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Notorious in a Kilt

Page 21

by Anna Durand

  My mom fell silent for a few seconds. "You should do it."


  "Have sex with Iain. You're a grown woman, and you deserve to have a little fun."

  I held the phone away from my face, staring at it like the device might pop up a message explaining to me how my own mother could suggest I have a casual affair. When I lifted the phone to my ear again, I said, "You're kidding, right?"


  "Parents aren't supposed to tell their kids to have casual sex."

  She made an impatient noise. "Honestly, Rae, you're an adult. The father of your child, the man you love, is back in your life. Nothing about this is casual."

  And that was exactly why sex with Iain was a horrible idea.

  "I can't do it," I said. "This is way too complicated, and he's already asking questions about Malina, about why I hid all the photos of her. I've been careful not to say her name either. If I sleep with Iain, he'll have more questions. He'll want us to…bond or something. Share our secrets."

  "Maybe you should tell him he has a daughter."

  "If I do that, he'll want to meet her. What if he takes off again? Malina would be devastated."

  "Yes, it's a risk. Life is full of those." She hesitated, then said, "I know you love him. So, ask yourself how much you're willing to risk to have what you wanted all along? Malina's stronger than you think, and even if you and Iain don't work out, she deserves to know her father."

  What could I say to that? Malina had dreamed of a perfect family, with a mother and a father, all her life. She used to draw pictures of the three of us. She didn't even know Iain's name.

  "I can't tell her," I said. "For years, I've insisted her father is dead."

  "She'll understand. Besides, if Iain is as smart as you've always said, he'll figure out what's going on."

  Oh shit. Mom was right. Iain already sensed something was up, and he wouldn't stop probing until I cracked and told him. I should give him the boot right now. Adios, Iain, scamper back to Scotland. Just thinking the words set off an ache in my chest.

  I could keep this one secret. I would. No way in hell would Iain seduce the truth out of me.

  "You think about it," Mom said, "and get some sleep."

  "Uh-huh. I'm not telling him, not ever."

  "We'll see."

  "And what does that mean?"

  She chuckled. "It means I want what's best for you, even if you can't see what that is yet."

  We said good night, but even after I'd changed into my nightie and crawled under the covers with two cats beside me, I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Mom. Something in her voice niggled at me. The way she'd said "we'll see." Cheryl Everhart had never meddled in my life, but for some reason, she seemed intent on getting me back together with Iain. "We'll see" could've meant she was sure I'd change my mind about telling Iain he had a daughter. It might also have meant my mother had sneaky plans.

  I want what's best for you, she'd said, even if you don't see what that is yet.

  Did my mom plan on meddling? No, she wouldn't do that. I was misinterpreting what she'd said. She must've meant I'd see the light and hop in the sack with Iain.

  And oh dear heaven, resisting that man was getting harder and harder every minute.

  Chapter Nine


  The next day, Rae tried to act as if nothing had happened between us, as if I hadn't made her come for me right there in the hallway without removing a stitch of her clothing. I couldn't let her get away with dismissing our first sexual encounter in thirteen years. The woman was stubborn and determined to keep me at a distance. How she meant to do that when her desire was evident in her every movement and every little noise she made, I had no bloody idea.

  I couldn't have hidden my lust for her if I'd wanted to. The sight of her hips swaying when she walked in that purposeful manner, like a woman who knew where she needed to be and what she needed to do at every moment, made my balls ache and my cock stiffen. Aye, the Unflappable Iain MacTaggart spent most of the day suffering with an erection that wouldn't stop. Not until I had her. Not until I'd slid myself inside that luscious body and—

  "Are you coming?"

  Rae's voice yanked me out of my fantasy, and I stared dumbly at her. Coming? Aye, I'd been close to doing that all day. No wonder the sheep looked at me with suspicion.

  "Hey!" Rae called from the barn doorway, clapping her hands. "Are you done mucking out the stalls? I have to do some stuff in my office, so you can take a break in the house if you're done. We can have a quick snack first. Are you coming?"

  That word again. She should be the one coming—under my hand, under my mouth, with my cock deep inside her.

  Rae frowned at me.

  "I'm coming," I said, leaning the pitchfork against the wall. I'd forgotten I had it in my hand, lost in my daydreams of making love to her. "Stalls are clean. You could eat off the floors in here."

  She wrinkled her nose in the most adorable way. "No thanks. But I'll send your dinner out here if you want to lick it up off the dirt floor."

  No, I'd much rather lick her. Drop whipped cream all over her body and lap it up, working my way down to her slick folds, and deeper…

  "I'm going inside," she said, giving me an exasperated look. "If you're having a stroke, old man, let me know so I can call an ambulance for you."

  "Not having a stroke." I strode up beside her, slung an arm around her waist, and tugged her tight against me. "If you're trying to annoy me by calling me an old man, save your breath, lass. You'll need it for screaming my name when we fuck."

  She rolled her eyes. "You sure are obsessed with sex."

  "No," I said silkily, slipping my free hand into her soft hair, tipping her head back at the perfect angle for a deep kiss, "ahmno obsessed with sex. Ahm obsessed with your body."

  Her eyes flared wide for a heartbeat, then narrowed as she puckered her lips in a half-hearted attempt to seem irritated. "Sex is a bad—"

  I silenced her overused excuse by covering her mouth with mine. Her lips remained tight, her body tense, until I flicked my tongue out to tease the seam of her mouth. She exhaled a long sigh, her body softening, and opened fully to me. I seized the advantage, delving into her sweet mouth, and raked my tongue over hers again and again, urging her to respond, demanding she respond. She breathed out a soft moan and coiled her tongue around mine. We devoured each other without reservation, thrust for thrust, glide for glide, not relenting until we'd lost our breaths and had to stop to inhale oxygen.

  The faint blush on her cheeks made me smile.

  With one finger, I traced the line of her jaw. "You are beautiful when you're aroused."

  "But not any other time?" she said between quick breaths.

  "Always." I splayed my fingertips over her mouth. "You, Rae Everhart, are the most beautiful woman in the world, whether you're clean and fresh from a shower or sweaty and covered with sheep shit."

  She glanced down at herself. "Please tell me I don't have sh—manure on me right now."

  "Ye don't." I crooked a finger under her chin and compelled her to look up at me. "Why do you work so hard not to curse? If you want to do it, go on. I don't mind."

  "Let go of me and I'll tell you."

  I considered not letting go, since I enjoyed holding her body against mine, but I wanted to know the answer to my question. With a sigh, I unhanded her.

  Rae took a step back and straightened her shirt. "I taught myself not to swear so I would set a good example for my daughter. If I have a foul mouth, how can I tell her not to swear? It's a necessity, not a hang-up." Her mouth twisted into a sardonic half frown. "You should the things I say I my head."

  "Love to hear them." I scratched my chin. "I understand why you watch your tongue around your daughter, but you and I are alone here. Curse like a sailor, I donnae care."

  She glanced around as if checking for eavesdroppers.

  "Afraid of corru
pting the sheep with your foul language?" I asked.

  "No, I…" She hunched her shoulders. "I've never slipped up before, like I keep doing when I'm around you. Almost swearing, barely catching myself." She grinned with impish glee. "Guess you make me want to curse like a sailor."

  "Hmm." I moved closer to cup her cheek. "You know I'm not easily offended. I curse all the time, in several languages. You have my permission to stop censoring yourself."

  "Well, okay then." She straightened. "This bitch is going into the fucking house to have a goddamn snack. Are you joining, asshole?"

  I laughed. So hard my sides hurt.

  Rae laughed too, more softly. "Happy now?"

  "Aye, I'm glad you stopped holding back. But I'm not certain 'asshole' is the label I want you to give me." I tapped the tip of her nose. "Something sexier would be my preference. With a keen mind like yours, I have no doubt you could talk dirty with the best of them."

  "If I ever talk dirty, it will be with you. Only you."

  Only me? I liked that. A good sign, for certain.

  Rae seemed to realize what she'd said, and a blush crept up her cheeks.

  I tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I look forward to hearing everything you want to say to me."

  "Didn't mean—Oh to hell with it. Think what you want."

  She whirled around and hurried out of the barn.

  I trailed behind her, admiring her bonnie erse.

  Fifteen minutes later, after consuming a snack of graham crackers with melted marshmallows and chocolate sandwiched between them, Rae and I moved into the hallway to go our separate ways. She had planned on going upstairs to her office, but the way she kept licking her lips suggested she wanted something else, something more decadent than the s'mores we'd shared.

  I ran a finger over her lower lip. "Wouldn't ye rather relax on the sofa with me for a bit?"

  Her breasts rose and fell with labored breaths. Her eyes shimmered, the pupils large. "Yes."

  We settled onto the sofa side by side a moment later, but relaxing wasn't what either of us wanted. We kissed. Deeply and slowly. Groping and fondling. Rae wound up straddling my lap, and I wound up kneading her bottom, hungry for everything her body offered.

  I broke the kiss, lifting her off my lap to set her down beside me.

  She blinked rapidly, her lips parted and swollen from our ardor. "Why did you stop?"

  "Because I'm on the edge here, Rae." I sat forward, my cock throbbing for her. "Unless you want to have sex here and now, I need to leave the room." I turned my head to look at her over my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

  "I—don't know."

  "Then I'll go." I rose and glanced down at her. "I'll be in the shower."

  A very, very cold shower. Not that cold ever eased my lust, especially not for her. But at least the shower would give me time to come down from the high she gave me.

  I kissed the top of her head and stalked to the bathroom.



  Ten minutes after Iain announced he was taking a shower, I gave up on TV and headed down the hall toward my bedroom. Might as well get some sleep—or try to. After what he'd done to me last night, and the way we'd made out on the sofa, I doubted sleep would welcome me with open arms tonight. If and when I did drift off, I had no doubts I'd dream of the erotic man sleeping upstairs.

  Iain had asked if I was ready for sex. In that moment, I wanted him more than I'd ever wanted any man, even more than I'd wanted him years ago. My body urged me to say yes, but my head insisted on staying calm and rational. Sort of. I hated my rational brain right now. Kissing Iain made me so hot and wet I longed to succumb to my lust. Just this once. Be reckless. Who would ever know?

  After changing into my nightie, I cracked my bedroom door open to check if Iain had left the bathroom yet. My teeth needed brushing. Yeah, that was the reason for my voyeurism. Not that I was hoping for a glimpse of Iain in the buff. The man loved to mosey around the house naked.

  The bathroom door hung wide open, and light spilled out across the wood floor in the hallway and the wall on the other side. I didn't hear the shower running, so maybe he'd forgotten to turn off the light.

  I padded to the bathroom door, turned, and froze.

  My heart thudded. A delicious tingle swept through my body, tightening my nipples.

  There he stood, drying his hair with a towel, eyes shut, completely nude.

  I stopped breathing. The soft-white bulbs in the bathroom bathed his naked body in their warm glow, the light glistening on the droplets of water that sheathed his skin. I stared in dumb awe at the bead rolling down his chest between his pecs. It followed the center of his torso down to the trail of hairs that pointed straight to his cock. The water droplet stalled there, clinging to the hairs. His penis hung between his thighs, impressive even when not hardened by desire.

  Yesterday, I'd seen Iain naked from behind. But only once before had I witnessed him nude from the front. The night we'd made love.

  The night I'd realized how much I loved him.

  Even as I let my gaze roam over the sight of Iain nude here in the present, my thoughts spiraled backward in time to that other night. It had been beautiful. Tender. Perfect.

  Or so I'd thought. Admiring him tonight—appreciating the new-and-improved version of Iain, with harder, more powerful muscles and an even hotter sensuality he exuded from every inch of his incredible body—I knew sex with him now would prove far more pleasurable than I could imagine.

  And I could imagine a hell of a lot.

  "You're staring at me like you want to be fucked."

  His voice, that deep and erotic rumble, snapped my attention to his face. I blinked rapidly, caught in a dual dilemma—ensnared by memories of our first and only night together, and virtually panting at the sight of present-day Iain.

  Something fluttered over my chest. I glanced down to discover my hand rested between my breasts and my fingers fluttered over my thin nightie, teasing my skin with a feathery sensation. I cleared my throat, lowered my hand, and tried to appear unaffected by his nakedness. My mouth literally watered at the sight of him. Christ, I was too old to be drooling over him like a teenager.

  "Well?" he said, smirking. "Do ye want to be fucked, gràidh?"

  "Maybe I do," I said, "but I don't give in to every passing urge."

  "Passing urge?" He chuckled, and the vibrations sent droplets drizzling down his chest. "You stare like that when I've got my clothes on too."

  Yeah, I couldn't deny that, though my obsession with his body had skyrocketed into unabashed lust the second I spied him standing there, wet and naked. I could walk over there and lick every drop off his skin one by one, working my way down to that impressive cock.

  "Now you're licking your lips like ye want to devour me," he said, his voice smokier to match the look of hunger on his face. "Ahm wanting to taste you too."

  "It's a b—" Bad idea, I'd meant to say, but I couldn't finish the sentence. For two days, I'd told him repeatedly sex would be a bad idea. Faced with the very real possibility of us getting it on within the next thirty seconds, I could no longer deny how much I wanted this. With him. Only him.

  His attention flew to my breasts, his lips parted, and he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "Ahm starved for those wee nipples. If ye donnae come here, ahm going over there to suck on them."

  I glanced down. My nipples jutted through my nightie, so stiff the slightest movement brushed the fabric over them with exciting effect. "I should go to bed."

  "Aye, with me."

  Our gazes intersected, pulled together as if magnetized to each other. With his hair damp and tousled, his body relaxed, he was the most tempting thing I'd ever laid eyes on.

  He dropped the towel. It slumped to the floor. "What do you want, Rae?"

  Good question. I couldn't claim to not know the answer, though. I wanted him. This was crazy and reckless, and I should not give in to the urge
, passing or not.

  Why shouldn't you? a naughty little voice whispered in my mind. We were both adults, both free of commitments to anyone else. He would leave Saturday. In the meantime, why shouldn't I take advantage of the chance to explore this attraction between us? I wouldn't fall in love with him. Just sex, nothing more. Purely grown-up fun to satisfy my curiosity. After one night, two or three at most, I'd get him out of my system.

  Uh-huh, sure.

  After thirteen years apart, I hadn't gotten him out of my system.

  "You've got about three seconds," Iain said, his voice rough with a need that made my body tingle in the most wonderful ways, "before I walk over there and show you what I want. Make up your mind, lass."

  The naughty part of me won the argument.

  I sashayed across the bathroom and splayed my palms on his damp chest. Angling my head back, I leaned in as I gazed into his pale eyes. "I want you."

  "You're sure? Because I mean to take ye to the nearest bed and defile yer sweet body for the rest of the night."

  "Defile away." I pressed my body into his, the wetness on his skin moistening my clothes, pasting my nightie to my torso. "I'm sick of pretending I don't want this. I do. We're adults, and we can do whatever the hell we want."

  I dragged one hand down his body, my fingers still spread wide, relishing the way his breaths shortened and his chest began to heave. His dick swelled while I explored his body. My palm on his chest roved in slow circles while my other hand glided onto his thigh. I slid that hand to his inner thigh, careful to avoid his growing erection for now. I had plans for that glorious cock. It was thick and veined, curving up less than when he was younger but no less enticing.

  "Rae…" He hissed in a breath when I took his sack in my hand and tugged. "Ah God, woman."

  I dropped to my knees, his shaft in my face. A bead of moisture clung to the head, and I couldn't resist lapping it up. His choked groan encouraged me, so I dragged my tongue up his inner thigh, nipping along the way, while I scraped the nails of my other hand down the inside of his other leg. I licked and cupped his balls until he groaned loudly and threw his head back. I'd grown so hot and slick, and my nipples had grown so stiff and achy, I couldn't wait a second longer.


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