

  Novak, Robert

  Nuclear Planning Group

  Oberdorfer, Donald

  O’Brien, Lawrence

  O’Donnell, Kenneth

  Ogburn, Charlto

  O’Hara, Congressman James

  Okun, Arthur

  O’Neill, William

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Owen, David

  Palmer, General Bruce

  Pao, Ambassador C. J.

  Parker, Theodore

  Parsons, Ambassador Graham

  Patterson, Robert

  Patton, General George S.

  Peace Corps

  Pearson, Drew

  Peers, Colonel Ray

  Pentagon Papers,

  Permissive Action Link (PAL)

  Phillips, Rufus

  Phouma, Prince Souvanna

  Pike, Douglas

  Point Four Program

  Popovic, Foreign Minister Kocá

  Porter, Colonel Daniel

  Potter, Phil

  Pusey, Nathan

  Pushkin, G. M.

  Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. William

  Pye, Professor Lucian

  Oliver Quayle poll

  Radford, Admiral Arthur W.

  Raskin, Marcus

  Rauh, Joseph

  Rayburn, Congressman Samuel T.

  Raymond, Jack

  Reedy, George

  Reischauer, Ambassador Edwin O.

  Reith, John

  Reston, Jame

  Reuther, Walter

  Rice, Edward

  Richards, James

  Richardson, John

  Ridgway, General Matthew B.

  Rielly, John

  Riesman, David

  Rivers, Congressman L. Mendel

  Roberts, William

  Robertson, Walter

  Roche, Professor John

  Rockefeller, Governor Nelson

  Rockefeller family

  Rockefeller Foundation

  Rogers, Secretary of State William

  Romney, Governor George

  Romulo, Carlos

  Rooney, Congressman John

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D.

  Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.),

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.

  Roosevelt, President Theodore

  Root, Elihu

  Rostow, Walt W.

  Rowe, James H., Jr.

  Rusk, Dean

  Rusk family

  Russell, Senator Richard

  Salinger, Pierre

  Salisbury, Harrison

  Sarris, Lewis

  Schlesinger, Arthur M.

  Schuman, Robert

  Scranton, William W.

  Seaborg, Glenn

  Seigenthaler, John

  Serong, Colonel Francis

  Service, John Stewart

  Sevareid, Eric

  Sharp, Admiral U.S. Grant

  Sharpe, Lauriston

  Shattuck, Henry

  Sheehan, Neil

  Shepard, David

  Shoup, General David M.

  Shriver, Sargent

  Shriver, Eunice (Mrs. Sargent)

  Sidey, Hugh

  Sihanouk, Prince

  Smail, John

  Smedley, Agnes

  Smith, Governor Alfred E.

  Smith, Bromley

  Smith, Congressman Howard

  Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen

  Smith, Ambassador Walter Bedel

  Snow, Edgar

  Solbert, Peter

  Sorensen, Theodore


  South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

  Springsteen, George

  Sproul, Dr. Robert Gordon

  Staebler, Neil

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stanley, Oliver

  Starbird, General Alfred

  Stark, Admiral Harold

  Steele, John

  Stennis, Senator John

  Stettinius, Edward

  Stevenson, Adlai E.

  Stilwell, General Joseph W.

  Stilwell, Brigadier General Richard Giles

  Stimson, Secretary of War Henry L.

  strategic hamlet program

  Strauss, Admiral Lewis

  Sullivan, William

  Sully, François

  Surrey, Walter

  Swidler, Joseph

  Sylvester, Arthur

  Symington, Senator Stuart

  Taft, Senator Robert A.

  Taft, President William Howard

  Talese, Gay

  Taussig, Charles

  Taylor, General Maxwell D.

  Thant, U

  Thi, General Nguyen Chanh

  Thieu, President Nguyen Van

  Thomas, Congressman J. Parnell

  Thompson, Ambassador Llewellyn

  Thomson, James

  Thornton, Charles

  Throckmorton, General John L.

  Thuan, Nguyen Dinh

  Thurmond, Senator J. Strom

  Trueheart, William

  Trujillo, General Rafael

  Truman, President Harry S.

  Truman Doctrine

  Tshombe, Moise

  Tuchman, Barbara

  Twining, General Nathan F.

  Unger, Ambassador Leonard

  United Nations

  United Public Workers of America

  United States Information Agency (USIA)

  Valenti, Jack

  Vallejo, Frank

  Vance, Cyrus

  Vandenberg, Senator Arthur

  Van Fleet, General James

  Vann, Lieutenant Colonel John Paul

  Vanocur, Sander

  Vincent, John Carter

  Vinson, Congressman Carl

  Viorst, Milton

  Walker, General Walton

  Wallace, Governor George

  Wallace, Henry

  Walsh, Father Edmund

  Ward, Barbara

  Warnecke, John Carl

  Warner, Lloyd

  Warnke, Paul

  Watson, Marvin

  Wavell, General Archibald P.

  Wedemeyer, General Albert C.

  Weisl, Edward

  Welles, Sumner

  Westmoreland, General William C.

  Weyand, General Frederick C.

  Whalen, Richard

  Wheeler, General Earle G.

  White, Harry Dexter

  White, Theodore, H.

  White, William

  Whiting, Allen

  Whiz Kids

  Wicker, Tom

  Wiesner, Jerome

  Wilkins, Roy

  Williams, Governor G. Mennen (Soapy)

  Wills, Garry

  Wilson, Charles E.

  Wilson, Prime Minister Harold

  Wilson, Colonel Wilbur

  Wilson, President Woodrow

  Wofford, Harris

  Woodin, Secretary of the Treasury Will

d Bank

  Wright, Jim

  Wylie, Laurence

  Yarborough, Senator Ralph W.

  Yarborough, Major General William

  Yarmolinsky, Professor Adam

  Yeuell, Colonel Donovan

  York, General Robert

  Young, Earl

  Young, Ambassador Kenneth Todd

  Young, Whitney

  Youngblood, Rufus

  Zaplocki, Clem

  Zorthian, Barry

  About the Author

  David Halberstam is the author of a number of bestselling books, including The Fifties, Playing for Keeps, The Powers That Be and The Children.


  The Noblest Roman

  Making of a Quagmire

  One Very Hot Day

  The Unfinished Odyssey of Robert Kennedy


  The Powers That Be

  The Reckoning

  The Breaks of the Game

  The Amateurs

  Summer of ’49

  The Next Century

  The Fifties

  October 1964

  The Children

  Playing for Keeps

  The Modern Library Editorial Board

  Maya Angelou


  Daniel J. Boorstin


  A. S. Byatt


  Caleb Carr


  Christopher Cerf


  Ron Chernow


  Shelby Foote


  Stephen Jay Gould


  Vartan Gregorian


  Richard Howard


  Charles Johnson


  Jon Krakauer


  Edmund Morris


  Joyce Carol Oates


  Elaine Pagels


  John Richardson


  Salman Rushdie


  Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.


  Carolyn See


  William Styron


  Gore Vidal

  2001 Modern Library Edition

  Copyright © 1969, 1971, 1972, 1992, 2000, 2001 by David Halberstam

  Introduction copyright © 2001 by John McCain

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright

  Conventions. Published in the United States by Modern Library, a division of

  Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada

  by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

  Modern Library and colophon are registered trademarks

  of Random House, Inc.

  This work was published in different form in 1972 and 1992 by Random House, Inc.

  Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material: Atlanta Magazine: Excerpts from “Notes on a Native Son” by Ray Moore (interview with Dean Rusk originally for WSB-TV) from the October 1965 issue of Atlanta Magazine. Copyright © 1965 by Atlanta Magazine. Reprinted by permission of Atlanta Magazine, Ray Moore, and WSB-TV.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Halberstam, David.

  The best and the brightest / David Halberstam ; foreword by John McCain.—Modern Library ed.

  p. cm.

  Includes index.

  e-ISBN 1-58836-098-9

  1. United States—Politics and government—1961­1963. 2. United States—Politics and government—1963­1969. 3. Vietnamese Conflict, 1961­1975—United States. I. Title.

  E841 .H25 2001

  973.92—dc21 2001031261

  Modern Library website address:


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