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Waiting for Your Love (Echoes of the Heart)

Page 11

by Anna DeStefano

  She tried to breathe, to play it cool. And then the head of the precocious bundle of energy and hair bows bobbing in her arms smacked Selena in the chin. She gasped so quickly, she hiccupped.

  “We have to water Grammy’s flowers, Mommy.” Camille struggled to get down. Her first mission each morning was to make certain she and Selena cared for the abundance of buds and bushes her grammy obsessed about. “I left my watering can out back.”

  “Go find it.” Selena set her daughter on her feet. “Hurry, or we’ll be late for school.”

  Two months ago Belinda Rosenthal had welcomed Selena and Camille into her home after a lifetime of estrangement—Camille’s lifetime. Selena had reached out to her mother over the phone as soon as she’d had her own child and begun to understand just how complicated mothering could be: on holidays and birthdays and Mother’s Day. But for Selena coming back had never been an option. Until it had become the only option.

  With a new appreciation for Belinda’s hands-off, distant way of caring, Selena was trying to mend fences with her mom despite their differences. Including helping care for Belinda’s obsession with all things botanical. Camille’s watering pot was a prop. It kept her busy with the flowers that grew in a wild tangle under her bedroom window, while Selena did the heavy lifting of hoisting hoses and sprinklers from beneath the azaleas flanking the front porch.

  Most mornings the process resembled a grudge match: her dragging and untangling everything, so the SweeTart-colored blooms of the monstrous hydrangeas that sprawled near the Dixons’ front yard could have their morning soaking. Daily watering was a must according to Selena’s mother, who’d mastered the art of nurturing delicate buds and blooms to thrive under adversity. While the rest of the country slept off the lingering chill of winter, late spring graced Chandlerville with unseasonable heat. Until September the afternoon sun would revel in its power to wilt even the hardiest of indigenous species.

  A rattle from the Dixons’ place, the sound of keys jingling, recaptured Selena’s attention. She braved another peek. The neighboring yard was empty, almost convincing her she hadn’t just ogled a full-grown, ruggedly attractive version of her teenage obsession. But of course she had. Her body knew she had. She was tingling, head to toe, same as always when Oliver was near.

  He’d gone back inside was all. Sprinted was more like it, away from how she’d just embarrassed herself.

  He’d made her feel safe once upon a time. She’d been special, because he’d wanted her. From the moment they’d met she’d been at the center of someone’s world again. He’d tried to protect her. He’d tried to help her, when he hadn’t yet known how to help himself.

  Her phone blared its Mission Impossible ringtone. She dragged it out of her tote and stabbed the Talk button with her thumb.

  “We’re already running late, Mom.” Selena’s little girl returned with her watering can, squeezing through the screen door. “We’re taking care of the yard.”

  “Remember,” Belinda said, “we’re helping Camille pick out summer shoes after school. We’ll have to meet at the store after we’re both off work.”

  If Selena’s mother stopped reminding Selena about every single detail of the life she was rebuilding, someone would have to check Belinda for a pulse.

  “I’ll be there,” Selena said, tamping down her frustration. Subtlety might not be her mother’s gift. But Belinda was making the best of whatever time Selena remained in Chandlerville while she got back on her feet financially. At the very least, Selena owed her mother the same in return.

  “Lock up when you leave.” The line went dead, presumably so Belinda could micromanage her Chandlerville post office coworkers into a fugue state.

  Selena wouldn’t hear from her again until her mother’s midday check-in call. During which Belinda would couch her concern for the deplorable state of her daughter’s life in even more reminders about nonsense things that couldn’t possibly matter.

  As a child, Selena had resented her single mom being too busy to offer soft gestures like comforting hugs and encouraging pep talks. Her relationship with her mother would never be the exuberant kind of love Selena had craved since her father walked out when she was five. But Belinda had worked her fingers to the bone for her daughter—the same as Selena was now doing for Camille.

  She dropped her cell into the tote bag her mother had lent her. Selena’s anemic budget had produced only a secondhand backpack. Before leaving Manhattan, she’d given up her designer purses and most of her Upper East Side wardrobe and jewelry—including her wedding and engagement rings—to a resale shop.

  Camille held up her watering can like a prize. “I found it by the begonias,” she chirped.

  Selena secured the front door and then the screen. She hugged her child, enchanted with the way Camille still embraced each new adventure. She’d fallen in love with her grandmother’s blooming world. The outrageous names of flowering plants rolled off her tongue the way other children chattered nursery rhymes.

  “Pamper your forget-me-nots.” Selena steered Camille toward the perky blue flowers that bloomed beneath her bedroom window. “I’ll give Grammy’s hedge its morning drink while there’s still shade.”

  And while Selena pulled herself together enough to drive them to Chandler Elementary School.

  She peeled off her linen jacket and draped it and her tote over the porch rail. She gave the long skirt of her deep-brown sundress a hike and grabbed both sets of hoses. She dragged the lot across the freshly mown lawn, the ancient sprinkler attachments thumping behind her. As she approached the Dixon property she couldn’t help but peek, hoping to catch another glimpse of Oliver.

  When word reached Selena yesterday that an ambulance had whisked Joe Dixon to the hospital, she should have realized that some of Marsha and Joe’s grown foster children might turn up in town. Even Oliver. Especially Oliver.

  After how badly things had ended, most everyone on the other side of Chandlerville from places like winding, affluent Mimosa Lane had assumed Oliver would never come back. But he’d loved his foster parents. He’d lost so much when he’d left. Selena would never forgive herself for her role in hurting him and Marsha and Joe and so many others.

  She positioned the sprinklers, focusing on not completely soaking herself with the dribbles of trapped water leaking every which way now that the hoses were fully extended.

  “Catch, Mommy,” Camille said.

  The neon-pink Hello Kitty Frisbee that had been lurking somewhere in the front yard sailed over Selena’s head . . .

  And landed at Oliver’s feet.

  Selena was really there.

  What the hell was she doing there, so beautiful that she made Oliver ache?

  Only a few feet away, she was a paragon of motherhood, while a flood of messed-up and surprisingly sweet memories taunted him. Them as best friends from the moment they’d met. As a teenage couple who’d never let each other go. As a cautionary tale of how much true love could destroy, when you let it slip away.

  She’d been the one who’d torched what was left of their relationship. Breaking up with him after high school graduation, telling him he was to blame, and then sleeping with his best friend to rub a little extra salt into the wound. But he’d let her down first. And he’d accepted his share of the blame long ago. Which was why he should have stayed inside his folks’ place just now until she was gone. He should go back inside and wait for his brother to meet up with him, the way Travis had said he would.

  But Oliver couldn’t move.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Dark hair cascaded halfway to the waist of her gauzy dress. Tall, willowy, fragile, Selena still exuded the vulnerability that had devastated him when they’d first met, first kissed, and eventually became each other’s first lover. As if the forever place they thought they’d made in each other’s hearts was there for him to claim.

  When he was placed with Marsha and Joe at thirteen—after his single mother had been robbed and killed at her night job as
a convenience store clerk—he’d discovered Selena living next door. She’d seemed as lost as he’d felt, still dealing with her dad walking out on her and Belinda. One look into her impossibly brown eyes and Oliver had begun to believe that someone else could understand the loneliness sucking him under. She hadn’t seemed to belong on quaint, picturesque Bellevue Lane either.

  Together, they’d learned how to love and dream and believe again—at least in each other. Then their senior year in high school, they’d let it all slip away, drinking and raging and trying to burn through the kind of loss no one else could possibly fathom. He’d seen the end coming and tried to pull them both out of the spiral. He’d been too late.

  More than once over the years, he’d dreamed of stepping around the flowering bushes that separated their front yards and finding a grown Selena waiting for him like this. But whatever she was doing in town after all this time, it had nothing to do with him. Mentally kicking himself, he watched an adorable child—her daughter?—run up to the woman who’d said she never wanted to see Oliver again.

  “Hey, mister.” The kid’s soft lisp was even cuter than her off-centered ponytails. She pointed to the Frisbee at his feet. “Throw it back.”

  He bent and grabbed the toy. When he stood, an insomnia hangover dug claws into his skull. After hauling ass around the clock for weeks on end, he’d spent the night checking in with Travis hourly about Joe’s condition—and wrestling with the pros and cons of driving the half hour between Atlanta and Chandlerville. By sunup Oliver had accepted that he had to get himself home, if only to spend a few hours with his parents before heading back out of town. At this point he was practically seeing double.

  He threw the Frisbee over the hedge. It glided in a bright, curving arc. The little girl scampered away, giggling.

  Selena made hesitant eye contact, looking a little afraid of him. He knew exactly how she felt. This was pointless. Painful. And avoidable.

  Nodding, he walked to his truck, snatched the bag he’d come out for, and headed inside. He was being rude. But it was for the best. He couldn’t let their teenage mistakes distract him from the reality that had finally convinced him to return to Chandlerville. Joe Dixon might be dying. It simply wasn’t possible.

  Oliver stepped into the Dixon house. Its stillness further frayed his calm. Because the small-town simplicity of it was more him than anywhere else he’d lived. He leaned against Marsha and Joe’s front door, his head thudding against worn wood. It felt exactly the same, as if he’d just walked out the door.

  His father’s denim jacket hung from the coat rack beside the entryway, though Joe wouldn’t need it for another six months or so. Marsha’s flair for throwing color and pattern together still infused the living room with hominess. Handmade slipcovers and throws and pillows softened the edges of furniture sturdy enough to endure the beating it received on a daily basis. Kid flotsam was strewn everywhere, cast-aside books and toys and shoes. Marsha’s nightly threats to throw things out if they weren’t picked up never entirely cleared the playing field.

  Framed images of the Dixon clan stared back at him from the wall across the entryway: his own foster brothers and sisters, plus the newer passel Marsha and Joe were raising. Oliver scanned pictures of himself mixed with all the others, including his senior portrait from Chandler High. He counted at least a half dozen more kids than the ones he’d known.

  Footsteps sounded on the wooden front steps. He edged away seconds before the door opened and a tall, muscular man stepped inside. Travis Bryant fully grown would have been intimidating enough dressed in civilian clothes. The sheriff’s uniform he wore these days was downright overkill.

  “Hey, man,” Travis said in a booming voice that he somehow kept at a whisper, in deference to the kids—and their grown foster sister, Dru—he’d warned would still be sleeping upstairs.

  “Officer.” Oliver smiled for the first time in what seemed like forever.

  “That’s Deputy to you.” Travis took Oliver’s measure. “Damn, son, you’re looking good. A little Night of the Living Dead at the moment. But if I took you on, it just might be a fair fight.”

  Oliver jerked his chin. “When I’m done, I guess there’d be something left of you. But I’m not making any promises.”

  “Before or after I throw your ass in jail for assaulting an officer?”

  “Nothing says welcome back,” Oliver quipped, “like being fingerprinted and processed.”

  Everyone who’d lived at Marsha and Joe’s when he’d moved in had done their best to make him feel welcome. Travis, too, though he and Oliver had fought like mongrel pups at first. Squaring off, they’d gone at it in a turf war that had evolved into mutual respect and a brotherly bond that still endured.

  Oliver reached out his hand to shake. Travis yanked him into a bro-code hug: quick, hard, powerful. They pushed away, leaving unspoken, deeper emotions beneath the surface.

  Travis cleared his throat and propped his hands at his waist, shoving aside the gun holstered to his belt at his right hip. “Dru up yet?”

  Oliver shook his head—at the question and the changes in his brother. As a teenager Travis as much as Oliver had challenged authority and balked at their parents’ well-intentioned structure and limits.

  “I just got here,” Oliver said.

  “That why Selena was standing in the yard next door when I pulled up, looking like she’d seen a ghost?”

  Oliver exhaled. “It was just bad timing.”

  “Not if you want to mend a few fences.”

  “I need to clean up before we head to the hospital.” Oliver hefted his duffel onto his shoulder.

  He didn’t ask why Travis hadn’t mentioned Selena’s return to Chandlerville. Just like Travis hadn’t pushed over the last year and a half about Oliver taking on two successive client contracts in Atlanta, while still keeping his distance from the family.

  “Use Marsha and Joe’s bathroom.” Travis—using Marsha and Joe interchangeably with Mom and Dad, the way most of their foster siblings had—looked like a man picking his battles. “Dru’s bunking on the floor in the baby’s room. Teddy’s been keeping Mom and Dad up nights. Try not to wake either of them. She’ll have to get the brood breakfast and off to school soon enough.”

  “Sure.” As much as Oliver wanted to see his sister, he needed to get to their parents first. “So, she’s engaged, huh?”

  Travis had said Dru would be at the house with the kids overnight while Travis hung at the hospital with their parents, waiting on updates and keeping everyone else in the loop. Oliver remembered his sister in braces, scrambling after him and the other boys, determined to keep up. Now she had a fiancé?

  “Since last Christmas,” Travis confirmed.

  Oliver narrowed his eyes at the lack of details. His house key bit into his clenched palm. The one his foster parents had presented to him his first day there, the way they did all the kids. Everything that was theirs had been his forever, just like that.

  He gazed through the doorway into Marsha’s kitchen, where she reigned supreme as the family gathered for meals, making the kind of memories that held on when everything else let go. He and Selena had done homework in there, too, eating cookies or leftovers or something Marsha had whipped up special for them.

  “Bite the bullet,” Travis said, “and talk with the woman.”

  “Dru? Yeah, sure. Later, when we get back from the hospital.”

  “I meant Selena.”

  Oliver’s scattered thoughts refocused on his brother. “Don’t go there, man.”

  “The woman’s living right next door. Where else is there to go?”

  “I’m going upstairs for that shower so the CICU staff doesn’t hose me down on sight.”

  Travis met Oliver’s stare. “Listen, man. I know all of this has to be tough, and you’re worried about Dad. Everyone will be thrilled you’re home. But are you going to be . . . I mean, after what happened last year, is all of this going to be too much for your—”

nbsp; “I’m fine.” Oliver shoved the house key into his jeans pocket and carried his duffel up the stairs of the sleepy house. He was going to be fine. Over his shoulder, he added, “I just need to stop smelling like the bottom of a rancid gym bag.”

  He’d yet to clean up from last night’s run. He’d botched the conference call with Seattle. He’d prowled his condo like a caged animal for hours before he’d ditched his running gear and thrown on whatever clothes he could find so he could head home. He wasn’t certain he’d packed anything but jockey shorts and socks in his bag.

  “Ready to head out in twenty?” Travis called after him.

  “Down in ten.”

  Oliver was a mess, and that had to stop. He was going to be where he was needed today—at the hospital with his parents, not wandering around his foster home remembering and wanting it all back. Not chasing after Selena and the absurd notion that talking with her could correct things that had been wrong for too long to fix.

  He was going to do the best he could for his family with the short time he was back. Then tomorrow he’d refocus on his pitch to a Fortune 100 paper manufacturer that wanted him on the next plane to Canada. . .

  Buy Let Me Love You Again today!

  Anna DeStefano brings to life heartwarming, emotion-packed stories about community, family, and second chances. Her award-winning, nationally best-selling small-town romances spotlight family, friendships, and the forgiveness that nurtures her characters’ dreams . . . as they explore the issues all contemporary families face. Anna’s imagination is forever inspired by our ability to claim an unlimited and exciting future—by honestly confronting and bravely overcoming the setbacks of the past.

  She’s the author of more than twenty-seven books, including the Echoes of the Heart and the Mimosa Lane novels that are set in Chandlerville, Georgia, and her Atlanta Heroes series.

  Look for her other titles featuring the reader-favorite Dixon family: Here in My Heart, Let Me Love You Again, His Darling Bride, and book three of the Seasons of the Heart series, Love on Mimosa Lane.


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