Savage: Unapologetic

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Savage: Unapologetic Page 6

by Pamela Ann

  “The cat? Oh, you mean the one who just darted out of here muttering your vaj stinks like a rotten moldy fish? You think you can scare me off? You’ve got to try harder, sweetie.”

  Amusement played about her face, unperturbed. “Childish, but for what it’s worth, your boyfriend seemed to love my pussy and all its glory. Ask him. He likes to fuck me into a wall.”

  That snide comment lit the bitch in me. I growled as my hand clutched at her throat, wanting to hurt her. Hailey’s eyes widened as she tried to yank my hand away, but I was stronger than her. My hand shook as I willed myself not to yield to the gnawing need to see her hurt. God help me, I craved to scratch her Botox-filled face.

  “You were nothing but a relapse. Don’t give yourself too much credit. River has a soft spot where psychos are concerned,” I spat at her face before I begrudgingly released her.

  “All I gotta do is snap my fingers and my father gives me whatever I want,” she arrogantly stated with a quick snap of her fingers with elongated sharpened nails. “I can make your life hell, too, just you wait and see,” she promised.

  Those were the only cards she could play at the table? Her father’s power and money? She was as desperate as they get.

  “You nasty cunt!” My eyes sparked fire as I stepped an inch closer to her, itching to unleash my wrath on her delicate frame once again. “Get a fucking life. Better yet, get your own damn man!” my voice thundered, making a few people direct their glances towards our end, but I was past caring. Supposedly violence wasn’t the answer, but right that instant, I couldn’t be too sure.

  While I battled with temptation to hurl my entrenched hatred on her, Hailey hurriedly slipped her lipstick back into her clutch, readying to bolt out the door. Before she decidedly stepped away, she threw me one last look over her shoulder, going for a more of a dramatic effect. “That may be all true, but it’s better than being you. I’m sure being a nobody hurts. Enjoy the party, this might be the last time you’re rubbing shoulders with anyone important.”

  Hailey walked away unscathed. She was wise enough to realize I was on the verge of rearranging her face.

  It took me about fifteen minutes to bring myself back to a calm composure, though the wretched encounter remained in the back of my mind. Hailey had threatened to meddle into my affairs and for what? Jealousy was a rotten poison, but she going below the belt. If the woman couldn’t handle the heat, best she get out of the kitchen and fuck off to oblivion. But no, Hailey’s way of moving on wasn’t as simple. She liked to linger, emboldened by her father’s power. She hid behind her wretched castle as she waved her wand about, inflicting pain wherever she could because it thrilled her that she had the influence to ruin or uplift someone’s career.

  Someday, she was going to get it. Maybe not from me, but from someone else she would try to ruin. Basing from the woman barging out there, Hailey wasn’t short of enemies. Time would tell.

  I took a deep lungful of breath before I gave myself a mental shake. Then I scampered back to my friends who were drinking and partying up a storm.

  “Is everything okay?” River scrutinized my puzzled expression before placing a champagne flute in my hand.

  For the time being, I didn’t want to confess what had happened in the ladies’ room. River was having a splendid evening; there was no need to ruin his fun, even if mine was unsalvageable.

  “Everything’s fine.” A small, knowing smile crept on my lips before I whispered closely to his ear, “Why do you ask?”

  “You’re wearing one of those cute frowns, and you’re pouting,” he pointed out with a glimmer in his eyes, highly amused at the wry expression I threw at him.

  “I don’t pout.” I licked my lips and made sure they didn’t pucker like he mentioned.

  His gaze intensified, unmistakable concern etched on his face. “You just did. What’s wrong, petal?” River spun me to face him, arms circling around my hips, further studying my face while I carefully trained my body to relax and momentarily forget what happened with the tramp he was previously cavorting in the past.

  River’s face contorted with concern and, for a moment, all my worries about the present and the future vanished into thin air. All that mattered was right here, right now, with this man and how he loved me. The rest was a blur, and in his eyes, no woman could match, no one came close to his heart. That, at the end of this hellish nightmare, was all that mattered. Hailey and the rest of the ho gang be gone.

  In that mood-altering realization, I was beyond relieved, soothing the chaos in my mind. “Nothing. I’m perfectly fine, babe.”

  “Just making sure. I thought for a moment you were upset.”

  He was melting my heart.

  “I’m fine. Why don’t you go mingle around? I can see a few people wanting to speak to you.” I gave him a good-humored light push before he scurried away. I was surrounded by friends; he had nothing to worry about.

  Joining our crazy gang, Phoenix and Kells were dancing right next to the booth. A knowing smile crept on my face, praying to God that she had forgotten about the man from her flight earlier on. Rock and Lauren were on their phones, busily taking selfies, while my Anton discussed the latest script he was working on with Mint, who seemed interested.

  Before I managed to slot myself into the booth to join in on their conversations, someone caught my arm, halting my movements altogether.

  “Look at you. You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Parker’s scornful eyes slithered on my body.

  I found him revolting.

  After the harsh encounter with Hailey, my body was already on high alert. Seeing my ex should’ve been something I’d anticipated tonight. However I’d forgotten he existed for quite some time now. Parker Haynes still looked the same, but I could fully see him for what he truly was. Gorgeous from the outside, and rotten to the core. The waxed and rehearsed persona he had fought so hard to portray didn’t work for me any longer.

  Matching his disdainful expression, I loathingly sneered at him, “Go away before my boyfriend sees you.” I tried to shoo him away, but the rat wouldn’t leave.

  Parker snorted, unfazed by my idle threat. “You think I care about that bitch boyfriend of yours?” he bellowed close to my ear, crushing my arm into his death grip, closely resembling a crazed ex-lover.

  I yanked my arm away from his hold, silently thanking my workout sessions that had clearly paid off. “Shut up and just go the fuck away!”

  “You’re one persistent climber, aren’t you, Cara? I’m impressed, jumping from my bed to the next big star.” Disgusting eyes judged me as if he was seeing me as nothing but trash. The z-list actress he vehemently swore I was.

  Amidst the confrontation, I somehow found myself searching for River across the crowd. Call it a bad habit, but I couldn’t help myself. And in one hasty minute, River caught sight of us.

  His face turned to stone. He quickly advanced, marching past the flood of partygoers as he stomped like an enraged manic bull out for blood. And in no time, he was right next to me, menacing, forbidding. I knew without a doubt that Parker was just about to get a whopping wake up call.

  “Is he bothering you, Cara?” River inquired with a rough edge in his tone, eyes trained on the obnoxious man.

  Shifting my gaze from both men, I saw that Parker clearly showed signs of inebriation and drug intoxication—red-rimmed eyes, unfocused with teetering unchecked rage that was on the verge of consuming him whole.

  Parker made a dry, strangled laugh, too cocky and too stubborn to tone down his embarrassing behavior. “You think I’m scared of little pansies like you? Fuck off, Ellis. I’m talking to my ex-girlfriend, not you! She and I have some unfinished business. Stay the fuck out!”

  River made a guttural growl, a clear indicator that he was on the brink of going bonkers. As much I despised Parker, if River did anything drastic in a middle of a party, it wouldn’t be good for his image. Somehow, someway, I had to reel them both in. For all our sakes.

  “River—” I beg
an, but River wasn’t having it.

  The man snapped and, in no time, he throttled Parker’s neck, fingers digging into his skin, as if he was hairsbreadth away from choking the life out of him. “BACK. AWAY!” Insurmountable rage broke out of him.

  Parker’s blue eyes darkened in fear, realizing too late that River wasn’t to be fucked with.

  River, smoldering with fury, tightened his hold, constricting Parker’s breathing as he snarled into his face. “If I see you anywhere near my woman, I’m going to fucking break this little neck of yours. Don’t fucking contact her. Don’t come near her. And if you find yourself anywhere close to Cara, don’t you dare fucking breathe until you’re fifteen feet away because, if you fucking do, I swear to the fucking gods I will fucking tear you apart, limb from limb, until there’s nothing left of you.” He roughly shoved Parker’s insipid form towards the nearest flat surface, leaving him there, reeling while the rest of the party looked on.

  Blatantly embarrassed from being treated with such disrespect, Parker made a vicious growl, spun on his heels with an injured ego, and charged his way into the crowd in search of the exit.

  “What the hell was that?” I gasped at the brooding man next to me, shocked beyond comprehension.

  “I didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” the unruffled man stated, as if it was his God-given right to bulldoze any man who threatened to look at me.

  As much as I appreciated him booting Parker out, I hadn’t expected to witness such deep-rooted wrath coming out of him. River had gotten into hundreds of fights, but never like that—never to the point where he was about to murder someone. It was perplexing to see him so rabid, so livid. It troubled me deeply, more than I cared to admit.

  “You can’t treat anyone like that, or you’re going to end up in jail.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what happens to me. You come first … always. You already know that.” His once lethal face had softened as he placed an endearing kiss on my forehead. Possessive. Protective. “I swore that I wouldn’t let that pig come after you. I’m making good on that promise.”

  How could I not love him even more? I felt as though our relationship went further than before. There was this unspoken promise of forever and always. The unassuming love, the kind we shared in the very beginning—adulterated, pure, raw. It didn’t judge; it cherished, it nurtured. But, above all, it knew no bounds.


  “No, Cara.” Roughened fingertips affectionately caressed my cheek while cradling the other. “Don’t thank me. It’s my job to ensure your safety.”

  He did more than that. As long as he was with me, everything was all right.

  “Thank you,” I murmured as I reassuringly reached out to take hold of his hand, softly kissing the inside of his palm. “Let’s get back to our friends and enjoy the night, just as we planned.”

  Chapter Six

  After yesterday’s crazy unforgettable affair, I awoke, needing to sweat off the stress of last night’s madness. So, what better way to kick-start the day than by working out again at my old gym? This time, Anton was adamant for an exercise reprieve. So, all in my lonesome, I braved it out and hoped that the past eight weeks without sweating off wouldn’t badly reflect on me. It wasn’t because I didn’t have spare time to hit the gym, but instead of investing all those valuable free hours to honing my body and skills, I somehow devoted it to sleeping.

  During my session, I was paired to spar with a good-humored woman named Carmen, who was high-spirited and had tremendous stamina. So much so that, at one point, I felt the friendly sparring was becoming more like a competition.

  “Aren’t you River Ellis’s chick?” Carmen directed at me after she had just thumped me into the floor with one quick sweep of her leg, swiftly making me lose balance, knocking my cheek straight into the black matted floor.

  Shit, that hurt like a total bitch!

  I groaned in agony as I gasped out a strangled breath before rolling on my side, ready for another round. “Maybe,” I puffed a reply as I felt beads of sweat trickle down the back of my neck and on the sides of my face.

  “I guessed as much. Come on, Disney; fight back,” she playfully cajoled, ready for another tumble.

  Carmen was in such a great shape; I couldn’t begrudge her from indulging in her victorious smile. It wasn’t her fault I didn’t come fully prepared, physically or mentally. But damn. I wished she would go gentle on me just a wee bit.

  Mustering up strength to get back on my feet, I arched my back a little, hoping to release the tension from the aching muscle. “I’m not from Disney,” I coarsely stated, annoyed.

  Carmen beamed at my reaction. “You sure look like it.”

  There was nothing wrong with being a Disney star, but I wasn’t innocent, nor was I aiming to transform my image into one.

  “Hurling insults, and it’s not even lunchtime yet? My, don’t I feel special.”

  She snickered. “It’s nothing personal. You’re just too pretty. Figured you’d have been a perfect Disney princess and shit.”

  Disney princess. I didn’t fit the bill to be one.

  “What do you do, apart from judging people you barely know?”

  Carmen thoughtfully considered me. “Well, that’s a hard profession to master, but on occasion, I dance professionally—music videos, concerts, and the works.”

  Ah, that was where the spunk was coming from. Well, apart from the fact that she was Latina.

  “That’s awesome.” There was a hint of jealousy in my tone. Had it not been for acting, I probably would have pursued that other passion of mine, though it had been months since I had indulged in losing myself in music. “I once was obsessed with dancing that I dedicated my summers before a mirror, dancing my heart out. But I haven’t seen the inside of a studio since I ventured out here for auditions.”

  “Maybe it’s high time you should. How about you join me tonight and show us some moves?”

  Her invitation took me off guard. I hadn’t considered that she would take an interest in my passion. But even if I did take her on her kind offer, I wasn’t sure if my body was up to par. Certainly not in Carmen’s league surely.

  “It’s been forever; my body’s probably not in shape for that.” Her kind of dancing only commanded your soul, and after this present match, my body’s state would be beyond beat.

  “You don’t look like you’re one to back down on a bet.” Carmen wasn’t one to take no for an answer. “If I win on the next round, you’re coming tonight. Fair game?”

  “All right, let’s have at it.” I took her challenge, unfairly thinking that I had a decent shot at winning, or better yet, even just to gain ground. But Carmen was far stronger, far quicker than anticipated. The woman knocked me down in less than a minute.

  “Shiiittt,” I yelped as I took another swift kick on the side of my hip, then the other, beating me in one swift motion without pause, knocking me off balance before she Rambo-fied herself and hastily pinned me to the ground while I scarcely took air into my lungs.

  “Jesus, stop trying to kill me!” I coughed out as she loosened her hold.

  Damn, she just went G.I Jane on little ole me. Carmen was obviously beyond my league.

  “Guess you’ll be seeing me tonight, Disney.” Carmen grinned triumphantly as she helped me to my feet.

  Even in my defeat, I refused to allow succumbing to my body’s ache, though I wanted to collapse on the floor.

  “Oh, don’t forget to ice and take some Aleve, and wear heels.”

  “Got it,” I mumbled as I mentally checked the list of her demands. I should’ve known hedging bets never panned out my way. Ever.

  It took over an hour before I finally made my way towards my parked car. Much of my time was spent hovering in the locker room, wondering how in God’s name I was going to be able to deliver dancing in my achy condition. But, as much as I was tempted to bail out, I couldn’t muster seeing Carmen’s knowing smile and smart retorts. Somehow, I felt as though I ha
d something to prove to her. It wasn’t the taunting or her name calling me “Disney.” It was more than that. For some odd reason, I just wanted to prove her wrong, whatever the basis of that reasoning might be. So tonight, come hell or high water, I was going to be in her well-renowned studio, dancing until I was numb from the pain in my body.

  Pulling my BMW out of the parking space, I joined the madness of LA traffic while I scanned my dashboard screen for music when my phone rang. My eyes immediately flickered to who the caller might be.

  Well, well, well, I grinningly thought as I took the call. “Hi, stranger.”

  “You’re back in town and you didn’t even call? I’m extremely offended.” Kyle’s smooth voice boomed into my car’s Bluetooth, laughing.

  Upon hearing his voice, I couldn’t help smiling. There was always something about him that made me happy.

  Ever since I had started dating River again, Kyle and I had been communicating through calls and text messages. His schedule had been chaotic, as was mine, so we didn’t really have the chance to meet up again. It had been ages since I’d seen the man in flesh. But now that I was back in town, I hoped that problem would be remedied soon.

  “I’m so sorry. I meant to call, I swear to you, but things got crazy.”

  “I know. You’re all over the news,” he teased, clearly updated with what had been going on with the media. It came with his job, seeing that his father owned one of the most lucrative music companies in the world.

  “That comes with dating River, and one I’m not used to yet.” The moment I had gotten out of bed, I purposely ignored the internet, in fear of what I might find. More importantly, I didn’t want to become obsessed with what the public thought of me. I knew what I was about, and that was all there was to it.

  “Being in this business means embracing all the lovers and haters. All I can recommend is to have fun because, at the end of the day, how you rise above it counts the most. So just shrug it off and smile,” Kyle gave me sound advice.

  “Thank you. And let me just say how good it is to hear from you after so long. I missed your lectures. When can we meet for lunch?”


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