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Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII

Page 11

by Alexander Gordon

“Don’t!” Specca ordered grabbing her hands. “If you attack her with that you’ll kill yourself for certain!”

  “She’s going to rape Daniel!”

  “Why did you want to show her Dan anyway?” Clover barked out at her. “What did you think was going to happen?”

  “Somebody stop her, please!” Doku urgently implored as Luna and Falla tried again in knocking Star aside. Their efforts were in vain as the jinx instantly appeared back atop Daniel, never letting him get away or allowing him a moment’s rest as she persistently tried to rape him.

  “We can’t get her off him, what do we do?” Kroanette fretted while scampering around anxiously.

  “We can’t attack her or force her to move, what else can we do?” Triska demanded.

  “Figure something out!” Kitten yelled in her ear. “I warned you, Triska, but you just wouldn’t listen! If that thing rapes my master it’s all your fault!”

  Alyssa growled in frustration as she watched Daniel frantically trying to keep Star from grabbing his groin or mounting it to rape him then glanced over towards the open doorway. She quickly ran outside while the other girls continued trying futilely to get Star away from Daniel. Every time they lifted her off she instantly appeared back atop him, her excited meows and wide smile showing she only had one thing on her mind and was completely ignoring the pleas of everyone for her to stop.

  “Star! Please stop this!” Daniel cried out as the jinx kept grabbing and stroking his genitals with a lustful grin on her face.

  “We can’t get her to stop!” Luna whined as she tried pulling the cat away, the monster again warping right out of her arms and appearing atop Daniel.

  “Don’t do that to him! He said no!” Pip whined while flying around in front of Star’s face. The cat swatted the fairy away without giving her a second glance, her entire focus being on Daniel and nothing else as she kept trying to straddle him.

  “So what’s your plan for getting her to knock it off?” Clover quizzed Triska. “Or did you have none?”

  Triska started panicking with her hand trembling over her sword’s handle. She watched all the girls try and fail to get Star off of Daniel, the jinx never ceasing her attempts to rape him while being impossible to ward off by either force or words.

  “Do something!” Kitten yelled out. “She’s going to rape my master in front of us!”

  “I don’t know what to do,” Triska stuttered shaking her head. “I… I don’t know what to do!”

  “Get her off him!” Specca pleaded, her efforts to push Star away doing nothing to keep the jinx from appearing right back atop Daniel.

  “We can’t make her go away!” Luna whined as she and her sister tried and failed to lift away Star by the arms again.

  “She’s trying to put him inside herself!” Kroanette screamed as the jinx had gotten Daniel hard with her hand was frantically attempting to mount him, the boy shaking his hips around to avoid that while the girls tried to push or throw away the jinx to no avail.

  Squeak grit her teeth and swung a fist at Star’s head, the ant girl’s foot then slipping with a screech that sent her attack to the side and struck Falla instead. The butterfly screamed as she bounced away along the ground, with all the girls watching in surprise before turning to Squeak as she held a hand over her horrified mouth. The ant girl quickly rushed over to Falla and held her up in her arms as the butterfly had a large bruise on her arm.

  “Squeak, why?” Falla cried out.

  “Don’t attack Star!” Specca warned as she tried to no avail to push the jinx off of Daniel. “Your actions will get reflected back either onto yourself or those around you!”

  Squeak held Falla close and squeaked in sorrow as she shook her head with her frantic pleas for forgiveness. The butterfly cringed as her arm felt like it was struck with an iron club then turned to see the other girls still trying to ward away the relentless jinx.

  “It’s okay, Squeak, it’s not broken. Just stop that girl from touching our man.”

  “Wait, let’s talk about this!” Daniel shouted desperately. “Star, please listen to me for a moment!”

  “Please don’t rape him!” Doku pleaded with tears falling down her cheeks.

  “Daniel!” Pip cried out grabbing her hair.

  “Dammit!” Clover yelled before rushing over, charging into Star and knocking her aside. The elf quickly hugged her body close to Daniel with her thighs holding onto his waist, her arms wrapping around the back of his neck as all the girls stared in surprise at seeing Clover pressing her body close to his.

  “Hold onto me, Dan!” Clover ordered as Star hissed at her with anger.

  Daniel quickly held his arms around the elf and kept her close, the two watching as Star yowled at them while slowly drawing near on all fours.

  “Can’t fuck him if I’m on him, can you?” Clover spat out at the jinx.

  Star quickly swiped her nails across the elf’s face, doing so again and again as Clover screamed and shut her eyes.

  “Clover!” Daniel called out.

  “Just don’t let go, Dan!” Clover insisted as she kept a firm grip on him.

  Star grabbed the elf and the three vanished, appearing a few feet to the side with Clover still holding onto Daniel on the ground and Star growling in frustration with her hands gripping the elf’s back. The jinx yowled in anger and tried warping the elf off again, being unable to as she and Daniel weren’t able to be separated now. They all appeared near the girls with Clover still hugging close to Daniel, the two holding each other tightly while Star hopped around them meowing in frustration.

  “What’s wrong, bitch?” Clover snapped at the jinx. “Can’t move me off him with your fucking mag-”

  She quickly stopped and looked down to her hips with wide eyes, everyone halting and watching curiously as she blushed brightly before turning to face Daniel.

  “You… you’re really big,” she quietly pointed out.

  “Um… sorry?” Daniel unsurely replied.

  Clover blinked and glanced down between them then back to him with wonder. Before she could say anything more Star hopped over onto her back and bit down on her shoulder. The elf screamed while the jinx growled with her mouth full, the magical monster grabbing Clover’s hair and yanking back on it in an effort to get the elf off of the male.

  “Clover!” Daniel cried out.

  “Don’t let go, Dan!” Clover grunted through her teeth.

  “Somebody do something!” Doku pleaded, hopping about and fluttering her wings at her sides in a panic.

  From the doorway Alyssa ran back into the hall, racing over towards the girls with something held in her hand before stopping and staring at Daniel and the two girls atop him with wide eyes.

  “What the hell? Now Clover’s trying to rape him too?” she called out in disbelief.

  “I’m keeping him untouched from this crazy bitch!” Clover snapped at her. “Now shut up and do something!”

  “What’s that?” Kroanette asked pointing to Alyssa’s hand.

  The witch growled then raced over towards Star, the group watching as she then pushed down on the cat’s back with one hand and held up a familiar looking object in the other.

  “Oh no,” Luna whimpered holding her hands over her rear.

  “Oh… dear,” Specca cringed while doing the same.

  “That’s a big one,” Kroanette worried.

  “Do it, Alyssa!” Triska ordered.

  Star kept trying to pull Clover away from Daniel before she arched back with a high-pitched meow, her eyes going wide while her mouth opened all the way. Everyone watched as Alyssa shoved a thick wooden phallus into the jinx’s exposed ass, her twin tails twitching and freezing in the air while a faint whine escaped her throat.

  “You’re immune to attacks,” Alyssa reasoned before shoving the object further in. “But not sexual acts. Isn’t that right?”

  “Oh,” Falla cringed as Squeak did the same from seeing it.

  “Damn,” Kroanette slowly said whil
e seeing the frozen look of shock on Star’s face.

  “That’s going in so deep,” Pip softly said as Alyssa gave another stern push with a grunt.

  Star’s eyes rolled back into her head as her body trembled, a strained meow being made before she dropped to the side twitching. Daniel and Clover caught their breath as the elf sat up atop him, both watching as Alyssa subdued the jinx with a stern glare down at her.

  “Don’t you dare touch Daniel again, you got that?” Alyssa demanded before shoving the wood in further. The jinx whined and shook about while her hands shakily scratched against the floor.

  “That worked?” Specca wondered.

  “How come that didn’t get reflected back against Alyssa?” Luna asked as everyone watched Alyssa standing up over the whimpering jinx.

  “It’s not an attack,” Triska realized. “It’s a sexual act. That doesn’t get reflected by their magic, does it?”

  “Nope,” Alyssa agreed shaking her head. “I figured their magic wouldn’t stop lustful acts from being reflected. She may not like anal sex, but her magic shield won’t protect her from it.”

  “That was close,” Doku sighed in relief. “I was afraid she was going to rape my husband right in front of us.”

  “Doku,” Triska sighed with a face palm.

  Daniel rested back against the floor and breathed out, his mind finally being given a chance to catch up now that a sex-crazed monster wasn’t trying to rape him. He then noticed Clover still straddling him while looking down at his waist in wonder with a blush on her face. One by one all the girls saw the elf just staring at Daniel while sitting atop him, silence filling the room except for Star’s weak mewls of suffering as she trembled on the floor near them.

  “Clover?” Daniel asked.

  “Wow,” Clover breathed out as she shifted her hips around slightly. Her mouth began to water as she gulped quietly, her eyes going up to Daniel’s then back down to what she was sitting atop that she had a clear feeling of against her panties.

  “Clover,” Alyssa growled. The elf jumped before seeing the witch glaring at her with glowing purple eyes.

  “Wait, hold on,” Clover pleaded holding her hands out. “I saved him from being raped by that cat bitch. I didn’t do anything wrong here.”

  “You’re straddling him right now,” Specca huffed with anger. “And he’s naked under you.”

  “Why didn’t you do this then?” Clover snapped at her. “Seriously, why was I the only one who saw this as a way of saving him from that jinx?”

  “Why didn’t you just suggest it for us to do instead?” Falla demanded.

  “Are you saying I shouldn’t have kept that jinx from having sex with him?” Clover scoffed crossing her arms. “Fuck, I’m always sticking my neck out for you people, and this is the thanks I get.”

  Daniel watched as all the girls started arguing back and forth with the elf, with Clover still sitting atop him while defending her actions and Star holding onto her rear with a pained expression at their side. He blinked then felt the elf very lightly shifting back and forth along his erection, his eyes glancing down to her hips which were gently grinding against him then up at the elf who, while was pointing around at the girls and bickering with them, had a faint blush on her cheeks.

  With a sigh he laid back and closed his eyes, patiently waiting for the girls to finish their colorful conversation with each other and let him up again. As he did a small flicker of something poked into his mind. Opening one eye a peek he saw Clover yelling at Triska with loud obscenities, the elf seeming to give off a faint aura in his mind for a brief moment. He glanced around at all the other girls who were still arguing with her then back to the elf as he questioned what he thought was felt from her.

  ‘No way, that couldn’t have been… but, from her? I’m positive there’s nothing between us… is there?’

  Chapter 4

  The Wild Cat

  In the world of Eden some monsters were more lustful and lively than others. While they all shared the same desire to breed, certain ones would follow their inner nature more zealously and become a dangerous force to those around them. Maybe their mating periods were few and far between and their lust was always built up inside of them, or perhaps they had an accelerated need to breed and would go to any lengths to achieve copulation. Whatever the reason these monsters were the living embodiment of what these creatures were born to do, as when they set their sights on a potential mate there was almost nothing that could stop them.

  And woe to those who stood in their way.


  Running along the dirt trail Lucky pulled a carriage behind that was considerably lighter compared to the larger caravan that the travelers were using until recently, although for the enchanted horse it was no trouble to pull the simple wagon as his stamina and strength were more than one would assume at first glance. At his side Kroanette was galloping along with the mare, her large assets bouncing in her shirt with Pip’s head poking up between them as the fairy enjoyed the ride in her co-mate’s chest. The centaur didn’t mind the tiny fairy nuzzling herself between her soft mounds at this point, as pretty much all the girls had gotten used to Pip randomly choosing one of them to fondle at a moment’s notice.

  All except for two who were never chosen by the fairy for obvious reasons.

  “I should have punished you as well,” Alyssa muttered while holding the reins for her horse.

  “I told you before, I only did what I did to keep him safe from that crazy cat,” Clover argued from next to her. The elf had her bow and quiver with only the six arrows she had from earlier and was riding up front with Alyssa for a particular reason.

  “That being said, what the fuck do you mean I’m forbidden to go near Dan anymore?”

  “You were dry humping him in front of all of us! We saw you!” Alyssa barked out at her.

  “No I wasn’t,” Clover stubbornly insisted. “You’re all just paranoid.”

  “I could have sworn I saw your hips rubbing against him,” Kroanette mentioned with a dull glance at the elf.

  “Well they weren’t! Fuck, I saved him from getting raped by that jinx, and I’m the bad guy here. That just figures. You people are unbelievable.”

  “Don’t test me, Clover,” Alyssa growled through her teeth. “If it wasn’t for the fact that you did keep Star from raping him I would have done to you what I did to her!”

  “Um, speaking of Star,” Kroanette mentioned curiously. “How long are you going to leave that wooden stick up her ass?”

  “Until I choose to take it out,” Alyssa reasoned with a shrug.

  “It’s been over an hour. I think the poor thing might be suffering greatly right now.”

  “Listen,” Alyssa spoke with ire, hands clutching the reins while her eyebrow twitched. “We had to finish our lunch, Doku took the time to make us that delicious meal after all, and then we needed to leave, because those three monster hunters gave us a fair warning before they would have come back for our heads. So I’m so sorry, Star, but you’re going to have to endure your punishment for trying to touch our mate in front of all of us a little longer as we have other priorities!”

  “You’ve got a butt fetish, don’t you?” Clover dryly asked. Alyssa merely glanced to her with a dull expression as the elf shook her head slowly. “Every time you fuck your mate you do it in your ass, and every time you ‘punish’ someone you give it to them in their ass.”

  “Do I have to bend you over right now, Clover?” Alyssa flatly replied.

  “Just pointing it out,” Clover reasoned looking away with a shrug. “But why did we keep that jinx with us anyway? Why didn’t we just throw her out and leave her behind while she was incapacitated?”

  “Daniel wishes to try and speak to her again,” Kroanette explained with a small smile. “He doesn’t give up on us wayward monsters so easily. He believes there can be good in that girl.”

  “We know how to stop her now if she tries anything with him,” Alyssa pointed out.
“She’s not immune to sexual acts. We can shove sticks up her ass, we can pinch her nipples, we can even spank her and she’ll feel it. Not only did we find out some much needed information about how to handle jinxes but we have one we can try to reason with as a possible ally. And if we manage to get jinxes on our side with his cause that would be a great addition to our list of monster candidates.”

  “You really think that wild cat will become tame with Dan?” Clover asked.

  “If she won’t then she can just leave,” Alyssa answered shaking her head. “We’ll give her a chance, but if she doesn’t show herself to be capable of self-control then she’s out of here.”

  The travelers continued along the trail across a barren landscape, passing by patches of tall dead grass and old trees while the sun was masked behind some clouds above. Alyssa slowly glanced around at the surrounding land which didn’t have a very lively appeal while her staff lightly rattled against the seat next to her.

  “Okay, I think we’ve gone far enough. We can stop here.”

  “We’re nowhere near Trixton Pass now,” Kroanette agreed. “We should mark on our map that place isn’t welcoming of monsters for future reference.”

  “Specca will take care of that, I’m sure,” Alyssa said before she snapped the reins, causing Lucky to slow down and bring the carriage to a stop next to the trail and a few large boulders. “Alright, let’s go inside and see how our guest is doing. Clover, you stay out here and keep watch for trouble.”

  “Wait a minute,” Clover snapped. “Just what the fuck am I supposed to do if anything comes near us? I’ve only got six fucking arrows.”

  “Don’t worry, Lucky will protect you,” Kroanette giggled as Alyssa hopped down next to her. The two made their way over to the doors of the ride while Clover leaned over the side with a frustrated growl.

  “What do you mean the horse will protect me? What’s Lucky going to do if bandits show up or something?”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Alyssa realized. “You’ve never seen… well, don’t worry about it, Clover. Just tell Lucky there’s bandits nearby in a convincing manner and he’ll… take care of it.”


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