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WEAKENED: The Manhattan Bound Series Book One

Page 28

by Juliet Braddock

  “Life isn’t all about sex, is it?” he questioned as he eased her to the ground. He then turned to face the pilot. “Sorry for your troubles, guy…there’s a bottle of unopened champagne in the back. Enjoy it later…”

  From a distance, Lou watched them. Mack was shattering his own game with that gal. Crumbling. Although the mighty hadn’t quite fallen just yet, Lou did have to admit that it was nice—for once—to see a softer side of his boss emerge.

  After six years under Drew’s employ, Lou could pretty much read his moods, his body language and every devious thought that crossed his sometimes calculating mind. Drew slung that long arm down over her shoulders in defeat as they strolled along the pier, but he wasn't disappointed to the point of anger. For once, he was behaving like any normal guy should under the circumstances.

  It was so funny to look at them, though. The top of Maxine’s head barely reached Drew’s sternum while he towered above her. His back had to be sore with all of that bending over to kiss her. And Lou knew there was quite a bit of kissing going on with this one. Begrudgingly, though, even he had to admit that they were kinda cute together.

  Shit, maybe this little Maxine was the one to tame the beast.

  “Change of plans this evening, Lou,” Drew said as they slowly moved closer. “I’ll direct you where to go…”

  “Of course, Sir,” Lou started up the car. “Lead the way.”

  # # #

  “Right here?” Lou groused from the front seat. “I can’t just fucking leave you out here. I can’t even park—I’ll get a ticket! And the cops are sitting right at the foot of the damn bridge. Some asshole’s been changing up the flag, and they’re on high alert to catch that son of a bitch…”

  But Maxine just giggled as Drew opened the door anyway. Someone had indeed been switching out the flag on one of the peaks of the Brooklyn Bridge—apparently some so-called artist. What intrinsic value they found in their project, she didn’t understand. However, she knew that often the best stories in New York were best left without explanation.

  “What the fuck are yous doin’?” Sometimes, the Brooklyn just slipped out in Lou.

  Technically, they could have walked it from the heliport, but Drew worried about strolling alongside the speeding traffic on FDR Drive.

  “See you on the other side,” Drew said, nearly jogging toward the walk ramp with Maxine on his arm. “Go have a coffee…we’ll need about an hour.”

  “Did we just ditch him?”

  “Apparently so,” Drew said as his hand covered hers. Her fingers were so frigid. She should have worn gloves, too, but he wasn’t going to fight her. He’d promised himself that this night was all about Maxine. Neither one of them had any idea what the outcome would be the following evening, but he wanted to keep things as light and as cheerful as he could. He wanted this to be an evening for her to remember, regardless of the decisions that were about to be made.

  “You've never done this before?” Drew asked as they hiked their way up to the pedestrian crossing. “Walked the Brooklyn Bridge?”

  “No, and I regret it now,” she said. “Mom always said this was something she wanted to do, and we just never got around to it on our trips. She said we’d spend a day…once I…once I moved. But that…”

  “I think she’s likely here with us right now,” Drew said, a sudden air of spirituality filling his soul. Usually, he didn’t think that way, but for some reason, he truly did believe that Judy was their guide that night. “Probably not a good idea to steal a kiss from her daughter right now…”

  “Shhh…” Maxine said just as they’d reached the walkway and pulled herself up by his arms to reach his lips. “She’s looking the other way right now…engrossed in Brooklyn…”

  Her hunger for him had reached its pinnacle. Starved by his absence for a day—weaned from his kisses—she met his mouth with her lips wide open, ready for his exploration and prepared for a clash of their tongues. His arms enveloped her, his hands casting their print upon her back, and he allowed them that one single moment of uninhibited passion.

  Lower Manhattan illumed in the dusk—from the skyscrapers of Wall Street to the old ships docked at the piers. With the skyline providing a brilliant setting, like a giant Christmas tree lighted behind them, Drew groaned and pulled her closer.

  “Get a room!” someone called out, whizzing past them on a bike.

  “Move out of the fucking way, you tourists!” another chimed in. “People fucking live here, ya know…tryin’ to get home…”

  Even through their layers of heavy clothes, Maxine could feel his need, his urgency, and when he fought her to pull away, their breaths—short and quick in their collective gasps—warmed each other’s faces.

  As she settled her cheek against his rock-hard stomach, her cheek resting upon his strength, she looked ahead. Their adventure had merely begun, and they had such a far way to travel. “Never gonna make it across…”

  “We will if you don’t stop to beg for kisses every two minutes…” he said.

  “Well…then…” she said, righting herself on her feet. “I just have one thing to say to that…”

  “And that is, Maxine…?”

  While still clutching his hand, she charged on. “Fuckballs.”

  Fuckballs. Dammit, this woman was going to be the death of his dick shortly.

  “You think it’s cute to swear now, don’t you?” he mused.


  Snuggling up behind her, Drew lowered his arms to her waist while they continued on with their stroll, and he kissed the top of her head. “Well, good, because I think it’s rather adorable, too.”

  Time passed too quickly as they carried on with their promenade, but there was just so much to see. The iron workings and cables alone that held the bridge together fascinated her. Obviously, her father’s skill in the mechanisms of construction influenced her, and she made a mental note to walk him across that bridge one day.

  Ever the native, Drew was quick to point out all the sites—The Empire State and Chrysler Buildings, the Freedom Tower in all her glory, Governor’s Island, the Statue of Liberty. Every few steps, there seemed to be another landmark to catch, and Maxine realized that one could quite easily absorb the essence of the entire town from the vantage points across the city’s most famous Bridge. This was so much better than a helicopter ride.

  Ever the tourist—at least for one last evening—Maxine insisted that she take a selfie of the two of them standing alongside the road mark, welcoming them into Brooklyn. If he decided to let her go, she still had a lovely souvenir to remember the evening. And Drew just slapped on that fine thespian smile and went along with her.

  “So what else haven’t you done in the city that’s on your list?” Drew inquired as if he were making notes.

  “I’ve…never been to Radio City’s Christmas extravaganza.”

  “Ah, but that’s rather boring with kickline after kickline…” he groused. “The Nutcracker is another New York institution and far better choice…”

  “Well, I will have to keep that in mind, come the holidays this year…”

  “They’re not that far away, little one…”

  Stepping over toward the edge for just one final look at Manhattan from the bridge, Maxine spotted a huge old carousel all lit up in the park beneath the bridge. “Oooh! Can we?” she turned to him, grinning from ear to ear.

  “You’re not going to get sick, are you?”

  “No,” she insisted and crossed her heart for good merit. “It’s the one ride I can deal with. Please?”

  There was nothing more beautiful than seeing her smile, and he willingly allowed her to tug him along toward water. Along the way, they spotted Lou, parked next to the curb with a copy of the New York Daily News in hand. He raised his coffee cup in salute as they giggled their way past. Damn kids, traipsing into a park at night. He had to do his due diligence, and get out to follow…just in case…

  Jane's Carousel was a relatively new addition to t
he Brooklyn shoreline. The nearly hundred-year-old carnival attraction had quite a history in its time, too. From its inception and manufacture in Philadelphia in the early 1900's, the ride moved on to entertain in Ohio for decades before finding a home with its master of restoration in Brooklyn. Artist Jane Walentas painstakingly and lovingly peeled away the paint from each and every piece, stripping the fixtures down to reveal the original vibrant colors of the carousel’s heyday. Matching every single paint color with precision, she renovated the carousel to its original glory.

  Now her gift of her artistry to New York sat proudly in a glass enclosed pavilion along the East River, boasting views of both Manhattan and Brooklyn from every swirling circle around. The vibrantly painted horses, brought back to life by its namesake, beckoned both children and adults alike to take a spin.

  Upon their arrival, the ticket booth was just about ready to close.

  “Two rides, please, and keep the change…” Drew placed a fifty dollar bill down in front of the tired attendant who suddenly jolted upright from the hand on which he’d been almost sleeping. One minute remained before it was time to shutter the pavilion. Drew’s generous tip certainly helped their cause.

  Climbing upon the platform, Maxine couldn't ignore her own sweet childhood memories with her dad. She could still envision Tom, clutching her tiny waist so tightly as he pointed to her reflection in the beveled glass mirrors as they made their way around again and again.

  “Which horse would the lady like to ride this evening?” Drew asked, wandering through the maze of finely carved animals before them.

  “Um…dress…” she said, her cheeks burning as she looked down upon herself.

  Although Drew certainly wouldn't have minded a peep beneath her skirt, he had to respect her wishes. “Well, then, your chariot awaits, little one…” he said with a grand, sweeping gesture of his arm toward one of the stationary cars with its detailed scrollwork and cherubs carved into the panels.

  Sinking down upon the thick leather seat, Maxine smiled as Drew cuddled up beside her. Opening her arms, she asked him, “Hold me?” just as the old music box started up, and the ride began to whirl.

  “Of course…” Tucking her head under his chin, he wrapped her in his arms, his hands rubbing over her arms as they spun around.

  “Whee!” she shouted, then fell against him again in a fit of laughter.

  The view…this man…she’d never have a better date in her life, Maxine was convinced.

  And he couldn’t hold her close enough. That childlike glee that always seemed to surface was such a welcome to his own hardened heart. Now as the hours began to tick away, he knew that all of this could slip so easily from his hands. However, she had a choice to make that wasn’t based on affection alone. He had needs that he specified from the beginning, and while he adored the rush of a new romance, he couldn’t force Maxine into a lifestyle that she didn’t want or couldn’t withstand.

  Yes, he liked to play rough, but he'd set limitations for himself. Much to the misunderstanding of many in contemporary culture, abuse didn't form the foundation of the counterculture known as BDSM. A truly Dominant man didn't behave like a vile and brutal asshole. In fact, Drew preferred a more subtle approach, priming a submissive with confidence and honesty before engaging in any harsh form of play. And with Maxine, he had to exude an even greater caution than he ever had in the past.

  The sun had disappeared. The lights came up at full intensity. They had both taken center stage. Now as with any performance, Drew could only wait and hope for a glowing response to his efforts.

  Just as the ride slowed to a stop, the attendant made his way over toward them. “One more time, Mister…?” he asked with a smile that was clearly directed at Maxine.

  “Yes, please…” Maxine answered for them both.

  With a wink of his eye, the young man said, “You got it, Miss…”

  Drew’s blood burbled with a bit of rage. That kid was flirting with Maxine. However, he decidedly forced himself to ignore his jealousy and focused on those glimmering eyes and her auburn hair floating about in the evening breeze. Maxine, much to his delight, had designs for no one else but him.

  And when she whispered, “Kisses…?” he had to oblige her…

  Neither one of them paid any attention to their second whirl around as his lips sought hers once again with a tenderness unlike their buss on the bridge. One hand propped against her back, and the other delicately woven through her hair, his mouth barely whispered against hers, manipulating her with the promise of possibly more…but never giving in enough to offer her any confirmation. He wanted her desperately. But she had to want him with that same fervor.

  Just the nearness of Drew and the affection he emoted with every little suckle left her sated. There was always more to be had—to be explored—with him, but this sweetness truly captured her in his spell.

  When the ride came to a halt the second time, he didn’t rush to pull away, and instead, he brushed his lips over hers for one more lingering kiss. Opening her eyes, she caught him looking upon her with an intensity she’d never noticed before—a concentration as if he were looking straight through to read her mind.

  “I just want you to know…and to remember this always, Maxine…” he murmured, his voice throaty with his rising passions. “You are so very beautiful—inside and out…”


  Placing one last little kiss over her lips, he said, “Beautiful.” Guilt, however, struck him when he caught sight of that poor, albeit flirtatious, attendant, just waiting to lock up and go home. Even in his snit of anger, he couldn't keep this kid hanging around all night just because he tried to get a little too familiar with Maxine. After all, she wasn't quite his for the taking just yet.

  “Come on, little one…we’ve wasted enough of his time tonight…”

  In spite of his rising jealousy, Drew took the time to thank the young man before they moved on into the park, meandering their way toward the car. Yes, Maxine had definitely softened his somewhat hardened heart.

  “So what’s next on our agenda this evening, Kind Sir?” she asked. “Or is that a secret, too?”

  “Well, I made reservations at Cipriani. It’s only a quick ride back over the bridge…”

  Cipriani was one of the finest bastions of haute-cuisine in all of Manhattan. With several locations throughout the city—and the globe—the restaurant was a second home to A-list celebrities and some of the biggest players on Wall Street. They worked hard to earn their money, and Cipriani catered to offering their elite clientele the ultimate dining experience. And given his family’s prominence in high society, Drew loved that he could slot a reservation on a whim.

  “Cipriani…or…” she began as she wrapped her arms around his waist and playfully kicked up her leg behind her “…we could hit up that hot dog stand over there!”

  Drew couldn’t fight the smile on his lips. Maxine was so irresistible with her pouty stance as she stood rather haughtily before him in her lovely little dress beneath that heavy coat and scarf. The thought of unwrapping those layers drove his desire straight to his cock yet again. But rather than allowing his passion to consume him, he reeled with astonishment instead.

  “A hot dog?” Drew took a step back, flummoxed once again by Maxine. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah!” Maxine nodded, blinking those gorgeous green eyes. “From a vendor...”

  Wrapping his arm around her, Drew asked, “Little one, you do realize that we have reservations made at one of the most prestigious establishments in this entire city, right?”

  “Oh, don’t be so cranky, Mack,” her eyes teased. “I thought we were playing tourist! And it’s a gorgeous evening. Who wants to sit in some stuffy old restaurant when there’s so much to explore?”

  “Well, then—a hot dog it is!” he said, then turned to his phone to alert Lou that they’d be making yet another change to his carefully planned itinerary before he phoned Cipriani with their cancellation. In truth, he
was just happy that she showed an interest in food that night. Whatever it took to keep her fed, he would surrender. “Next you’ll be asking for a carriage ride through Central Park.”

  “Uh, no, thank you,” Maxine said as they stopped to allow a couple of people out for a late jog in the park to pass them. “That’s horse abuse.”

  Suddenly, he spun on his heels, stopped and nuzzled her nose with his. “You make me smile, little one...”

  “As do you, Drew…”

  For two dogs and two bottles of iced tea, Drew dropped a fifty dollar bill and didn’t stick around to wait for the change. She couldn’t help but to think about how he just made two young gentlemen’s nights with his generosity. She couldn’t—nor did she think she would ever—come to understand having that much wealth at her disposal. While he did work hard to make a name for himself, she certainly didn’t begrudge him. She just simply felt uncomfortable being the object of his kindness.

  When they’d found a bench and took their seats to eat their “dinner,” Maxine said with a twist of her bottle cap, “I’m sorry I foiled your plans for tonight.”

  Drew chewed methodically, swallowed then answered her. “Actually, things turned out to be much lovelier than I expected this evening. You’ve made me realize that life doesn’t always have to be one big glitzy production…”

  “I'm a relatively simple girl with simple tastes,” she said and took a small bite of her hot dog. “I don't need to be wowed or wooed.”

  “Yeah, well…wooing you has been fun,” he said, turning away.

  He couldn’t help but wonder, though, if perhaps she was hinting at something bigger, warning him that his efforts were far too strong for her sensible self. He couldn’t think of those possibilities. He had to just plug away and wait for their collective decision the following evening.

  Don’t fucking discuss the deadline.

  “How’s that hot dog?” he asked instead.

  “Best one I’ve ever had…”

  “You know…you have some ketchup...right…there…”

  Just as Drew moved in to kiss away the condiment from the corner of her mouth...a blinding series of flashes illuminated the darkness that had fallen over the city.


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