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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

Page 57

by Harry Potter


  After cleaning up and returning to the castle, the four friends ate dinner. Actually, Ron ate all four of the dinners while Harry, Hermione, and Luna, having lost their appetites thanks to Snape, didn’t eat. As Ron reached across the table to steal some food from Hermione’s plate, Harry looked across the Hall at a sixth-year Ravenclaw. The younger wizard smiled directly at Harry and gave him a thumbs-up signal. The nameless wizard then mouthed the words “Thanks, mate” (that or “Let’s date,” Harry was hoping for the former). “What’s he on about?” asked Harry. Glancing up from her now-barren plate, Hermione asked, “Who?” “Some bloke over there,” he pointed in the Ravenclaw table’s general direction. “He just smiled at me and gave me a ‘thumbs up’. Like I did something to be proud of or something.” “Everybody’s acting strange lately,” commented Hermione. “When we first walked in here, a couple of witches from Hufflepuff blushed and then winked at me.” “It is the Spotted Wollcock’s mating season,” Luna offered and left it at that, assuming that everyone knew what it implied. Ignoring the peculiar actions of his peers as well as Luna’s bizarre explanation, Harry returned to watching Ron eat everyone’s dinner.


  Thankfully, by the next day, the shock of Snape’s seemingly favorite hobby had worn off and Harry, Hermione, and Luna were able to eat once again. Of course even with their renewed appetites, Ron still nicked food off of their plates. That night, as they were preparing for a quiet night in bed, Hermione broached a subject. She said; “That was very nice what you said about Molly: how you think of her as a mother. I’m sure she’d be tickled pink to hear that.” “Yeah,” Harry said with a genuine smile. He imagined Mrs. Weasley gushing happily and pulling Harry into a rib-breaking hug. “And I know that Ron isn’t very expressive, but I’m sure he’s proud that you look at him as a brother,” Hermione continued, slipping on her silk pajamas. Then, an overly confused expression appeared on her face, she was undoubtedly forcing it for effect. Tapping her finger on her chin thoughtfully, Hermione turned to Harry, as he was tugging the bed sheets down to crawl into bed, and asked; “Tell me Harry; if Molly’s like a mother and Ron’s a brother, what does that make Ginny to you?” “What are you getting at?” Harry asked, dubious of his girlfriend’s intentions. “Well, Ginny is Molly’s daughter. And she’s Ron’s sister,” Hermione said thoughtfully. “Since you look at those two as mother and brother... wouldn’t that make Ginny a sister?” A wicked, nay downright evil grin popped up on Hermione’s face. “You snogged a girl who’s like a sister,” she said devilishly. “And you felt her tits... devoid of any substance that most would consider breasts, but you felt up the flat-chested bint who’s like a sister none the less!” With an odd and uncharacteristic calmness, Harry waited for Hermione’s joke to end. Normally, Harry would’ve been revolted at such an issue. But a naughty thought of his own occurred to him and he was waiting for Hermione to finish so he could act upon it. Clearly disappointed that Harry was not reacting like he normally did (i.e. screaming, turning green, and so on), Hermione decided to twist the proverbial knife to get a response out of him. “Not only is she like a sister, but she looks like your mother! Is incest really that appealing to you, Harry? It must be since Ginny, the girl you kissed and fondled, is the virtual epitome of incest for you.” “Are you finished?” he asked coolly. “You’re no fun,” she pouted, disappointed that Harry wasn’t nearly in tears. Harry took his cue and leapt onto the bed. Deftly, he tumbled across the mattress, sat on the edge, and grabbed Hermione around her waist. Before she could even flinch, he tossed her over his lap and smacked her round bottom hard. Hermione yelped in a combination of pain, surprise and arousal. “Bad, naughty little witch for toying with me like that,” Harry scolded and spanked her through her pajamas again. “OW!” she half cried, half cheered. “You shouldn’t mock me like that,” he said and tugged her pajama bottoms down, exposing her knickers-covered bum. Harry hooked his thumb under the left edge of her knickers and his index finger under the right. He pulled his fingers into a fist, causing the cotton unmentionables into a thin band. Next, Harry pulled on the band, wedging the fabric between Hermione’s round cheeks. The witch groaned out loudly as her knickers tugged against her sensitive flower. “Naughty little witches like you need to be punished,” Harry said with a broad grin. “Don’t they?” While still tugging her knickers up, Harry used his free hand and slapped her bare right cheek. “I asked the naughty little witch a question,” Harry said. “Don’t bad little witches like you need to be punished?” “Oh, hell yes,” she hissed out. “Spank my mischievous bottom.” Harry proceeded to slap each cheek in turn with a rapid series of light smacks. While spanking one cheek, Harry watched entranced as the other jiggled from the blow. Once the witch had a nice even pink hue to her skin, Harry increased the strength and speed of his blows. In no matter of time, Hermione was cheering; “OW! YES! OW! HARDER! OW! MORE!” After a good full three minutes, Harry paused. He massaged her red and welt-covered bum while he spoke. “A naughty little witch who says vile things about her boyfriend needs to be punished. I should spank your bottom ‘til you learn your lesson.” “Oh, Merlin, yes,” she breathed out. “Please make me learn my lesson.” He pulled her knickers, which were visibly damp from where they had rubbed against her flower, halfway down her thighs. Now that his hand wasn’t holding Hermione’s knickers in place, Harry was free to use both hands to paddle his lover’s bottom. Almost immediately, his hands fell into a rhythm. The instant one hand left her skin, the other smacked her round bottom. He marveled at the sight of her glowing bum as it bounced and jiggled wildly due to the blows. It looked like the sea during a storm. Hermione was so excited that she was hissing short, rapid breaths in and out through gritted teeth. Also, Harry could feel her love juices trickling down his leg and staining the sheets. A few minutes later, Hermione’s bottom took on the appearance of a smooth, polished, and very red ruby. “Oh, God, Harry; I want you,” she groaned out. Her voice was husky with lust. Even though ‘Harry, Jr.’ was more than willing to take the task, the organ was painfully hard, Harry wanted to toy with Hermione a bit longer. “Naughty little witches often don’t get what they want,” he said with mirth. “WHAT?” Hermione’s head snapped back and she stared daggers at him for his defiance. Looking directly at her spiteful stare with a wicked twinkle in his eyes, Harry gave Hermione another painful spank. Her face lit up and her mean expression turned into a begging one in the blink of an eye. “Please,” she said pitifully. “I need you.” “Oh, no, you hurt me with your words and I’m still mad at you,” he said evenly. “And since you’re being punished,” he spanked her. “I think I won’t give in.” Tears of frustration practically flowed from Hermione’s brown-green eyes. They grew wide with desire and need. It gave her a desperate look. Harry found himself loving the sense of temporary power her desperation gave him. Harry remembered that he had been originally put off by Courtney’s suggestion about taking control every once in a while. But now that he had Hermione begging him for a shag, he made a mental note to properly thank the Auror trainee. “Damn it, Harry, take me right now!” Hermione demanded desperately. “Um...” Harry paused and pretended to mull over her request. “No,” he said curtly and slapped her bright red bum. Hermione shouted a rather naughty word in disappointment. “Such harsh language,” reprimanded Harry, and gave her another swat which caused her to curse again. With another spank, Hermione buried her face in the bed sheets and growled loudly. “Oh, my poor bad little witch,” Harry playfully mocked as he gently rubbed her sore backside. “She’s all dripping. My bad witch wants it bad. Doesn’t she?” Even though he could not see her face, Harry was positive that Hermione was rolling her eyes with annoyance at this question. With a chuckle in his voice, he repeated the question. “The naughty little witch wants it, doesn’t she?” To punctuate the fact that he wanted her to answer, Harry gave Hermione’s left bum-cheek a strong squeeze. “Oh, yes give it to me,” Hermione said in a passionless voice. “Make me scream
. Cum inside me. Blah. Blah. Blah.” As punishment for not playing along, Harry gave her bottom three hard swats. “Oh, yes! Give it to me!” Hermione cried out, this time, very passionately. Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, Harry said “No.” “Har-r-ry,” Hermione moaned pitifully. “Give it to me.” “Okay,” Harry caved. “A little.” “How are you going to give me ‘a little’?” she asked, once again looking over her shoulder. “Like this,” he answered and slid his hand down between her glowing cheeks. He pushed his middle finger into her sopping folds. “Oh,” she breathed out. “That’s how.” While he stimulated Hermione with his fingers, Harry kept his other hand busy by spanking her bum at random intervals. A few minutes and a fairly loud orgasm later, a very satisfied Hermione gasped for breath on Harry’s lap. Wriggling her tummy against his erection, Hermione purred “We should take care of that.” “That’s a good idea,” Harry agreed. “I’m up for a blow job.” “My, aren’t we all demanding tonight,” she said with a wicked smile. “There are better things to do with your mouth right now besides talking,” Harry stated impishly while pointing to the bulge in his pants. “Okay, I’ll do it only if you keep talking to me like that,” she requested. “Does my naughty little witch want to give ‘Harry, Jr.’ a tongue massage?” he asked. “That’ll work,” Hermione said and slipped off of Harry’s lap. She moved slowly and gingerly because of her obviously sore bum. With a pleasant hiss, Hermione knelt between Harry’s knees. While Hermione tugged down Harry’s trousers, he asked “Did you want me to talk dirty in something like a play by play? You know, something like ‘That’s it, free my willy and give it a kiss.’” “Whatever you feel like saying, Harry,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. “Okay,” he smiled. “How about the naughty little witch giving me a squeeze...” For the next few minutes, Hermione gave her lover a very energetic hummer. She seemed encouraged by Harry’s dirty comments, such as; “My, you look awfully pretty with that in your mouth” and “Do my balls feel good on your chin?” All the while, Hermione blushed furiously, clearly turned on by his efforts in dirty talk. After he finished - and Hermione swallowed, Harry asked the heavens “What great deed did I do to get such a naughty witch as a present?” Chapter Twenty-Five: The Talk of the Castle. The next night, Harry and Hermione were alone in their Head Students’ quarters, reading quietly. Harry was going over his notes for Transfiguration, while Hermione read from their ‘special book.’ Every once in a while, the brunette witch had to readjust the squashy pillow she was using as a seat cushion. Despite a heaping dosage of Bruise Be Gone ointment and ample massaging from Harry, her bottom was still quite red and sore from the previous night’s spankings. Harry would’ve felt bad over Hermione’s discomfort, if the witch didn’t have a persistent satisfied grin etched on her face. She definitely was one kinky woman. A soft knocking drew the teens’ attention to the door. Harry set his notes aside and went to see who was calling. The wizard was surprised to see Ginny, who had obviously been crying quite a bit judging by her red and puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, standing in the hallway. “Am I... am I interrupting?” she asked meekly and sniffled. Genuinely concerned over Ginny’s condition, Harry ushered her in. “Ginny, are you alright?” Hermione asked from the couch. “No,” the red head sniffled again. Hermione patted a spot close to her on the couch, indicating that Ginny should sit next to her. But instead of sitting, Ginny dove and threw her arms around Hermione’s neck. The younger witch openly sobbed into Hermione’s shoulder. “Shh, shh, it’s okay,” cooed Hermione and she began rubbing the red head’s back. Harry joined the witches on the couch and placed a comforting hand on Ginny’s shoulder. After a few minutes, Ginny calmed. Hiccupping, the red head pulled away from Hermione and leaned against the back of the couch. “I’m in so much trouble,” the young witch bemoaned. “Why? What happened, Ginny?” asked Harry. The red head’s lip quivered pathetically and Harry reassured “You can tell us, we’re your friends.” “And Harry’s practically a brother, to boot,” Hermione said while looking directly at Harry, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Harry rolled his eyes; he couldn’t believe that his lover was asking for another paddling. “I’m pregnant,” Ginny cried as her tears splashed down her face. “Oh, Ginny,” Hermione said mournfully, her mischievous sparkle disappearing instantly. Harry just put his arm around Ginny’s shoulders. He wanted to say something comforting, but the only thing he could think of to say was “I’ll miss you after your mum murders you,” but that was tactless so he kept quiet. “Didn’t you use protection?” asked Hermione. “Yes, all the time. I’ve always used the Inaedifico Charm,” Ginny said between sobs. “What’s the Inaedifico Charm?” Harry asked Hermione over Ginny’s head. “It’s a semen repellant,” the brunette explained. “It’s a spell that creates a barrier. Basically a witch uses the charm to keep any semen from reaching the cervix and therefore the womb. It’s very effective and simple to do. And it lasts three weeks with each casting. That’s why I use it. “Are you sure you didn’t forget to recast it?” Hermione asked the crying witch. “No, to be safe I recast it every two weeks,” she answered. “It’s Neville, he’s too big.” “Honey, the size of Neville’s penis doesn’t mean he’s extra fertile,” Hermione said. “Besides, it doesn’t matter how fertile the wizard is, the Inaedifico Charm would work. It’s a very reliable contraceptive.” “I know that. I’m talking about Neville’s length,” Ginny said, wiping away the tears from her eyes. “He’s so big, he bypasses the charm. The head of his willy actually pushes through my cervix. When we have sex, he cums right in my womb.” “Pushes through your cervix?” Hermione echoed; her face a mixture of surprise and anguish. “Ow.” “Oh, you get used to it after four or five times,” dismissed Ginny. “Ow,” repeated Hermione. She had her hands clutched on the lower part of her belly in phantom pain. “Ow.” “I need help,” implored Ginny. “What am I supposed to do? I’m scared.” “Does Neville know?” asked Harry. “No,” the red head said. “And your parents don’t know?” Hermione asked. “Of course not,” Ginny replied. “Do you think I’m mad? What should I do?” “Well, Neville needs to know,” stated Harry. He imagined that if he were in Neville’s shoes, he’d want to know. “And your parents should be told as well” added Hermione. “You’re mad!” Ginny said, staring with terror filled eyes at Hermione. “Sure, I’ll tell Nev. But my parents? You’re barmy to think I’m going to tell my folks.” “Ginny, they’re going to find out sooner or later,” Hermione explained. “I think it’ll be for the best if it’s sooner rather than later.” Ginny turned the wizard and with a pleading expression, she begged “Harry, you’ll tell them for me, won’t you?” “You think I’m suicidal or something?” he asked. “Because the moment I say the words ‘Ginny’s pregnant’ they’ll kill me.” “But you’re not the father, they won’t get mad at you,” the red head pointed out. “Won’t matter,” argued Harry. “All they’ll see is a bloke saying something about their princess being knocked up and they’ll kill me. I imagine it’s like an automatic response for parents.” “But they love you,” Ginny urged. “No, I’m with Harry on this. Either you by yourself or with Neville should tell your parents,” Hermione stated. She then added under her breath, “Cervix - ow!’ “Oh, God,” Ginny cried into her hands. “I’m dead! I’m dead! I’m dead!” “Don’t be so melodramatic, Gin-Gin,” Harry said in a calm and soothing voice. “Sure your folks’ll be mad, at first. But you’re their little girl and they love you. Hell, it’s obvious they love babies too, otherwise they wouldn’t have had so many.” With this point, Ginny’s head snapped up and she looked at Harry as if he was brilliant. Encouraged by Ginny’s expression, Harry forged ahead. “I’m sure that once the baby is born, your mum and dad will forget all about this. They’d probably love the idea about being grandparents once they hold the little tyke for the first time.” “You’re right Harry,” Ginny cheered with a genuine smile. “I’ll hide my pregnancy! And after I give birth, I’ll surprise Mum and Dad with the baby!” “That’s not what I said,” Harry shot back. “It w
on’t work,” added Hermione. “Yes it will!” Ginny said gleefully. “I’ll just use some glamour charms to hide any bumps or whatnot and my parents will be none the wiser.” “Ginny, please stop and think about this,” prayed Hermione. “It’s brilliant,” Ginny said with sparkling eyes and a dazzling smile. “And once the baby is born, I’ll show it to Mum and Dad and they’ll love it just like you said, Harry!” The red head bounced up from the couch and twirled happily as Harry tried to defend himself. “But I didn’t...” “Thanks Harry, you’re a lifesaver!” Ginny congratulated before prancing out of the Head Boy and Girl’s chamber. “Oh, this will not end well,” Hermione breathed out. “Somehow, I think this will come back and bite me on the arse,” Harry pondered.


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