Savage: Unapologetic

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Savage: Unapologetic Page 5

by Pamela Ann

  Okay, where was she heading with this?

  Anton shook his head, treating this as one of those episodes where Kells liked to overreact and exaggerate. He took it upon himself to wheel in Kells’ makeup equipment and began to set it up, taking up the entire the dining table as we waited for Kells to get it together and finish her distorted story.

  “Babes, I love you, and I know you’re upset and all, but our Cara has a red carpet appearance in two hours, so can we chop-chop and multi-task while you spill the goods?” Anton interrupted Kells, which seemed to have snapped her out of her funk.

  Kells unhurriedly began to lie out all the brushes, the color palettes, foundations, and such before she bit her lip and let out a labored sigh. “Anyway, so I pretended to sleep because there’s nothing worse than getting all hyped up for an argument to only end up getting stared at like you’re this babbling moron. But after a while, pretending to sleep became such a hellish nightmare, so I began to, um, you know. Well, he probably thought I was asleep, and I managed to peek at the email he was writing. His name’s Carter Mason. Mister jackass of the twenty-first century!”

  “With that name, I can only guess this Carter guy is hot as fuck! Am I right?” Anton snapped his fingers as if he had just figured something brilliant. “Ooo, I get it! He’s gay and thinks you’re a snotty bitch!” He threw her a devilish grin.

  Her facial expression said it all. The woman was not amused.

  Of course Kells wouldn’t be capable of being so wounded had the man in question been gorgeous. She was probably more insulted that a hot man ignored her. An occurrence that seldom happened to her.

  “Anyway, I’m not sure if I read it right, but it looked like his girlfriend died.” Kells was clearly troubled with her stellar spying abilities. “Her name was Natalia.”

  Anton shook his head. “If that were the case, then he had every right to be a jackass to you.”

  After making sure my robe was tight and secured, I glanced up to see my best friends seeming at odds with each other. “That’s not nice, Anton,” I mumbled with a smile. He was a tad right, just a tad.

  “Seriously,” Anton interjected, clearly not done with his piece. “I love you to death, Kells, but you can be such an inconsiderate bitch sometimes.”

  Kells barely heard Anton’s words as she unceremoniously plunked herself into one of the white leather seats. “He was just too … ugh, what, like standoffish? He could’ve just said something—anything. I was just annoyed because I felt like a total loser. No one—no one has ever treated me so abysmally. I felt disrespected. It’s appalling to be so cold … I’m just shocked.”

  “You could’ve apologized. The guy was obviously going through a shit ton of shit. I mean, after you’ve spied on him, you know.” Anton suggested as he pointedly raised his brow at me, signaling that I should probably say something.

  “Like hell I would. He’s the one looking at me like I’m some brainless vermin.” Kells toyed about the long line of makeup brushes, seemingly deep in thought.

  “Kells, snap the fuck out of it please. Cara’s being nice, but I bet you a hundred bucks she’s probably freaking out. The hair lady’s due to arrive in thirty minutes!”

  She regarded Anton with rueful face. “I’m sorry. I think I’ll be in much better shape if you give me a glass of wine.”

  “I’m on it!” I announced as I got up from the couch, relieved that she was ready to beautify my naked face. Anton was right; we could discuss this lonesome dark stranger after today’s event.

  River was due to arrive in an hour’s time, coming from the studio. He would shower and get all spiffed up from here. He wholly asserted that he didn’t require a lot of time to get ready. I didn’t doubt it because the man mainly needed to shower and his great DNA did the rest.

  It took half a bottle of Pinot to rev up Kells’ engine so we could remotely get her working again. In her buzzed state, she seemed to have calmed down a notch, humming as she began to prep my face. She suggested that maybe a darker shade around the eye area would make me standout more, seeing that my dress was a subtle color. The contrast would be eye-popping, as she lightly put it. I trusted her judgment. Kells wouldn’t be one of the sought-after artists in the world if she wasn’t one of the best.

  While I comfortably sat before the brightly three-way mirror Anton had grandly situated in the living room, Kells progressed painting my face while the hairstylist, the ever-calm Irma, fashioned my tresses. My best friend didn’t appreciate small talk while she waved her wand about me—in her case, her fine fancy brushes—so I sat like a statue as they did their magic.

  And after an accumulated time of over an hour, they both did a fantastic job, giving me a off-circa nineteen-fifties vibe. It was effortlessly elegant, chic and painstakingly gorgeous. The makeup and hair perfected the whole ensemble. Hopefully I’d pass everyone’s expectations, whatever that may be.

  Still donning a robe as the girls did the last touches on me, my boyfriend stormed into the condo. He literally had half an hour to get ready before the limo was scheduled to arrive.

  “Hi, beautiful ladies!” River cheerfully greeted in a mad rush, quickly popping into the living room before swiftly planting a kiss on my lips then dashing upstairs, taking two steps at a time. “I’ll be ready, baby. Don’t worry!” he hollered from the landing before I heard the loud thud of his bedroom door being shut close.

  The man didn’t even give me the opportunity to say a word, knowing I was none too pleased.

  “I don’t think he understands that being fashionably late only applies if you’re Leonardo Dicaprio.” Oh well, he was here, and even if we were running out of time, I was doing this for him and not for the publicity. However, it would still be nice to get there on time.

  In the rarely used spacious silver and white decorated powder room, Kells helped me slip into the hugging bodice of my dress. She was beaming with pride as she roamed those green crystals on me with gleaming approval. “After today, you’re going to be recognized. Don’t forget us little people once the world starts screaming your name.”

  A deep blush crept into my cheeks as I affectionately gazed at my friend with gratitude. “There’s no possibility of that, Kells. No matter what, we stick together. Fame or no fame.”

  “I could kiss you, but I don’t want to ruin this gorgeous highlighter on your cheek.” She grinned before reaching out for my hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. “I know you, Sprinkles. It’s just that being in this business for as long as I have, I’ve seen the tightest of bonds break apart and best friends turn into strangers, and strangers become family in a heartbeat.”

  Before I could respond, there was a loud rap at the door.

  “Are y’all ready?” Anton giddily inquired, thrilled with immense anticipation to see the full outcome of their effort. “River’s ready, too.”

  “Almost,” Kells hollered back as she circled around me, both eyes and hands acutely inspecting me from head to foot, double-checking everything was in its place before throwing me an approving smile. “You’re all set, ready to hit the lights, babe.”

  “Eek, this is going to be crazy,” I said under my breath as Kells held the door open before stepping out with Irma, Anton, and River all waiting for me.

  Anton animatedly clapped his hands, giddy with excitement. “You’re going to slay that fucking red carpet with your hot piece of ass.”

  River let out a low whistle as his eyes roved over the tight bodice of my dress, dark eyes then lingering on my face. “Devastatingly beautiful,” he declared with a smile before our eyes linked, wreaking havoc with my nerves. The powerful tug of need, intoxicating desire made me clench my vaginal muscles. I was left breathless when his admiring eyes openly bore love for all the world to see.

  My cheeks reddened, overwhelmed at River’s reaction. I blushed as though the man had never complimented me in my life. It was in the way those dark, heated, possessive eyes held me, as if he was branding me as his.

My friends momentarily forgotten, my attention was solely, undividedly his.

  “Thank you,” I said timidly, feeling shy and coy all of a sudden. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Casually dressed black jeans, black leather jacket, and a simple black tee, he looked like your typical musician.. The come-hither eyes were a lethal combination. He was every bit the bad boy his image depicted him.

  “Aw, too much sexy googly eyes make me moist as hell,” Anton sassily stated, breaking our moment.

  My blush crept deeper into my cheeks. I excused myself in search of my clutch, which conveniently sat right on the couch. Afterwards, I strode back to join them in the dining area, while my friends drank more alcohol, relieved that the tedious ordeal of prepping me was over and done with. Party and fun comes next on the agenda. Anton, Kells, Phoenix and the rest of River’s friends would be joining us at the after party, so we wouldn’t be without their presence for long.

  “I’ll see you both tonight,” River bid his goodbye to the gang.

  “You guys are the best. Thank you again,” I rushed out before giving Kells a massive hug, then uttering the same sentiment and warmth to Irma, the hairstylist, and blowing an affectionate kiss to my sweet queer man. Once all the farewells were done, River and I strode hand in hand out of the condo, heading towards the lift.

  “Ready to stun the world, petal?” River whispered into my ear the second the doors closed in on us, delivering us to the main lobby.

  His voice sent delicious shivers down my spine.

  Seductively pressing my body against his, I brought his lips to mine, ensuring that I didn’t smudge much of the soft peach matte lipstick off. “I’m ready as long as you’re with me.”

  When we worked as one, anything was possible. I had never felt more driven, more ambitious to prove to anyone who had doubted that River and I wouldn’t make it. The likes of Willa, for example. She had poisoned my mind by purposely harping on my tattered insecurity, hatefully predicting that River would leave me behind because he’d been too caught up with Hailey. And when that proved right, I couldn’t banish the memory of her smug face, condemning me to a dark prison that almost ate me alive. River pushed me into the darkest cell, but it had been Willa who had pushed and locked me in there.

  While I had inconsolably cried, she had mouthed what River might have been doing at the moment with Hailey. For weeks, the vile woman had laughed at me, mocking me in school up until graduation. She had believed it her right to remind me of how useless and miserable my life was, and at one point, she had taunted me to just end my miserable life, and I almost had, unable to go on hearing her yap in my ear. Shutting her out when she and I shared a bedroom had been impossible. There had been no privacy to be had, not where she’d been concerned.

  The second I had gotten my diploma, I had up and left, never wanting to look back and remember the torture living with Willa had brought me. Part of the reason I hadn’t gone back to see Mattie, as much as I loved her, was partly due to Willa.

  The ride to the Microsoft Theatre was jam-filled with traffic. The line of the limo was lengthy as each star carefully unloaded, one car at a time, before gliding down the red carpet.

  “Nervous?” River whispered in my ear. His hand hadn’t loosened its tight grip. I held on to it as it if was my lifeline.

  I swallowed the thick lump in the back of my throat. Nervous didn’t even begin to cover my present state. Torn between wanting to puke and needing to run, the only comfort came from River’s hand gripping mine. It was as if he was giving me strength. As long as he kept me close, everything would be all right.

  The anticipation was killing me slowly. Our driver seemed to be communicating with the organizers from the event. I wasn’t sure if that was a system to filter through the star hierarchy or what not, but after five minutes of standstill, our vehicle began to move again. We were the fifth one in line.

  “Bass Cole and Emma Anderson coming through in four, white limo,” I heard the security’s walkie-talkie standing a few feet away. They were in the vehicle before us.

  My eyes glued to the vehicle ahead of us, not wanting to miss a moment seeing one of my favorite couples almost up close and personal. I was tizzy with excitement, and when the door opened, I gasped with anticipation.

  The blonde bombshell stepped out, dressed in red, wowing people to silence for a few moments. Long, blonde shiny tresses cascaded down her bare silky skin, with a face of a siren, and cleavage that could tempt a saint.

  “Holy shit, didn’t she just give birth, like, a month ago?” I heard myself say as my eyes gathered in her beautiful, shapely figure. “She’s so stunning.” I was having a moment to myself, and River lightly chuckled as he studied my awe-struck expression.

  He gave my hand a quick squeeze. “Easy there, petal. You’re making me jealous.”

  He was teasing me, surely. Then again, I’d go gay for Emma Anderson any time.

  Bass Cole sauntered towards his wife. Penetrating eyes admired his companion as he possessively placed a hand on her lower back and whispered in her ear. Emma took a peek at him, beaming with pride before the organizers spoke to them, ushering them towards the red carpet.

  “God, I love them.”

  Then it hit me. It’s our turn. Fuck.

  Sweat broke out of my pores as I suddenly felt faint, thirsty, and needing to pee. I was a train wreck waiting to happen.

  “Don’t let go of my hand, whatever happens, don’t ever let go.”

  “Cheer up, babe. I got you.” River brought my hand to his lips, kissing every tip before kissing my nose. “I’m not letting go, so relax. Tonight’s all about having fun.”

  Easy for him to say ’cause he’s been to countless events.

  Our moment arrived, and before I dared to blink, we were being ushered towards the daunting red carpet. Racked with ceaseless anxiety and nerves, I clung to my man, hoping I didn’t seem desperate as I smiled and nodded, nervously answering questions when directed at me.

  River smiled for the cameras while he dipped his head close to my ear, whispering silly things that made me laugh, easing my anxiety.

  River made it look effortless. Under the flashes and the bright lights, he transformed into one of Hollywood’s beloved stars.

  I gawked, praising him while he interviewed for his upcoming movie and album. He was collected, unapologetically straightforward, and sexy as sin. The fifty-year old woman who interviewed him was entranced, mesmerized as she smiled and batted her lashes at him, giggling and blushing as she tried to compose herself to no avail.

  Oh boy, I thought as I tried to hide a smile and gave his hand a light squeeze. His hand responded in the same manner, telling me he was about to wrap it up. He knew my jealousy knew no bounds, fifty-year-old or not, the jealousy didn’t differentiate. My man knew it, too.

  Chapter Five

  “How are we holding up?” River murmured into my ear as the last performance of the night came to a close.

  “I’m doing beyond well,” I murmured back, softly kissing his cheek, then stood to applaud with the rest of the crowd as the event drew to a successful close.

  The whole ordeal wasn’t as frightening as I imagined. The moment I got over my nerves and insecurity, I began to actually have fun meeting actors I had looked up to. It was a life changing moment. And evidently, I fangirled like a total ninny the moment I saw Bass Cole seated a few seats from us, much to River’s chagrin. The guy actually got a little jealous, even though Bass wouldn’t even bat an eyelash towards any woman because he only had eyes for his wife.

  Right at that moment, basking in all of tinsel town’s who’s who, I prayed that someday River would love me and gaze at me as much as Bass did to his Emma—the all-consuming, heart-stopping kind.

  After the awards, the crowd rightly dispersed. We headed straight to one of the known clubs that hosted the after-parties. There were several across town.

  Anton, Kells, Phoenix, and the rest of River’s friends were all there, secured in a b
ooth with a table filled with eclectic array of alcoholic drinks ranging from decent buzz to hardcore hangover.

  “What’s your choice of poison?” Lauren directed at me, taking on the job as our table’s bartender.

  I made a pleasing smile, eyes lingering at the varying selection before I diverted my attention back to Lauren just as I felt River’s hand behind my hips. “Surprise me. But I gotta go to the ladies’ really quick. I’ll be back in a sec.” I blew everyone a kiss, lastly leaving a chaste one on my man’s cheek before strutting my way towards the chaotic crowd in high spirits.

  I was a few steps from the ladies’ room when I halted, dumbstruck when I first-handedly witnessed drama unfolding.

  “Ugh, shut up, you filthy rich bitch!” The well-dressed blonde charged out of the bathroom with such sheer force that it made the door swing back and forth.

  What had gotten to her? I timidly thought as I cautiously entered the ladies; room. A few steps in, I realized why the woman left the way she had. Amy Dunne 2.0 was in the building.

  Hailey stood right before the mirror, reapplying another coat of her dark plum lip gloss. Light eyes scathingly pinned me from where I stood, animosity permeating in waves, seeping out of her pores. I felt it while everyone around us minded their own business, excited chatter and cackles echoing throughout the spacious room while my attention solely focused on the possessed woman at the end of the bathroom aisle, ready to spar, ready to battle.

  Without preamble, I approached her, unshaken from her holier than thou attitude.

  “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” she snarkily said, judging me with those malicious eyes of hers, unimpressed.

  Her little mean girl display didn’t affect me as much as she would have liked. The need to throttle her and beat her to a pulp was acute, but we lived in a civilized world these days and showing my ghetto fabulousness would be frowned upon. After today’s red carpet, I’d be living in a fish bowl alongside River. But for the time being, subtle catfights should do.


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