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Star Trek - TOS 021 - Uhura's Song

Page 36

by Uhura's Song

  "Aye- Rushlight, wait! Are ye goin' t' kill them?"

  Rushlight said, "Of course."

  Scotty caught his arm, mildly surprised at the feel of soft fur over hard muscle. "If ye don't need them, I know a lad in Biology who'd dearly love t' have a close look at the beasties. I can beam them up t' him, if yell let me."

  "Scotty, you can't have a thing like that running around loose on your ship."

  "I didna say anything about loose," Scotty assured him. He pulled out his communicator and, making sure Security stood by for safety's sake, had Ensign Orsay beam up the stunned slashbacks. It took no more than a moment's time.

  "All caged and carted off, Mr. Scott. No problems," said Ensign Orsay from the communicator, "Dr. Irizarry wants to know what they eat, sir."

  "People," said Rushlight, speaking directly into the communicator.

  Scotty said, "I wouldna recommend Dr. Irizarry feed the rest o' the staff to the creatures now. Tell the lad they eat meat, an' they like t' catch their own. I wouldna want t' spoil the fun he'll have learnin' about them."

  "I'll tell him, Mr. Scott," said Orsay. "Orsay, out."

  "Scott, out," he confirmed and, snapping closed the communicator, he gave a nod to Rushlight. The two of them started down the trail again.

  Just half an hour later, they found the bodies of two more slashbacks. To Scotty's great relief, there was no sign that any harm had come to the children. Rushlight gave the area a thorough nosing to confirm this, the curl of his tail reassuring Scotty even before he spoke. "All safe," he announced, "and Mr. Chekov is better. Now we have to hurry, Scotty, if we're to be in Sretalles to greet them."

  "Ye're sure they're safe."

  "Aye," said Rushlight, speaking the initial word in Standard English, "I'm sure. And there's little trouble they can find between here and Sretalles."

  "Then if it's all the same t' ye, Rushlight, I'll leave ye t' go alone. I wouldna like the captain t' think I'd been checkin' up on him."

  Rushlight's tail curled in vast amusement, then coiled about Scotty's wrist. "I see your point, Scotty. Go ahead. It's been a pleasure traveling with you. You smooth a trail as well as any bard."

  "Thank ye, laddie." Scotty gripped the end of the tail. "I'll be talkin' to ye, soon enough." He pulled out the communicator and arranged for transport. Then he looked again at Rushlight. "Ye take care, now, lad. I wouldna want t' miss the chance t' drink"- he remembered just in time the Sivaoan's dislike for alcohol- "t' brawl w' ye in some place a wee bit more friendly."

  In the near distance, Jim Kirk heard the noisy racket of welcome-homes and, for the first time, appreciated the name they'd been given, even though it was not yet his party they welcomed. "Hear them?" shouted Jinx, walking backward for a few steps to share her excitement with those who followed. "We're almost there!"

  Brightspot sneezed- Jinx's medicine must have worn off and said, "Somebody stepped off the trail to pass us a few minutes ago."

  "Pass us?" said Kirk. Brightspot fell back to trot along beside him and explain, "Nobody's going to interfere with a Walk; people would go around." She made the explanation seem obvious, then Kirk remembered Rushlight. Perhaps that explained why the slashbacks had not attacked in force? He suddenly hoped that Rushlight had not been in any danger- and not only because Kirk wanted to find his communicator waiting for him when he arrived.

  Chekov had made no reaction to the news, and Kirk could not twist far enough in the travois harness to tell if the ensign was unconscious or merely asleep. "Evan?"

  She drew up close and, without his need to ask, she said, "Chekov's fine, Captain." Then she dropped back into place beside Mr. Spock. He was not certain he had heard her place a light emphasis on the word Chekov-

  Suddenly the trees around them shook wildly and welcome-homes burst into full voice. The trail turned and widened, and without a word the party regrouped to walk into Sretalles side by side. The clamor of the welcome-homes was immediately drowned out by shouts of greeting from fifty or more waiting Sivaoans. Through it all cut Evan Wilson's sharp command: "Sit down, Spock- or lie down!" Spock did neither.

  "Let's make this fast," Kirk said to Jinx, who nodded and helped free him from the travois sash. Together they laid the travois gently on the ground. He stooped, relieved to see that Chekov was stirring. "Give me two minutes of your time, Mr. Chekov," he said, "and then you can rest as long as you want." Chekov's eyelids fluttered open. Jim Kirk smiled at him and shouted over the noise of the crowd, "We made it. State your name, rank and serial number: that's all they need to make it official!"

  The crowd hushed. Chekov looked up at the faces bending over him and said, "My neme is Pavel Andrievich Chekov. Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise. Serial Number SD710-820."

  Kirk laid a hand on his shoulder. "That's fine, Mr. Chekov.... Spock?"

  Leaning heavily on his spear, Spock took his cue. "Spock," he said, "Science Officer and First Officer, Enterprise." His voice was extremely hoarse. "I do not believe they are concerned with serial numbers, Captain."

  He nodded to Uhura, who said, "My name is Nyota Uhura. Chief Communications Officer, Enterprise." She turned to Brightspot. Brightspot glared into the crowd- Kirk's look followed hers and found Fetchstorm and Stiff Tail- and said, "My name is Brightspot to-Ennien. Do I hear any objections?" Evan Wilson glanced momentarily away from Spock and crowed her delight. Brightspot looped her tail around Evan's arm and said, "I guess there are none.

  Your turn."

  Evan Wilson thumped her staff once on the ground and said, "Tail-Kinker to-Ennien." All around her, tails curled delighted approval. She nodded to Jinx.

  Jinx said, "My name is Another StarFreedom." She paused, took a deep breath and finished, "to-Eeiauo." Shock ran through the crowd, but Jinx ignored it. "Captain..." she said.

  Kirk stood and said, "My name is James Tiberius Kirk. I am captain of the Federation Starship Enterprise."

  All hell broke loose at once.

  Grabfoot scurried up his side and perched on his shoulder, crowing, "James Tiberius Kirk to-Enterprise!" Close enough, thought Kirk, already regretting having given his full name.

  Catchclaw shouted, "Get back, you fuzz-brains! Back, back!" and punctuated her words with ear-ringing swats. "Can't you see there are injuries?! Back! Grabfoot, down!" Kirk jumped as Grabfoot clawed a tender spot in his eagerness to obey. Jinx- Another StarFreedom, he corrected himself, drew Catchclaw down to examine Chekov.

  Evan Wilson charged Rushlight. Wresting the pack of their possessions from his grasp with little courtesy, she rummaged through them, snatched up the kit of hypos and medicines and fairly leapt at Spock.

  Seeing her haste to get to Spock sent Kirk straight to Rushlight for the communicator. He flipped it open and was so relieved by the words, "Enterprise here, Captain," that he scarcely heard the remainder of Scotty's hearty greeting. "Stand by transporter room, Scotty," he said, as he went to join the two.

  Evan Wilson had her hypo in hand. Spock made a move to protest, but she said, "Don't be a dope, Spock. It's tri-ox. If I remember correctly, your people invented it." The hypo hissed at his shoulder. Immediately, she prepared a second injection. "Can your Vulcan half handle a broad-spectrum antibiotic?" Spock glanced at the vial she held up and nodded. The hypo hissed a second time.

  She snatched the communicator from Kirk's hand. "Two to beam up, laddie, into full quarantine. Tell Dr. M'Benga." To Kirk, she said, "Chekov stays here, Captain: Catchclaw and J- Another StarFreedom can take better care of him than I can. I go with Spock."

  "That is quite unnecessary," said Spock.

  She glowered up at him. "Mr. Spock," she said sharply, "I want you in sick bay now. I do not wish to complicate your condition with a skull fracture, but, by Elath, I will if you don't cooperate."

  As if mildly surprised she had misunderstood, Spock raised an eyebrow at her. "I merely meant that your presence can be of more use to Mr. Chekov. Dr. M'Benga is well versed in Vulcan physiology."

  It was clear to Kirk th
at Evan Wilson knew as much, and equally clear that she was reluctant to entrust Spock to someone else's care. She continued to glower...but raised the communicator. "Scotty, put Dr. M'Benga on."

  "He's listenin', lass." A second voice followed closely on Scott's: "Dr. M'Benga here, sir. Do you have further instructions?"

  "I'm sending you a sick Vulcan, Doctor: aspirant pneumonia is my guess. I've given him tri-ox and..." She lapsed into a spate of medical jargon that Kirk was hard put to follow. M'Benga replied in the same language. Too bad we can't put the universal translator to work on that, thought Kirk ruefully.

  "And the quarantine?" asked M'Benga.

  "For ADF," she said, "I don't know about the Vulcan half, but I'm damn near sure the human half s been exposed."

  When M'Benga had completed preparations to receive Spock, she said gravely, "Thank you," then, "One moment." She turned her face upward to Spock again: "Mr. Spock, I want your word that you will do everything necessary to recover as quickly as possible."

  Again he raised his brow. "I assure you, Dr. Wilson-"

  She waved a hand, cutting him off. "I take this as you took the promise you extracted from Another StarFreedom when she was Jinx," she said. "I will stay here to help with Chekov only if you will agree to abide by Dr. M'Benga's strictures."

  Spock searched her face. "Agreed," he said.

  She raised the communicator. "Spock to beam up, Scotty." She and Kirk each took a step back out of range.

  "En'rgizing now," said Scotty and Spock vanished slowly, to the stares of a great many Sivaoans. There was a short pause, followed by Scott's announcement, "He's arrived, safe and sound."

  "Well, safe anyhow, lad," said Evan.

  "He went along with Dr. M'Benga as meekly as ye please. That's hardly like Mr. Spock. What did ye do t' him, lass?"

  "Shook my stick at him, Scotty."

  "Aye, that might do it. C'ld ye put the captain on?"

  Kirk took the communicator she handed him and said, "Problem, Mr. Scott?"

  "I dinna know for certain, sir. The lass said, 'quarantine'."

  Kirk wondered what Scott was leading up to. "She did, Mr. Scott. We're not sure, but Mr. Chekov may have caught ADF from one of the local children. What is this about, Mr. Scott?"

  "Captain, I'd rather not be tellin' ye this, but I've been t' the surface of the planet mysel', w' Rushlight."

  "You've what?" Kirk said.

  Evan leaned forward to speak into the communicator: "How long were you with Rushlight and when?" Scotty told her. When he had finished, she said, "I'll see what I can find out from Catchclaw. In the meantime, confine yourself to your quarters, Mr. Scott, on the double. Think of it as your own private quarantine ward- no contact with anybody else."

  "You heard her, Scotty." Kirk thought it best to reinforce her words with his authority. "Mr. Sulu has command. Ah!" he said as a thought struck him, "You will not, repeat, not inform Mr. Spock of this situation." He didn't think Spock would break quarantine but preferred not to take the chance; and his precaution surprised neither Scott nor Sulu. "Kirk out," he finished and, as he closed the communicator, he said to Evan Wilson, "Just how much trouble are we in?"

  She shook her head. "I don't know. Let's go find out. "She pointed to where a family-sized tent had been thrown up to shelter Chekov.

  "Hello?" called Kirk into the opening.

  "Come in, James Tiberius Kirk to-Enterprise," said a voice. He had a feeling he was going to get very tired of hearing all that, and very quickly. He gestured Evan in and followed.

  Uhura rose and said, "Mr. Spock-?"

  Evan said, "Hell be fine. Once Dr. M'Benga drains his lungs, all he'll need is rest and antibiotics."

  "Drain his lungs?" said Kirk. "I thought you said pneumonia!"

  "Aspirant pneumonia, Captain." She immediately looked contrite. "I'm sorry. I thought you understood: Spock's whole body is adapted for desert conditions. He inhaled all that water vapor and his lungs just aren't prepared to deal with it. He will be fine, I promise."

  "All right, then," said Kirk, "what about the ADF, Evan?"

  Brightspot hissed. "Tail-Kinker," she corrected, her tail twitching angrily. Rushlight, Catchclaw and Another StarFreedom bristled at him.

  Wilson put her hands on her hips. "Brightspot, names don't mean the same thing to me as they do to you. I hereby grant permission to all the members of our Walk to call me whatever name feels most comfortable to them, including Dr. Evan Wilson and variations thereof." She glanced from Catchclaw to Rushlight. "However," she said, "I shall expect the rest of the camp to follow your own custom, and I shall take it very much amiss if they do not."

  "Understood, Tail-Kinker," said Catchclaw, and Rushlight arched his whiskers forward in agreement.

  "Good," said Evan, and she sat beside Chekov. "Another Star-Freedom, is there any way you can confirm that what Mr. Chekov has is actually Noisy-Baby?"

  The Sivaoan formerly known as Jinx said, "If Pavel Andrievich Chekov will permit me to take a blood sample."

  "I knew it," said Chekov. "All doctors are wampires."

  In the end, it was Wilson who played vampire- the Sivaoans had no idea where to draw blood from a human- and Another StarFreedom who, with her own exotic instruments, performed what seemed a simple test. Looking into an eyepiece, she said, "Yes, it's Noisy-Baby," and passed the instrument to Catchclaw.

  "It's Noisy-Baby all right," Catchclaw said, after her own look in, "although I don't think I'd have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.... The rememberers knew the name of Thunderstroke, Nyota Uhura to-Enterprise. They assured me the only possible connection on this world with your disease was Noisy-Baby." Her tail bristled. "Had I known it could act so quickly and so devastatingly on a human, I would have stopped your Walk...." Her voice trailed off; she raised her eyes to meet those of Another Star-Freedom. "Yes," she said, "even though it was your third time."

  Instantly, Another StarFreedom reached out with her long silver-gray tail, to encircle Catchclaw's arm. "You would have been right to," she said firmly, "simply because a thing is custom does not always make it good or right."

  Catchclaw arched her whiskers forward and wrapped her own brown tail around Another StarFreedom's waist, then she handed the instrument to Evan Wilson. "See the cells stained bright pink? Pavel Andrievich Chekov did have Noisy-Baby. He will be immune to further exposure now."

  "And the rest of us, Catchclaw?" Kirk asked.

  "Brightspot and Another StarFreedom both had Noisy-Baby as children. But the rest of you had the same exposure to Grabfoot that Pavel Andrievich Chekov had. We'll need a blood sample from each of you."

  Evan Wilson thrust out a slender arm-scratched and discolored with mud and bruises. "You saw how I did it, Another StarFreedom," she said. "I can't very well take my own blood sample. Go ahead." Another StarFreedom did, and stained and examined the resultant specimen.

  "Yes," she said, passing the instrument to Evan, "Now you can see the live ones- the dark pink cells."

  As she stared into the instrument, Evan frowned. "But that's a very ordinary bacteria in human beings.... That couldn't be the cause of such symptoms!"

  "No, no," said Catchclaw. "Only some of the cells are pink- those are the affected ones." She gave a sidelong glance at Another StarFreedom, flicked the tip of her tail and said, "I hope that translator of theirs works on this. Tail-Kinker, what causes Noisy-Baby is a bacteriophage."

  "Do you understand, Evan?" Another StarFreedom asked anxiously, and Evan Wilson began to laugh quietly. She nodded at Another StarFreedom and again at Catchclaw. "I understand," she said.

  "I don't," said Jim Kirk.

  "It's an impostor, Captain," she said. "It's a thing like a virus that attacks some ordinary-looking bacteria in your body, stuffs the nucleus full of its own genetic material, and starts sending out different orders. No wonder we couldn't isolate the cause: it probably uses a different cover in a human than it would in an Eeiauoan!" She turned again to Catchclaw and An
other StarFreedom. "It's the waste product of the phage that does all the damage?" Catchclaw said, "Yes, Tail-Kinker," and added, "Don't worry, though. That's what Another StarFreedom did for Pavel Andrievich Chekov. The remedy is twofold: neutralize the waste product and kill the phage so it won't produce any more. In your case, we can stop its progress before you lose any fur."

  "Can you prevent it?"

  Another StarFreedom said, "Yes, and in the case of humans it would probably be a good idea to see you all vaccinated, if you aren't already infected, for safety's sake. It hits you too hard to risk waiting."

  An enormous grin spread across Evan's face. Her eyes sparkled. "Now there's a pretty word," she said and gave it loving repetition: "vaccinate. What do you say, Captain?" For answer, Jim Kirk grinned back and, pushing up the sleeve of his uniform, offered his bare arm to the two Sivaoan doctors.


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