-Worlds Apart- Ruination

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-Worlds Apart- Ruination Page 10

by Amanda Thome

  I never knew I could look so stunning; I’d do anything to have Mama here. To have her see me this way.

  I turn to Uri, “This is amazing. I can’t believe it.” I stare at him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  He nods, directing me to leave his station.

  The girls on the other side of the mirror have all been transformed but none of them, not even Aria, looks as beautiful as me. I’m still dancing on cloud nine when I’m snapped back to reality by another shoulder squeeze.

  “I’m sorry sir.” I feel like a fool.

  That’s the second time he’s had to direct me and he must be thinking I’m challenged. I follow his directions and approach the expansive rack where hundreds of dresses hang, all of them covered in plastic.

  One of the Central designers greets me, “I’m Tiffany, I’ll be selecting your wardrobe. Stand still while I take some measurements.”

  Tiffany’s slender hands reach around my body as she measures my hips, waist, and breasts. She’s quick and serious. Her fingers punch my measurements into her handheld tablet. Once she presses ‘enter’ the rack of dresses flies to the left.

  Dress after dress passes until at last the rack stops. She pulls three dresses from the metal bar, hanging them outside the dressing room. The back of her head darts side to side as she mentally dresses me in each option.

  Her manicured hand reaches to select the middle dress. She throws something into the bag and shoves the hanger into my hands. “No need to try it on here. It will fit and it’s the best for your body.” I grab my dress and leave the pavilion. In all, preparation took three hours. That leaves an hour to get home and dressed before Papa and I take the shuttle to the banquet.

  I steal some downward glances at my lace dress as I jog back to the house. The fabric’s rich, like something from the past. She selected the darkest green allowed. Much darker than our standard issued greens. I press the fabric between my fingers, swaying them back and forth. I imagine a time when wearing such things was commonplace.

  I’m three quarters of the way home when I feel the first bead of sweat breaking my brow line. I stop in my tracks, dabbing the moisture away. It would be criminal to ruin Uri’s work.

  I walk the rest of the way home, arriving with just enough time to dress. Emma’s hands are flying in all directions as soon as she sees me come through the door, “Oh, Nessa!” She’s stunned. I have to admit I was stunned the first time I saw myself in the mirror today too. “You look gorgeous!” She shrieks.

  I smile hugging her, “I have to dress, Papa will be home soon.” I hang my dress in the bathroom. “I wish you could come tonight.” I grin at her. “At least I’ll be able to see you on your banquet night. If you think I look gorgeous, that means we’ll be speechless for your transformation.”

  Emma grins wildly, then suddenly her smile drops. “Don’t say things you can’t know for sure.” Her mood shifts completely. “You’re smart Nessa. You could make the leap tonight.” She swallows so hard it’s like she’s trying to gulp an apple whole. “If you leap, you won’t come back. You can’t ever come back.”

  “I did fine on my test, but don’t worry about me making the leap. I didn’t test in the top. Even if I did, I’d find a way to see you. I promise.” I squeeze her small body close to my chest. “Can you help me put this confusing thing on?” She releases me, taking a massive inhale before nodding her head yes.

  We slide the dress over my head, I practically have to dive into the thing. Emma pulls it down over my hips, tugging at the bottom hem. With each tug the wrinkles smooth out and soon I’m standing in a dress that looks like it’s been painted onto me. My chest looks a little bigger and my sides dip in at the middle. This is what Aria must feel like every day I think. Emma’s once again in awe.

  “Nessa, you look perfect. Absolutely perfect” she says.

  Now I wish I’d insisted on trying the dress on at the pavilion. I have no way of seeing the final effect here. Emma helps me slide into the shoes Tiffany threw into the bag. They’re nothing like shoes I’ve ever seen before. They’re shiny with bits of lace matching my dress.

  The heel’s intimidating to say the least. It looks like I’m supposed to balance on three-inch stilts. Squeezing my feet into them, I immediately wobble. “I can’t do this.” I moan as I try walking the length of our house. I sway as my ankles roll like I’m a newborn doe. “I’m just going to wear my sneakers there. I’ll change at the banquet.”

  Emma looks disgusted. I can see why, sneakers don’t exactly match my ensemble but if I’m planning on getting there without a broken ankle it’s my only option. She helps me into my sneakers. As the second one slides on Papa walks through the door.

  “Wow,” he says sounding shocked. His eyes lock with mine. He’s smiling like an idiot as his eyes travel to my feet. “I shouldn’t have expected anything less,” he says shaking his head. “Honestly though, you look so much like your mother.”

  A pit fills my stomach. I’ve always wanted to be compared to her and today of all days I finally get what I’ve been waiting for.

  “Let me get changed, I’ll be quick,” he says rushing into his room. His closet clatters as he shuffles around in it. He’s out in no time looking handsome in his dress greens. It’s time to leave and I stoop to be level with Emma.

  “Remember what I said Emma. I’ll be home later and I promise I’ll be there on your day.”

  I carry my stilted shoes as Papa and I rush toward the shuttle. Stepping onboard I can’t help but stare at the other leap testers. I know most of them by name but we all look so different transformed for the banquet. I can’t help but squirm, realizing I’m the only one wearing sneakers.

  The shuttle’s packed but it’s nearly silent. A few of the parents are exchanging niceties but the rest of us are too nervous to talk.

  I can’t help but fantasize that Garrett and I will be top boy and girl. We’ll move to Central and start our lives together in the greatest sector of our nation. We’ll get a beautiful home, go to work every day, and come home to eat together. I wonder if they have to eat in a pavilion with all their neighbors. I bet they don’t, I bet they get their meals delivered and they can eat as a family every night.

  My daydream’s in full effect when the shuttle slides to a stop at the banquet hall. Our parents have been here before but it’s our first time. The others file out of the shuttle. I purposely exit last. I need extra time to slide into my ankle breaking shoes. Taking one final breath of air I stumble off the shuttle. Papa threads his arm around mine, steadying me.

  “Thanks Papa.”

  We follow the heard of people walking toward the expansive entrance to the hall. The building’s colossal and enclosed by wrought iron gates that are adorned with intricate metal décor. Enormous marble pillars brace the façade. Dozens of torches light both sides of the walkway. The front lawn is symmetrical with a massive oak tree on each side.

  We make our way to the entrance and are just about to reach the wooden doors when I feel the electric touch of Garret’s hand squeezing mine. I tug Papa toward Garrett. It takes no time for him to put the pieces together.

  “I’ll wait inside,” he says.

  I let go of his arm. “I won’t be long,” I say to Papa over my shoulder.

  I turn to Garrett, he’s unbelievably sexy tonight. They somehow managed to make him look even better than he already does. His hair’s gelled with strands falling in perfect sections. His face is clean-shaven and looks bright and fresh. All of that’s great but what seals the deal is how his body looks in those clothes. He’s dressed in charcoal pants and a fitted green button-up shirt. The long sleeves are tailored to hug his powerful body, his muscles press to the fabric.

  “Nessa I’m speechless,” he says twirling me in a circle. I nudge him, “I’m serious, you look amazing. You always look great but this is different,” he grins.

  “You look pretty great yourself.”

  He inhales as he rolls his eyes towards the back of
his head. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He says pulling me toward him.

  “Stop it, you’d be just fine,” I say falling into his chest.

  “I’m serious Nessa, you’re all I think about. I wanted to talk to you before tonight.” He swallows, “I think you can make the leap, I really do. I’ll be lost without you but if you get the chance to leap, you have to take it. With or without me.”

  “Garrett, stop.” I’m furious and dejected at the same time. I grab his chin, cradling his strong jaw in my hands. “I’m not leaping without you, I promise.”

  He pulls me into his arms and kisses me until my knees weaken, he releases me, “We need to go inside. Meet me at our hill tonight?” He asks.

  “Of course.”

  “I love you Nessa.”

  I smile back but I’m still unable to say those words. Instead I squeeze his hand as we push the heavy doors open.

  Just like the first day of education I stop in my tracks. I’ve never seen a place as glorious as this. Dozens of chandeliers hang casting a soft and warm hue. There are at least a hundred tables sitting ten at each with blue linens covering them. Grey cloth napkins are placed across the white plates. How fitting, they tied our colors into the décor.

  I scan my card and a hologram of the banquet hall appears. There’s a blinking red dot over the table I’m assigned to. I wait while Garret gets his assignment, naturally we’re at opposite ends of the hall. I smile at him, squeezing his hand just before he releases it.

  Without him I feel vulnerable, it’s like all eyes are on me. Slowly I descend the stairs; I’ll break my neck if I go too fast in these shoes. My ankles wobble and my feet throb as I take step after step toward my table. Papa sees me and rises to save me. He steadies me, guiding me into my seat.

  “Nessa? Is that you?” I hear the nasally voice of my classmate.

  “Hi Vivian. Yes, it’s me.” My annoyance is obvious. Of course she knows it’s me, she’s just being obnoxious.

  “Well I would never have guessed! You look gorgeous.”

  I’m beginning to wonder what I look like every other day of my life. I know Uri worked me over but the way she talks it’s like I had a total body transplant. I smile weakly in an attempt to hide my frustration.

  “Thanks, you too.”

  I only have to endure a few minutes of Vivian’s back-handed compliments before music blares and the Central banquet-master strides onstage. “Ladies and Gentleman, and most importantly, testers… I’d like to welcome you to the ninety-eighth leap banquet!” He pauses, allowing a round of applause. I feel a kick to my stomach, there’s a jolt of nerves and excitement. This is the night I’ve been waiting for. Right here, right now is the beginning of the rest of my life.

  “As you know, your entire life has been dedicated to the leap-test, and tonight your results and fate will be revealed. This is without a doubt the culmination, the absolute pinnacle of your lives thus far. Tonight one young man and woman from your sector will make the leap into Central where their opportunities are endless. For the rest of you, your labor roles, housing, and potential mates will be revealed. Tonight truly is a night you will never forget.”

  My table’s near the stage. For those in the back like Garrett, the banquet-masters being projected on an enormous screen positioned behind the podium. He’s a short man, probably smaller than me. I focus on his brown eyes and black hair shining from the screen. I can even make-out his crooked teeth. His voice booms over the speaker system. I can’t help but fixate on the small beads of sweat forming along his brow. They’re driving me crazy. I wish he’d just wipe them away…

  “But before we reveal your results we first must dine!” The parents clap while the rest of us are shocked and totally crushed. I’m not the only one who wanted to get the results out of the way. Almost immediately after his speech a warm body hovers over my shoulders. Staff is serving my first course and filling my water to the brim. Any other night I’d think the food looked divine. The salad wasn’t the bland one like at the pavilion, this one has berries, apples, and cheeses over the top. I can only manage three bites.

  “Do you mind?” Papa asks pointing at my barely touched greens.

  “Be my guest,” I answer.

  “I remember my banquet. I didn’t eat a thing, I was too nervous. I’ve been waiting all these years to have a second chance. I don’t make the same mistake twice, you know.” He smiles between fork fulls of lettuce.

  The second course looks less appealing than the first. The server called them escargot, or something like that. Papa forces me to try one but the saltiness makes me gag on the spot. Vivian manages to eat two before her stomach turns on her. Once again, Papa devours both our shares.

  The final course is a stuffed chicken with some sort of cheese in the middle. It’s so fragrant and tender; my knife cuts right through without effort. One bite is all I can manage. I don’t even make Papa ask before I automatically slide it over to him and listen to him chew through the tender meat.

  As soon as the servers clear our plates I appreciate Papa’s ravenous display. Now that the food’s gone I realize my mistake. I may never get a meal like this again. I lean back in my chair, folding my arms across my chest. It’s a sign of my dissatisfaction and frustration. Scanning around I see that almost all the testers are dejected. Probably reaching the same epiphany I just did seconds ago. We don’t have much time to wallow in our self-pity before the banquet-master’s marching back onstage. His white and black suit shimmers in the candlelight.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, I trust you’ve had a spectacular meal. Let’s give a round of applause to your staff this evening.” We all clap, keeping it brief. “We’re almost to the moment you’ve all been waiting for, but before we reveal your future, let’s take a look at the past.”

  He’s got to be kidding me. I crash my back into the chair sighing in frustration. Everyone within a table’s length stares at me. I flash a phony smile returning to my composed self. We’re forced to watch a fifteen-minute film of our nation’s history.

  Explosions and fire open the scene. People from decades ago are burning flags and money as riots flash on-screen. We see the construction of our fortified walls and Central patrols from decades ago arming them. They flash to the Outer sector with their fishing and mining communities that fill their lands, and then onto ours with the factory workers and hunters. Finally the screen flashes to Central. I’ve never seen Central before, not even in pictures and yet here it is in color, right in front of me. Marble structures with intricate gardens and homes bigger than an entire division flash on-screen. It turns to images of men and women in laboratory coats standing over microscopes, while others in suits walk into what must be the capital. Central’s perfect and beautiful. It’s only on-screen for a minute but I know it’s where I belong. The film powers down and the banquet-master begins again.

  “Now that we’ve taken a trip through the past, let’s reveal what lies in your future.” I sit at full attention, alert and ready to hear. “It’s customary to invite onstage the top two girls and boys from your year. The highest ranked from each pair will have the opportunity to make the leap into Central, or, should they choose they can remain here in the Inner thus sending the second place citizen in their place.”

  The crowd laughs.

  “I agree ladies and gentlemen, it’s highly unlikely.” In all the years of the leap, not once has it been passed onto the second place citizen.

  “The top two girls from the Inner sector shall be announced first.” I’m on the edge of my seat with the escargot sitting heavy in my throat. Papa places his hand on mine; I hadn’t realized it was trembling until he steadied it.

  The banquet-master opens the gold card holding the first name. “Miss Aria Goodall!” I hear her gasp all the way across the hall. I knew she’d be in the top. The crowd claps and some politely cheer as she makes her way toward the stage. I enviously watch as she gracefully weaves between the tables, reaching out and shaking han
ds as she goes. Tears threaten her eyes.

  The banquet-master lifts his hand signaling silence. He brings the microphone up to his mouth and I rock in anticipation. “The next candidate is…” His hands dance along the gold envelope as he pulls it open. “Miss Vanessa Hollins!”

  My head clouds and I see blackness; I’m too stunned to move. Papa lifts me by my arm. Unlike Aria, I’m stumbling between the tables. I’m sure they’re clapping but I honestly have no clue, I’m having an out of body experience. Somehow I manage to make it onstage, greeting Aria and the banquet-master.

  “Now to the gentleman.” I look out to Garrett as he pulls open the next card. “Our first candidate is Mr. Garrett Blaine!”

  My stomach somersaults. This could happen, we might leap together after all. I play a fabricated reel of us walking hand in hand down the clean streets of Central. I’m sure I’ve got a dumb expression across my face as Garrett ascends the stairs. He steps directly to me kissing me on stage.

  “Well that’s something for the books!” The banquet-master jokes as the crowd laughs at our amusement.

  Garrett grabs my hands before he whispers in my ear, “I love you Nessa.” I squeeze his hands and think about saying it too but we get separated. The regulator directs us to stand in our assigned spots as the banquet-master clears his throat.

  “Our last candidate is…” He pauses building the suspense. “Mr. Tyler Jackson!” We all look at each other, all of us confused. Who’s Tyler Jackson? We never went to education with anyone by that name. From the corner of my eye I see his tall and lean figure coolly approach the stage. He looks even better than he did that night by Grove Street. His fair skin makes his green eyes look sharp. His dark hair falls in short waves that are combed away from his face.

  The banquet-master continues, “Before we reveal the first and second place positions let’s get a better understanding of who our candidates are.” Right on cue the screen changes to a video of me as a child. I’m not sure how Central got these shots. Nobody in the Inner owns a camera.

  My emotions hit a breaking point as the screen turns to an image of my mother and I swimming in the river. For the first time in over ten years I see her face again. I look out, Papa’s crying. I wish I could trade this moment, this chance to leap just to have one more day with her. I’d give it all away. I hardly pay attention to the rest of my film. It’s composed of snapshots of me with Papa and Emma. At the end of the video the number 510 appears. It’s my lineage score, an average of my parents’ leap-test scores.


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