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Brawl: A Bully Romance (King of Castleton Book 3)

Page 4

by Ellie Meadows

  In response, I reached between us and wrapped my hands around her tits, squeezing firmly before moving to grip her around the waist.

  “There’s a lot we can do.” I confirmed, lifting her to move us towards the center of the dock. I laid her down against the damp wood, the sound of sloshing water beneath us. My dick was growing hard now, pushing against her thigh as I straddled her leg and leaned down to suck one nipple into my mouth, tongue circling the hard bump. I pushed a hand beneath the waistline of her damp underwear.

  Tarryn looked up at me, trusting me. I gave her a small smile.

  She wasn’t shaved, but her hair was soft as silk against my hand. I pushed my index finger into her and she wriggled beneath me. I found her clit first, rubbing circles until she became swollen. She moaned, her eyes closing.

  There was something intensely exciting, intoxicating even, about being with someone who hadn’t been touched like this by another person. Tarryn was mine to enjoy, to teach. I’d be good to her. I needed to be good to her.

  I promised it to her, and to myself, as I pushed my finger deeper into her body. She was tight and warm and wrapped around me. She pulsed inside, throbbing against my touch, and my dick throbbed too, wanting more than kissing and touching and finger fucking.


  T A R R Y N

  I want to fall over the edge.

  Scream into oblivion.

  Go the next step and feel everything.

  I wanted to go further; my body was screaming at me to take that next step.

  Push us over the edge.

  My hand slid between our bodies and my fingers grazed against the hardness of him. Drake bit gently at my breast and his finger pushed rhythmically in and out of my body. I gasped—a throaty, foreign sound. Drake moaned quietly, his dick pulsing against my hand. I rubbed across his damp boxers; fingers curled as much as they could around the length of him. I hated the material in the way.

  “Mixed signals, Square. You said no sex,” Drake whispered hungrily against my skin as he kissed his way from my breast to my neck.

  “I know. I know I did.” I mumbled, indecision coming and going like the rising and falling pleasure that was teasing my senses as Drake’s fingers pulled out of me to begin rubbing my clit again.

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t orgasmed before. It wasn’t that I hadn’t touched myself before. It wasn’t that I hadn’t heard of oral sex and foreplay.

  But to be touched by someone else... felt so different. It was strange. Awakening.

  I wanted more. So much more.

  But I also knew I wasn’t ready.

  Not for that next step. At least not here, in the right now.

  No matter how much my body was urging me to dive into the waters, to hastily pull off my panties and then his underwear and press our bodies together, this wasn’t the time or place. Even if the thought of him pushing into me sent shockwaves through my body...

  But god, we didn’t even have protection.

  Reluctantly, my brain taking over, I pulled my hand away from him.

  “No,” Drake lifted away from my mouth, but his hand never stopped in its maddeningly pleasure-inducing movements. “Keep rubbing.”

  My fingers found their way back to his boxers; I gripped the material, three fingers moving up and down the shaft. Now, he did move his hand away from me and I moaned as the feel of him touching me stopped. His fingers, damp with more than lake water, gripped my hand and lifted it. He raised the waistline of his underwear and slid my hand down to touch the skin beneath.

  I felt smoothness, and then a cropping of slightly-coarse hair. And then I felt him.

  The thickness and firmness. His dick throbbed, jumping a little as my hand now touched it without inhibition.

  “Firmly.” Drake helped me position my hand around him and he started moving our fingers up and down, more pressure at the base, a lighter touch towards the tip. Every journey from bottom to top sent tingling darts down through my body. It felt like electricity, lightning bolts to my private places. Teasing me and point out how good going further would feel.

  I had to force myself to remember ‘why’ now wasn’t a good time to go all the way.

  Drake kissed me, his tongue darting into my mouth, and then his hand slipped beneath my panties again and we lay side by side, kissing and touching and not caring if anyone might walk up to the lake shore and see us.

  “I want you.” Drake’s lips were at my ear, his words warm and full of promise.

  “We can’t. We don’t have protection.” I shook my head slowly and the words came out haltingly, my brain working slowly through the haze of sensation I was experiencing. “And I’m not ready. Not here. Not my first time.”

  “Okay, okay,” he spoke quickly.

  I felt a new rush of warmth as his fingers dove back inside of me, two this time, deep and slightly curved.

  “You’re so wet.” Drake sounded like a different person, his voice pitched low with need.

  Pressure was building between my legs. “God, I’m close.” I covered my face with my hands, all of the sudden embarrassed. I couldn’t think about it though, couldn’t focus on where we were. Only what we were doing.

  “Don’t cover your eyes, Tarryn.”

  Drake shifted his body quickly, pushing me gently onto my back. I lost my grip on him, and I made a small sound in protest. A kitten sound. Purring and desperate for petting. It didn’t sound like me. It wasn’t me. The sound came from this other creature, who’d been locked away inside, just waiting for this moment to escape.

  He was on his knees, fingers tugging at my panties and pulling them down to expose my lower body to the elements.


  “I know. No sex.” He knelt between my legs and then lowered his body, his face disappearing from view.

  I arched my back and cried out as his tongue pushed into me. It was so different from his fingers, different from the way they moved against my most sensitive parts. He licked and sucked and all I could do was dig fingers into his gorgeous hair as I rode each wave of sensation. Until the tsunami hit. My body drifted to the top of that skyscraper-tall wave and I fell down the other side, slamming a hand over my mouth to keep my scream from traveling miles and miles.

  He didn’t stop, though I begged him to. Maybe he knew—knew that I didn’t really mean it.

  He made the wave grow again, taller and taller, until it peaked once more, and I was helpless to fight it. He held me against his face, his hands digging into my hips. I came against him, over and over.

  When I felt weak and tired and could only lay there, he crawled his way against the dock to stretch out next to me. He pulled himself out of his boxers and took my hand, curving my fingers around his balls.

  “Just play with them.” His eyes were dark, heavy, full of fire that was smoldering and could burst into flames again at any second. I could tell it was taking self-control for him not to want more, to beg for more. But he was respecting me. No sex. Not here.

  I wondered if he was like this with other girls.

  No, he wasn’t. I felt sure of that.

  We’d already gone so much further than I’d ever gone before. This meant something.

  So many feelings to process.

  Drake rubbed himself, up and down like he’d taught me too. He watched me, his eyes moving from my face and then traveling down the length of my body. His breathing was uneven as he stroked. I played with him, kneading and giving small squeezes. When he opened his eyes again, they spoke to me, saying everything that his mouth wouldn’t. I wanted to scream back ‘yes’.

  He wanted me.

  God help me, I wanted him too.

  All I’d have to do is open my mouth. Say the words.

  He wouldn’t hesitate.

  Drake closed his eyes as his body shook and warm cum spilled from his dick. I wondered what it tasted like.

  Even after his body stopped shaking, he still lazily rubbed up and down his shaft, his face peaceful.

  I wanted to move lower down his body and wrap my lips around him. I wanted to feel what it was like to suck him into my mouth. Salty or sweet. But I didn’t.

  Next time.

  Because there would be a next time.

  Now that I knew what it felt like.

  To be touched and to touch.


  T A R R Y N

  We swam back towards shore together, long even strokes. I didn’t want to return to reality, return to our sandy clothes and drive away from the lake back into town. I wanted to stay here, beneath the sun, with Drake.

  I didn’t even know what time it was. Past noon, maybe.

  Were my parents worried? Hopefully they’d been too distracted to know I’d been gone for so long. A morning run... returning hours and hours later. I’d done it before—gotten lost in the movement and traveled further than I meant to. Even called them once to come and get me because I was exhausted.

  I’d make Drake come into the house when he took me home. They loved him. His charm would win them over in seconds.

  “That was... unexpected.” There was a grin in Drake’s voice.

  I pulled the still-damp—which boggled my mind—running clothes on and I smiled at him.

  “I wanted to distract you. Feel better?” I walked over to him and threw my arms around his neck, fingers playing with his golden-touched hair.

  “Remind me to be upset more often.” He stole a quick kiss and pulled me against his body roughly. He had his pants back on, but not the shirt. I loved how strong he was, how defined his muscles were pressing against my thin outfit.

  And then I realized... I wasn’t acting like myself. Not at all.

  This wasn’t the typical me.

  I’d just hardcore made out with a guy in the middle of a lake with nothing to keep us hidden from prying eyes.

  “Did we really just,” I glanced over at the floating dock, “do all that...outside...where anyone could have seen us?”

  His grin widened. “Feeling some regrets, Square?”

  “No, I just,” I bit my lower lip, “this isn’t something I typically do. You know that right?”

  “Yeah, I know that.” His hands trailed down to cup my ass and I squeaked in surprise. “Even if you didn’t tell me, it’s pretty obvious.”

  I was about to say something, something that would be more ‘me’, more Tarryn, more ‘square’, when a rustling in the woods behind Drake made me hop on tiptoes to peer over his shoulder.

  “What’s wrong?” He didn’t turn around to look, instead pecking me on the forehead teasingly.

  “I don’t know. I thought I heard something...” I caught a flash of pink, but before I could really focus, it was gone.

  He didn’t seem too concerned, gazing down at me with bedroom eyes, still caught up in the sensually-fueled haze of what we’d done.

  “Weird.” I pulled away from Drake, moving around him to get a better view. “Something pink?” I made it a question, because honestly I wasn’t sure.

  “It’s nothing,” he turned around now, slinging an arm across my shoulders and tugging me into his side. “Let’s get you home.” He nuzzled his head against mine. And I was powerless to resist.

  I wasn’t the Tarryn I’d been months ago when we’d first met.

  And he wasn’t the bully. Not anymore.

  I wondered how naïve I’d sound to an outsider, someone who didn’t understand the person Drake really was, buried beneath the trauma and the personality he’d created to survive.

  As we walked, I thought about Tabitha. I’m not sure what knocked her into my brain.

  “Hey, Drake?”


  “What about… the video? And Tabitha?”

  “I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.”

  “I can help.” I didn’t know how I could help, but I had to offer.

  He laughed. “What can you do, Square?” He pinched my nose gently and waggled it. “Just leave it to me. We Castletons have our ways.” His voice changed ton when he said ‘we Castletons’ and I could tell that he wasn’t as okay with the whole situation as he was acting. But I’d told myself I wouldn’t press him.

  That I’d just be there for him, if and when he needed me.

  Safe, solid ground.


  T A B I T H A

  L O R D E S

  [perspective, third]


  If you can’t get what you want in a fair fight, play dirty.

  Tabitha had told Drake she was over him.

  She’d lied to him, but she couldn’t lie to herself. Not for long anyways.

  It wasn’t a day before she’d regretted breaking ties with him. Wasn’t a day before she wanted to call him on the phone, take back her words, and ask to see him. Another taste, maybe that would help her get over him. Just one more taste.

  Drake Castleton was a drug.

  Her favorite brand of heroine.

  She wanted him inside her, like a needle filled to the brim. She wanted him to be the thing she shot up with, the thing that made her feel worth something.

  Thank god she was friends with Tarryn’s neighbor, that nosey idiot homeschooler, obsessed with everyone else’s lives because she couldn't live her own. She’d been walking this morning and she’d seen Tarryn get into Drake’s convertible. Drake had seemed upset. Of course, Miss Nosey called Tabitha, knowing how she felt about Drake. Knowing how Tabitha was just another knot in his long string of girls that he’d fucked in River Valley, but despite that Tabitha couldn’t let him go.

  Miss Nosey knew Tabitha liked Drake more than she should.

  Miss Nosey knew Tabitha loved him... well, she thought she loved him.

  She loved him enough that she didn’t want anyone else to have him, even if she couldn’t.

  She just wanted him to be hers. She deserved it. What did Tarryn have that Tabitha didn’t? She was nerdy and not in with the popular crowd. She only hung out with that weirdo with the black hair and lipstick.

  Tabitha wouldn’t let some new girl, who hadn’t invested years of flirting with Drake and submitting to Drake, take him from her. She’d watched him, week after week, prey on a new girl, get tired of her, then drop her like she didn’t exist. But he’d circled his way back to her a few times. She’d learned to like sex a little rougher to please him. She’d earned bruises. She’d earned him.

  Tabitha knew where Drake liked to go when he was upset. Somewhere calm and isolated. His favorite spot—when it wasn’t overrun by partiers, drinking and yelling and making out.

  The lake.

  She’d watched the video from the drive-in theater over and over again. She was holding that secret, Drake’s secret, close to her aching heart. She could blackmail him. It wouldn’t just hurt him; it would hurt his entire family. Take the Castletons down a notch or two. Tabitha’s family wasn’t wealthy; they didn’t have people kowtowing to them. She doubted Birdie and Byron and all the other Castletons knew her family existed. Blue collar versus... could the Castletons be called white collar? They were above those people. Not just corporate goons or managers. They were the one percent. Up in their ivory mansion.


  Tabitha borrowed her grandma’s car and drove as fast as she could to the lake.

  That’s where she found them.

  In the middle of the lake, nothing to hide them.

  Shameless. They were shameless.

  Tabitha’s phone wasn’t the best, but the lens zoomed enough to see things clearly. To take pictures and a grainy video.

  Now she wouldn’t just hurt the Castletons.

  She’d hurt that bitch too. Tarryn, who thought she was so great. Wait until the entire school saw her for what she was—a slut. It was funny. How many times had Tabitha cried at being called the same? But now she didn’t care, because now it wasn’t her in the crosshairs.


  D R A K E

  I didn’t mind the quiet when I was with Tarryn.

  We drove, hands
entwined between our seats, and the road fell away around us as the convertible cruised forward. I could still taste her in my mouth; it wasn’t enough of her, the pieces of unmapped geography I’d explored on the dock.

  I wanted more.

  I needed more.

  Like breathing, Tarryn was becoming part of the air that kept me alive.

  Looking back on her first weeks in school, it’s hard to believe I treated her like another conquest back then. As if she was every other girl I’d used and discarded, I’d played my game and made my plan.

  Tarryn was staring out the window, the top up and the glass only down a fraction to let in a steady breeze of cool air. It whipped her hair around, covering her face and then revealing it again. Each time I glanced at her, I wasn’t sure what I’d see.

  The girl that was changing me.

  Or the absence of her, hidden away to remind me that I did not deserve her. I’d done too many bad things.

  Shaking my head, I focused back on the road. Rural life was gone, replaced by houses. I took the long way, weaving down Main Street and past the café and bookshops and banks looking a little too corporate for small town America. That was a Castleton doing, seeding progress where it wasn’t needed.

  There was nothing wrong with living a simple life. Nothing wrong with being small, often unseen. Maybe I’d like that. Different last name, different circumstances. Dreaming about being someone else was just another privilege that I was born with, and I couldn’t shake off the trappings of my inheritance, no matter how hard I tried.

  My dad was the reason Lane happened.

  He had people watching me now, paying them to keep him informed, keep me inline. But the more he struggled to turn me into... into what he was... the more I was going to fight against him. Tooth and claw.

  “What are you thinking about?” Tarryn’s voice floated on the wind to me, sweet and airy and a touch concerned.


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