Hunting LeRoux
Page 37
Chio (LeRoux employee), 139–140
Chodorov, Frank, 38
Chokchai Varasard, 35–36, 47, 52–54
Chu, Herbert, 121, 139
Cindric, Gena (wife), 185
Cindric, Mary (mother), 147
Cindric, Thomas, Sr. (father), 146–148
Cindric, Tom. See also LeRoux’s arrest; LeRoux’s interrogation and plea agreement; Takedown Day events; Takedown Day plan
biographical information, 146–151
communication monitoring by, 34–35
early LeRoux investigation by, 142–146, 151–157, 158–162
Hunter’s arrest and, 30–37, 47, 52–54
on Lee’s murder, 303, 313–322
LeRoux indictment and, 178–179, 193–197
LeRoux’s arrest and, 204–209
on LeRoux’s incarceration, 323–326, 329–331
LeRoux sting planned by, 6–8, 173–187
“Pac-Man” nickname of, 149–150
Takedown Day role of, 16, 19–21, 270–271, 274, 276–280, 282–284, 289–293, 334n
Clearwater, Rick, 149–150
Cleckley, Hervey, 341n
Clements, Frank, 68
Coleman, Caitlan, 15
Comverse Technology, 238–239
Constellis, 31
Cooper, Helene, 171
Cordesman, Anthony, 219, 220
Costa Rica, gambling businesses in, 77, 82, 129
Crypto Solutions, 71
data encryption, by LeRoux, 24
DEA. See Drug Enforcement Administration
Decline and Fall of the British Empire, The (Brendon), 65–66
Defense Industries Organization (Iran), 61, 94–95, 204, 219, 221, 224, 226, 239–240, 252, 339n, 341n
Del Rosario, Nestor, 218–219
DeMeyere, Chris, 121, 297, 304, 340–341n
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Echelon Associates in, 32
Dial Magic, 86
Diego (DEA informant)
Hunter’s arrest and, 31, 257–258
LeRoux’s arrest and, 198, 201, 204, 206–209, 234
Takedown Day and, 22, 271–279, 282–284, 289, 291–292
Dillon, Carol, 36, 152, 160, 213, 232
Discover, 90
Donaleski, Rachel, 322
“Dragnet Man” (Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs), 91–92
DriveCrypt (SecurStar), 76–77, 336nn
Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. (DEA). See also LeRoux’s arrest; LeRoux’s interrogation and plea agreement; Takedown Day events; Takedown Day plan
agents posing as FARC representatives, 2, 42–46, 217
assessment techniques, 161–162
Bilateral Case Group (“untouchables group”), 40–44
CIA’s relationship with, 16, 144, 162, 181–183
on cocaine market, 2
Controlled Substances Act, 86, 89, 94, 117, 158
early LeRoux investigation by DEA, 158–162
multiagency collaborations of, 232–233
960 Group of, 15–16, 44–47, 142–157, 178–179, 197
Operation Containment, 183
Special Operations Division (SOD), 15, 39–47, 158–159, 216, 263
Thai police at DEA Academy, 258
Virginia laboratory of, 195–196
Dzichaunya, Mischeck, 137, 228
Echelon Associates, 31–32, 301
Edillor, Noemi, 152, 304
E4M (Encryption for the Masses), 160, 336nn
Erasmus, Johan, 280–281
Escobar, Pablo, 59, 60, 63, 83, 154, 178, 256
Estonia, arrests of Filter and Soborski in, 20–21, 47–51, 274, 275, 279–280, 291, 334n
Facebook, 130, 314–317
Farasatpour, Morteza, 252, 341n
Farbiarz, Michael, 236
FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia), DEA agents posing as, 2, 42–46, 217
FedEx, 91, 159
Fifth Brigade, 66–67
Filter, Michael, 20–21, 47–51, 274, 275, 279–280, 291, 334n
Focus Africa, 155
Franklin, Warren, 155–157, 162
full disk encryption, 73, 335–336nn
Galmadug, Somalia. See Somalia
Gaye, Sam, 25, 28, 171, 194
Georges (DEA informant/French pilot), 22, 24, 27–28, 49–51, 263, 281–291
Geraldo (DEA informant), 22, 31, 257–258, 271–276, 279, 282, 284, 291–292
Ghazi, Tareq Mousa Al, 42
Giachetti, Gina, 264
Global Resources and Services, 194
Gögel, Dennis
arrest of, 9–12, 22–29, 55–58, 273–275, 279–280, 284–291
biographical information, 16–17, 333n
Hahns and, 296
sentencing of, 12
Google, 90
Grace, Jimmy, 35–36
Grandfather Oak Training Group, 302
Grobler, John, 69
Guzmán, Joaquin “El Chapo,” 1, 206
Hafner, Wilfried, 71–79, 82, 87, 108, 336nn
Hahn, Andrew, 295–298
Hahn, Steve, 33, 295–298
Hamas, LeRoux’s deals with Iran, 220
Hare, Robert D., 341n
Hatfield, Wayne (Wall), 94
Hellweg, Eric, 88
Hezbollah, LeRoux and, 61–62, 218, 220. See also Iran
History of Rhodesia, The (Blake), 67
Hornbuckle (LeRoux’s biological father), 327–328
Houchaimi, Samir, 41–42
Hunter, Joseph. See also Lee, Catherine, murder of
arrest of, 10–11, 17–19, 21–22, 24, 30–37, 47, 52–54
biographical information, 270, 273
characterization of, 31–32, 58
DEA questioning of LeRoux about, 232, 234, 243–250
LeRoux’s arms sales and, 120–121
planned hit on Jack by, 57–58, 102, 137–138, 254
“Rambo” nickname of, 33
Seychelles coup plans and, 127
Takedown Day plan and, 254–269, 270–279, 282–293
trial of, 32, 304, 320–321, 338n, 340n
Hussein, Saddam, 7, 40
Hyde, Henry, 44
Inc. (magazine), 130
India, as pseudoephedrine source, 188–193, 206
Indonesia, arms sales and, 120–122
insurgent groups. See terrorist acts and terrorist/insurgent groups
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (Intercollegiate Society of Individualists), 38
International Atomic Energy Agency, 339n
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 222, 339–340n
DEA investigation of LeRoux and deals with, 153, 218–223
Defense Industries Organization of, 61, 94–95, 204, 219, 221, 224, 226, 239–240, 252, 339n, 341n
LeRoux’s attempt to seek sanctuary in, 80
LeRoux’s missile project for, 221–228, 230–232, 280–281
Iskander-Goaied, Erik, 280
Islam, Mir, 324–325
Islamic Jihad, LeRoux’s deals with Iran, 220
Islamic Republic of Iran. See Iran
LeRoux’s call centers in, 88–89, 91–93, 298
LeRoux’s deals with Iran against, 218, 220, 223
Jack (DEA undercover operative). See also LeRoux’s arrest
biographical information, 134–135
CIA contacted by, 137
hired as DEA confidential informant, 162–172
LeRoux lured to Liberia by DEA and, 173–178, 183–184, 187, 190–194, 198–209
LeRoux’s business established in Somalia by, 104–115
on LeRoux’s future, 330
LeRoux’s hiring of, 96–104
on LeRoux’s lifestyle, 58–61, 63–64, 79–81
LeRoux’s meeting in Liberia with, 204–209
on LeRoux’s missile plans, 223, 224
LeRoux’s planned hit on, 57–58, 102, 137–138, 254
��s Somalia plans disclosed to, 116–125
marriages and romantic life of, 96–97, 102, 107, 134–136, 166
resignation to LeRoux, 125–137
Rio meeting with LeRoux, 185–193
Smith’s death and, 138–141
Jalos, Manuel, 308
Jemaah Islamiyah, 121–122
JeReVe (yacht), 256–257, 282
Jobs, Steve, 106
John (Canadian pilot), 281
John Paul II (pope), 49
Johnson Sirleaf, Ellen, 26, 28, 171–172, 198
Jones, Bruce, 120–122, 131–133, 152–153, 246
Jones, Dewey, 317–318
Kanniste, Rene, 48–51
Kassar, Monzer al- (“Prince of Marbella”), 7, 41–44
Keefe, Joe, 40
Keller, Matt, 47–51, 201–203, 250, 263–264
Kellums, Joe, 170, 202–203
Khamenei, Ayatollah, 218. See also Iran
Khan, Haji Juma, 7
khat mafia, 126–127
Kim Jong Un, 22, 54–55, 62, 218. See also North Korea
Klinghoffer, Leon, 40
Kovner, Rachel, 257, 268–269
La Plata Trading, 144, 152
Lean Startup, The (Ries), 87–88
Lee, Catherine, murder of
events leading to, 304–310
evidence of, 18, 310–317
Hunter’s confession and, 299
Hunter’s introduction to Samia, 299–302
Hunter’s introduction to Stillwell, 302–304
Samia’s arrest in, 317–319
Stillwell’s arrest in, 319–320
trial of Hunter, Samia, and Stillwell, 32, 304, 320–321, 338n
Leo (LeRoux employee), 97, 101–102
LeRoux, Judith (adopted mother), 65, 108–109, 328
LeRoux, Paul (adopted father), 65, 67, 108–109, 328, 334–335nn
LeRoux, Paul Calder, 59–81. See also arms trading; Hunter, Joseph; Jack (DEA undercover operative); LeRoux’s arrest; LeRoux’s interrogation and plea agreement; RX Limited; Takedown Day events; Takedown Day plan
banking by/cash used by, 89–90, 93, 101, 159, 192–193, 338n
biographical information, 3, 64–69, 80–81, 108–109, 251, 327–328, 334–335nn
“Boss” moniker of, 59–61, 95
characterization of, 3–8, 77–78, 103, 106, 108, 114, 128–129, 191, 225, 326–327, 341n
communication and cybersecurity systems of, 89, 118, 223–225, 241, 284
early cybersecurity jobs of, 69–79
early DEA investigation of, 142–157
Echelon Associates and, 31–32
Encryption for the Masses (E4M), 160, 336nn
as entrepreneur, 5–6, 79, 129–130, 329–330
homes/safe houses of, 9, 18–19, 31, 61, 80, 98–103, 247–249
incarceration of, 323–331
island owned by, 231
lifestyle of, 59–64, 74–75
“magic!” claim as reality distortion field of, 96, 106
mercenaries’ pact on ordered hits by, 57–58, 101–102
Phase Three organized crime of, 3
relationships with/treatment of women by, 64, 70–71, 76–77, 103, 170, 187, 200–204, 209–210, 212, 241–242, 261–262, 325, 331n
sanctuary sought by, 79–81
Southern Ace Limited, 104–115, 143–157, 192 (see also Somalia)
submarine plans by, 229–230
LeRoux’s arrest, 173–197, 198–215
arms sales conspiracy charges against LeRoux, 179–183
events of LeRoux’s arrest, 209–215
grand jury indictment of LeRoux, 178–179, 193–197
LeRoux’s meeting in Liberia, 204–209
Liberia meeting plans between Jack and LeRoux, 7–8, 173–178, 183–184, 187, 190–194, 198–204
meth sales conspiracy against LeRoux, 174–179, 183–185, 187–197
Rio meeting between LeRoux and Jack, 178–179, 185–193
LeRoux’s interrogation and plea agreement, 216–242, 243–269. See also Takedown Day events; Takedown Day plan
DEA questioning of LeRoux, about murders, 232, 234, 243–250
DEA’s plan to apprehend Hunter, 254–269
on Iran missile project, 221–228, 230–232, 281–282
on Iran negotiation, 218–223
LeRoux’s offer to talk, 215, 216–218
meth trafficking confession, 232–234
on New People’s Army project, 228–229
plea agreement, 235–242, 268–269, 337n, 338n
Southern District of New York “proffer” (“queen for a day”) disclosure, 235–242
on submarine plans, 229–230
Liberia. See also LeRoux’s arrest
Bout’s arrest and, 45–46
Global Resources and Services in, 194
Hunter’s arrest and, 259
Johnson Sirleaf and, 26, 28, 171–172, 198
National Security Agency of, 28, 171–172, 198, 201, 209, 212, 259
Sirleaf (Fombah), 28, 171–172, 198, 201, 258, 263
Taylor and, 298
Lim Ye Tiong Tan, 54–55, 190, 230, 255, 284
Lockard, Michael, 185, 196–197, 236–242, 245, 257, 268–269
Loho, Toomas, 48–51
Lontoc, Michael, 152
Luis (DEA informant), 42–43
Mack, Daddy, 247–249, 304, 341n
“malign actors,” 143–144
Maltz, Derek, 159, 200, 216–217, 263
Mandela, Nelson, 68–69
Maple Africa Tech, 231
Marius (LeRoux employee), 139–141, 297–298
Marvinny, Jonathan, 236–242
Mask of Sanity, The (Cleckley), 341n
Massey, Mark, 317–318, 84
McConnell, Lachlan, 301, 316
McCulloch, Jock, 335n
Meintjes, Billy, 280
Merced, Jesse (Wall), 94
“mercenary Facebook,” 17, 164
Michel, James Alix, 127
Milione, Lou. See also LeRoux’s arrest; LeRoux’s interrogation and plea agreement; Takedown Day events; Takedown Day plan
biographical information, 37–39
Bout’s arrest and, 45–46
as “Casich,” 9–10, 20, 22–23, 200–201, 212–215, 259–260, 286–291
early LeRoux investigation by DEA, 144, 150–151, 158–162
Hunter’s arrest and, 30–37, 47, 52–54
Kassar’s arrest and, 7, 41–44
on LeRoux’s incarceration, 329
LeRoux sting planned by, 6–8, 173, 181–183, 196
role in LeRoux’s confession and plea agreement, 253
Takedown Day role of, 9–10, 19–20, 22–23, 270–271, 286
Milione, Louis (grandfather), 38
Milione, Victor (father), 38
Miller, Chris, 238–239
Monrovia, Liberia. See Liberia
Morgan, Nigel, 156–157
Mou Man Tai (yacht), 121, 226
Mugabe, Robert, 66–68, 154
heroin of, 205
Shan State Army in, 180, 204, 269
Namibia, Alexander and, 238–239, 340n
NATO, 143–144
Nemier, Mark, 158–159
New Era of Networks (NEON), 70–71
960 Group. See Brown, Wim; Cindric, Tom; Drug Enforcement Administration; Milione, Lou; Stouch, Eric
North Korea
Kim and, 22, 54–55, 62, 218
methamphetamine and weapons financing, 21–22, 54–55, 62–63, 175, 182, 189–190, 194–196, 207–209, 218, 222, 230–234, 237, 251–254, 292, 338n
Oz, Moran, 88–89, 91–93, 298
Palma, Rogelio “Ogie,” 218–219
Penalosa, Fitch, 308, 311
People’s Republic of China. See China
Persian Cat (whistle-blower), 153, 162
Phalanx Trading, 93–94
Phase Three, organized crime, 3
br /> Philippines
Department of Foreign Affairs, 225
Department of Justice, 98, 153
Drug Enforcement Agency, 256
LeRoux’s homes/safe houses in, 98–103
LeRoux’s missile development in, 223–224
LeRoux’s pharmaceutical businesses in, 82, 86, 89, 91 (see also RX Limited)
National Police, 120–122
New People’s Army, 228–229
Phillips, Richard, 142
PhoneCrypt, 78
Phuket, Thailand. See Thailand
Picciano, Pat, 36, 47, 52–54, 275, 277, 293
Rapaszky, Ryan, 48–51
Reagan, Ronald, 38, 154
Red, White and Blue Arms, 119, 152, 218, 228, 247, 252, 308, 311
Reid, Jeff, 130
Republic of Mali, arms sales and, 120
Republic of the Congo, Echelon Associates in, 32
Reuven, Shai, 120, 184–185
Reyes Peralta, Kelly, 54–55, 190, 230, 255, 284, 321
Rhodes, Cecil, 81
Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe
Rhodesia: The Course to Collision (Clements), 68
Rickey, Branch, 146–147
Ries, Eric, 87–88
Rindzak, Milan, 257
Bout’s arrest and, 45–46, 122–124
Rhodesian civil war and, 66
RX Limited, 82–95
banking relationships of, 89–90, 93, 94
call centers for, 18, 88–89, 91–93, 298
cocaine plans and, 256–257
contract hits on employees of, 308
early DEA investigation of LeRoux and, 152–157
federal court proceedings (Minneapolis), 88, 90–92, 94, 152–153, 158–160, 169, 186, 225
launch of, 82–85
as lean startup, 87–88
LeRoux’s continuing management of, after arrest, 325
LeRoux’s North Korea meth business and, 21–22, 54–55, 62–63, 175, 182, 189–190, 194–196, 207–209, 218, 222, 230–234, 237, 251–254, 292, 338n
meth conspiracy charges against LeRoux, 174–179, 183–185, 187–197, 232–234
opioids sold by LeRoux, 48, 86–87, 89, 117–118, 158, 191, 304, 337n
Oz and, 88–89, 91–93, 298
pharmaceutical items used for weapons, 94–95
prescribing system for, 85–87
Somalia move planned for, 115, 117–118 (see also Somalia)
Takedown Day plan and LeRoux-Colombian partnership component, 271–279
U.S. drug use and, 83, 337nn
volume of business, 1, 333n
wholesale pharmacies of, 93–94
Samia, Adam, 18, 121, 299–320, 340n, 342n. See also Lee, Catherine, murder of
Sammy the Libyan (Zaman). See Taj
Samukai, Brownie J., 198
Sayyag, Abu, 231
Scheindlin, Shira A., 217
Scott, Jim, 26
SecurStar, 76–77, 108, 336nn