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Shifting (The Prophecy, The Spy, and The Ghostly Guardian) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 2)

Page 17

by Humphrey - D'aigle Rachel

  Meghan was mortified.

  Colin shot pleading looks at the students, begging them to stop.

  Some that knew him, did.

  That did not just happen, Meghan defied, crestfallen. My brother, coming to my rescue… she let out a breath of disbelief and annoyance.

  Once closer to home, Jae stopped. “Did they really only ask you to move it two feet?”

  “Yes,” she answered tightly. She’d had no idea she hadn’t been given the same test as everyone else. She sighed, shaking her head. “There’s more.”

  “I should hope so,” said Colin angrily. “I had to move the pile around the edge of the whole room, hold it in the air for an entire minute, and then after all that, she asked me to write the Svoda goals on the dang chalkboard, without using my hands.”

  “You did all that?” Jae asked.

  “Yes, I think she was trying to tire me out.”

  “But you weren’t tired at all when you came out,” exclaimed Jae.

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “How do you do that? It would be incredibly draining to think of the answer, and write it on the board at the same time.” Jae’s tone held a twinge of jealousy.

  Colin shrugged. He really didn’t know how to explain it. He just did it, and it was easy for him.

  Meghan was humiliated. All relief she’d felt after first leaving the exam room had vanished. She’d hardly done anything at all. Plus she knew she’d already passed.

  “So what exactly happened?” breathed out Colin.

  “The teacher said she had been instructed to pass me and that since I was a Firemancer, I needed to have my studies arranged as such, and that I couldn’t be expected to have the magical prowess of others.”

  “That actually make sense, Meghan,” noted Jae honestly. He wasn’t just trying to make her feel better.

  “And I guess it explains why you’re not making any progress,” Colin spouted. It came out harsher than he’d meant it to, but she ignored it. He was starting to get the impression that he’d been given a much harder test than anyone else.

  They continued toward home.

  “You know,” continued Jae after a bit. “I’ve heard that if you have a special gift, like you do with sight, Meghan, that you’ll be really good at that, but not so much other stuff. And I think back when we lived on the island, people with gifts like yours used to drop out of school and enter into apprenticeships, for more focused learning.”

  “Huh. Really?”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they have in mind. So maybe you won’t even be in classes with us again anyway.”

  “That would be weird.” At the same time, she wondered who would be her teacher. Juliska would make perfect sense, but she was a busy woman.

  “Well, it’s all over for now. For us, anyway,” said Jae, sounding exhausted. “Mireya still has one more day though. Intermediate level, the tests get longer and harder.”

  “So even though she knows she’s failed, she keeps going?” asked Colin.

  “Practice,” was all Jae answered.

  The twins sent another leaf that evening to Uncle Eddy, telling him the tests were over. They explained briefly as possible, all that had happened, with a promise to explain fully once they could see him.

  The rest of the week went by much faster and at the end, when all exams were finished, pass or fail, it was as if the entire village of Bedgewood Harbor let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.


  It was Halloween, which meant that Thanksgiving and Christmas were not far behind. To the twins, this meant they did not have much time left with Uncle Eddy. However, with exams finished, they hoped to spend more time in Grimble. The perfect place to spend all hallows eve; the ghosts went all out to celebrate their favorite night of the year. It seemed that nearly all Svoda came out of the wagons to celebrate in Grimble, too. The twins hoped to see their uncle, or Timothy, but neither ever appeared.

  “I can’t believe your father missed this,” hiccuped Sheila Mochrie, slightly lit on brandy. “It’s so nice to have a little fun.”

  The twins and Jae agreed.

  “Why couldn’t your dad come?” asked Colin.

  “Behind at work I guess. Ivan’s not here either.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” huffed Meghan. “He doesn’t remind me of the type to appreciate fun.” The three laughed, and then laughed again at Jae’s mother singing to herself. At the end of the night, just after returning to the wagons, Sheila called out to a woman walking nearby.

  “See you tomorrow at the SLC, Verna. I’m thinking pies this year.” The woman named Verna waved and smiled in agreement, and disappeared around a corner.

  “Pies for what?” asked Colin.

  “For Thanksgiving. The SLC, it’s an initiated Svoda thing, totally boring. One of the things they do is plan the holiday feasts each year.”

  “Cool,” replied Colin, mostly thinking about eating pies.

  “How could you possibly think of eating?” barked Meghan, her stomach sloshing with sugar.

  “I didn’t eat that much.”

  Having a sugar filled gut brought back memories of Sebastien; they would often pig out on junk food together. Meghan blocked her thoughts, trying not to think about Sebastien, but she weakened, recalling the kiss she had snuck on him the very night she and Colin had come to live with the gypsies.

  “I wonder what he’s doing right now,” she muttered under her breath. “Most likely he’d be home. I’d probably be emailing him…” She missed him terribly. “Personally,” she said louder, “I’m in no hurry for the holidays this year.”

  “No, me either,” agreed Colin. Neither twin was thinking of food at that moment, only of moving on, and leaving Uncle Eddy behind. Getting even farther away from home, and finding out what had happened to their other uncle.

  Once again, harsh reality dampened a moment of fun.


  The days leading up to Thanksgiving were much more relaxed around the Mochrie house, and a festive atmosphere enveloped the entire village. The day before the holiday, the twins received a leaf from Uncle Eddy, asking them to visit. Jae joined them this time.

  “I didn’t realize the Svoda would celebrate Thanksgiving,” commented Meghan after they stepped into Grimble.

  “It’s a part of history that in your world is a little changed,” he said. “It had to be, in order to keep magic protected and secret. You’ll understand more tomorrow. It’s actually a big day for us.”

  Timothy appeared. “Hi guys.” They chorused hello back.

  Uncle Eddy decided that enough time had passed and it was safe to meet up at the old mill again. He was happy to see them and Jae, but still did not allow Colin to travel with the Magicante. It was currently securely stashed under his mattress.

  They took turns explaining their exam results more thoroughly. Eddy was pleased overall. Although they couldn’t help but notice a concerned glint in his eye when Colin told them about his extra hard test.

  Jae disappeared at one point and when he came back, surprised the twins with ghost candy, and they played with Timothy, high up in the air. He laughed hysterically, unable to remember ever having so much fun.

  “I wish this day would never end,” said Colin, catching his breath.

  “I don’t suppose there’s a candy that can make this day repeat?” asked Meghan, agreeing.

  “No, wouldn’t that be a nice one though,” thought Jae, grinning happily. The twins thought he looked happier than he had in months.

  “Not to be the bearer of bad news,” said Uncle Eddy casually, “but like it or not, the day is ending.” The twins were about to protest when everyone went silent. Just outside the mill a bush rustled. Someone was out there. And it wasn’t a ghost.

  “Show yourself!” demanded Jae, running out to investigate. The twins cautiously followed. Everyone froze. There was a hand letting go of a bush, hiding a face. Meghan, Colin, and Jae all glanced at each
other and then turned and pounced into the bush. They expected to land on their spy, but there was no one there. They jumped up and searched the area, but saw no one.

  “We’re not crazy, there was someone in there… right?” Meghan questioned.

  Colin and Jae nodded, looking bewildered.

  Uncle Eddy and Timothy searched from up in the air. They found nothing.

  “When we first came out,” said Colin, “I swear there was a face in that bush.”

  “We all saw it,” whispered Jae. “Just bizarre. Don’t know how they’d have just vanished like that.”

  Eddy flew back down to them. “I’m afraid too many eyes are upon us.”

  The twins knew what this meant: they wouldn’t be able to see their uncle again, until he thought it was safe to do so. Eddy did an unexpected thing then.

  “Jae, I just want to personally thank you for helping Meghan and Colin. I realize this must be a burden. I know your rules are strict.”

  Jae shrugged, not outwardly concerned.

  Meghan had a terrible thought. Was this what was bothering Jae? It seemed a far cry from the terrifying images she saw in her vision, but she supposed maybe she was taking it too literally. Perhaps it wasn’t a thing, or an actual person or monster even, hurting Jae, but a more metaphorical monster. Something suffocating him… like pressure. Not an actual person.

  She felt like an idiot. Here they had just taken exams based on the very rules they were all breaking. Most importantly, Jae was breaking. And he’d already gotten into trouble because of the one’s he’d been caught for.

  Was this all it was though? She wasn’t certain about this, but she’d add it to her journal. The severity of her nightmarish vision mingled into her thoughts and she slammed her mind block up so Colin could not accidentally see it.

  “Colin,” called out their uncle. “Keep that book safe. Don’t carry it with you unless absolutely necessary.”


  Eddy let out a forlorn sigh. “Be safe. All of you. I’ll contact you as soon as I can. If anything happens you need to tell me about, send me a leaf straight away.”

  They nodded and smiled sadly.

  Time with their uncle was running short. And now they’d have even less of it. He vanished, leaving them to walk home. Timothy escorted them. Even he looked a bit sad that they’d not get to visit as soon as they wanted.

  Another perfect day ruined… it was a thought they all carried as they walked somberly through Grimble, back to the wagons.

  Their brooding ended abruptly.

  “Trouble is not even close to what you three are in,” sneered the voice of Darcy Scraggs.

  Ambushed again. And in the same spot as before. By the Three D’s.

  “Do you think it was them spying on us just now?” sent Meghan to Colin silently.

  “I can’t picture them spying and not getting caught,” he shot back.

  “Colin, this is the second time they have ambushed us in the same spot. I don’t want to give them credit any more than you do, however, they might at least be smart enough to spy without getting caught.”

  “Touche,” he retorted. “So how do we find out how much they know?”

  “Still working on that.” Meghan eyed their ambushers, watching them closely. The twins and Jae stood back to back to back. Colin drew a determined breath; he didn’t want to crash out of the picture this time. Jae was a mixture of looking sick and angry. He really didn’t need any more trouble.

  “So Darcy, going to let Miss Hadrian do all the talking for you again? It’s always so much fun listening to her,” needled Meghan.

  Dulcy reeled with anger and started to open her mouth, but Darcy motioned for her to shut it.

  Colin groaned. “Why do you always need to make her more upset?” He sent the thought to her rather than speak it.

  “I’m trying to keep her sidetracked while we think of a way out of this. And hopefully not make things worse for Jae in the process.” Meghan kept her gaze on Darcy.

  “I don’t think pissing her off is sidetracking her,” he argued. She ignored him, instead, incensing Darcy again.

  “What is it you think we’ve done, exactly? You claimed you knew something before. Far as I can tell, you’re full of crap.”

  Her reply was not what any of trio expected.

  An enormous blast of air swept Meghan off her feet; she flew backwards, her head barely missing a tree branch. She landed on the ground with a soft thud.

  “Darcy! You’ve done magic against someone,” Jae shouted, totally stunned. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He expected the Balaton to show up any second. They did not.

  Meghan snuck into Colin’s thoughts and told him to stand his ground. “I’m fine.” She got back to her feet. Just as she did, Jae flew by her landing with a much harder thud.

  Colin remained, alone.

  “I have every right to use magic on you three!” Darcy spat at them. “You’re hiding something. I’ve had some very interesting conversations with a certain member of the Viancourt, and that certain member gave me permission to do magic and not… get… caught,” she taunted.

  Jae was back on his feet and he and Meghan had rejoined Colin. The twins glanced at him, unsure what to do. He tossed them a curt shake of his head. He’d never seen anything like this happen before. A court member making it so someone could do magic and not get caught… it was unheard of.

  Darcy huffed. “You’re really going to make me ask for it, aren’t you?”

  They just stared at her.

  “Whatever you’ve been hiding… hand it over.” She aimed her demand at Colin. He staggered backwards into his sister. Did she mean the book? The Magicante?

  “Oh, don’t worry,” said Darcy with a vicious laugh. “I know you don’t have it on you, but I expect you to deliver it to me by tomorrow. Then the authorities can deal with you… and you,” she barked at Jae.

  “Why are you doing this, Darcy? Do you hate my family that much?”

  “It’s not a matter of hate, Jae. It’s a matter of survival. You and your family have gotten lazy. You’re becoming a hazard to the group.”

  “So that’s it. You and a few select others think my family is holding you all back. How so, exactly?”

  “You three know so little,” she sneered, shaking her head. “Dulcy, Daveena.” Darcy snapped her fingers for them to follow her. They did without further instruction. “Don’t forget. Deliver it by tomorrow! Or you’ll all be… homeless,” she jeered malevolently.

  Something snapped inside Colin. He faced the Three D’s backsides and raised his hand to strike. Jae realized instantly what he was about to do, and at the same moment Colin sent his spell, Jae shot one off to block it.

  “Emissio,” yelled Colin.

  “Obstructo.” Jae’s spell found Colin’s, blocking it from hitting its target.

  Darcy spun around, a wide grin spread across her face. She shook her head as if dealing with nothing more than silly children before catching up with the other two.

  Jae blocked Colin but faced him. “It’s not worth it. If that spell hit one of them, we would be in serious trouble.”

  “I’m sorry Jae, I couldn’t help myself.” Colin wasn’t sure what exactly came over him.

  Jae let out a rushed breath. “If I could have, and got away with it, I would’ve done it myself!”

  Timothy floated back down. “Are you all right? Do you want me to fetch Eddy?”

  “No, it’s fine, Timothy,” said Colin. “I don’t think we should worry Uncle Eddy about this.”

  Timothy floated next to Colin’s ear. “Is this another secret?”

  Colin nodded yes, half-heartedly. Timothy swirled high into the air in delight of having a second secret.

  Jae examined the scene.

  Meghan’s shirtsleeve had a slice through it, and Nona had jumped into her arms and was licking a small cut on her arm. It wasn’t deep, but there was a bit of blood on her shirt.

  Despite looking
a bit sick to his stomach, Colin wasn’t physically injured.

  Jae was disheveled and had the wind knocked out of him, but wasn’t outwardly injured either.

  He expected the twins were feeling the same level of anxiety that he was. He shook his head in dismay. “Sorry, Meghan. I wish I could heal your cut like I did back when we were all in Cobbscott. I don’t get it really, but I just don’t have enough magical energy in me to do it.”

  Healing wasn’t something Colin was ready to try yet.

  “No worries, Jae,” said Meghan, tossing him a weak smile. “I think we have much bigger problems than a small cut on my arm.”

  “We don’t look that bad,” agreed Colin. “We do need to come up with some kind of plan though.”

  “Any ideas?” Meghan asked Jae. She lifted her arm, wincing; her cut was about two inches long but not deep. Nona kept up licking the wound.

  “I did have one thought,” said Jae. “It’s possible, I don’t know how likely, but possible she’s just still angry over not being able to expose you.”

  “Hm, revenge, sounds fun,” Meghan droned sarcastically.

  “What I’m wondering more than anything,” said Jae, “is how a certain Viancourt member got hold of a spell that can hide using magic against another person. I wasn’t aware anything like that existed.”

  “Isn’t that one of the rules though?” asked Meghan. “You can use magic against someone with permission from a Viancourt member, right?”

  “True, yes,” said Jae. “But it would still be known. It wouldn’t be hidden. They’re allowing her to do it under the radar. No one knows it happened except for us, and them.”

  “That does not bode well,” groaned Colin.

  “And of all the people to give it to, why Darcy?” wondered Meghan.

  “Okay, first… when we say certain Viancourt member, we are talking about Garner Sadorus, right?” interrupted Colin.

  “That would be my guess,” said Meghan.

  “Mine too,” agreed Jae. “If he wanted information, say for example, about two new strangers that Darcy would have easier access to…”

  Meghan and Colin let out simultaneous groans, understanding his insinuation. Maybe they should tell Uncle Eddy.


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