J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X] Page 53

by Harry Potter

  “Oh, Harry, you know I’m kidding,” Hermione said with a chuckle. “You’re the only wiz-OH!”

  Harry interrupted Hermione’s apology by forcing his loved based magic into the Pleasure Pressure Point on the back of her hand.

  “OH!” she breathed out. “OH!”

  As stated previously, Harry was able to tap into his love based magic much more efficiently than the first time he used this technique. Hermione tried to tug her hand free, but Harry held fast. He had to prove his point.

  “Har-r-r-ry... s-s-s-stop... it,” she groaned out and Harry smiled devilishly.

  “Not until you say that I am the best,” Harry said wryly.

  Ginny stared at Hermione in surprise. She clearly didn’t know why the brunette witch was panting and groaning as if she were about to have an orgasm. Luna on the other hand was watching intently, as if making mental notes.

  “You’re... the... b-b-best, H-har-ry,” Hermione moaned out.

  “The best at what?” inquired Harry.

  “I-I-I’ll m-make you p-pay,” Hermione growled.

  “Hermione, what’s he doing to you?” Ginny asked. Her voice was full of worry.

  Instead of saying “He’s using magic to make me climax”, Hermione showed Ginny and Luna what Harry was doing.

  Hermione bucked so hard that her hips flew up and off the couch a few inches. Then she curled up into a tight ball and leaned on Harry’s body as she trembled in passion.

  As Hermione began to catch her breath, Luna explained to Ginny what had just happened.

  “Harry and Hermione found a book that describes different forms of sex magic,” Luna informed. “And Harry has a unique talent when it comes to such magic. I’ve tried to get him to teach Ron on some of the techniques, just so that our relationship can grow.”

  “I don’t need little tricks like that,” Ginny stated. “Not when my boyfriend has ‘The Whomping Willow’ in his trousers.”

  “I happen to think the techniques could be very useful,” Luna argued. “Take your brother for example, he can have sex a number of times and he can satisfy me completely. But I still think that our physical relationship can blossom so much more with such skills.”

  “You can have all the techniques you like,” Ginny said. “Nev doesn’t need any silly tricks to satisfy me.”

  “‘Silly tricks’? Are you questioning my boyfriend’s ability?” Hermione asked with a fiery gleam in her eyes.

  “Not to be rude, but I’ve seen Harry naked,” the red haired witch said honestly. “He’s got nothing on my Neville.”

  Before Harry could take offence at Ginny’s comment, Hermione leapt up from the couch.

  “Oh, that’s it,” the brunette witch murmured angrily as she rush at Ginny. She spun the younger witch around and rapidly hoisted up her blouse to expose Ginny’s back. “I’ll show you ‘silly tricks’.”

  Hermione quickly placed her hand on the small of Ginny’s back, the same area that Harry had touched on Bellatrix’s back. It was evident that Hermione was going to apply her own magic on the most intense Pleasure Pressure Point.

  Ginny began to moan immediately. A moment later, the witch’s knees began to tremble. And finally, Ginny cried out and collapsed to the ground. The whole ordeal took less than five seconds.

  Hermione stood proudly over Ginny and said “‘Silly trick’ my backside.”

  “Wow,” Ginny panted.

  “I wish Ronald could do that,” Luna bemoaned.

  “Luna, we’ve lent you the book,” Hermione stated. “Why don’t you show him the chapter on Pleasure Pressure Points?”

  “Because Ronald is a visual learner,” the blonde witch pouted. “He can read those chapters a dozen times and he won’t get it right until someone shows him how to do it.”

  Harry and Hermione shared a look. They both felt pity over Luna’s predicament.

  “How about we show him,” offered Hermione. “When he gets out of detention tonight, I’ll show Ron how to do the Pleasure Pressure Points on you.”

  “Yeah, because if I do it I’ll send you to St. Mungos’,” Harry said while remembering what he had done to Bellatrix.

  “No, I don’t think you should show Ronald,” Luna said with a sad frown. “Because even if you do teach him Pleasure Points, that would just lead to me wanting to learn more of your techniques; such as Harry’s cunnilingus skills. And I know both of you are shy and would never let us watch you two make love.”

  Once again, Harry and Hermione looked at each other worriedly. They understood that Luna just wanted to embellish her and Ron’s love life, but she was right when she said that they would never allow Ron and Luna to stand by the side of the bed while they shagged.

  “Don’t worry about it; Ronald’s a fine lover,” Luna said half heartedly. She leaned over and helped Ginny - who was stilling lying on the ground, panting - to her feet. “Just pretend I never asked you about that.”

  The blonde witch led her sister-in-law out of Harry and Hermione’s apartment. Once the two witches left, Hermione turned to Harry and said; “I wish there was something we could do for them. They are our best friends.”

  “But we can’t let them watch,” Harry said nervously.

  “They’ve both seen us naked,” Hermione pointed out.

  “Yes, but not doing anything intimate,” Harry retorted. He was about to add that Ron and Luna saw them in a post-coital state, but Hermione had been unconscious at the time and Harry didn’t want to tell her about that particular incident.

  Hermione chewed on her lip before she suggested “Why not lend them your Invisibility Cloak. That way, they could watch us and we wouldn’t see them.”

  “But we would still know they’re there,” Harry pointed out. “That would even be worst than seeing them because we wouldn’t know what they were up to under the cloak. They could get aroused by our lesson and start doing things unbeknownst to us.”

  “You’re right,” Hermione said sadly. “I just wish we could help them; somehow show them what to do. But we have to do it without out them being in the room.”

  Out of the blue, an idea came to Harry. He recalled Dumbledore’s lessons from the previous year where Harry saw Voldemort’s life through a series of Pensieve memories. He suddenly realized how he could help his best friend’s love life.

  “We can use a Pensieve,” offered Harry. “I’ll eat you out, pausing once in a while to give pointers, and then we put our memories in a Pensive and give it to Ron and Luna as a gift.”

  “That’s actually a good idea. That way, Ron and Luna could watch in a way,” Hermione agreed. Then the brunette witch got a devilish smile on her face and repeated, “That way Ron and Luna could watch.”

  It was clear that she was getting turned on over the notion that someone was going to watch her being intimate with Harry, if only by proxy.

  “When should we do it?” Harry asked. He really didn’t need to ask that question, judging by Hermione’s “come shag me eyes” and her wicked smile, he knew the answer would be “right now.”

  Without answering, Hermione led Harry into their room. Before he closed the door, Harry turned to Dobby and said, “Dobby, if anybody calls for us, tell them we’re... ah... tied up, okay?”

  Inside their room, Hermione turned to an empty space on the wall and spoke as if someone was there; “Ron and Luna; Harry and I have decided to help you. You two are our best friends and so we are going to let you watch... in a fashion.”

  Hermione sauntered over to Harry and slowly began undressing him. After she pulled his shirt over his head, she turned back to the empty space on the wall and said “The most important thing you have to do when you perform cunnilingus is trust each other. Ron, if Luna tells you to do something different, it isn’t a critique. She just knows what feels good to her and you need to listen to her.”

  She turned to Harry and he knew from her expression that she wanted him to add some hints. So Harry turned his attention to the same wall and added “I have
an advantage over most people because of my parsletongue ability. But I will go down on Her-”

  “Harry, please don’t use such crude phrases,” interrupted Hermione. “Refer to it as ‘cunnilingus’.”

  “Um, Hermione, Ron and Luna are going to be watching us pleasure each other,” Harry retorted. “I don’t think it really maters if we use sophisticated terms.”

  “Good point,” Hermione said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “Anyway, as I was saying,” Harry continued to the wall. “I will go down on Hermione without using my parsletongue.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Hermione pout slightly. Clearly she had become spoiled by his unique power.

  “But as Hermione has said to you, Luna, my technique is still good,” Harry said.

  Then Harry turned back to Hermione and the two began to undress each other. Once they were naked, Harry guided Hermione to lie on her back and he spread her legs wide.

  “Now, I don’t know what you guys have done, so I’ll just go over the basics first. This is the vagina,” he said and gestured to Hermione’s flower. “It’s made up of several parts. Including, but not limited to the clitoris, the labia majora, and labia minora. Learn it, love it.”

  Hermione chuckled at Harry’s comment.

  “You can’t just go right after the clitoris,” Hermione said after she suppressed her soft laughter. “It’s really sensitive and you have to work your way up to it.”

  “You can start by gently rubbing the labia and kissing it softly,” Harry said and demonstrated. Hermione purred softly as Harry worked her petals for a while.

  “Once she’s ready, you can move on to the more advanced stuff,” Harry said.

  “And trust me, Ron, you’ll know when she’s ready,” Hermione said with a saucy smile.

  Harry then began presenting the “advanced stuff”. He showed different ways to stimulate the clit. And he even showed how he could use both the tongue and fingers to satisfy a witch.

  It took longer to please Hermione than it did when he used his parsletongue ability, but she was satisfied none the less. She cried out in passion a few minutes after Harry started. Panting, she turned back to the wall and concluded; “I hope you two have learned something that will help. Now it you’ll excuse me, I have to shag Harry rotten.”

  Before Harry could react, Hermione pounced on him and guided his erect organ into her wetness.

  “Do - ah- you- oh- think - they’ll - my goodness - like - yummy - the Pensieve?” she asked as she bounced up and down.

  “If not, we can always make a new one and try again,” Harry grunted happily. To Be Continued Author’s Notes: The Book Bag gift (the Notably Toteable Library Satchel) is an homage (read: “stolen from”) Arya’s Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate. In my opinion, “Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate” is the best (and regrettably abandoned) fan-fiction out there. Go read it now! Fanfiction(dot)net story id: 1430023 and the yahoo group is located at http:// groups(dot)yahoo(dot)com/group/HP_AoF/ I had this image of Ginny hobbling up to Harry and Hermione and proudly proclaiming that Neville was so endowed that she could use her forearm as a measuring tool several months ago. Then I read Dr. T’s “Re-Ordered” and I cursed when one character described another as being “As big as my forearm.” Damn. Next Up: Horcrux Hunting! See, I remembered there’s more to this story besides smut. Chapter Twenty-Three: The ultimate male fantasy gets a booster shot from one of Harry’s classmates and Another Horcrux Hunt!

  Harry and Hermione ended up having to wait a week before giving Ron and Luna the Pensieve memory lesson. They had forgotten one vital ingredient in their plan: an actual Pensieve. The two young lovers had been so caught up with the notion of making a naughty educational memory for their best friends to view that they hadn’t realized that they did not have a physical Pensieve basin for Ron and Luna to use. Harry had considered using Dumbledore’s Pensieve, but didn’t want to go to Professor McGonagall and ask “May we borrow Dumbledore’s Pensieve? Hermione and I made a Sex Educational memory and we need to show it to Ron and Luna.” So, Harry decided to buy a Pensieve of his own and ordered it through an Owl Order Catalog.

  Once it arrived, a very nervous Harry and a blushing Hermione handed the Pensieve, with the silvery liquid already in it, to Ron and Luna.

  “What’s this?” Ron asked as he looked at the basin.

  “It’s a little something to help you two out,” Harry answered cryptically.

  “You mean like homework?” Ron inquired.

  “Yes,” Hermione said with a wink to Luna. “A very special type of homework.”

  Realization dawned in the blonde witch’s eyes and it was clear that she knew what memory was contained in the Pensieve. Luna rapidly embraced Hermione and whispered a “thank you” in her ear. Ron, who was still looking at the swirling silver liquid, missed this interchange.

  “Now remember to study this in private. And don’t show this to anyone,” Hermione concluded.

  “Why wouldn’t you want us to show anyone else?” Ron asked, still oblivious as to the Pensieve’s contents.

  “You’ll see, Ronald,” Luna said with a glow to her face. She wrapped her arm around her husband’s and quickly led him out of Harry and Hermione’s chambers. “Let’s go study, my love.”

  A few seconds after their friends left, Dobby came strolling into Harry and Hermione’s room with a tray piled high with food and the morning edition of the Daily Prophet. The house elf set their breakfast in front of them and Harry thanked Dobby.

  “You’s be welcomed, Harry Potter sir,” the elf squeaked happily. “Dobby be thinking that Harry Potter’s Weazy and Harry Potter’s Weazy’s big boobied Missus would be joining Harry Potter and the Great One for Breakfast. That be the reason why Dobby be bringing so much food; Harry Potter’s Weazy be eating like a starved wizard. Several starved wizards, really.”

  “That was very kind, Dobby,” Hermione said while she unfolded the Daily Prophet. “But Ron and Luna had to do something so they couldn’t join us.”

  As Harry munched on some food, Hermione gasped aloud: “Oh no!”

  “What is it?” Harry asked after quickly swallowing a mouthful of kipper.

  “Voldemort’s attacked again,” she said and then read the article on the front page of the Prophet:

  “You Know Who Strikes Again!

  The dreaded Dark Mark hovering over Honeydukes Sweet Shop alerted authorities of an attack. When MLE and Aurors arrived at the sweet shop, they found that a struggle had ensued and that the shop’s proprietor, Ambrosius Flume, and his wife were missing. It is believed that Mr. and Mrs. Flume were the most recent victims to be taken by He Who Must Not Be Named.

  “The motivation behind the Flumes’ abduction remains unclear. When Florean Fortescue was kidnapped, it was widely believed that the ice-cream maker was nabbed because of his in depth knowledge of history. However, Mr. Flume has been described as only knowing how to make sweets and is allegedly woefully inept in other fields. In fact, some of his friends believe that he is an idiot savant and could only make sweets. Why You Know Who would target this wizard and his wife is a mystery. Surely he could not have abducted them simply because of Flume’s skill in baking sweets. The Ministry has downplayed the notion that He Who Must Not Be Named has an insatiable sweet tooth as being ludicrous.”

  “He has to be stopped,” Harry announced. It chilled him to his bones that Voldemort had struck yet again, this time at Hogsmeade; a short distance away from the school. “We’ll go and destroy one of his Horcruxes tomorrow.”

  “I agree, but tomorrow? Hermione asked. “Isn’t that a bit quick?”

  “I’ve wasted enough time,” Harry countered. “The longer I wait, more people get hurt!”

  “I’m not saying we shouldn’t go after them,” Hermione replied, trying to placate Harry’s growing anger. “It’s just that we should take the time to plan how to get the Horcux. Which one should we go after?” Hermione asked.

“Well, not counting the one we can’t seem to locate, there are three Horocruxes left including Voldemort. There’s the locket that Zardoz has. And the one under the orphanage where Voldemort was raised,” Harry responded. After a moment of thought, he added; “The orphanage probably has a bunch of hidden entrances and traps much like the ones Voldemort placed around the cave. I doubt that the locket has any traps around it. But we’d have to get it away from Zardoz first.”

  “All right, let’s compare the difficulties of going after each one,” suggested Hermione. “This Zardoz fellow is an unknown factor. We could explain to him why we need the locket and if we are lucky, he would just hand it over to us to save the world.”

  “But he could be a Death Eater or sympathizer who doesn’t realize what the locket is,” Harry sounded. “If he found out what it truly was, he’d never hand it over.”

  “So obviously, we can’t tell him why we need the locket unless we do some major research into his background; see if he’s had any anti-Muggle tendencies. Perhaps he could be bribed,” offered Hermione. “Buy the locket from him.”

  “That may work. But Borgin said something about Zardoz being a collector of relics belonging to the founders. If he is a die hard collector, we’d have to give him a fortune. He might not even be willing to part with it for any price.”

  “Okay, so we can’t go after Zardoz without doing some investigation and research,” announced Hermione. “That leaves the one under the orphanage. You said that it could have a bunch of traps because of your experience in the cave. Exactly what kinds of traps were used in and around the cave?”

  “Well, first, the entrance was hidden, like I said. Then we had to cross the lake, but we could only do so by crossing on a specific boat; a boat that was hidden magically no less. Oh, and the boat would only allow one magical person to cross at a time. Dumbledore said that he and I could cross because I was so underpowered that the charms and hexes on the boat wouldn’t even recognize me as a wizard,” explained Harry.

  “Wait a minute,” Hermione interrupted. “You’re actually quite powerful, Harry. In fact, you’re more powerful than many adult wizards.”


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